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A Gangsters Melody

Page 12

by Wright, Sean A.

  “So do you like it baby?” Travon asked, wrapping his arms around me and placing a nice soft kiss on my neck.

  “Oh, I love it Tray, I responded.

  “Well that’s good because I want you to really enjoy this weekend.”

  “Don’t worry, I’m sure I will. There is no doubt in my mind about that.” I replied, closing my eyes and praying that I wasn’t dreaming.


  It was day three of our vacation; I had just finished dicking Tiffany down and decided to handle a little business while she was asleep. D-Boy had a line on a new connect out here in Miami where I could get my shit 100% better and 20% cheaper. So besides the fact that I wanted to do something nice for Tiffany, I was also out here for business purposes. Sometimes I wish I didn’t have to hide who I was or what I did, but she wasn’t built for this lifestyle and would never be able to handle it. I grabbed my cell phone and called D-Boy so I could find out exactly where to meet this connect.

  “Yo what’s good lover boy?” D-Boy answered, knowing it was me.

  “Yeah whatever nigga, what’s poppin?”

  “Ain’t shit son, just maintaining keepin’ shit in order for you while you’re gone.”

  “That’s what’s up, a’ight so listen. How do I contact this nigga out here?”

  “Look man, I wanted to talk to you about that. I ain’t really feelin’ you handling this out there by yourself, with no muscle or nothing. Do you even got a hammer with you?” D-boy asked, concerned.

  “Nah not yet, but I’ll handle that. You know I don’t go into a situation with blinders on nigga,” I responded.

  “Yeah Tray, I know but I still don’t see why you ain’t let me and L.V. come with you to hold you down.”

  “Because fam, me and Tiffany are on vacation. And if she found out that ya’ll were out here she would definitely know something was up. And we both know that can’t happen.”

  “Yo. I still don’t see what the big secret is. Why don’t you just tell her everything?”

  “Because I keep telling you, she’s different. She’s not like the rest of the chicks out there.”

  “Yeah whatever nigga. When are you going to learn? They are all the same. As long as the money is flowing they could care less about where it comes from.” D-Boy stated.

  “Yeah well, I ain’t gonna knock your opinion, but back to business where do I meet this nigga at?”

  “Okay. His name is Rodrigo. And you can meet him at his bar on Collins Ave. it’s called the Oasis. Go to the back and spit your name. They expecting you.”

  “A’ight that’s what’s up. I will call you when everything is done. I’m on my way to Tracy’s hotel room to pick her and the buy money up.”

  “One last question. How did you manage to keep Tracy a secret if ya’ll was on the same flight?”

  “Easy. Me and Tiffany were in first class and Tracy was in coach.”

  “Damn you are one smooth nigga Tray. I know you gonna tear that up while you’re out there.”

  “Nah son I’m good. I’m out here with Tiffany. And that’s what it is. I ain’t even gonna play her like that.”

  “Yo. You kill me. I really don’t understand your logic and way of thinking sometimes. Anyway, be careful nigga. And hit me as soon as that shit is done.”

  “You already know.”

  “A’ight 100.”

  After I hung up the phone I headed downstairs to the Maybach that I had rented for the week. After that bullshit with the first driver Scott sent me over a driver that was more to my liking. He was a young black cat named Terrence. He knew Miami like the back of his hand, both the good and the bad. He had driven for me when I came out here, and I actually requested him originally but it was his day off. I called and let him know I was in town and what I needed and it was on. I definitely needed him around. When I got to the car he was reading the latest Don Diva magazine. When he saw me coming he put the book away and immediately got out to open my door.

  “Good morning Mr. Outlaw.” He greeted me.

  “Hey what’s up Terrence?” I asked, giving him dap.

  Nothing much sir just ready to get the day started.” He responded.

  “Well let’s do it then and oh yeah. You seem like a pretty cool dude. So from now on just call me Tray.”

  “Ok that’s what’s up Tray. And that package you requested is waiting for you. Just hit 3393# on the arm console in the back.”

  “Good looking Terrence.” I said, before handing him $200

  I got in the back of the car as Terrence closed the door. I immediately hit the code on the middle console and recovered the black .380 with the silencer attached that Terrance had stashed for me. And just as I had ordered there was no visible serial number.

  “Where to Tray?” Terrence asked, through the intercom.

  “First stop is the Sheraton, and then to the Oasis on Collins.” I responded.

  “Okay no problem.” He responded, as we pulled away from the curb.

  I called Tracy to tell her I was on my way and to be ready, so that we could get this business over with as soon as possible. When I arrived at the hotel I noticed that she was not standing outside as I directed her to, which was odd because Tracy always followed my orders to the letter. I was going to call her and spaz on her but when I did I was sent to the voice mail. After three re-dials I decided to go upstairs. I took the elevator to the 15th floor and proceeded to room 1527. As I approached the room I could hear slow music playing which was probably the reason she didn’t hear the phone. I knocked on the door and she answered from the other side.

  “Who is it?”

  “It ain’t fuckin’ room service Tracy. Open the fucin’ door.” I said, upset that she wasn’t ready.

  When she opened the door she had absolutely nothing on. I was mesmerized for a split second as her naked body and her perfectly shaped ass sashayed over to the bed where her clothes were laid out.

  “I’m sorry daddy. I know I should have been ready. But you know how us women are.” She said, trying to smooth me over.

  “Yeah well fuck that. You ain’t getting ready for no date. You about to go and handle business. Now hurry the fuck up. Time is money. And right now you don’t have either.” I said, firmly letting her know that this was not a game.

  “Come on baby don’t be mad. You know I would never do anything to fuck your business up. You know I’m gonna always hold you down.” She replied, seductively while grabbing my face with one hand and fingering herself slightly with the other.

  “Girl ain’t nobody got time for that shit.” I barked pushing her and away.

  “Okay daddy damn. Well how about when we get back?” She responded.

  “Nah, it ain’t even goin down like that. You’re here for one purpose and one purpose only. So don’t get it twisted.” I reminded her. As I unzipped the secret compartment in her Louis Vitton suitcase and removed $50,000.00 in cash, and placed it in a smaller Louis bag that I already had waiting.

  “Is it because of that square bitch you got back at the hotel? Don’t tell me you’re actually digging that green bitch.” She antagonized, as she got dressed.

  “Bitch just get dressed.” I barked, through clenched teeth.

  She continued to mumble under her breath but I didn’t give a fuck, just as long as she was getting dressed. Then I heard the comment that I had to address swiftly.

  “This nigga trippin’. He gonna turn me down for that bitch? I look ten times better than her. She probably can’t even fuck. I personally think he’s going faggot, wait till I tell niggas in the hood.”

  That last comment was what landed her on the floor from a vicious slap to the face.

  “Would a faggot do that? Now get ya’ hoe ass up and let’s go.” I ordered, as she complied holding her face. Tracy and I had history so she knew how I felt about the disrespect. And she let it be known as she picked herself up off the floor and grabbed her purse.

  “I’m sorry daddy. I know I was way ou
t of pocket. Trust me it won’t happen again.” She said, as she kissed me softly on my cheek and headed for the door.

  When we got downstairs Terrance was standing outside of the car so he could let us in. when we got in I asked him to roll up the privacy glass and then I disconnected the intercom so that he could not hear what I was about to tell Tracy.

  “Okay look ma. When we get in there just hold tight while I do all the talking. Don’t say a fuckin’ word. Just stand there and look sexy as usual. If all goes according to plan we will be in and out in no time.” I instructed her.

  “And if all doesn’t go well Tray?” She asked, already knowing the answer.

  “Then it’s business as usual,” I said, handing her the .380.

  “Not a problem daddy. You know I got you.” She said as she placed the gun in her Hermes purse.

  Tracy was thorough as fuck. She was by far one of the prettiest bitches I had ever come across. She was about 5’8, dark chocolate skin. About a size 7 in the waist and a 38d in the breast. Her eyes were a natural shade of green and her hair came to the middle of her back and that too was natural. So to the human eye she looked like your normal flawless model type of chick. But looks can be deceiving and that’s why I stopped fucking her and put her on the team. Quiet as it is kept Tracy was the true meaning of a gangster bitch she was surgical with a stra’ight razor and definitely had no problems busting her gun. And because she was so fucking beautiful, none of the marks ever saw it coming. Her beauty always caught them off guard. Next thing they knew they were hanging with Biggie and Pac. I turned the intercom back on and instructed Terrance to head over to The Oasis.

  When we arrived at the bar I instructed Terrance to keep the car running because we would be right back. Once we got inside we headed stra’ight to the back just like D-Boy said. There was an office near the bathroom and a huge bodyguard stood watch outside. As we approached, naturally he stopped us and asked us our business. I informed the dude of who I was and who I wanted to see. Rodrigo was expecting me so he just proceeded to pat us down. Finding nothing on me he then turned his attention to Tracy. And just like many times before, this so called bodyguard was stuck. It’s like she had him in a trance as she stood there in her form fitting Vera Wang dress that accentuated her perfect shape, and her 5 inch stilettos. He was so worried about patting her down that he never even checked her purse. As usual he fell victim to the beauty. Maybe if he didn’t spend so much time grabbing her ass and titties he would have been on point enough to search her purse. After the extended search, he opened the door and let us in.

  “Welcome Mr. Outlaw.” Rodrigo said, as he stood up from behind his marble desk.

  He was small in stature; maybe about 5’5 with a medium build. He had a full goatee and his eyes were a glazed shade of blue. I’m guessing blue was his natural color and the glaze came from his personal stash of coke that was spread out on his desk.

  “Please sit down have a drink or do a few lines.” He insisted, all geeked up.

  “No thanks. I’ve got a busy schedule. Let’s just get down to business.” I responded.

  “Well Mr. Outlaw. In my country we take it as a sign of disrespect when our hospitality is brushed off.” He replied, flicking the ashes of his Cuban cigar into the ashtray.

  “Well in my country we don’t socialize when we come to handle business. We get in and get out.” I responded, staring him square in the eye.

  “Okay, okay papi. Let’s get down to business. Chu got the money?”

  “You got the shit?”

  Si, si. I’ve got just what you want. But first let me commend you on your reputation. It definitely precedes you. My sources tell me that you are the top dog in New York. And now you are rapidly expanding into the D.C. and Baltimore areas.” He said, staring me right back in the eye from behind his desk.

  His last comment automatically set the alarms off in my head. Because while it was evident that I was that nigga in NY. Nobody knew about my Baltimore moves. Nobody at all. I knew D- Boy was smart enough not to say anything. So how the fuck did this guala, guala motherfucker know?

  “Well you’re right. I am at the top of the food chain in NY. But as far as Baltimore I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I said, lying but still clawing my mind for clues to how he knew.

  “Tsk, tsk, tsk. Mr. Outlaw, lying to me is no way for us to start off our business relationship.” He said, with an intense look on his face that immediately threw me into defense mode.

  “Look, are we going to do business motherfucker or are we going to play Trivial Pursuit’s Gangsters Edition?” I stated, a little more vocal than usual.

  “Well, we have a slight problem Mr. Outlaw. You see, your movement into the Baltimore/D.C. area has caused great concern for some of my business associates. Under normal circumstances I wouldn’t give two shits, but I have to intervene this time. You see, your nemesis Horse is Godfather to my son Hector and also my sister’s fiancé and they are expecting a little bambino. So you see my dilemma. I cannot do business with you.” He said, now standing up from his desk.

  I made eye contact with Tracy and the look in her eyes said let me kill this nigga now, but the look in my eyes said chill baby not yet.

  “Yo motherfucker, two things I hate wasting is money and time. And you got me wasting both. So with that being said, I’m taking my business elsewhere.” I stated, furiously as I gave Tracy the head nod towards the door.

  “Not so fast Mr. Outlaw. I think you have something that belongs to me. I’ll be taking that buy money as a wedding present to my sister and her husband. I’m sure they will put it to good use.” He said, snapping his fingers and extending his hand.

  “Nigga you been smoking too much of ya’ own shit. Now it’s in your best interest to let me and my lady go on about our business and maybe just maybe I’ll forget this whole thing happened.” I said. It was then that he pulled a chrome .45 from his waistline.

  “Look puto. That wasn’t a request, now let’s go. Give up the dinero and maybe just maybe I’ll let you live.” He said, pointing towards the Louis bag I had in my hand.

  “Okay. We’ll play it your way this time.” I said, as I tossed the bag at his feet. “A very wise decision Mr. Outlaw.” He said, bending down to get the bag, but never taking his eyes or gun off of me. He quickly inspected the contents of the bag and sat it on the desk.

  “Okay. Now for one more treat before this meeting is adjourned. Come here chica.” He said, motioning for Tracy to come towards him. She looked at me for approval and I nodded in agreement. When she reached him he grabbed her from behind with the gun still pointing at me.

  “Baby I been mesmerized by you since you first walked in. what do you say I get a taste of this chocolate in exchange for your life?” he said, kissing her neck and groping her with his free hand.

  “Well I can’t give it to you unless my daddy says I can give it to you.” Tracy replied, seductively.

  “Go ahead and give it to him, but make it fast so we can get the fuck out of here.” I instructed.

  “Now that’s what I call good sportsmanship.” Rodrigo stated, as he kept his gun on me and ran his tongue over Tracy’s neck.

  Tracy leaned her neck back and took it. She then leaned over and snorted a line of coke off of the desk. That only further excited Rodrigo as his eyes rolled back into his head and he took his eyes off of me for a split second. He then began to raise Tracy’s dress up and bend her over the table as she moaned as if she were enjoying herself. As he unzipped his linen pants she stopped him.

  “Hold on baby, let me do this right.” Tracy said, as she turned around and dropped to her knees.

  She continued to unzip his pants and pulled his dick out of his briefs. His eyes rolled back into his head one more time and Tracy made her move. She spit a razor blade out from under her tongue and cut his dick down the middle but the screams never left his mouth as she simultaneously pulled the .380 and fired a shot into his mouth, blowing his brains all over the V
an Gogh pain’ting that hung on the wall behind him. As his lifeless body hit the floor Tracy leaned over him and spit in his face.

  “Okay baby, that’s enough. Grab the money and let’s get the fuck out of here.” I instructed.

  “What about the nigga outside the door?” she asked.

  “Pass me your pistol.” I advised her, as she tossed it to me.

  I then eased towards the door and looked through the peep hole. I was in luck, the massive body guard stood right in front of it. I put the barrel of the gun to the peephole and fired two shots through the door. Lucky for us his big ass body didn’t drop to the floor. He slid down the door, not making any noise. I motioned for Tracy to grab Rodrigo’s .45 and to follow close behind me. I carefully stuck my head out of the door to see if this ambush gone wrong had been figured out. With no problems in sight, I grabbed Tracy around the waste and walked through the crowded bar as fast as I could without looking too conspicuous. Once outside, I hurried her into the car and gave Terrence the signal to get the fuck out of there. It was time to cut my vacation short and head back to get some get back.


  It had been a while since I cut that bitch up in Tiffany’s shop. I can tell she was still pissed behind that shit but she’ll get over it eventually. And besides if that stupid ass nigga Gerard can forgive me I know my girl can. Don’t get me wrong, Gerard was pissed, for all of about three days until I met with him, let him taste me and convinced him that his crazy ass wife attacked me with the razor and that I was just defending myself. His dumb ass was like putty in my hands. I was just going to dead him all together after that incident, but I figured if he fell for that story then he would fall for anything so why not go for the gusto? I had decided to jump out the window one last time and ask Gerard to buy me the new BMW X6 truck. He was really hesitant for a while. So I had to promise to give him the full package and then agree to cut my other “special friends” off and see him exclusively. I lied about both. I mean come on. What type of square bitch did he take me for? This lame ass nigga goes home to his wife and kids every night and I’m supposed to not see anyone else? What the fuck ever. But I played the game to get what I wanted.


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