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Roman's Having Sex Again

Page 23

by Nikki Ashton


  I heard a low whistle from Alfie. ‘Ah, come on, it’s just a bit of fun. We’re not doing anything wrong, are we, Summer?’

  I turned to Alfie and felt a huge desire to slap him. He was not making this any better by acting this way. He didn’t seem to care that Roman was obviously fuming. Admittedly my not answering his calls for the last few hours was probably partly to blame for his anger, but Alfie was making matters worse.

  ‘No, absolutely bloody nothing is going on here.’ I turned back to Roman. ‘Not that I need to explain, but Alfie was just having a joke with me about running out of petrol.’

  I didn’t think it necessary to admit he’d been trying to get me to go on a date. There was no point in stoking the fire.

  ‘If it makes you feel better, boss, I did ask her on a date, but she turned me down.’

  I groaned and hung my head. The stupid idiot.

  ‘I know that you were aware that we are seeing each other,’ Roman said in low growl, pointing at Alfie, ‘so what the fuck you thought you were doing asking Summer out is beyond me.’

  Alfie gave a short laugh before making things even worse. ‘It’s a free country, and she can go out with whoever she likes.’

  ‘Yes, she can, but that happens to be me!’ Roman snapped, his finger jabbing at Alfie’s chest. ‘Keep your hands to yourself in future.’

  ‘Like I said, it’s a free country,’ Alfie muttered.

  ‘Are you for real?’ Roman moved to go past me, so I grabbed his arm.

  ‘Don’t you dare,’ I said, with a bite to my tone.

  Roman stopped and looked down at me, his jaw tight and his nostrils flared.

  ‘Just get back to work,’ he barked over my shoulder towards Alfie. ‘Summer doesn’t need your help any longer. I’m here now.’

  Keeping my eyes on Roman, I heard Alfie chuckle behind me, and then from the corner of my eye saw him get into the truck and drive away.

  ‘I don’t trust that man one little bit,’ Roman said as he watched the back of Alfie’s truck disappear down the road.

  ‘So you thought you’d mark your territory,’ I muttered, shaking my head.

  ‘He’ll be sorry if he touches you again.’

  ‘Oh grow up,’ I spat out.

  ‘Me grow up? You’re the one that stormed off. And why did you by the way?’ Roman thundered. ‘I’ve been worried sick about you. You could have least answered your damn phone.’

  I reeled back a step, shocked that he even had to ask why I’d left the office. I would have thought it was obvious.

  ‘Really, after what you said earlier, you want to know why I stormed out?’ I straightened my shoulders and held my head high. ‘Are you that stupid?’

  ‘For fuck’s sake, Summer,’ Roman sighed, ‘I’m sorry for what I said, I didn’t mean it.’

  ‘So why say it?’ I asked.

  I’d done nothing but mull it over since I’d stormed out, and every time I came to the same conclusion: in the back of his mind that was what he thought.

  ‘I’m worried about work, and you just wound me up, so I lashed out.’ Roman pinched the bridge of his nose. ‘I’m so sorry, baby, I really am.’

  ‘If you really think that, then why keep telling me that you don’t blame me?’ I asked, determined to get an answer from him.

  Roman sighed and raised his hands, palms up. ‘I’ve just told you, I damn well don’t blame you. I opened my stupid mouth and my anger took hold of my brain.’

  His eyes were pleading with me, and I had to admit that, until today, he’d never once made me think that he blamed me for losing the Cromwell job.

  ‘Well, you hurt me, and you were a chauvinistic pig too.’ I crossed my arms over my chest and turned away from him. ‘You know how much I care about the business.’

  ‘I know, and I’m sorry for that too.’ He moved to stand in front of me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

  ‘You might be sorry, Roman, but you are unbelievably childish too. If you really don’t blame me, then you shouldn’t have said what you did, just because you’re in a bad mood.’ Roman shook his head and tutted.

  ‘I am not childish!’ he cried. ‘And I’m not in a bad mood. I’m fucking worried about my business and have been fucking worried about you all afternoon.’

  God, he was infuriating. I’d been asking him all weekend what was worrying him.

  ‘So why don’t you just tell me, instead of saying hurtful things that you don’t mean? You’ve been quiet for the last couple of days, but never once when I’ve asked you have you admitted you were worried.’ I breathed out a heavy sigh. ‘You kept saying business was looking better.’

  ‘Because I didn’t want to worry you too.’ Roman said, taking hold of my hand. ‘You don’t need to worry about it.’

  ‘I work for you, Roman, of course I need to worry. It affects me too. Apart from which, I’m your girlfriend. You should be able to tell me when things are worrying you.’

  ‘I didn’t because I’m trying to protect you,’ he said, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.

  ‘I don’t need protecting, why don’t you get that, you frustrating idiot?’

  ‘Because I fucking love you, that’s why!’

  My breath caught and my hand shot to my stomach as if to hold back the bats that were flapping around inside it. Roman and I watched each other, our chests heaving. Neither of us spoke, we just stared.

  ‘What did you say?’ I finally asked.

  ‘I said, “I fucking love you,”’ Roman repeated in a low tone.

  ‘You do?’

  I chewed on my bottom lip and took a step forward. Reaching for my hand, Roman entwined his fingers with mine.

  ‘Yes, Summer, I fucking do. I fucking love you.’

  ‘Do you have to swear when you say it?’ I asked, my voice breaking.

  Roman nodded. ‘Yes, I fucking do, because to simply say “I love you” doesn’t seem enough. I need you to understand how much I love you, and that just seems to be the best way for me. I’m no poet, Summer, you know that.’

  ‘So you really love me?’ My heart was pounding hard, and I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to cry or jump him right there on the busy road.

  Roman nodded and curled his hand behind my neck, pulling me closer.

  ‘Yes, I really love you. So fucking much,’ he said quietly, before kissing me gently. ‘I’m so damn sorry for what I said earlier, I really didn’t mean it. I’m stupid, but I just don’t want you to worry.’

  ‘I get that, Roman, I do, but you can’t speak to me like that. I don’t deserve it.’

  Roman sighed heavily and dropped his forehead to mine.

  ‘I know you don’t, I’m a complete dick.’

  ‘Yes, you are, but you’re my complete dick,’ I replied, winding my arms around his waist. ‘And I love you too.’

  The words came easily because saying them was like breathing: totally natural. I didn’t need to think about whether I meant them, or whether it was the right time. I’d known it for a while, and had only been holding back because I wasn’t sure whether Roman was there yet, but evidently he was.

  Roman breathed out a sigh. ‘Thank God for that.’

  ‘I’m still mad at you, though,’ I pouted. ‘We really need to talk about your male chauvinism and belligerent attitude.’

  Roman smiled. ‘Yes, Miss.’

  ‘I’m being serious.’

  ‘I know you are, and so am I,’ he replied softly. ‘I promise not to lash out at you again.’

  ‘And I need you to talk me,’ I said.

  Roman nodded and kissed me softly.

  ‘When did you know?’ I asked. ‘That you loved me.’

  ‘From the minute you saw my dad’s bare arse and tackle, and never said a word. Just took me a while to realise it.’

  Roman kissed me again, but this time he didn’t stop until a van driver leaned out of his window and offered to throw a bucket of cold water over us.

a fraught few hours and a roadside declaration of love, Roman decided that we were taking the rest of the afternoon off. We were desperate to get down and dirty, but short of going to a hotel, which seemed a little seedy, we had nowhere to go.

  Caroline and Maisie would at Roman’s taking over the place with her bloody beautiful shoes and Maisie’s dolls, so we couldn’t go there. If we went to my house, my mum would end up offering Roman all manner of baked goods before we’d even manage to get up the stairs. Besides which, I didn’t fancy screaming Roman’s name in orgasmic bliss, while my mother polished her china downstairs. So, we decided to go to a country pub for a late lunch instead.

  The food was great, but the whole time Roman seemed quiet and within himself, and I couldn’t get him to open up. I was pretty sure that it wasn’t me that he was mad with. He’d just told me that he loved me—surely he hadn’t changed him mind already?

  ‘Do you regret what you told me?’ I asked, voicing my fears.

  ‘What?’ he asked, looking up from the apple pie he was pushing around the dish.

  ‘Do you regret saying you love me?’

  ‘God no.’ He dropped his spoon with a clatter, and reached across the table for my hand. ‘Why would you say that?’

  ‘Because you’ve been really quiet since then. I can barely get a word out of you.’ I bit on my bottom lip, waiting for his answer.

  ‘I love you, make no mistake about that,’ he whispered, giving me a brilliant smile.

  ‘So what’s wrong, is it the business? You promised not two hours ago that you wouldn’t keep things from me.’

  ‘No, well, yes, I’m worried, but that’s not what I’m upset about now,’ he sighed. ‘I just hate that I can’t take you home and do what I want to you.’

  ‘Really?’ I reached to cup his cheek. ‘That’s silly, we’ll have plenty of time when Maisie’s gone to bed and Caroline’s watching her TV.’ I grinned, but Roman didn’t see the funny side.

  ‘That’s exactly the point. She shouldn’t be there. We should be there now, me inside you making you come until you pass out.’

  His words weren’t helping. The heat between my legs had just got considerably hotter.

  ‘Thanks, now I’m annoyed too,’ I hissed, shifting around on my chair.

  ‘This is my fault, I should have said no. Or at least made her move out. She’s not looked at any of those places you found.’

  My relief that he wanted her gone as much as I did was immense. A part of me had thought he’d wanted them there, still feeling duty-bound to Michael.

  ‘Thank goodness for that,’ I sighed.

  ‘You don’t think I enjoy having her there do you? Not when all I want to do is be alone with you.’

  A beautiful smile lit up his face, and my heart gave a little flutter of happiness that he was at least smiling.

  ‘I know that this isn’t ideal for us, Summer. So, when we get back I’m going to speak to her again. For us.’

  My breath faltered and I wanted to cry. He understood and was going to do what I needed, without my even having to ask him.

  ‘Maybe you should offer to go and see some places with her,’ I suggested. ‘She might look at them if you find them for her.’

  ‘Yeah, that’s not a bad idea.’

  ‘I also think we should tell her about Pippa,’ I said with a sigh.

  He raised his brow as he stared at me. ‘You think?’

  I nodded. ‘I do. Whatever she has to say about Pippa will probably be totally founded, so don’t worry about her upsetting me.’

  ‘If you’re sure.’

  ‘Yes, it’d be better telling her now. Plus, finding out it’s my sister he’s shacked up with, might just make her think it’s best to move out.’ Yes, it was manipulative, but I wanted her gone—we both did.

  Roman smiled widely and leaned across the table to kiss my cheek. ‘Okay, let’s tell her. Then tonight we’ll relax and watch that film you wanted to see. Okay?’

  ‘Okay.’ My smile was huge, I’d only mentioned the film in passing earlier, and he’d been in such a mood I hadn’t thought he’d heard me.

  ‘I’ll might even make you some popcorn.’

  ‘A girl can’t say no to that, can she?’ I said and took my turn to lean across the table and kiss him back.

  When we entered the house, the chances of me watching the film were slim: Maisie was sitting on the floor watching cartoons, while Caroline flicked through a magazine. Her feet were up on the sofa, and she had a cushion pushed behind her back. She looked totally at home. I could feel my hackles rise as she barely glanced at us when we walked in. It was Roman’s house and she was treating it as though it was her own. Call me a bitch, but I wanted her to feel uncomfortable, and to feel the need to get her own space, but she looked nowhere near ready to move out.

  Roman stopped besides Maisie, dropped a hand to her strawberry blonde curls, and gave her head a little rub. Maisie grinned up at him, and then turned to give me an even bigger smile.

  ‘Hey, Maisie,’ I said, giving her a little wave.

  ‘Summer, it’s Peppa.’ She pointed at the TV and giggled.

  ‘I know,’ I replied. ‘I love Peppa too.’

  Maisie chuckled again and turned back to the television.

  ‘You got a minute, Caroline?’ Roman asked, nodding towards the door.

  Caroline smiled and nodded, closing the magazine. ‘Yeah, sure. Maisie, I’m just going into the kitchen with Uncle Ro, shout if you need me. Okay?’

  Maisie’s eyes never the left the TV. ‘Okay, Mummy.’

  Caroline dropped her feet to the floor, pushed herself up from the sofa and followed Roman into the kitchen.

  I watched them leave and wondered whether I should follow. Roman hadn’t said he wanted me involved; after all, it wasn’t really my business.

  ‘You coming, baby?’

  I turned to see his head poking around the doorframe. I nodded and moved to follow him, almost tripping over a pair of Ugg slippers—even her bloody slippers were designer! Between her and Pippa, I was really pissed off.

  When I got to the kitchen, Caroline was sitting on a barstool, while Roman paced up and down in front of her.

  ‘I understand, Caroline, but Jack really should be helping you. I know the council don’t have anything at the moment, but some of those apartments that Summer found were really nice, and not too expensive.’ He was talking calmly, but I could see that he was trying to hold on to his temper. The muscle in his jaw was ticking vigorously.

  ‘But I still can’t afford them, Roman,’ she whined. ‘And I won’t take a penny from Jack—not that he has any money.’

  Roman looked at me questioningly, and I gave him a slight nod.

  ‘Listen, Caroline,’ he said as he stopped pacing. ‘You ought to know that he’s living in a fancy cottage on the outskirts of Manchester, so I’m pretty sure he has some money.’

  Her head shot up. ‘Where?’ she asked, pushing up from the stool. ‘I thought he was local?’

  ‘No, he’s just outside Manchester. We went over there,’ Roman explained.

  ‘Why? Why did you go there?’ She folded her arms across her chest, as she looked between me and Roman. ‘You hate Jack.’

  ‘Did you know that he’s living with someone?’ Roman stated, ignoring her question.

  Caroline’s eyes widened. ‘What do you mean he’s living with someone?’ she said quietly.

  ‘Exactly that, he’s living with a girl.’

  ‘Who? Who’s he damn well living with, Roman?’ Her jaw was tight and her hand was against her stomach. The thought of Jack living with someone obviously nauseated her, and was a huge shock.

  ‘Okay,’ Roman sighed. ‘We went to see him because the girl he’s with is Summer’s sister.’

  I expected her to gasp or cry or something, but, strangely, she simply nodded.

  ‘Well, I hope your sister knows what she’s doing,’ she said to me in a quiet, controlled tone. ‘He’ll get what he wants and
then she’ll be history.’

  Caroline looked down and sniffed, and I felt some empathy for the fact my sister was the reason for her tears. She swiped at her face and then looked up at us. I was surprised to see that her eyes were already dry. She obviously wasn’t that upset, which I found strange considering her ex was living in a nice house, while she was homeless. She must have an incredible ability for forgiveness.

  ‘That’s why we went over there,’ Roman answered quietly. ‘We wanted to warn her, but she wouldn’t leave.’

  ‘I’m sorry, Caroline,’ I added. ‘My sister is a little selfish and she seems to love him.’

  Caroline’s gaze swept to me. ‘Yeah, well, Jack only loves himself, so I’d tell her not to waste that emotion on him,’ she said, with a shake of the head. ‘Your sister and now Summer’s. He certainly has a type.’

  Roman shrugged. ‘I can’t say I haven’t considered it a little weird.’

  ‘Surely that’s all just coincidence?’ I asked.

  Roman looked at me and I knew from the way he breathed deeply and his nostrils flared, that he wasn’t totally sure. Now, I was wondering too.

  ‘Okay,’ Caroline said, walking towards the door. ‘I’ll take another look at those apartments tomorrow. I’ll manage somehow.’

  ‘I am sorry, Caroline,’ Roman said, leaning against the counter top. ‘But I’ll help you if I can.’

  She turned and smiled. ‘I know, Ro and thank you. And, Summer, don’t feel bad about your sister, Jack does whatever he wants.’

  I nodded, thinking back to a month or so ago when we’d met Jack in Ziggy’s. If only we hadn’t gone out that night.

  ‘She’s pretty stupid and selfish at times, but hopefully she’ll see sense soon enough,’ I replied.

  Caroline gave me a small smile and left. I knew I should feel sorry for her, but something told me that she wasn’t particularly upset, so why bother.

  After Roman’s declaration of love, and our chat with Caroline, the rest of the week continued in peace. I had spent almost every night at Roman’s house, and every day we were growing closer and closer.

  Caroline and Maisie were still there, but by the time we got home from work, they’d already eaten and were busy watching kid’s TV. That was when we’d eat our dinner, and by the time we finished, Caroline was putting Maisie to bed. She would then go to her own room to continue watching TV. It appeared that she’d realised that three was most definitely a crowd.


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