The Manny

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The Manny Page 9

by A. T Brennan

  “You have no idea what you’re doing to me,” Nathan said in his ear as Cameron moved against him.

  “I think I do,” Cameron said with a grin, glancing back at him as he wiggled a little bit more. “I can always stop—”

  “Don’t stop.” Nathan grabbed his hip and held him tight. “As long as you understand what you’re starting.”

  “I understand.” Cameron turned his face so he could look at him. “I definitely understand.”

  Nathan bent his head and kissed Cameron deep as he reached around the smaller man’s body so he could touch him.

  Chapter Eight

  Cameron woke up to a screaming alarm, the sound rudely jarring him awake. He shook his head, trying to clear it, as he took a moment to figure out where he was.

  He wasn’t in his bed, and that wasn’t his alarm going off. It wasn’t until he felt a strong body behind him and a warm arm over his hip that the events of the night before came back to him.

  He glanced behind him as Nathan shifted and reached over him to turn off the alarm. His cock was already hard against his stomach, and Nathan’s morning wood poked into his thigh.

  Nathan pressed a few lazy kisses against his back before turning him so they were face-to-face.



  Nathan looked amazing. His eyes were still slightly unfocused from sleep, and his hair was rumpled and messy, but he looked so handsome and so sensual Cameron’s erection only got harder.

  Nathan pulled him close and bent to kiss him. The kiss was slow and deep, and Cameron had to blink to clear his head when Nathan pulled away.

  “Do you have to leave right away?”

  “I do.”

  “Too bad,” Nathan said ruefully and kissed him again.


  He had to get up to his room, shower, change, and then wake up the kids. He didn’t have all that much time to spare, and he would be cutting it close as it was.

  “Okay.” Nathan nodded and kissed him one last time before letting go so Cameron could sit up.

  Cameron slid out of bed and gathered his clothes.

  “If you’re trying to figure out a way to tell me this can’t happen again, don’t bother,” Nathan said with a smile as Cameron hovered next to the bed and looked at him. “Because I’m trying to figure out how to say that to you.”

  “That’s exactly it.” Cameron nodded. “I honestly don’t know where to go from here.”

  “We can’t reset the clock, and we both wanted it. Let’s chalk it up to an experience and move on,” Nathan suggested. “No one is at fault, and no one is to blame. Here’s hoping we got whatever that was out of our system and we can go back to the way things should be.”

  “I think that’s best,” he agreed.

  “Good, now I’m going to catch some more sleep. I’ll see all of you later on.” Nathan gave him a charming grin and flopped back down on the bed.

  “Enjoy that. I’m going to go and try not to fall asleep on my feet.”

  “Make a big pot of coffee,” Nathan suggested with a wink. “And leave me a cup.”

  “You wish. I’m going to make a huge pot, and when I’m done, the rest is going down the drain. You want to sleep in, then you can make your own damn coffee.”

  He gave Nathan a cheeky smile and headed toward the door, Nathan’s laughter following him as he did.

  CAMERON WAS EXHAUSTED all day, and the kids were hyper, which was an awesome combination. He took them to the splash pad and let them run around as he rested on a bench and watched them. When he was sure they were thoroughly spent, he brought them back to the house and tried to get them to do something quiet. That had lasted all of three minutes before they’d gotten a second wind and had spent the rest of the morning running around the backyard.

  They’d had a picnic outside, and as he’d been cleaning up their dishes, a whole herd of kids had arrived with mothers, nannies, and the one dad in tow.

  The rest of the adults had sat around chatting. Cameron spent the afternoon running around and playing with the kids.

  By the time supper rolled around, he was so tired he wasn’t even hungry, but the kids were excited to have dinner with their dad again, so he did his best to prep a healthy meal as Nathan read stories to the kids. When their meal was ready, they all ate together at the table.

  He was having a hard time looking at Nathan with neutral eyes as he remembered the night before. Every time he’d look at him, he’d remember how Nathan’s lips had felt against his, how his hands had felt on his skin. He knew he was blushing, but he couldn’t help it.

  Thankfully Nathan seemed better at pretending nothing was different between them. He was grateful Nathan wasn’t making a big deal out of things, and that he was able to hide it from the kids. The emotional part of him felt a little slighted since their night together obviously hadn’t been as earthmoving for Nathan as it had been for him, but the rational part of his mind knew that one of them needed to be in control of their emotions right now.

  By the time he had the kids upstairs and was winding them down, Cameron was regretting not eating much at supper, but instead of thinking about his growling stomach, he focused on getting the kids into bed.

  Kaitlyn hadn’t wanted to wear her clean pajamas; she’d wanted to wear a pair that Cameron hadn’t had a chance to wash yet. It had taken some work to get her into the “wrong” pair, but he’d eventually won that battle. Daniel had decided he’d wanted three extra stories, and of course, they were the longest books he could get his hands on. Logan had refused to clean up the pile of clothes he’d made in his room that morning when he’d been deciding what he wanted to wear, so it took a lot longer than usual to get the boys tucked in and sleeping.

  As soon as he closed the door to Logan’s room, Cameron headed upstairs and fell into his bed, not even bothering to change his clothes. Instead, he fell asleep and slept right through until the morning.

  THE NEXT FEW WEEKS seemed to both crawl by and pass in a blur.

  Cameron was busy since there was no downtime for him during the day. He and Nathan managed to work out a healthy medium where they could be in the same room together and coexist professionally. They didn’t tempt things by spending any time alone, and Cameron couldn’t help noticing Nathan went out almost every night.

  It was getting easier and easier to pretend as if nothing had happened, and even though Cameron was still confused he was able to move past it. There was no way he’d ever forget that night, and it wasn’t just the sex that he remembered.

  Nathan had been incredible, there was no question that had been the best sex of his life, but it was more than just the physical pleasure that kept him distracted. It was the after part that had really meant a lot to him. He’d loved lying in his arms, feeling Nathan’s strong body against his as his arms protectively held him. He’d loved the casual conversation they’d shared, and how Nathan opened up to him, and how he’d been able to talk about things that had been bothering him.

  It had been over a year since he’d spent the night with someone, and he’d never felt as comfortable with anyone as he did with Nathan. Cameron had never opened up to anyone or felt connected to someone the way he felt with Nathan.

  Nathan had given him both Saturday and Sunday evenings off for the next few weeks. It was a really nice gesture, and it gave Cameron a chance to spend more time with his family.

  On Sunday night, he went to a movie with Nick, his oldest nephew. There were only six years between them, and he’d missed spending time with him.

  At nineteen Nick could have pretended that he was too cool to want to hang out with his uncle, but they’d grown up together and were friends above anything else. Cameron just also happened to be Nick’s mom’s brother.

  It had been a long time since Cameron had done anything social without kids in tow, and the night out kind of recharged him and helped him remember there really was a world outside of his family and his job.

FOUR DAYS LATER, HE and Nathan slipped, and it had almost been disastrous.

  They’d all been in the kitchen before dinner. The kids and Nathan had been at the table playing with a set of building blocks, while he’d been at the island chopping vegetables for the salad.

  Kaitlyn had gotten frustrated when she couldn’t get two pieces that weren’t made to work together to fit, and in her frustration she’d tossed the pieces behind her.

  Nathan had taken a moment to explain to his daughter that it was okay to get frustrated and angry when things didn’t work, but she shouldn’t throw things. She should treat all her things properly, and next time she should put the pieces down and move on to the next ones.

  Kaitlyn had listened to everything her father had said and nodded seriously when he’d asked if she’d understood. She’d picked up two more pieces and had started to fit them together, smiling when they worked.

  Nathan had gotten up to get the thrown blocks, and Cameron had been holding them in his hand, a smile on his face. The pieces had landed on the island. One of them had ended up on his cutting board while the other had stopped about a foot to his left.

  Nathan had come around the island to get the pieces, and as he’d handed them to him, Nathan had quietly asked if he approved of his parenting, grinning at him in a teasing way.

  He’d grinned back and given him a witty retort about him being super dad. As Nathan had taken the pieces from Cameron’s hand, he’d bent his head to kiss him. Cameron had tilted his head up to meet his kiss, almost as though it was an afterthought.

  The kiss had been brief, and it had been chaste, more of a familiar peck than a kiss, but it was still right in front of the kids.

  Nathan had jumped away, his eyes wide, and a moment later they’d both whirled around to see if the kids had seen them. All three were engrossed in their building, and as Nathan had hurried back to the table, Cameron had desperately tried to hide the fact that he was blushing, most likely the same shade of red as the tomato he was cutting up.

  None of the kids noticed, thankfully, but as he’d been putting Kaitlyn down, he’d glanced out of her window and seen that Nathan’s car was gone. He’d gone out for the night, and while Cameron was glad because he didn’t have to worry about seeing him, a small part of him was disappointed.

  NATHAN WALKED INTO the house in a slightly better mood than when he’d left, but not by much. He’d gone to his favorite bar, sat on his favorite stool, and talked with the bartender as he’d had a beer. He’d then had another but had cut himself off after that.

  He’d been trying to forget about Cameron and their kiss that evening. That kiss had been so chaste and innocent that it really couldn’t be counted as a kiss, more like a brushing of lips, but it was how natural and how organically it had happened that had unnerved him. He’d seen Cameron standing there, smiling at him, and he hadn’t even thought about it. He’d taken the blocks from him and kissed him.

  It was a familiar kiss. The only thing that had motivated it was familiarity and comfort. It was the type of kiss he would give a boyfriend or husband, and he didn’t know what it meant that he’d kissed Cameron like that.

  He’d been thinking about their night together nonstop since Cameron had left his room the morning after. The sex had been incredible. He’d never had such an overwhelming hunger for anyone before, not even Jason. He was so different from the men Nathan was usually attracted to, and when he’d been holding Cameron in his arms, cuddling and talking with him, it had felt right.

  He was conflicted about the entire experience. Cameron was his nanny, and Nathan was his employer. Cameron lived in his house and took care of his kids.

  Nathan couldn’t take back what had happened, and he didn’t really want to. It might have been taboo, but it had opened his eyes to what he’d been missing these past three years.

  He’d thought that by pushing men away he’d be protecting his heart, but being with Cameron had reminded him of just how much he missed intimacy. It was confusing and distracting, and he needed to put some distance between them.

  He didn’t want to be thinking about this anymore. His thoughts were getting cyclical, and he was going to drive himself crazy if he kept it up.

  At least now he was home and could get a few more beers into himself. That would hopefully help him fall asleep and have a dreamless and restful night.

  He walked into the kitchen and stopped dead in his tracks.

  Cameron was standing at the kitchen island staring at the wall. He was so into whatever he was thinking about he didn’t seem to hear Nathan come up, and Nathan took a moment to look at him.

  He was effortlessly beautiful; it was the only way he could describe him.

  Usually he thought of men as handsome or attractive, but Cameron was beautiful. His low-slung sweatpants showed off his perfect ass, and his white shirt was tight enough Nathan could see the outline of his torso under it.

  His hair was mussed like he’d just rolled out of bed, and even the way he was standing was effortlessly provocative.

  Nathan’s body tightened as he just drank Cameron in, and every reason why he should walk out of the kitchen flew out of his head as he started towards him, almost on autopilot.

  Cameron felt Nathan’s presence a moment before he felt his hands. He’d been so deep in thought Nathan should have shocked him when he touched him, but he didn’t.

  Nathan’s hands rested on his hips, holding him. It was as though Nathan was waiting for him to pull away. He knew he should, but he didn’t want to.

  Cameron shifted back, moving closer to Nathan until he was pressed against his larger frame. Nathan’s hands tightened around him, and Cameron let out a shuddering sigh as Nathan pulled Cameron against him, closing the remaining distance between them.

  Nathan lowered his lips to Cameron’s exposed neck, nibbling and tasting the sensitive flesh as Cameron gasped and tilted his head to give Nathan better access.

  “Do you feel what you do to me?” Nathan asked in his ear, his voice gruff and the timbre of it sending a shiver up Cameron’s spine. He could feel Nathan’s cock pressing into his back, and his eyes fluttered closed as a tingle moved over his skin.

  “I feel it,” he said breathlessly.

  “I want you, Cameron. I want to fuck you until you scream for me.”

  His words and the tone of his voice sent another shiver up Cameron’s spine as his erection peeked out of the top of his sweatpants and was exposed to the slightly chilled air.

  “Do you want me?” Nathan asked, kissing his neck between words.

  “I want you.” He nodded. “Yes, I want you.”

  Nathan grunted against his neck and spun him around. The look in his eyes was almost predatory, and Cameron shivered under his stare. This wasn’t going to be sweet and gentle. It was going to be hot and hard, and Cameron couldn’t wait.

  Nathan bent his head and caught Cameron’s lips in a crushing kiss, his hand fisting in the hair at the base of his neck, causing Cameron to moan as he gave the strands a gentle tug.

  “You have no idea what you do to me,” Nathan groaned against his mouth as he ran his other hand over Cameron’s body. “How much I want you.”

  “Show me,” he begged. “Please.”

  Nathan shoved his sweatpants down, and Cameron quickly kicked them off as Nathan ran his hand up his thigh and over Cameron’s ass. The contrast of having the slightly rough material of Nathan’s jeans against his bare cock sent zings of pleasure shooting through him, and it triggered some sort of instinct deep within him. He didn’t want to be the passive partner right now. He wanted to show Nathan just how turned on he was.

  Cameron reached up and held Nathan’s cheeks as he took over the kiss. His tongue explored the recesses of Nathan’s mouth before he gently bit his bottom lip. When Nathan moaned, he soothed the plump skin with his tongue before starting all over again.

  Suddenly Nathan’s hands were on his hips, and he was being lifted into the air. Nathan placed him on the
cool granite of the kitchen island and reached between his legs.

  “Please, Nathan,” Cameron begged against his lips when Nathan merely gripped his cock in a loose hold. Not moving or teasing. “Please.”

  Nathan pulled away from the kiss and gave him a wicked smile. He sank to his knees in front of him and pushed Cameron’s legs apart and back until his knees were against his chest. Nathan’s eyes locked on his for a moment, and then he lowered his mouth to his hole.

  Cameron cried out and pulled his legs even closer to his chest. Nathan ran his tongue over his entrance a few times, and then pressed it against his rim, swirling tight circles over it. Cameron’s entire body began to shake, and he cried out as Nathan kept up the torturous pace.

  Nathan licked and kissed the sensitive skin before pushing just the tip of his tongue inside Cameron. His movements were slow and deliberate. It was as though he was trying to prolong the pleasure and bring him slowly. It felt so incredible, but Cameron needed more.

  He grunted in pleasure, biting his lip as his orgasm began to creep up on him

  “Oh God!” he cried out, forgetting to keep quiet. “More, more,” he begged. “Please more.”

  “You want to come, or do you want me to fuck you?”

  “Fuck me. Please fuck me.”

  Nathan pulled a packet of lube and a condom out of his pants before ripping them open to expose his hard length. He rolled the condom on and then used the lube to slick it up, smearing the excess on his fingers. Cameron was sure he’d push into him, but instead, Nathan grinned and slipped two fingers inside him and pressed them against his prostate.

  “Yes, yes, yes!” he cried out, barely able to control the shaking in his legs as Nathan teased him. “Shit! I’m going to come!”

  Nathan pulled his fingers free and grabbed him by the hips and moved him so he was lying on the counter.

  Cameron gasped as Nathan pushed his torso down and kicked his legs apart to widen his stance. The broad head of Nathan’s cock pressed against him, and a moment later he pushed in.


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