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Executive Assistant

Page 26

by 12 Author Anthology

  Driven was her answer to sleepless nights and tears. He’d saved her from walking away from the best job in the world because she couldn’t stop thinking about a man who was so out of her league. He’d soothed her ego, and gave her a release from all the pent-up frustration deep inside of her.

  I would tell you that I’d be pleased to slide my cock down your tight throat. That I’d make sure that the feel of me was imprinted on your memory. That the taste of my cum would be unlike any others. And I’d tell you that to suck me off would be your treat, after you let me drink your juices.

  Tanya moaned, sliding her fingers up her quivering thighs. She opened the buttons of her blouse with her free hand and shoved her bra out of the way. Just as her fingers met her slick folds, her other hand molded her breasts. Driven wouldn’t leave her hanging. He’d keep typing until she exploded, until she told him it was his turn. He always did. Courteous, generous, and dominant. Everything she wanted in a man.

  And so much like Michaelangelo that it made her wish that she had met Driven first. When she pictured Driven she saw Michaelangelo. Saw his black hair, curling around his shoulders sexily, his thick crescent eyelashes that made a woman want to die with envy, his firm mouth, the bottom lip fuller than the top, sliding into a rare smile. He had perfect white teeth that she wanted to feel against her flesh, feel the sting of a bite. She cried out, circling her fingers across her clit with accuracy. She spread her legs wider under her desk, balancing on her heels for better access.

  How decadent was it, to be doing this in her office in the late evening with people passing her door and nearly being caught? How entrancing was the thought that if she screamed her pleasure everyone would know what she’d been doing? Would they smell her essence in the air if they just opened the door? She tweaked her nipple and circled her fingers faster.

  Are you playing with that pussy for me? Is it wet? So wet, all for me. Only for me. Pinch that nipple, just how I know you like it. Play with it for me, let me see it. I want to see you thighs shining with your cum. I’m on my bed, watching you, listening to you harsh pants, seeing you flush as pink as that pretty pussy of yours. So perfect, Hungry. So perfect for me. Every inch of you. Play with that pussy for me while I stroke my cock. Let me see it, baby.

  She stifled a scream, circling her clit faster. She’d shared so many fantasies with Driven, from her love of watching a man play with his cock, to her love of masturbation. She had even told him, just a few weeks after meeting him, about her desperate love for a man she couldn’t have, and he’d agreed to play him, to be the man she needed, because he was in love too, with a woman that shouldn’t be his, that he couldn’t risk having. No names, no details, just…pleasure, support. It was enough, it had to be…for now.

  “Yes,” she whispered, biting her lip to keep from crying out. She tossed her head back, ignoring the computer screen. She could see it: Michaelangelo sitting on a large king-sized bed covered in black silk and pillows. His olive skin was bright against it, his six foot four frame filling the center of the bed. His broad shoulders looked like they could carry the world, her world. His eyes were heavy, half-mast. His mouth was open as he panted.

  Every part of him was perfect. His chest was a work of art that sloped down into rippling abs and a narrow waist just the right size for her to wrap her legs around him.

  She wanted to look further but was stuck at his hips as his powerful hand gripped his thick, long cock, spreading moisture as he moved. His dick would fill her, stretch her until she felt new, untried, with her first man. Every downward stroke showed her the slight hook to the right of his shape and she nearly died.

  Right there. Oh please, just a bit more, she begged. She looked at the computer screen desperately, needing more to get over the edge.

  I just want you. Only you. For so long. So very long. Come for me, Hungry. Come for me so I can take you. Sink my cock so deep inside of you that you won’t know how to live without me. Come for me so I can feel you pulsing and gripping my cock as I slam into you. Do you want me deep, il mio amore? Do you want it hard, rough? I can give you that. Just come for me.

  She bit the inside of her cheek as her ass lifted off the chair, her back bowing. Yes! It was enough. She did want him deep inside of her, moving harshly as he unleashed his desire. She wanted him wild as he took her, so pent up with years of emotions that he couldn’t contain them. Il mio amore. Those words, written in Michaelangelo’s birth tongue, were enough. They were more than anything else that Driven had said. Those words. My love. They echoed in Tanya’s head as she exploded, her eyes sliding closed, her hips circling and her fingers working fiercely on her clit. Her orgasm tightened her muscles, and tossed her world into a hailstorm. Never. Never had it been this good. Never had it seemed so real.

  As she came down, panting, and sliding down slightly in her chair, she stared at the computer—at the words some man, somewhere in the world, had given her to ease her need for love. Here was some faceless person that cared enough to give her what she needed. Why couldn’t it be him? she thought, and moved her bra back into position. She didn’t stop to button her shirt or lower her skirt. He deserved her attention now, after all that he did for her.

  Your turn, she typed, and then pressed enter.

  I already finished LOL, Driven typed, and she smiled, sagging in her seat.

  Are you sure? I have plenty in my arsenal over here.

  Aren’t you still at work? he asked and she stopped, watching the cursor blink steadily.

  Yes, she finally typed. It was a guilty pleasure, daring to pull out her personal laptop at work and enjoy a meeting with Driven, but she was pent up, in so many ways. She needed the chance to relax, to breathe. Every moment she was with Michaelangelo was getting harder for her to stand.

  I’ll see you tonight. Eight, right? Don’t be late.

  I wouldn’t miss it for the world, Driven. It’ll be on you this go round.

  I look forward to it, he typed and she smiled once more as she shut the computer down. She jumped when her phone rang.

  “H-Hello,” she stammered.

  “Tanya, I see you’re still in. I need you in my office right away,” Michaelangelo commanded before hanging up. She blinked at the phone. She didn’t need this. Quickly, she jumped up and fixed her clothing as best she could, sprayed perfume on her body and then her fingers. She’d have enough time to make it to the bathroom and wash her hands before she went in to office with her boss. She flushed, thinking of what she’d just done, and the fantasy that had helped her. If he only knew.

  Chapter Two

  “What can I help you with, Mr. Cortelli?”

  Michaelangelo sat watching her, his piercing blue eyes looking as if they could see right through her. She flushed, wondering if he knew what she’d done. Could he smell it on her, see it in her face? She cleared her throat, fiddling with her notepad with nervous fingers. It was always like this, when she was around him. She didn’t feel like she could control her emotions, like she was just a moment away from telling him what she felt. What a disaster that would be.

  “I need you to go over my agenda for the next day. I may have to make some changes to my appointments as necessary.” He smirked in a way that said he knew something that she didn’t, but she shook her head, clearing that thought. She was just paranoid. That’s all.

  “Certainly,” she said, taking a seat in one of the two black plush armchairs in front of his desk. Her limbs felt liquid and she struggled to keep from relaxing too much.

  “Are you okay? You seem…preoccupied,” he said, his voice dropping an octave and she swore she felt the pleasure of it whip through her system. It was like he had a direct line to her clit. It felt too good to be real.

  “I’m fine, Mr. Cortelli. Tomorrow you have five meetings and one luncheon scheduled. Three of those meetings deal with several acquisitions that you are currently working to acquire. They are lined up at nine and eleven in the morning, and two in the afternoon. Those I would not recommen
d changing. Your luncheon is a charity event that, while good for possible networking, can be rearranged. Your last two meetings of the day are the productivity meeting at four and then your meeting with me to go over all notes and the next day’s agenda at close of business. Those could be arranged as well.”

  “Oh no, I wouldn’t miss a meeting with you for the world. Maintain the acquisition meetings, and my meeting with you. Allow Adam to handle productivity. He’s VP, that’s what he’s here for. The luncheon needs to be moved. I need my afternoon cleared.”

  “Yes, sir. Is there anything in particular you want me to pencil in?”

  “I have to wait and see what may occur on my lunchtime. That’s all.”

  “Of course, I will get with you tomorrow morning for any other details. Have a great evening Mr. Cortelli.”

  She stood, happy to have gotten through this meeting with her dignity intact. At least she hadn’t swooned in front of him. Michaelangelo was more than her ideal of a perfect man. Everything about him was smooth, sophisticated, commanding. God, she wanted that man. Wanted him deep inside of her and his hands on her body. Her womb clenched, desire whipping through her, as if, just minutes before, she hadn’t enjoyed a powerful climax. She gasped before she could stop herself, gripping the back of the chair as she stood, staring at Michaelangelo in need. She couldn’t take much more than this.

  “Tanya,” he said, sounding surprised, his pupils dilating. She watched as he blinked, slowly, his mouth slightly open in shock. She swallowed, and laughed, trying to play it off, but even to her ears the sound was forced.

  “I apologize, Mr. Cortelli. I’m feeling a little light headed. If that’s all for the day, I’d like to go home.” Before he could say anything, she spun and walked towards the door, her heart pounding..

  “Tanya,” Michaelangelo called again and she stopped, looking over her shoulder at him. His gaze was below her waist, a look in his eyes that set her blood on fire.


  “Your skirt,” he said, motioning with his chin. She felt down, under her butt, and found a section of the split stuck in her underwear. She felt the heat of embarrassment flame through her.

  Ground, swallow me up now, she thought with a groan and hurried to fix her skirt. She scrambled out of the office and thought she heard Michaelangelo say “beautiful” but she knew that wasn’t possible. She’d read Michaelangelo’s expressions. There was no way that man was turned on by her.

  Was there?

  Chapter Three

  Home, and feeling much better about what had happened, she slipped out of her flip-flops and pinned her hair up in a bun. She’d just been coming off her time with Driven and had put more into Michaelangelo than had been there. He was simply like any red-blooded male with a glimpse of the female form. Even if he had desired her, momentarily, it had only been because she’d shown him some interest. She’d made herself look like a fool in front of him, and his libido, however momentarily, had taken over.

  She wasn’t stupid enough to believe that it really had anything to do with her.

  And that was the crux of her problem. A letter of resignation had been sitting in her desk for the last two years, a piece of paper that she hadn’t had the heart to give, but was looking more and more like the viable option. Why him? Why a man she couldn’t have? Sure, they could start some nasty office affair, if he was willing, and she’d be the butt of every joke in the office. She didn’t want to be that. Not only that, if she did have some sort of relationship with Michaelangelo, she could find herself nothing more than a lackey with an even smaller future. Once he was done with her she’d be out of a job, and he might even gain some heat for ethical reasons.

  It was a romance that just wasn’t meant to happen.

  She exhaled roughly and diverted from her original plans to make some light dinner and pick up her laptop. It was early, but maybe Driven would be available. Why couldn’t it be him? Both of them were in love with people that they couldn’t have. Why not make something real between the two of them? Give them a chance at a happy ending. Once the idea took hold, it wouldn’t go away.

  For all intents and purposes she didn’t have to tell Driven about Michaelangelo outside of the fact that he was her boss, was Italian by birth, and was a powerful man. Driven really gave his own impersonation of the man she was desperately in love with. Was it her fault that it fit what she wanted so well? That he’d taken the time to listen to her fantasies, in minute detail, until he could become the very person she needed?

  Maybe God had sent him to her, to help her through what she was struggling with.

  She logged into her favorite chatroom and searched for Driven. He wasn’t there, but she waited, having idle chitchat with those that were in there. They knew her handle and liked talking to her, though the only one she had sexual conversations with was Driven. He was more than enough for her. She got up to get herself a glass of water, savoring the cool liquid sliding down her throat when her laptop pinged. She raced to her laptop to see Driven had messaged her.

  Eager aren’t you? he typed.

  I could say the same for you. You’re on an hour and a half early.

  Ah, but I have no problem saying that I eagerly await your pleasure.

  Of that I am sure, Driven. How was work today?

  It was…enlightening. What about yours?

  Embarrassing. I got caught with my skirt in a compromising position thanks to you!

  I am sure whoever saw it was more than pleased. Although, I’m sure they’d much rather have seen you with it off. I know I would have.

  Aren’t you naughty!

  For you? Always.

  I love that about you, really. She sat for a moment after she typed the message. Oh what the hell, she thought.

  I have a question, and if it’s too weird, don’t worry about it. I just thought that maybe we can take our relationship to a new level.

  You have me intrigued.

  I was thinking that, since we can’t have the people we want, we could have each other. What do you think? She waited as the cursor blinked. Maybe she hadn’t been as smooth as she wanted to be. As the minutes ticked by, her heart sank. She didn’t want to lose him too. If she couldn’t have Michaelangelo she was at least grateful she had Driven to come to. If he left then she didn’t know what she would do.

  Are you sure that is what you want? Someone else? he finally asked.

  No, honestly. I love him, I do, as much as you love the woman of your dreams. But, we won’t get them. Are we supposed to pine for the rest of our lives? I’m not saying we have to make something long term, just, at least meet. We can go from there. Again she waited until the little pencil icon moving on the screen told her that Driven was writing a message. What would he say?

  I think I can arrange that. Tomorrow, I may have some free time in my day. If you don’t mind logging on around lunchtime I will be able to let you know for sure. How about that?

  I think that’s the best news I’ve heard all day, she said. Now, I think it’s your turn.

  I’ve been waiting.

  Chapter Four

  The next day at the office went by in a blur. Perhaps that was because, with the morning meetings, she was busy watching the man of the hour work his magic. She was there to record his minutes and hand him any items that he might need. Her Bluetooth connection to his phone allowed her to field his calls and record his messages. Michaelangelo enjoyed having her near him when he was in his meetings. He’d told her it was because she kept him in line with her copious notes and excellent organization.

  For her it was a bittersweet time and she was growing tired of it. But, today, there could be a silver lining. Maybe, after today, she wouldn’t have to pine for someone she couldn’t have and have a real live relationship. Perhaps then she wouldn’t have to worry about leaving her position to keep herself from throwing herself at her boss. For her, it was a win-win situation.

  “I think that will be all. It was a pleasure doing business
with you,” Michaelangelo was saying and she quickly closed out her notes. She stood with those from his meeting as they left.

  “That was a good showing, Mr. Cortelli,” she said. “I will get the necessary documents to accounts payable and get whatever else that you may need.”

  “As ever, Ms. Reynolds, you are efficient. Keep my lunch clear, but I will have to stay in the office just in case an associate of mine will make an appearance. I need you near just in case, on call.”

  “Yes, Mr. Cortelli,” she said, her spirits dropping. Not today. She needed to be able to leave today. If Driven contacted her she needed to be able to meet him. She needed this. But Mr. Cortelli needed her too, and this was her job. She wondered if Driven would be okay with coming in to her office to share lunch with him. It wasn’t ideal, but at least she would be able to see him.

  She entered her office and loaded up her laptop and signed on to the Wi-Fi so she could load her chat program. Driven was already on and she felt her heart speed up.

  Hi, she sent.

  Hello yourself. Last night was…magical, he typed.

  I thoroughly enjoyed myself, Driven.

  Alexio, he typed.


  My name. It’s Alexio. If we will be meeting today, don’t you think that we should at least know each other’s names?

  Alexio. I like that, and I agree. I’m Tanya, she typed, feeling light for the first time in a while.

  So, lunch today?

  I have to stay in the office. Are you fine with coming to me?


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