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Executive Assistant

Page 29

by 12 Author Anthology

  He closed his eyes and concentrated on his breathing.

  “Your interview is here.” Jen called from his office and woke him from his meditation.

  Out of his sanctuary, but still hidden from view in his bathroom, his gaze slid past his very pregnant assistant and found an auburn haired beauty. He needed a moment to drink her in. The light kissed her hair in a sensual display of entwining colors. He followed the line of her pale skin down the length of her legs to dangerous looking spiked black heels. She was the perfect image of a wet dream. Not what he’d been expecting at all.

  Fuck me.

  He pushed at the panel door and walked out into his office, clearing his throat.

  “Colin. There you are. This is Ms. Mary Conroy.” Jen took a deep breath and leaned on his guest chair.

  Mary turned her gaze to him and her bright green eyes held him steady. He wondered what it would take to make her eyes flutter from ecstasy. His cock twitched.

  “Hello, it’s nice to meet you.” He took a step closer and extended his hand, inhaling her vanilla scent.

  “Nice to meet you too, Mr. MacCabe. Thanks for making the time to meet me today.” She took his hand with a firm grip and then turned back to Jen. “Do you want to sit?”

  “No, then I won’t be able to get back up. I’ll be fine. Thanks, though.” She pressed her hands against her lower back and waddled out of his office.

  This pregnancy seemed to be moving much faster the closer it got to her due date. He owed it to Jen to at least give Ms. Conroy a fair shake. He owed it to his growing curiosity to find out what made her tick.

  “Is she going to be okay?” She tugged on her sweater and pushed down on the billows of her silly skirt.

  “She’ll be fine.” He crossed his fingers. He didn’t know what he’d do without Jen for the next couple of months, but her discomfort pushed him to want the baby to come sooner rather than later. “Have a seat. Is this your first time in Chicago?”

  “No, my parents brought me several times before they retired to Florida.” She folded her hands in her lap, fingers clasped.

  “I’ve gone over the documents Jane sent over and I have to say there are several nice references listed here. What can I take away from that?”

  Her eyebrows pinched together. “You can assume I was brought up well, succeeded when given a chance, and I’ve kept my promises.”

  “Interesting choice of words.” At least she’d answered faster than he’d expected. “So, it’s not possible you were brought up by a couple of thieves and learned early on how to cross the line and not get caught?”

  “Hardly.” A bubble of laughter and a flash of a smile crossed her features before she pulled herself back under control. He wanted to see her smile again. He’d have to add it to the growing list of things he wanted from Ms. Mary.

  “You must spend a lot of time on your outreach commitments. Is it hard for you to balance your personal interests and your work commitments?”

  She sat up straighter. “To be honest—”

  “That’s all I ask.” He reached out and took hold of the pen on his desk, without breaking his gaze from hers. With his thumb, he stroked the smooth surface back and forth and wondered if her pussy would be just as smooth.

  “At times I have.” She crossed her legs and grabbed her knee with both hands. “But, I have learned from experience.”

  “Would you expand on that?” He let go of the pen and sat back.

  “I learned to only commit to the things I can finish. I’ve also learned not to deny myself the things I’m passionate about. Plus, the kids I work with help me to keep my head straight.”

  “I can imagine. Will you continue spending time there?”

  “I’ll always be there for the kids.” She uncrossed her legs and leaned on his desk. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Sure, I’m an open book.”

  “You already know if you’re going to hire me, don’t you? You knew before I walked in here.”

  “Maybe.” He admired her for getting to the point. It showed she valued her time and his. His opinion of her doubled.

  “Is there nothing I can do to change your mind?”

  “You want to work for me?”

  “Why wouldn’t I?”

  “I can be inflexible and stubborn.” He could be a damn fool for lusting over the first applicant that walked through the door.

  “I’ve also heard you called controlling, fiercely loyal, successful, and even extravagant.”

  “True.” She’d done her homework.

  A scream wrenched through the air, coming from his lobby.

  “Jen.” He got up from his desk and ran.

  He found her standing at her copier over a puddle of water.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine, only a bit surprised is all. It’s never happened this way before.”

  “Mary, there are towels in the bathroom inside my office.”

  “I’ll get them.” She made quick work out of her task.

  “I’ll call Lori.”

  “She’s already on her way.” She leaned on him as she moved away from the puddle and out of Mary’s way as she started cleaning up. “My contractions started before Mary got here.”

  “Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “I was fine and I wanted a few minutes to finish writing my notes for Mary.” She took a couple of deep breaths through her nose and mouth while squeezing the shit out of his hand. “I’ve already called Nancy. She’s letting everyone in the office know I’m off on leave.”

  Lori barreled through the office front door. “Oh honey, are you okay? I can’t believe this is happening today. How far apart are the contractions?” Her hand pressed against Jen’s forehead, then her belly, and finally grasped her hands. It was a rare show of discombobulation from the normally stoic Lori.

  “I’m fine.” She leaned into her wife for a kiss and the two started for the door. “They’re a few minutes apart.”

  “We’ll go right to the hospital then. Your mom is with the kids.”

  The pair had a solidly happy life. He may not currently envy their soon to be sleepless nights, but the love and devotion was definitely on his want list. There was another reason to get to the club. He wasn’t going to meet his match around the office.

  “My purse.” Jen stopped her forward movement.

  “I’ll get it.” Mary turned around in circles. “Where?”

  “My bottom desk drawer.” After Mary handed the purse to Lori, “Well, your desk now. Right, Colin? You’ll hire her, right?”

  “Don’t worry about that now,” Colin and Lori said in unison.


  “Yes, of course.” He turned to Mary

  “I’ll be here until you get back. He’ll be fine.”

  “Thank you.” Mary turned to Lori and they left.

  The room became quiet and awkward. He looked down at the wet foot prints leading to the door.

  “I’ll get more towels.” Mary left him alone.

  He took a deep breath, pushed his fingers through his hair, and walked to the phone. He’d have to give Mary the option of not staying, but he hoped she’d stay. He couldn’t deny she’d acted fast which was exactly what he needed. He’d have to find a way to work around his fast growing lust for the red haired beauty. After he hung up from talking with the cleaning crew, he realized Mary hadn’t come back from the bathroom.

  He went in search of her. His bathroom door was ajar and so was the panel door inside.


  Chapter Two

  Mary took two more steps into the large room. It was perfection, much like the man who owned the place. The pot lights on the ceiling and the sconces on the wall cast a low glow over the room, highlighting each item, but leaving the spaces between in shadow.

  She swallowed against the desire heating her and made a mental note to call Mistress Charlie to find out if her application had been approved. She hadn’t been in a BDSM club
since she moved to Chicago and it was taking a toll on her. Her birth mother had gone on and on about Club Voyage in her journals and their reputation was just as strong today. Mary desperately wanted to be a part of something that had meant so much to her mother.

  She’d spent the last couple weeks studying the seemingly perfect life of Colin MacCabe. None of her research had prepared her to find this room. He was a Dom. That had to be it.

  At least she no longer had to wonder why he fascinated her. All it took was one look at him in a newspaper clipping. She’d gotten lost in his direct gaze into the camera, the strong line of his jaw, not to mention his obvious confidence as he stood among some of the city’s most influential businessmen. It didn’t help that his assistant was so obviously devoted to him or that he noticeably cared for her. Mary respected him. God help her.

  She wondered what else about Colin she wouldn’t see coming.

  Everything about him called to her as a woman, except he was standing in the way of giving something amazing to a large group of kids, many of them who’d had their hearts broken over and over.

  It all started with a picture. The youth services director at the children’s home brought it to the planning meeting. The picture included members of a private foundation who had been considering donating the final two million required for a much needed park project only blocks away from the home. Without the donation, the city wouldn’t be moving forward on the park. The meeting should have been a celebration. However, the picture with Colin and his sexy smile and the foundation members was evidence of the foundation’s next project, a merger, and the reason why they’d withdrawn their donation offer. They couldn’t hand over the money to the city and the park project had been permanently stalled.

  A part of her may have fallen for Colin with just one look, but she was in his office with only one goal and she would stick to her plan.

  When she recognized Colin’s name on Jane’s client list, it only took a simple suggestion to put her plan in motion. Then, Colin’s assistant stopped returning Jane’s calls. Mary figured it was fate warning her away from her plan, but it all changed today. The call had certainly taken her off guard and so had Colin. The darkness in his gaze was more hypnotizing than she imagined. She’d never seen anyone take the handling of a pen from mundane to sexual, or was it just her wishful thinking? The squeezing of her thighs was doing nothing to calm the need rising within her.

  She released a slow sigh. If she couldn’t get Colin to hire her, there was no way she’d be able to stop the merger. Unfortunately, the man didn’t appear to like her at all. She needed to keep her head together. She was here for one reason and her sexual desires had nothing to do with it. Nothing.

  She walked over to the spanking bench and dragged her finger tips over the leather covering the pads. A question popped into her thoughts.

  How hard would Colin spank?

  Her lungs expanded with the increase in her breathing. She pushed down on her skirt, suddenly quite aware of its short length and the G-string nestled between her cheeks.


  She flinched, but didn’t turn around. Instead, she made her away across the room, further from the man. He’d only said her name, but saying it in this room sent her determination tumbling away from her goal.

  “You don’t have to stay. I’m sure Jane can find me someone else.” He remained near the entrance to the room. The space around her was empty, but she could sense him everywhere. He was an obstacle to what she wanted for the kids. He was a conduit to the desire coursing through her body. She needed to work for him, not seduce him.

  How would she have the guts to pull his work apart behind his back if she let him any further into her thoughts, into her heart?

  She hated that she respected him.

  She hated that she wanted him.

  She needed to save the park.

  “There’s nothing I can do to change your mind?”

  “You still want to work for me?”

  Mary looked up into the ceiling and noticed the suspension rig. She most definitely wanted to work for Colin, but at the moment she couldn’t think of the reasons.

  “A carpenter friend of mine makes ergonomic furniture and he has me test it out for him.” He rubbed the back of his neck.

  “Did he make your St. Andrew’s cross too?” It irked her that he thought her ignorant of what went on in rooms like this. She walked over to the structure and admired the grain in the wood and the high shine of the finish. “It’s beautiful.”

  “You know what that’s for?” He tilted his head.

  “I know exactly what this is for.” She walked to the paddles and pointed to the largest. “I also know, I’d prefer this one over the smallest one you have there, unless you use it to make light taps along my pussy because that would be hot.” Did she just say that out loud? Heat traveled from her core straight to the tips of her ears.

  He barked a laugh. “I thought you were too innocent for me.” He ambled over to her.

  “Hardly, wait, wait? That’s why you didn’t want to hire me?”

  “You seemed like a goody-goody to me. I’ve been working with Jen for a long time. She’s a submissive and gets that side of my nature.”

  “Damn, I hadn’t thought to play my submissive card.” She pulled at her ear. “I can assure you, Mr. MacCabe, I’m not innocent.” She turned back to the wall of toys and noticed the flogger with an emblem on the handle. “Are you a member of Club Voyage?”

  “I am. I’m a Master there actually. Do you know it?”

  “Mistress Charlie should be finalizing my membership this week. I’ve turned in all my paperwork and test results.”

  “Well then, I guess you have changed my mind.” He pulled his phone from his pocket. “That reminds me, I need to have Mistress Charlie start her meal service for Jen and Lori.”

  “I got the job?” She wiggled the nerves from her trembling fingers.

  “If you’re sure you still want to work here.” His thumbs tapped away at the keys and then he slipped the phone back in his pocket.

  Mary looked back at the tiny paddle. She licked her lips and caressed her arm. Goose bumps covered her skin. She wanted the job, but it wasn’t all she wanted. She scraped her teeth back and forth over her lip, trying to decide on her way forward and past the one thought now repeating over and over in her mind.

  How hard would Colin spank?

  “What do you want, Mary?”

  She turned at the rumbling demand in his tone and immediately lowered her gaze. The stitching on his black leather shoes wound around and disappeared under his pant leg. She’d never known a man’s shoes to be so damn sexy.


  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Mary?” He took a step toward her and pushed her chin, raising her gaze to his. “Be honest with me. What do you want?”

  “I can’t do that, Sir.” He wouldn’t want to hear about her plans to ruin his next big project or the impure thoughts dancing in her mind. Maybe together they could figure out another way for the park to get its funding. Maybe she was delusional. She shook her head, needing her wanton desires to quiet.

  “Yes, you can. Tell me what you want.”

  “It would be inappropriate.” A tremble rolled through her frame and she looked to the exit.

  “Seriously, we are standing in my secret sex dungeon. I think we are past inappropriate.”

  She lowered her gaze again, looking for his shoes, but he was standing too close.

  “I have a feeling I’m not the only one that’s missing the club scene.” He grasped her nape and forced her chin up once more. “How long has it been for you?”

  “I haven’t been since I moved.”

  “That was about a month ago, right?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “That’s too long, Mary. You need to take better care of yourself. The next couple months are going to be extremely important to me. I need your head clear if we are going to work together.”
  Now that her body wanted to know his touch, to give into his command, she couldn’t think about anything else.

  “I’m feeling very giving at the moment. I’ll provide you with anything you ask for.” His thumb caressed the edge of her jaw. “It’s up to you, Mary. What do you want?”

  She squeezed her eyes shut and looked for a way out without embarrassing herself.

  “Answer my question, Mary.” His sharp tone was delivered with a squeeze to her neck.

  “I want to know how hard you spank.” It was an improper thing to ask of a potential boss, the man she wanted to despise.

  “Good girl.” He rubbed her neck. “I have a question for you.” He brushed her hair off her face and then continued his caress down her arm. “Do you want to find out right now?”

  She looked to the exit.

  “My staff knows not to come back here.” He took a step away from her. “You haven’t answered my question. Do you want to find out right now?”

  “Yes, Sir.” She wanted him to take her away from thoughts of her devious plan and maybe even punish her for having them in the first place.

  “Last question, what’s your safe word?”


  “There’s just one problem.” He squeezed her hand. “I prefer nothing between my hand and my submissive.” He removed his suit jacket and hung it on a hook on the wall.

  She licked her lips, but didn’t move.

  “Strip now or the taps to your pussy will be anything but light.” He unbuttoned and rolled his shirt cuffs.

  She yanked her sweater from under the waist of her skirt, pulled it over her head, and flung it to the side of the room. One tug is all it took and her skirt fell to the floor, leaving her in only her bra, G-string, and high heels.

  “Keep going. I need to see all of you.”

  His command stoked her need to share herself with him. She slipped off her heels and made quick work of removing the tiny garments from her body and pushed them to the edge of the room. Once she was back in front of him, she widened her stance, relaxed her knees, and clasped her hands behind her back.


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