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Executive Assistant

Page 33

by 12 Author Anthology

  “You really should.” She smiled up at him as she stood and wiped her hands on her skirt. “It’s great exercise and a lot more fun than getting all contorted up in a yoga class.”

  “Don’t knock it until you tried it,” he said, unable to help himself from imaging their bodies twisted together in something that wasn’t exactly a proper yoga posture.

  “Where’s the class at?” she asked. “Maybe I will give it a try.”

  “The Body Shoppe just over on Demonbreun.” Before chickening out, he added, “I’ll buy you a chai tea afterwards… if you’d like.”

  “I’m not sure what that is,” she said, a smile never leaving her heart shaped face. “But I’ll try anything once. How about you?”

  “I drink it all the time. In fact…” He went over to his mini fridge and pulled out a bottle of Bolthouse vanilla chai tea. “I’ve got some right here.”

  “I didn’t mean the tea.” She laughed and picked up the candle to sniff it before reading the label. “Love in Bloom. Tea and candles. Aren’t you the romantic.”

  “Well, it’s not like I can keep a bottle of wine on ice here at work.”

  “Better to stick with vodka at work since it doesn’t smell.” His eyes must have widened in shock, because she added, “I’m just kidding. I only drink vodka on the weekends and well after seven p.m.”

  “Good to know.” He poured the chai tea into two cups, thankful Sue had gotten him the red tea set he kept on top of the fridge. That looked a hell of a lot better than offering drinks in plastic cups. “Here.” He handed her one of the cups. “Try it.”

  Lauren took a sip and licked her lips. “Not bad. I’ll definitely take you up on the tea date. Well, on one condition.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You come to next week’s line dance class at Tootsie’s and let me buy you a shot of vodka, or whatever liquor you might prefer.”

  Was she hitting on him? It had been so long that Jackson wasn’t even sure. But, vodka, at night. Yeah, that sounded like an official date. Trying not to appear as excited as he felt, he said, “Sure, if I can get off work in time…and if it’s okay, I’d really just prefer a beer.”

  “Beer it is.”

  She sat back down at his desk, plugged in the tower and pressed the power button. His computer beeped once and the screen flashed back to life.

  “What did you do to fix it?” he asked.

  “In non-geek speak, I powered it off and back on.” She shrugged. “The power supply somehow got turned off.”

  “From when I kicked it, I bet.” He laughed, shaking his head. “I feel like such an idiot.”

  “That’s okay.” She flashed a mischievous smile. “Idiots keep the helpdesk employed.”

  “Cool,” he said, feeling anything but. “How about my files?”

  “Let me see what I can do.”


  Anything to say here just a little longer, Lauren thought, as she pretended to scan his hard drive. “What’s the name of that file?” she asked, the mouse already hovering over the most recent files.

  “The May monthly reports,” he said, leaning over to where she got a good whiff of his cologne, or maybe it was aftershave. Whatever it was, he sure smelled good. Kinda earthy and spicy and all man.

  She opened the file in compatibility view and then renamed it and saved it to the desk top before reopening it. “There you go.”

  He leaned a little closer and she breathed him in as he scanned through the file. “Prefect. Thanks so much.”

  “No biggie,” she said, just as a loud clap of thunder startled her into jumping just a little closer to him.

  “It’s really coming down out there,” he said, resting a surprisingly comforting arm on her shoulder.

  “Yeah,” she agreed.

  There was a pop and boom and the lights went out, leaving the office illuminated only by the candle on his desk.

  “Sounded like it hit a transformer.” She got up and went over to the window to look down on the street below. “Yeah, looks like it took out the whole area.”

  “What about my files?” he asked.

  “Your files are fine,” she assured him. “I saved the file to your desktop and it will be right there waiting when the power comes back on.”

  “Whew.” He pretended to wipe imaginary sweat from his brow. “I guess this is the perfect excuse for us to finish off this tea. You don’t want to try to go downstairs in the dark.”

  “I’ve–” She stopped herself from saying she had a flashlight in her tool bag. “Yeah, that sounds like a great idea.”

  Lauren took a tea cup from him, letting her hand linger over his just a tad longer than necessary. A straight laced tea party. What a waste of a potentially awesome make out moment, she thought, as he started to go back over to his desk. She sipped on the tea trying to think of something she could do to hype up the sexual tension. Just to keep the conversation coming, she asked, “Have you been to a Titans games?”

  “I have season tickets.”

  “Cool, I’m still learning my way around town. Do you park here and walk over the pedestrian bridge?” She pointed toward the bridge, pretending to look for the entrance.

  “Yes, the few times that I’ve actually been able to use my tickets.” He took the hint and came over to stand behind her. “The green roof is also great for watching fireworks. Have you tried it?”

  “I didn’t think us lowly IT people had access to the green roof.”

  “I don’t think there are any restrictions on it,” he said, not picking up on her sarcasm, but stepping a little closer. He reached across, brushing his arm against hers as he pointed just past the bridge. “The fireworks go off right over the river, so we’ve got perfect views from this building inside or out.”

  Nice, but how the hell was she supposed to get some fireworks going with him? “From up here, yeah. Not so much from downstairs.” She placed the empty teacup on top of the fridge and went back to the window. “Were you here during the flood in, what was it, 2010?”

  “Yes.” Jackson sat his cup beside hers and came to stand beside her. “LP Field was completely under water. It looked like a big swimming pool.” He went behind her, reaching around again to point to the pedestrian bridge. “You could only see the very top of the bridge before the water started receding.”

  A brilliant bolt of lightning streaked across the sky, dangerously close to the window. She startled, taking a step backwards and falling into his chest. He surprised her by putting his arms around her, holding her longer than the necessary time it took to regain her balance. She leaned back into his sudden embrace, strategically bumping her ass against his crotch. Was that the beginnings of a boner she’d felt pressed against her butt?

  Should she? Would she? What if? What was the worse thing that could happen? Why not? Now…

  Jackson wasn’t letting go of her and she was pretty sure from that butt bump that she had piqued his interest. Lauren decided to go for it, allowing her body to melt a little deeper into his embrace. He didn’t seem to mind, so she just went with it and carefully twisted around to meet his gaze.

  “Are you alright?” he asked.

  “Almost.” She licked and pursed her lips, just willing him to break down and kiss her. Damn, was she really going to have to do all the work? Another bolt of lightning streaked across LP Field. She blinked from the sudden glare and with her heart hammering decided to go for it.

  Lauren twirled around with one of her best stripper moves and leaned in to kiss him. His lips were just as soft and pliable as she’d expected. Maybe too soft. No, wait. It took him a couple of seconds to catch up to the kiss and take it up a notch further with a little tongue slippage. She coiled her arm around his waist, not wanting their mouths to part anytime in the foreseeable future. Jackson seemed to be right on the same wavelength. He kept right on kissing her like a man starved for her mouth. Forget about the storm outside. It was nothing compared to the sensations going on in Lauren’s hea
d, and various other hot spots.

  “I’m sorry,” Jackson said, completely breaking the spell.

  “Don’t be. That was pretty damn amazing. In fact…” Lauren plunged right back into another delicious kiss.”

  “Are you really sure about this?” he asked, pulling his mouth away from hers.

  “Oh, hell yeah.” She looked into his eyes, not wanting him to doubt her forwardness. “Now where were we?”

  Jackson reached for her hands, making her think he wanted to push her away. Instead he entwined his fingers around hers and she squeezed them tightly, following him over to the couch beneath the other floor-to-ceiling window.

  “Nice view you have here,” she said.

  “It looks a lot better with you in it.”

  He went back to kissing her, slow and deep, not giving her a chance to try to come up with any kind of a response. They sat down on the couch, not tearing their lips apart as they groped at each other like the horny kids they’d been way back in high school. More kissing and less talking. Yeah, that worked just fine for Lauren. Making out with Jackson Haywood was better than any of her teenage fantasies. Each taste of his tongue sent Lauren one step closer to never wanting Jackson to stop.

  When they finally came up for air, he gave her such an intense look, his brow furrowing and his eyes so amazingly blue.

  “I don’t want to stop,” he said, his voice heavy with desire.

  Lauren ran a finger over his lips. “Me either.”

  She tugged on his tie, twisting it in her hand as she pulled it loose.

  “But… here?” His words seemed to catch in his throat. “At work.”

  “So?” She kissed him quiet before adding, “We’re probably the only two people left in the whole building.”

  “Yeah, but–”

  “No more buts, unless you’re saying butt, as in ass.”

  He laughed as she worked open the first few buttons on his shirt.

  “Come on.” She leaned in, pressing her breasts suggestively against his chest. “Don’t tell me you’ve never even at least fantasized about doing it right here in front of this window. Right here with all of Nashville watching you fuck.”

  He shook his head, his eyes widening.

  “For real?” Now it was her turn to laugh.

  “No one can really see,” he gulped, making her wish she could ply him with something a lot stronger than chai tea, “through these windows.”

  “Aw, come on and just play along.” She grabbed hold of his arms and he went along with allowing her to hold them over his head. “I know, let’s play a little game.”

  “What do you have in mind?”

  “A little something to loosen you up.” She kissed him, still holding his hands over his head, before looking around the room as she worked up the nerve to actually do what she’d been thinking. “This whole doing it in the office totally turns me on, but if you’ve got a hang up with it….”

  Both of them looked to the window and the pouring rain. She shook her head. “No way do we want to go outside in that.”

  “No,” he agreed.

  “So, how about?” She took his hand and pulled him up, leading him to his executive office chair. “You come over here. Just sit back and relax.”

  Lauren shoved him into the chair and, grabbing his tie from the floor, playfully tied his hands together before looping the tie around the arm of the chair.

  “What… what are you doing?”

  “We both know you could pull that knot loose in about two seconds, but just play along with me now.”

  “Do I have any other choice?”


  Lauren’s seductive smile left Jackson not wanting any other choice. He watched with anticipation as she turned her back to him to get into her bag. She pulled out her iPhone and pushed some buttons.

  “I think we’ll just go with random shuffle.” She gave him a questioning look. “Unless you’ve got a favorite stripper song and it just happens to be in my iTunes library.”

  “Random works for me.”

  “Okay then.” She pressed a button and placed the phone on his desk. “Not exactly a blasting stereo, but…”

  She twirled around, rocking to the pulsing beat of a song he didn’t immediately recognize, something loud and gritty, a song that had probably played at a high school dance in the gymnasium at South Meck.

  Jackson wasn’t exactly the dancing type, unless it came down to slow dancing to cop a teenage feel. He felt a strange relief to be tied up to where he only had to bob his head along in a not so coordinated attempt to keep up with the song’s intense bass beat.

  Lauren gyrated her hips, slowly unzipping the denim miniskirt and dropping it to the floor to reveal a pair of hot pink panties that barely covered the generous curve of her ass. She moved with the precision of a practiced stripper, definitely not a computer nerd in tech support.

  Jackson sat back, enjoying her performance too much to consider how weird it all was. Just how far was Lauren actually going to take this impromptu striptease? Once again he found himself grateful for the mock bondage. It gave him the perfect excuse to do nothing other than observe as a captive audience.

  She sidled over to him and shimmied down to her knees as she slowly popped one button at a time down the front of her blouse. “Does the three foot rule apply in your office?”

  He gulped nervously, trying to slow down his racing heart. “No. I don’t think so.”

  “Good.” She leaned in and kissed him.

  Jackson hungrily kissed her back before she spun around again. He quickly glanced away, wondering if it was appropriate to stare at the matching pink bra that barely contained her ample breasts. She whipped off her blouse and wrapped it around his neck, making it hard not to take full notice of her breasts as she pulled him in close enough to almost stick his tongue out and lap at them.

  Lauren teasingly backed away. “Not yet.”

  She turned her back to him, bending over to put the round moons of her ass on full display. From the way she moved he couldn’t help but think she’d danced like this a time or two before. Oh, man, was Lance going to be so jealous.

  On the last riff of the song she reached around and unhooked her bra, holding it dangling from her hand, to drop it on the floor. She twirled around slowly, her arm covering her breasts. He inhaled sharply as her hand slowing fell away to her hip, putting her breasts on full glorious display just as a bolt of lightning ripped across the window—providing a backlighting that couldn’t have been any more perfectly choreographed.

  She smiled impishly and took a bow. He would have clapped or maybe offered her every bill in his wallet, except when he went to pull his hands free he realized that they were bound much tighter than he’d realized.

  Taking advantage of his newly noticed actual vulnerability, she dropped to her hands and knees to crawl toward him like a lioness stalking her prey.

  Lauren looked up at him, her big green eyes limpid. “What did you think of my little performance?”


  “Don’t go un-ing the fuck.” She laughed and ran her hand up his leg, dangerously close to his now obvious erection. “Fucking is the best part.”

  No, she wasn’t. Yes, she was.

  She slowly and deliberately unzipped his pants, sending his heart to racing so hard he feared it might leap right out of his chest. Luckily, it was his dick that sprang to attention, sporting a boner the likes of which he probably hadn’t experienced since their days at South Meck.

  Lauren looked up at him. “Can I have a taste?”

  All he could do was nod as her tongue swirled around his cock.

  She took his dick delicately at first with those teasing laps and swirls, gradually building to taking his full length in her mouth. He looked down at her lips wrapped around his dick and she was so damn gorgeous it took all he had not to bust a load right then and there.

  “If you keep doing that…” His words caught in his throa
t. “I… I… don’t know how much longer I can last.”

  She stopped working his cock with her mouth and grinned up at him. “We’ve got all night, don’t we?”

  “I guess so.”

  “Then go ahead and cum for me,” she said, still working his cock with her hand. “That’ll make you last longer when you finally get around to fucking me.”

  Her mouth went back to his dick and that was just about all it took. He came with a vengeance that only six months of celibacy can produce. She kept sucking him down and licked his cock clean before smiling up at him, still licking her lips.

  “Now what are you going to do to pay me back?” she asked.

  “I don’t know,” he said, gasping to catch his breath. “Give me a minute to think of something that doesn’t involve dancing.”

  “What?” She giggled. “You aren’t gonna strip for me?”

  “I don’t think my dancing would be much of a turn on.” He shook his head. “Not after the way you did it.”

  She turned away from him, suddenly reaching for her discarded blouse. “I guess you could say the playing field isn’t too even, since I’m not exactly an amateur.”

  Surely she wasn’t what that implied. A hooker? He’d called the helpdesk, not ‘Dial-a-Whore’. “Excuse me,” he finally said.

  “I’ve worked as a dancer, silly,” she said, leaning back against his desk and folding her hands across her breasts. “And just so you know I don’t normally offer up blow jobs at the end of my performances.”

  “You mean a stripper?”

  “Dancer,” she quickly corrected. “Any slut can take off her clothes.”

  “Dancer,” he repeated. “Where did you dance at?”

  “Paper Dolls.” She tossed back her hair, not looking the least concerned about his reaction. “Here and back home in Charlotte, where the money was much better, I might add.”

  “Isn’t the helpdesk a kind of weird career change?”


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