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Crimson Storm

Page 3

by V L Moon

  “What was that?” Lachi whispered, his voice edged with concern. Laziel’s smile grew bigger. His heart swelled. He cradled Lachi’s cheek against his palm.

  “It seems she feeds from us both. Your blood nourishes her the same way mine feeds you. And my light, my celestial light, feeds her in much the same way. This is all new to both of us, Azaria. A learning curve of sorts. I don’t know what our daughter will be capable of or what she might surprise us with as she grows. But one thing’s for sure, it’s going to be funnier than Hell watching you lose your shit once she hits her teens.”

  Laziel chuckled at the look of horror on Lachi’s face. He leaned over to press his lips to the vampire’s cheek. He kissed Destahny, too, and lifted her into the cradle of his arms. She continued to sleep so sweetly.

  “I’ve only ever seen such beauty once before.” Laziel looked up at Lachi who watched him carefully. The image of the vampire swathed in an aura of celestial light flickered through their mutual bond, sharing the image Laziel had previously shown Lachi before Destahny’s birth. The image was one Laziel would always remember. One day, he would have it commissioned and added to his collection within the vaults below their feet. One of Destahny in the arms of her fathers would also be added. A memory to be kept forever like the love they shared.


  Chapter Three


  After placing Destahny in the protective cocoon of her fathers’ arms, Roman found himself standing outside of the royal chambers still facing the ornately carved doors. He wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but he couldn’t find the wherewithal to leave. A wild influx of emotions battered him. His heart refused to be denied the answers he’d sought throughout his life.

  Destahny’s presentation to the Council. Malachi's betrothal, if that's what it was called, to Laziel. The demon attack on their liege invoked by the man who'd claimed to be his father. And then, there was Him. The dark haired male thrown at Malachi's feet.

  Throughout the chaos and turmoil, it was the male’s presence within the council’s chambers that snared Roman’s attention. The urge to protect him had been strong, more so than his need to protect his king. That thought alone left Roman feeling a bit concerned. But, he couldn’t deny the connection, the pull. Even in that moment a distant, yet oddly familiar, essence tugged at his conscious mind. Roman was positive that if he explored the newfound connection, he’d find the male known as Vischeral Bourne on the other side of the link. It wavered between them, fluctuating in strength.

  Roman reached out, pushing through the darkened corners of his mind. Ghostly whispers rose up to meet him. They slammed into Roman’s mind, tearing and snarling with rabid ferocity before receding to curl around the darkened form of the male whose blood called to him. Roman pushed again. The protective shadow of the wolf reared up once more to show rows of razor sharp teeth. Behind the hazy show of anger, Roman detected a thick undercurrent of hunger and fear.

  “Find Copi!” The words surged into Roman’s mind. The force behind them brought Roman to his knees.

  Who was he? Malachi hadn't reacted, at least not visibly, but his rage had been palpable in the air. And, the angel? It was obvious Laziel more than disliked the vampire male. But why? And who was Copi, and how was Darklon involved yet again?

  All of the questions revolved around the one that screamed at him the loudest. Why did Roman feel connected to the male? His very soul recognized a part of himself in the stranger as soon as he was thrown into the room. But, it was his face that shocked Roman the most. It was like looking into the future, an older version of himself.

  “He's going to be okay, Rome. Laziel's with him.” Tobias's hands eased him up, onto his feet. The concern in his voice broke through Roman’s thoughts, disrupting them as only his wolf could. Roman turned. His eyes must have revealed his disquiet. Tobias growled and stepped closer, wrapping strong arms around him. “Tell me.”

  Roman returned the embrace, needing his mate's strength to combat the tremors in his body. “Did you see him?” he asked.

  Tobias chuckled. “Come on vamp, there were a lot of hims to see in that room. You'll have to be more specific.” When the jest combined with a swift swat on the ass didn't draw a reaction, Tobias leaned back and narrowed his eyes.

  “He was me, only older. I thought my mother was being coy to protect the King, but…,” Roman swallowed and struggled to remember what his mother had only recently told him about his father.

  “I think this conversation needs to be held elsewhere,” Tobias said and tugged at Roman's hip. He didn't resist when his wolf led him back through the hallways to their shared chambers. Newly turned, starving; yet, gentle. Had she said tall and dark? She'd been human then. He had fed from her; his father had drank of her vein. Another conversation erupted from the chaos of his mind. Malachi never feeds from any save Laziel.

  Saul had passed along that tidbit when Roman voiced concerns about Malachi's waning appearance during Lorenza's captivity. The King was also pure blooded, not a mix of races. He'd thought his mother told him that to throw him off, but the glimpse of that face, his face, had torn the foundations of Roman's life from beneath him. Was he, in truth, a descendant of Darklon? Was he by blood a DeSangue? He shuddered with revulsion.

  “Roman! God damn it, vampire. Snap out it, or I swear to fuck I'm going to punch you.” Tobias's snarl vibrated through their bond. Roman blinked several times and shook his head, trying to get his thoughts in order.

  Tobias reached out and took his hand, twining their fingers. Concern etched his rugged, beautiful features. “You are seriously freaking me out, Rome. Which him are you talking about? Darklon, Malachi, the demon? Or, was it Laziel? You’ve got the hots for the angel after that show of power don't you? It was pretty damned impressive, kind of made my dick stand up and take notice, too. Malachi is one lucky son-of-a-oooof! What the hell?” Tobias rubbed his abused abs and glared at him. Roman glared right back.

  “I am not horny for the angel. You're all I need in that department. I was talking about the male Darklon threw at Malachi's feet.”

  Tobias dropped all of his usual playfulness and grew serious. “I know who you meant, but you were unnerving me with that intense faraway look.” Tobias leaned in and kissed him. All of the jumpiness in Roman's gut gave a final leap and calmed. He relaxed into Tobias's embrace. The kiss went on for several minutes, each of them hungry for the other. Their time was always so rushed with Tobias living with his pack in the Appalachian Mountains and Roman assigned as Elder to the South American enclave in Brazil.

  When his mate pulled back, Roman smiled ruefully. “Sorry, I went a bit intense on you.” He leaned forward so their foreheads rested against each other. “I think…he looked like me, didn't he? It was the weirdest thing. It was like I knew him, had known him for years. He's still here somewhere. I can feel him, hear him. Not much, but enough to know he’s alive and in a great deal of pain.” Roman pulled away, stood and paced to the overlarge leather sofa.

  “I really didn't get a good look at him before Laziel put on the feather duster display,” Tobias spoke up, but Roman's thoughts tumbled forward.

  “Is he Darklon's son?” Roman shuddered. “That would explain all of the pictures where he was holding Loz. Fuck! The pictures, I forgot about the pictures. I can show you.” Roman tugged Tobias into the bedroom and went to the desk. He opened several drawers before finding what he wanted.

  “You remember when Darklon dragged me away after the treaty was signed?” Roman asked. Tobias growled his affirmative. “You know he took me to where Lorenza was being held. Variations of these covered the walls in her room.” Roman handed him the picture he'd originally delivered to Malachi. “I thought it was me when I first saw them, but the eyes are black where mine are green.”

  Tobias glanced from the portrait to Roman. “The resemblance is unmistakeable, Rome, but neither of you look like DeSangue.”

  “I have to find out who he is, for me and for my mothe
r.” Roman took the picture back and crossed the room to sit on the bed, studying the male. “Darklon has to know I revealed Loz's location because you were attacked just as he said you would be. So, there's no chance he'll talk to me.”

  Roman looked up at Tobias. “But, in that room when I tried to reach out, I swear I heard that male talking in my head. He was in a lot of pain, but the name he called out has to be someone that knows him. Otherwise, why ask me to find him? Copi. I’m sure that’s what he said. Find Copi.” Tobias joined him on the bed and slipped an arm around his waist.

  “We'll worry about it tomorrow. It's late and it's been a hectic night,” Tobias murmured and ran his lips along the vein in Roman's throat. Despite the turmoil in his mind, Roman's body awakened to his lover's touch. He groaned when sharp canines nipped at his flesh.

  “You are ever insatiable, wolf,” he accused, but turned to meet Tobias' seeking lips. The kiss was deep, passionate and full of his wolf's hunger. The picture gripped in his hand was plucked away and dropped to the floor. Tobias leaned him back across the mattress and moved to straddle his lap.

  Tawny blonde curls fell to brush against his cheeks as his mate loomed over him. Yellow eyes flashed with mischief and carnal intent.

  “If you weren't so damned sexy, vampire, I might be able to control myself,” Tobias teased closing the distance between them to brush their lips together. “Lucky me, no one's around to rescue you from the big bad wolf.”

  Roman sat up like lightening had struck, catching Tobias around the waist so he wouldn't fall to the floor. “Laziel has to know. He rescued us. Mother said he came for us and took us to Mendeeto. She was still human. But why, if he hates the male so much? Why rescue my mother and me?”

  Tobias laid gentle fingers across his lips. “Slow down, Rome. No way in hell are you getting back in the King's chambers tonight. He's injured and Laziel is in one hell of a protective mood. He'll singe your flesh from your bones, and melt your fangs to make a teething ring for the babe. And besides that, you need to chill before you go flinging questions at people, especially ones they may not want to answer.”

  “But…,” Soft lips replaced the fingers. Gliding back and forth, they made no demands, just offered comfort. The questions, the need to know battled for supremacy, but nothing stood against Tobias’s onslaught. Roman gave up and succumbed to the distraction Tobias offered. His arms tightened, pulling the wolf in closer. Tobias moaned his approval. Everything faded except the male in his arms.


  Chapter Four


  The incessant need to shed his skin and run pushed to the forefront of Tobias’s mind. Fur bristled beneath the surface of his skin and a fine sheen of sweat peppered his brow. Tobias resisted the urge to roll from the bed where Roman lay wrapped around him; their limbs entwined keeping them locked together.

  There was no sense in trying to calm the unease of the beast within, not with the scent of sex and blood thickening the air in the room. It made it nearly impossible to breathe without ramping up his prominent arousal. The insatiable need to mark Roman as his never wavered. The strength of his wolf’s bond only heightened Tobias’s senses. However, this was different.

  A feeling of unease settled upon Tobias’s shoulders, and with each tick of the clock, fingers of urgency and discord added to his restlessness. Something was wrong. Energized by the closeness and earlier coupling with his mate, Tobias slipped from Roman’s embrace and padded barefoot and naked into the next room.

  The change came both instantly and painlessly due to the blood of the alpha running through his veins. There was no use in fighting it. However much he desired to be there with Roman, his duty to his father, the wolf Summus, and his pack would always take him away from Roman. The thought maimed him, speared through his heart.

  His fur bristled at the probing awareness pushing at his mind. It forced Tobias to open up and allow his alpha and the rest of his pack the access they needed to feel Tobias’s presence. The miles between continents made little difference given the strength of the Summus, especially when it came to the thoughts and feelings of his pack members. Worry and an increased sense of urgency swamped Tobias’s mind. It was immediately followed by a sense of pain brought about from years of grief. An image of his closest cousin, Sage, filled Tobias’s mind. He pushed hard at the fear surrounding her image and growled at the imagery pouring through his mind.

  “You need to leave, pup?” Roman’s fingers stroked through his fur. Tobias whined in response. He ran his muzzle along the side of Roman’s throat toward the back of his ear, scenting his skin and marking him as a part of the pack. Roman returned the gesture by burying his face in Tobias’s neck.

  “I miss you already. Whatever it is, please be safe. You need me for anything, just call and I’ll be there,” Roman whispered into his fur.

  Tobias growled at the “pup” endearment and licked Roman’s face with a slobbery tongue in retaliation. He was rewarded with a swat on his rump as he padded from the room. He reverted to human form and headed to the airport for the long flight home.

  As much as it pained them both, Tobias couldn’t rebuke the call of his alpha. Yet, the agony of leaving his mate behind filled him with a sense of loss that would stay with him until the Fates found a way to bring them back together. Tobias hoped it would be sooner rather than later as he rubbed at the ache in his chest.


  Chapter Five


  Northern United States

  Oblivious to the cold biting at her feet, Sage struggled against the pain and revulsion tightening her gut. She fought to calm the ragged rasps of breath and the thump of her heart pounding against the wall of her chest. In pain and terrified, Sage hunkered down and listened. Her eyes darted around in the darkness, looking and waiting, sure someone might hear her. She needed time, just a few minutes to draw some much needed air into her tired and burning lungs.

  From the moment Khurn returned from the attack on her Uncle Jorn’s pack, Sage had sensed a difference in him, a prevailing darkness that seemed to grow in conjunction with his anger. She’d tried to help, using the calming nature of her beta power to ease her mate’s rage. However, Khurn turned the tide of his fury on her. Tears streaked her bloody, beaten face, stinging the open wounds. The bite was much like the words that had spewed, unrestrained from Khurn’s mouth. His heart-breaking betrayal of her father, their pack and of her love for all three sickened her.

  What she’d made out from Khurn’s enraged ramblings was both terrifying and dangerous for everyone living within the preternatural world. It didn’t take a genius to figure out her husband had allied himself to the lunatic vampire responsible for decimating many of his own race in his bid to take the throne from the pure blood king. He was crazy and gossip had it Darklon was dabbling in the realms of the demons and Nephilim in an attempt to gain more power.

  Rumor was rife within their world with little ever being heard from Rome. With her Uncle Jorn and his Appalachian pack allying the packs to the vampire king and agreeing to a resigning of the ancient truce, Sage believed there to be more truth to the rumors than she first believed.

  When she voiced her concerns regarding her Uncle Jorn and the attack, Khurn lashed out, striking her in mid-change. He’d used his clawed hands to gouge at her face and rip into her flesh before throwing her into the chamber beneath his woodland ranch. With no way to escape and unable to change form without drawing Khurn’s attention, she’d curled herself into a ball, broken by her husband, his betrayal of their union and the pack she’d devoted her life to after their mating.

  When she’d first met Khurn, he was the alpha of a rogue pack consisting of other ousted alphas from surrounding packs. He'd been besotted by her delicate features, her paper white complexion and fascinated by her genteel nature and pooling mass of snow white hair. He’d charmed her and won over both of her parents. Khurn courted her, showing her over a number of months the wondrous lifestyle he'd made f
or himself and his pack.

  Sage shuddered. Visions, so many different faces, swamped her deteriorating field of vision, blurring her eyes. The searing heat of tears scalded her face. It had all been a lie. The lifestyle and his affections, the promises of a family, of a future were all in ruins, along with her life. Pulling her knees tight into her chest, Sage ignored the throbbing and stinging pain inflicted when they’d taken turns with her body and defiled her flesh.

  She curled into herself protectively and stayed still. Her ears pricked, listening for any clue that Khurn and his pack were anywhere close to finding where she hid. When the only sound Sage picked up was the howl of the wind, she unfurled her bloody and bruised legs from her abused body. She lifted her head making sure to stay under the cover of the night and took small sniffs.

  Her nasal receptors drank in every discernible scent within a five mile radius. Deftly, she filtered through the mundane human aromas to seek the trail of the pack she'd escaped. Finally, she let out a whimpering breath when no familiar scent registered. Sage moaned softly at the volley of pain assaulting her body. She wasn't sure if anything was broken; however, she wouldn’t be surprised if there was after the last beating she'd taken.

  Her ribs ached; her left eye was virtually swollen shut and various scrapes, cuts and bruises marred the ashen flesh of her naked body. With nothing on except a quickly snatched coat, Sage gritted her teeth and rose up to her full five foot height. She swayed slightly when a wave of pain rolled over her senses and threatened to knock her back off of her feet.


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