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The Assassin's Destiny (Isle of Dreams)

Page 21

by Jones, Kirsten

  ‘We really need to get going.’ Phantasm snapped impatiently.

  Mistral felt the double grip on her arms tighten again, propelling her forwards. The path slid away beneath her stumbling feet. She was aware, in a vague sort of way that it was a beautiful day and strangely, she seemed to be able to hear the sound of the sea.

  ‘What’s that noise?’ she asked in a bewildered tone. ‘It’s … like waves on the shore –’

  ‘Nothing for you to worry about.’ Phantom said quickly.

  Time seemed to operate outside of the normal rules. One moment every step seemed to take an age then suddenly she was rounding the last bend in the path and the village square appeared before her. She halted abruptly, staring in terror. The sound of the sea had actually been the entire population of the village talking while they waited for her to arrive.

  ‘No! No! I can’t do that!’ she moaned, shaking her head and staring in wide-eyed fear at the blurred mass of colour that packed the village square. A clear walk-way through the crowd led to an archway of flowers where Mistral could just make out a figure in a white shirt.

  ‘I knew we should have blindfolded her.’ Phantom muttered.

  ‘I agree it would have been easier, but unfortunately it is actually a legal requirement for the bride to be able to see who she is marrying.’

  ‘Well you can’t carry her down the aisle, or whatever you want to call that.’ Phantom glanced disdainfully at the path through the crowd.

  ‘Why is it so bright?’ Mistral asked in a dazed voice.

  ‘It’s a wedding Mistral.’ Phantasm explained patiently. ‘Everyone has dressed up.’

  She stared around wildly at the twins to realise that they were wearing dark blue shirts and new-looking black trousers. She noted dimly that Phantom had been right, blue did suit them … then her gaze was dragged back to the throng of people in front of her. There were so many! And all of them looking at her. She began to shake uncontrollably.

  ‘How are we going to get her to move?’ Phantom hissed urgently. ‘Can’t we just use our gift?’

  ‘No. She’s going to have to do it herself.’

  Mistral’s eyes moved jerkily over the crowd, seeking out the one face that would make her even manage a single step. With a growing sense of panic she realised that she couldn’t see the familiar black-shirted figure of Fabian anywhere.

  ‘Where is he?’ she cried in a hysterical whisper.

  ‘There –’

  Mistral followed Phantom’s pointing finger with her eyes and saw the figure in the white shirt she had noticed earlier, standing beneath the archway.

  She narrowed her eyes and stared. The dark hair was definitely his, a tousled mass hanging nearly to his shoulders … but a white shirt?

  ‘You didn’t think he’d be in his usual tatty attire did you?’ Phantasm asked in a weary voice. ‘Honestly, you two are so well matched, both unwilling to give up your scruffy clothes.’

  Mistral continued to stare at Fabian in frozen silence, willing him to come and get her.

  ‘I’ve heard of reluctant grooms being dragged from the local tavern to get married but never a reluctant bride!’ Brutus exclaimed in a low voice. ‘All of the girls my brother asks normally start trying to get him down the aisle the same day!’

  Mistral stared at Fabian, desperately needing to see his eyes, to hear his velvet voice telling her that she could do this, but he was too far away for her to even make out his face clearly. With a brightness to rival the sun appearing from behind a cloud Fabian’s aura exploded around his head in a startling haze of bright yellow. She instantly smiled and felt her racing heart slow. Fabian was happy. The aura continued to shimmer and swirl brightly against the blue sky. Mistral gazed at it, drawing strength from the colour of his emotions only for her heart to stall when twin orbs of white and amethyst suddenly bloomed, threatening to eclipse the glorious yellow.

  ‘I wish he’d come and get her, this is started to get embarrassing.’ Phantom whispered.

  ‘He won’t.’ Mistral said quietly. ‘I have to want to go down to him.’

  She stared again at the fear and trepidation in his aura. He obviously thought she was going to back out, turn and run, leave him standing there alone. Her heart twisted. How could he think that?

  Taking a deep breath Mistral forced her leaden feet to move. She took one faltering step, then another and suddenly she was running. Grabbing the hem of her dress to stop her from falling she sprinted down the path with Prospero bounding along beside her, barking joyously. She ran into the square, feeling the cobbles beneath her fragile shoes, passing by a blurred sea of faces, not seeing anyone but the tall figure waiting for her at the end. In three long strides Fabian reached her and she flung herself into his open arms. Sweeping her from her feet he carried her the last few steps to stand beneath the arch with her still held in his arms. He didn’t speak but looked down at her with an expression of such wild joy that all of her fears instantly vanished.

  Setting her down lightly on her feet, Fabian took both her hands and looked intently into her eyes. Mistral gazed back, feeling again the same helpless sensation of falling until she was completely immersed in those fathomless depths, black and utterly divine. She slowly became aware of a high, sighing voice and realised hazily that the Divinus was conducting the ceremony. She had absolutely no idea what he was saying. There was nothing in her world apart from the man holding her hands and looking at her with an expression of such complete and utter love that she never wanted to look away.

  Suddenly she heard Fabian’s velvet voice speaking but couldn’t make out the words. He fell silent then gazed at her, his expression expectant, making her realise dully that he was waiting for her to respond to something the Divinus had said.

  ‘Er … yes?’ she whispered uncertainly and Fabian’s face instantly blazed with a look of triumph. Raising both her hands up to his lips, he kissed them tenderly. When he released them she realised that he had slipped a ring onto her finger.

  Mistral stared at the silver ring. It was a simple band, unadorned save for a cluster of black stones set flat into the metal. She ran a finger over the design and smiled. A snowflake. She was a De Winter now.

  The Divinus spoke again and Fabian abruptly bent his head and kissed her. This was no kiss of duty but one of sheer joy. It was over. Ecstatic with relief Mistral flung her arms around him, returning his embrace with unadulterated abandonment.

  And suddenly her world was no longer silent and vague but made of noise.

  The village square erupted into a roar of cheers and applause. People surged around them, offering effusive congratulations. Still in Fabian’s arms, Mistral stared dazedly up at him. His face was lit with a glorious wild glow that left her oblivious to the meaningless noise around them until a silken voice murmured in her ear.

  ‘Pint for the Lady De Winter is it?’

  Mistral jerked round to meet the laughing green eyes of the twins.

  ‘Don’t lose your temper now.’ Phantom chided. ‘You’ve done so well.’

  A powerful feeling of relief flooded through her. It was all over. She was married. Now came the fun part.

  ‘A drink would be most welcome,’ she responded politely. ‘Is there any champagne?’

  Phantom grinned, ‘Been a Lady all of five minutes and already expects only the best!’

  ‘I’m not sure Floris has champagne. Will ale suffice?’ Phantasm asked with a smile.

  ‘Yes brother. I’ll be there in a minute.’

  ‘Oh, nice ring by the way. Black diamonds and white gold suit you.’

  Mistral blinked. Diamonds? Gold?

  Phantasm nodded to Fabian then left, walking side by side with his brother across the square. Mistral watched them go then switched her gaze back to Fabian. He was looking at her intently, his expression almost hesitant.

  ‘I apologise for not telling you about the title. Forgive me if I am wrong, but I feared it would frighten you.’

  She shrugged
lightly, ‘At least I outrank Golden now.’

  ‘You always did that.’

  He lifted her hand to brush his lips against her skin in the softest caress. The wedding band caught her eye when he lowered her hand. It felt strange, much larger and heavier than it really should do.

  ‘It was my mother’s,’ he said, watching her expression carefully.

  Her eyes widened. Another piece of his past. But what did it mean?

  ‘But now it’s yours. Forever.’

  That’s what it meant. She basked in the happiness that single word evoked and smiled at the ring on her finger.

  ‘It’s beautiful.’

  ‘Not compared to you it isn’t.’

  Mistral felt his gaze on her, lingering on every inch of exposed skin before finally reaching her eyes to give her a look that made her heart skip a beat.

  ‘Please tell me that you have mastered the Sight in the last week.’

  ‘Yes, I have.’ Mistral replied promptly, gazing at him with absolute sincerity.

  Fabian’s gaze darkened, drawing her into their scorching depths. The promises that lay there seared her mind, but she welcomed the heat. This was what she wanted. He abruptly closed his eyes, breaking the spell.

  ‘You’re getting better. I nearly believed you.’

  She watched the fierce light fade from his eyes and knew her gloomy prediction was about to come true. They were going to spend their wedding night playing cards.

  He smiled at her expression, ‘I should like to buy my wife a drink and attempt to resurrect her smile.’

  ‘When all else fails there’s always alcohol.’ Mistral sighed and let him draw her through the bustling crowd of guests towards the tavern.

  They passed an unsmiling Leo Sphinx talking to a warrior Mistral didn’t know. Leo muttered a few polite words to Fabian then caught her eye as she walked past and nodded to her. She let Fabian pull her on, suddenly uncomfortably aware of the fact that the ring she was wearing had belonged to Leo’s mother.

  The Cloak and Dagger was heaving with people. The air thick with smoke, talk and raucous laughter. Mistral followed Fabian through the crowd towards the bar, gazing around at the familiar surroundings until her eye fell on a row of tables stretching across the back wall, all laden with food being enjoyed by several laughing warriors.

  ‘Is that what we hunted for last week?’ she asked with a gasp, recognising one huge mound of meat as a whole roasted bear.

  Fabian turned and leaned his back against the bar. Smiling, he pulled her into his arms.

  ‘Yes. I thought you might enjoy the chance to hunt the food for your own wedding.’

  ‘It was fun,’ she admitted, then added more sharply. ‘Was that why Gleacher was so oddly nice to me?’

  Fabian smiled a touch smugly.

  ‘And the Contract he offered me today – the one that was so blatantly not something I’d ever take unless I wanted to die of boredom – was that all a set-up too?’

  ‘All a ruse to get you into the twins’ clutches. It was their idea actually.’ Fabian paused and looked her over slowly. ‘But I have to admit to being very pleased with the results.’

  Mistral felt the slow burn of desire spread through her and cursed herself for not managing to tame her wretched gift in time for her own wedding.

  Across the other side of the room her brothers had gathered and were looking at her with a mixture of amazement and open admiration.

  ‘If I’d known Mistral was hiding a body like that I’d have asked her out myself!’ Xerxes exclaimed.

  Phantasm smiled, ‘She’d have eaten you alive.’

  ‘I know. But I think I might have quite enjoyed it.’ Xerxes leered while Mistral curved herself around Fabian, kissing him in a manner most unbefitting of her new title.

  ‘I must admit I’m starting to see why Saul has been so lovesick over her.’ Cain murmured.

  ‘Well I do hope for his sake that’s he’s over her now.’ Phantom warned. ‘Because her Mage is definitely the jealous type.’

  ‘He’s trying.’ Cain glanced over at Saul, talking half-heartedly with the blonde girl from the saddlery.

  ‘Talking of trying, Master Sphinx was not impressed with the dress.’ Phantom grumbled. ‘He collared me in the square after the ceremony and lectured me on respectability and modesty.’

  ‘Huh, that’s a bit rich coming from him.’ Brutus snorted. ‘Has he forgotten spending most of last year testing Golden’s respectability and modesty?’

  ‘I think Master Sphinx is concerned Mage De Winter will be overcome by passion and deny our dear Training Captain his pet Seer.’ Phantasm said quietly.

  ‘I can see why he would! No wonder you two were so happy to treat her injuries last year.’ Xerxes dropped a wink in the twins’ direction. ‘Bet seeing her with her shirt off wasn’t too much of a hardship.’

  ‘We’ve never seen Mistral in that way, shirt on or off.’ Phantom snapped icily then his gaze fell on Mistral and his expression thawed. ‘Although I must confess she looks quite good today.’

  Phantasm sighed, ‘Yes. But when she opens her mouth she’ll still be Mistral.’

  They all laughed and raised their tankards to toast their sister, the bride Lady De Winter.

  ‘So who is it tonight brother?’ Brutus asked, gazing around the bar with a practised eye.

  ‘No-one.’ Xerxes sniffed, affecting disdain. ‘I’m sworn off women.’

  Cain smirked, ‘Until your back has healed.’

  Xerxes ignored him and looked around the room, ‘On second thoughts,’ he said in a suddenly eager voice. ‘I might have a crack at that red-head from the bakery. Apparently she’s been after me for months, but I’ve been otherwise engaged.’

  Brutus watched his brother slipping through the crowd towards a girl with flaming red hair and sighed, ‘He never learns. The idiot.’

  Cain’s hand suddenly gripped Brutus’ arm, ‘Hush brother! Hear that?’

  A discordant tolling rang out, persistent and repetitive, jarring with the sounds of celebrations.

  ‘The warning bell!’

  In the silence that abruptly fell Leo Sphinx entered the packed tavern. He paused in the sunlit doorway, his face cast into shadow. A second later he was joined by Gleacher Shacklock, grim-faced and silent.

  Leo’s cold eyes raked the room, seeming to weigh the soul of every warrior there. The atmosphere tightened, adding tension to the silence. When Leo finally spoke Mistral released the breath she didn’t realise she’d been holding.

  ‘We have received word that a Rochforte army have set sail for the Isle.’

  A murmur of unrest ran through the room. Fabian gripped Mistral’s hand tightly.

  ‘Whilst Mage Grapple is absent from our shores the duty of care resides with his Council. They have sent an urgent request for assistance in defending the Isle from attack.’

  Mistral turned to whisper Fabian, ‘I don’t understand. Surely the warlocks could annihilate the Rochfortes! Why do they need warriors?’

  Fabian glanced down at her, his face set in hard lines, ‘The warlocks are loyal to Mage Grapple. He is not here so they will do nothing.’

  ‘This is not a Contract! It is a mission. We leave within the hour!’ Leo swept from the tavern leaving a stunned silence behind him.

  ‘A mission?’ Cain muttered to Saul. ‘That translates as “unpaid” to me.’

  Saul smiled, ‘Defending the Isle is an honour. That is payment enough brother.’

  Cain gave him a sideways look, ‘You try and buy a drink with honour brother. Floris doesn’t consider it legal tender.’

  ‘This could only happen at Mistral’s wedding.’ Phantom complained to his twin.

  Phantasm nodded and sighed wearily. Together they joined the warriors streaming out of the tavern. In the blink of an eye the mood had changed from celebration to purpose. Warriors spoke in quick low voices while they strode across the square, heading to the stables or to lodgings to collect belongings.

sp; Fabian looked at Mistral, his expression oddly resigned, ‘I don’t suppose you would consider respecting my wishes to remain here?’

  ‘When I caused this mess? Not a chance in hell!’

  ‘You didn’t cause this Mistral. I suspect this has long been in the planning. It will be a violent fight, there is much at stake. I want you to stay here.’

  ‘I have to go! It was my knife in Antoine’s neck! I’m responsible for all this!’

  ‘No you are not. It would have been someone else’s knife if yours hadn’t been available.’

  Mistral looked around impatiently at the rapidly emptying tavern, ‘Look Fabian, there’s absolutely no way I’m staying behind to twiddle my thumbs while you go off and risk your life. I’m coming with you and that’s final!’

  Fabian regarded her stubborn expression for a moment then smiled sadly, ‘This is not how I envisaged our wedding celebrations.’

  ‘No, but this is me we’re talking about.’ Mistral replied grimly.

  ‘You are correct, of course. What was I expecting?’ Fabian was suddenly business-like, pulling her towards the door. ‘We need to prepare.’

  ‘I’ll go see to the horses,’ she said automatically.

  ‘I think you need to get changed first.’

  Mistral gazed down at her pale gold gown, ‘Oh, yes.’

  ‘I’ll walk you to the dorms. I can collect my weapons from Leo’s room while you get changed.’

  They hurried up the path towards the Main Building with Mistral struggling to keep up with Fabian’s long strides, hampered by the long skirt of her dress.

  ‘Er, Fabian?’ she began in a hesitant voice.

  He turned to look at her without breaking stride.

  ‘I – I can’t get out of this dress on my own.’

  Fabian abruptly halted and stared at her, ‘Well you must have got into it.’

  ‘Yes, but it laces up the back, you see, so I could get in – but not out,’ she mumbled, too embarrassed to meet his eyes.

  There was a short silence.

  ‘I’ll fetch Eudora.’

  ‘You will not!’

  Fabian drew in a deep breath and released it slowly.

  ‘For crying out loud Fabian! I just walked past the entire village wearing this!’ she waved a hand angrily at herself. ‘Then married you in front of them all! The least you can do is help me to get out of the damned thing!’


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