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The Assassin's Destiny (Isle of Dreams)

Page 26

by Jones, Kirsten

  ‘No, that’s not it,’ he said slowly. ‘Something else has happened … tell me what!’

  ‘I’ll tell you shall I?’ Cain said, walking up quietly behind them and placing the black bottle of poison down on the table. ‘She was after this.’

  Phantasm looked over at the bottle, his eyes widening in recognition.

  ‘I’ve done all I can.’

  Cain picked up the bottle and stored it away in his saddlebag. Phantasm watched Mistral’s eyes follow the bottle and he let out a low hiss of anger.

  ‘I can’t believe you would even think that!’

  Mistral looked up, meeting his furious glare with defiance, ‘What? Die instead of live a miserable life without Fabian and be Leo’s pet? Can’t you brother? Because I can! And I will kill myself rather than accept that future!’

  ‘I won’t let you give up that easily! It will hurt if Mage De Winter dies, but you will cope! We will help you –’

  ‘Hurt? You’ve got no idea! And just how do you think you could even begin to help? By forcing me to eat like you did last time and make me go on like a living corpse? No thanks! I was in hell then and I’m damned well not living a lifetime like that! I’ve seen all I’ll ever be without Fabian. I won’t, I can’t be like that again.’

  ‘You haven’t Seen anything yet Mistral! You’re life isn’t over, it hasn’t even begun yet!’

  The sound of the door closing made them turn. Cain had left.

  Mistral stared blankly at the closed door then turned back to Phantasm.

  ‘I want you to give Cirrus and Spirit back to the Equus … and Prospero too. I know he’ll be looked after in the Valley.’

  Phantasm grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her roughly, ‘Shut up Mistral! I will not listen to your last will and testament and I will not let you kill yourself!’

  ‘And, this house … I think that Cain should have it.’ Mistral continued in a flat voice, gazing unseeingly past him out of the balcony doors. ‘He can sell it if he wants and buy that shop of his. It’ll be my way of making it up to him –’

  ‘I think that you are being slightly premature in giving away our home.’

  Mistral spun around with a cry to see Fabian walking slowly down the stairs, his chest and shoulder swathed in fresh bandages.


  Mistral wrenched herself from Phantasm’s grasp and ran across the room, halting at the bottom of the stairs. She gazed at him wordlessly, disbelief and joy mingling in her expression. He smiled faintly and lifted a hand to touch her face.

  ‘If you no longer require our presence, I think we should go.’ Phantasm said stiffly.

  Mistral turned to him, tears sliding down her face, ‘Wait brother – ’

  Phantasm turned to his twin, ‘it’s time we left.’

  Phantom moved quietly over from the kitchen table, giving Mistral an angry look before he followed his brother from the house. The door banged shut behind them and Mistral immediately turned back to gaze uncertainly at Fabian.

  ‘Are you real? Or am I dreaming?’

  Silently, Fabian reached out and took her hand and pressed it against his warm body. She curled her fingers against his skin, feeling the warm pulse of life beneath her touch. Stepping into a dream, she moved closer, feeling his arms wrap around her, careful in their hold. She closed her eyes and laid her head against his chest. The bandages were rough beneath her cheek, the flesh beyond warmed by the heart she could hear beating. She opened her eyes and gazed up at him.

  ‘You’re alive.’

  ‘Very much so. Now are you going to tell me what that was all about?’

  Guilt flooded through the wonder on her face, ‘Do I have to?’

  ‘Yes, because I already heard some of it and unless I was still delirious it sounded like you were about to kill yourself.’

  Unable to hold his gaze, Mistral stared down at the floor.

  ‘Mistral? Please tell me that is not what you were going to do.’

  ‘I – I thought you were going to die –’

  ‘Well that’s immaterial since I’m obviously still alive. Although I don’t feel in the best of health right now.’

  ‘Oh Fabian! I’m so sorry! Come and sit down, the fire is lit … I’ll get you something to eat!’

  Mistral immediately began moving around the small kitchen, mechanically ladling out a bowl of stew and filling a jug with water while her emotions rocketed from wild elation to sheer panic as she alternated between the two realities of Fabian alive and Fabian dead. Hurrying over to where Fabian had settled himself on the sofa, Mistral placed the food and jug of water on the low table in front of him and perched on the arm of the sofa to watch him eat, satiating her silent gaze on his living, breathing self. He looked pale but his eyes were clear... a sudden thought sprang into her mind.

  ‘How do you feel?’

  Fabian shrugged and winced faintly at the movement, ‘Well, apart from having a sore shoulder,’ he smiled ruefully down at the bandages wrapped around him. ‘Not too bad, considering.’

  Mistral nodded and quickly dropped her gaze before he could read her expression. As she suspected, he was weaker than he would be normally, both physically and in his resolve. Mistral felt the beginnings of a plan to change their future stirring in her mind.

  ‘Wine?’ she asked leaping to her feet and walking towards the dresser.

  ‘No, thank you.’ Fabian murmured, watching her thoughtfully while he took a drink of water.

  ‘Well, would you like me to fill you a bath then?’ she asked, moving to stand closer to him again.

  Fabian regarded her attentively over the top of his cup then sighed and placed the cup down, ‘No, what I would like is for you to sit down and tell me what happened this afternoon.’

  Mistral gritted her teeth. This was not part of her plan. She took a deep breath but could already feel her temper fraying.

  ‘Where would you like me to begin?’ she snapped. ‘Perhaps with the part where Cain thought you were going to die? Or maybe the part where Cain told me you definitely were going to die?’

  Fabian reached out suddenly and pulled her onto his lap. She resisted for the briefest part of a split-second then curled up against him with a defeated sigh.

  ‘Mistral. I am not dead. There is no point in speculating on what may have happened. I can understand your distress, but what I can’t understand is why you felt the need to try and kill yourself. I thought we had agreed that you would use your new name to live if I were no longer able to take care of you.’

  There was a whole world of argument Mistral could make to that statement but she went with the one that leapt to her lips, petulant, irrational and so typically her.

  ‘Don’t make me sound like a kept woman Fabian!’

  ‘You know I didn’t mean financially.’

  ‘And I don’t like being made to sound like the type of female that lurches from disaster to disaster, always in need of a knight in shining armour to save her either!’

  Fabian sighed, ‘I don’t have any shining armour.’

  Mistral exhaled slowly to stop herself from really losing her temper. She inhaled again and drew in a deep lungful of his scent. Warm, alive and right next to her.

  Smiling slightly, Mistral put her plan into action.

  Tilting her head, she began gently kissing the edge of his jaw, reaching up to brush her fingers across the unbandaged part of his chest, feeling him move and respond to her touch, holding her more tightly. Her pulse accelerated at the sound of his breathing quickening. She sat up slightly, kissing him hungrily while she started to unbutton her shirt.

  Fabian immediately grabbed her hands and pulled them away, ‘What are you doing?’

  She glared at him, ‘Starting our life. Right here and now. This had been hell for you and for me. I know I couldn’t live without you Fabian, and I’m not waiting till the Sight magically manifests itself in me before we can be together.’

  Fabian’s eyes darkened with anger, ‘To
day should have shown you the exact opposite Mistral! If the Divinus had not been able to hear Eximius’ thoughts the Isle would have been unprotected and fallen effortlessly into the hands of Rochfortes. The Divinus cannot live for ever! You need to master your gift before his time draws to a close.’

  ‘Oh please don’t give me a Leo-style “The Isle Needs You” speech! Because, quite frankly, I’m not up for being some kind of selfless martyr to the Isle! All I really want is you!’

  ‘You have a rare gift.’ Fabian said more gently and began to do up the buttons on her shirt. ‘It has more far reaching consequences for every living being on this Isle than I think you comprehend. However, on a personal note I don’t want to have to live without you either. You were nearly killed in that battle – again,’ he paused to give a sigh, ‘and it’s happening too frequently for my liking. The sooner you can take less dangerous work the better as far as I’m concerned.’

  ‘I’m not going to thank you for taking that arrow for me.’ Mistral snapped stubbornly. ‘You weren’t wearing armour! I was! I would have been fine!’

  Fabian did up the last button on her shirt and met her angry gaze calmly, ‘No Mistral, you would have died. That arrow would have pierced your armour and then you. I know the only thing that kept me alive until Cain found the right antidote was the Craft.’

  ‘You know about that?’ Mistral stared at him, her stubbornness swiftly replaced by surprise.

  ‘Of course I do. Why do you think I’ve had such little care for my life in the past? I hated the fact that I had some unwanted force trying to protect me all the time.’

  Mistral fought back the ironic look she could feel spreading across her face. That was just how she felt about his overprotective behaviour towards her.

  ‘Yes, I see the irony there. You can stop trying to hide it.’

  He smiled and Mistral grinned, joy leaping in her heart as she gazed at her Mage, alive. Alive and hers. Well, almost.

  ‘Please can we give up Sight now Fabian,’ she suddenly begged. ‘I’ve really had enough. We’ve waited half a year now and nothing has changed with my wretched gift!’ Seeing his face instantly set into the familiar stubborn expression Mistral immediately changed tactics. ‘And we are married now, it is sort of expected of us,’ she tried hopefully.

  Fabian smiled and stroked her cheek, ‘Yes, we are married. Although our wedding night will be memorable for all the wrong reasons.’

  ‘Oh I don’t know.’ Mistral gave him a look from beneath her eyelashes. ‘I got to take your shirt off. It wasn’t so bad.’

  ‘If only I had been conscious for that part.’ Fabian murmured, running his fingers lightly through her hair. ‘Sadly, all I can remember is Cain pulling the damned arrow out. And believe me, I would rather remember your hands than his.’

  ‘He saved your life.’ Mistral said then sighed. She had a lot a making up to do with her brother. And the twins.

  ‘Yes. I think I can finally forgive him for giving you that manticore potion. He does seem to know his way around a brewing kit after all.’

  Mistral smiled sadly and laid her head against his uninjured shoulder. She had no idea how to put things right between her and her brothers. She hoped that by the time she returned to the Valley they would have forgiven her, or at the least tried to understand how she felt.

  ‘Now.’ Fabian looked at her intently. ‘Tell me everything that has happened since we left the battlefield. Has there been any news of the outcome?’

  Mistral blinked. She had forgotten all about the fight for the control of the Isle.

  ‘We left as Leo was organising a second wave. The Council were about to enter the battle with them, but you know the Ri had already pretty much won it in the first round.’

  Fabian grunted, ‘Standard glory-seeking Council tactics. Allow others to do the work then sweep down in the dying throes to claim victory. I am sure it went down well with the Ri.’

  ‘Nothing the Council does goes down well with the Ri. But I think they’d rather have this one than the Rochfortes.’

  ‘So it’s a case of better the pompous over-bearing Mages they know is it?’

  Mistral laughed, ‘Does nothing escape your hearing?’

  ‘Rarely.’ Fabian said so quietly that Mistral glanced up to see his eyes were closed and he was nearly asleep.

  Giving a deep sigh she rested her head against him and allowed her exhausted mind to drift towards sleep. The unknown outcome of the battle, returning to the Valley, gaining Sight – it could all wait. Nothing was more important than this one moment of peace with her Mage.

  Face the Music

  Mistral slept dreamlessly and woke to the blissful realisation that she was curled up against Fabian in their small house. Blinking and yawning, she tilted her head up to see that he was still asleep. The ; deathly pallor of the previous day had left his skin. He looked remarkably well considering that he had nearly died only a few short hours ago.

  Sliding carefully from the sofa, Mistral padded softly over to the kitchen and fed the last of the stew to Prospero before she began to prepare breakfast. Lifting a heavy frying pan out of one of the cupboards as quietly as she could, Mistral broke some eggs in and left to them to cook while she sliced some ham.

  The sound of the latch being raised on the front door made her instantly reach for her dagger. She spun around with it held ready and was astounded to meet the ice-blue gaze of Leo entering the room.

  ‘Is that how you welcome all of your guests?’ he enquired coldly.

  Closing the door behind him he strode across to the fire and sat, uninvited, in one of the armchairs.

  ‘Hello Leo.’

  Mistral heard Fabian’s voice quietly greet his brother while she silently returned to preparing breakfast.

  ‘Fabian.’ Leo returned the greeting curtly. ‘You survived I see.’

  ‘Evidently. What news do you bring?’

  ‘The Rochfortes were repelled. The Council have claimed a unanimous victory.’

  ‘How gallant of them.’

  ‘Eximius has yet to return and in the meantime Putreo is making a case for holding a round of elections for a new Council Head. He claims that Eximius should not have left the Isle undefended in such dangerous times.’

  Fabian gave a mirthless laugh, ‘Dangerous times that he helped to orchestrate!’

  ‘Maybe so, however, these are dangerous times and I would prefer it if Mistral returned to the protection of the Valley until events have been settled.’

  A short silence fell. Mistral moved over to the dresser and collected two plates, hesitating for just a moment before collecting a third. She supposed it would be rude not to feed her brother-in-law as well.

  Fabian spoke again, his voice was dangerously quiet, ‘I do not think I like you ordering my wife where to be.’

  ‘She is an apprentice to the Ri first Fabian, do not forget that!’

  ‘She is also in the room.’ Mistral slammed two plates of meat and eggs on the table between the two stony-faced brothers. ‘Breakfast!’ she announced unnecessarily and marched off back to the kitchen to eat by herself.

  The plates of food sat untouched between them while Fabian and Leo continued to glare at each other.

  ‘Tell me you have not forgotten your promise.’

  Fabian’s eyes flashed with fury, ‘I forget nothing Leo! It is you that is forgetting your place! You dare to come into our home and remind me of how to behave?’

  ‘No, I remind you of your promise of how to behave!’ Leo snapped back.

  Mistral rolled her eyes and banged her plate down noisily in the sink. She felt like a prize catch being fought over by two terriers.

  ‘I’m going to see to the horses,’ she announced in the frosty silence that had fallen and stalked out of the house with Prospero following closely at her heels.

  She took her time checking over Cirrus and Spirit, running her hands over their legs to feel for the tell-tale heat of an injury. Apart from a few superficial c
uts and the fact that both the horses were tired, they were relatively unscathed by the battle and long ride.

  ‘I think it’s time we made our exit.’

  Quickly saddling Cirrus she realised that she would be leaving without her saddlebag and weapons. She deliberated going back to retrieve them but the thought of seeing Leo’s face in the private sanctuary of her home was more than she could bear. Consoling herself with the dagger she always kept tucked in the back of her belt she mounted up and whistled Prospero. With her dog trotting by her side she pushed Cirrus into a weary trot and left the courtyard, letting her anger mask the sadness she always felt whenever she left her home behind her and headed back to the Valley.

  Cirrus was sore, forcing Mistral to travel at a slower pace than usual and it took until mid-morning to reach the meadows bordering the Valley. She kicked Cirrus into a stiff canter and entered through the North Gate. The guard on duty nodded impassively. Glad not to hear the warning bell toll at her arrival Mistral rode down to the village square and reined to a halt, feeling suddenly apprehensive. She glanced over at the Training Arena where the first years were drilling and was relieved not to see the blonde heads of the twins amongst them. She had hoped to avoid any of her brothers before at least managing to have a shower and for once, it looked like she was in luck.

  After quickly stabling Cirrus, Mistral ran up the path to the dorms, sprinting up the stairs to grab some clean clothes from her room she left Prospero sprawled across her bed and ran straight to the bathroom to throw herself into a cold shower. The ice-cold needles of water blasted her skin and cleared her mind of any lingering irritation at Leo and Fabian. Now that she had calmed down she sorely regretted leaving without her saddlebag and weapons but was comforted by having a valid excuse to ride back and pick them up. Smiling at the prospect of seeing Fabian again, she dried herself vigorously and dragged on her clean clothes. She glanced quickly at her reflection in the mirror and did a rapid double-take. Discounting the bruising and cuts on her face, she stared instead at her hair. Phantasm had cut quite a lot off. She shrugged and turned away, at least now it wouldn’t get in the way of her swords. A flash of gold caught her eye. She looked down at the cause. The wedding ring on her finger. White gold and black diamonds. It had probably cost more money than she had ever seen. The more she looked at it the heavier it seemed to become until it felt as though she would barely be able to drag her hand from the side of the sink. It was a strange concept to her, almost like a mark of ownership.


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