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The Assassin's Destiny (Isle of Dreams)

Page 49

by Jones, Kirsten

  Mistral sighed and obediently stood still, letting thoughts of the hunt fill her mind while Fabian adjusted the straps of her armour until he was entirely satisfied that every buckle was securely fastened.

  ‘Throwing knives.’ he ordered, passing the leather belt of sharp knives to her. ‘Cain’s already told me he has a special poison prepared for you all to use today. Now, crossbow … ah, here it is … good. Have you got your dagger?’ he asked, looking up and frowning at her amused expression.

  ‘Of course I have Fabian!’ Mistral laughed, tying back her hair before strapping her swords on. ‘Please stop fretting! You’re starting to remind me of the twins!’

  Fabian didn’t return her smile but stepped closer to take her hands in his. She looked up to see something alien in his dark gaze. He looked troubled, uncertain.



  ‘I want you to swear to me you will try to restrain your reckless nature today. If you ride off alone and become separated from the others –’

  ‘Stop right there Fabian.’ Mistral said quickly. ‘I’ve already promised to just go along for the ride. Well, obviously I’ll have a go at anything that crosses my path, but I won’t be stupid! I’ll stick by the twins. And let’s face it; we’ve got Grendel with us! The harpies are going to smell him before we even get into The Emerald Forests, so –’

  ‘Mistral!’ Fabian snapped angrily. ‘It is taking nearly all of my will power to let you do this without me!’ he closed his eyes and drew in a breath. When he opened them again the anger was gone, leaving in its place a raw agony that tore at her heart. ‘Please promise me you will leave Columbine for another day, when we are together.’

  She remained silent, trapped, while Fabian’s eyes travelled slowly over her face, finally coming to rest on her impatient gaze, fixing her with a coal black stare that never failed to steal every thought from her mind and leave her utterly powerless to his will.

  ‘My sun rises and sets with you Mistral.’

  Fabian’s softly spoken words belied the strength of emotion shining in his dark eyes. Spellbound by the intensity that suddenly flowed between them Mistral gazed silently back, her stupefied mind floundering for the right words, or any words, to somehow express to him that she felt the same.

  ‘I –’ she began and faltered, frowning and biting her lip as she struggled to shape her emotions into coherent speech. They seemed too vast, too overwhelming to be confined by mere words. She smiled suddenly and lifted a hand to touch his face, marvelling at the feel of his skin beneath her fingers. She traced the line of his jaw to meet his lips and stretched up to kiss him, trying to convey the depth of her emotions in that one simple action.

  ‘My soul lies with you Fabian. I think it always has.’

  He closed his eyes and sighed deeply, holding her tightly against him, ‘I would also quite like to have the casing that goes with it, if you don’t mind.’

  ‘You could have that any time you want.’ Mistral smiled and wound herself sinuously around him, tilting her face up to his.

  Samson’s rasping voice abruptly filled the tent, rupturing their private moment.

  ‘I would apologise but I won’t. Quite frankly, it’s not natural for a married couple to behave with such passionate impropriety. Please hurry up Mistral or we’re going to be late!’

  ‘I suppose I ought to get Cirrus ready.’ Mistral tore herself away, giving Fabian a look that could have set the tent on fire.

  Fabian watched her leave before meeting Samson’s amused gaze with a shrug, ‘What?’

  Samson laughed and shook his head, ‘Fool.’

  Mistral halted outside the tent and closed her eyes, drawing in a deep breath to clear her mind. Exhaling slowly she opened her eyes and immediately grinned to see Xerxes watching her with a sour expression on his face.

  ‘Looks like you’re going to be the one watching today brother.’

  ‘Don’t joke with me Mistral! I’m not in the mood!’

  Mistral grabbed Cirrus’ tack and stalked past him, her icy glare speaking volumes.

  ‘Ignore him.’ Phantasm murmured, strolling up alongside her. ‘He’s just sore about not being selected for this event.’

  ‘And with us for sending his brother off on a wild goose chase.’ Phantom added, appearing almost soundlessly on her other side.

  ‘In fact.’ Phantasm continued in a thoughtful voice. ‘You could say that this festival has been a pride-denting affair for Xerxes, what with being outperformed by Grendel in the nymph stakes and losing in every event so far.’

  ‘And Xerxes is not famous for his ability to lose gracefully.’ Phantom pointed out helpfully.

  Phantasm sighed, ‘Which is such a shame, considering that he appears to be rather adept at it.’

  Mistral walked to the horse enclosure with the twins, laughing at their acerbic comments. They paused at the fence and looked over at the small herd of horses. Cirrus was grazing contently a short distance away from the rest of the horses but Mistral was not fooled by her horse’s apparent relaxed mood.

  ‘Well, here we go again.’

  Throwing Cirrus’ tack to the ground she vaulted over the fence and pushed her way through the horses to reach Cirrus. She stretched out a hand for his mane, cooing soft words of encouragement. He took one look at her and promptly cantered away.

  Biting back swearwords, Mistral played the game until Cirrus finally submitted to being caught. By the time she had persuaded her bad-tempered horse to stand still long enough to be groomed and tacked then have his battle armour buckled on, the twins had both long since prepared their quiet horses and were talking with Cain at the edge of the enclosure.

  ‘This is a new one I’d like you all to try. One dip of your bolts should do it.’ Cain instructed and handed out small black bottles of poison.

  Phantom gave his bottle a dubious shake and watched the murky liquid swirl, ‘Have you tested it?’

  ‘Oh yes. It’s potent enough, drops knuckers in seconds. I distilled it from the quills of a venomous species of atelerix.’

  ‘A what?’ Phantom lowered the bottle to frown at Cain.

  ‘A hedgehog to you brother.’ Phantasm said with a smile.

  ‘Here, try not to drink it won’t you.’ Cain passed a bottle to Mistral when she finally hauled Cirrus over. She shot him a contemptuous look and stowed the bottle carefully away in the top pocket of her jerkin.

  ‘Are you ready yet?’ Samson asked, striding over to retrieve his own horse from the enclosure. ‘I want to work out a plan before we leave.’

  ‘Great, more talk.’ Mistral muttered under her breath and gazed longingly over to where Fabian was engaged in a conversation with another of the Ri warriors from Samson’s camp. She had hoped to spend some more time with him before the hunt.

  ‘Do try and concentrate Mistral.’ Phantasm swung himself into the saddle and gathered his reins, all brisk efficiency. ‘There’ll be plenty of time for your Mage later.’

  ‘Unless, of course, Columbine achieves her heart’s desire and finally manages to see you off once and for all.’

  ‘Oh do shut up Phantom!’ Mistral snapped, pulling herself up onto Cirrus’ back. ‘We all know that’s not going to happen. She’s more likely to have become a harpy snack by now!’

  ‘You don’t really mean that Mistral. I know that you dream of exacting bloodthirsty revenge on the poor creature.’

  ‘You have no idea what I dream of!’ Mistral retorted, privately hoping that he really didn’t have any idea of what she dreamt of, because it certainly wasn’t Columbine.

  ‘Oh really?’ Phantom leaned over to fix her with his inquisitive green gaze. ‘And now you’re so going to have to tell me.’

  ‘Can we focus please?’ Samson cut across them in a frustrated voice. ‘Or is it normal for you to bicker like children instead of preparing to hunt a highly dangerous predator?’

  They all spun round to look at him. Noting guiltily the exasperated expression
on his scarred face they were instantly contrite but before any of them could utter an apology, Grendel appeared.

  ‘Normal.’ Grendel grunted, swinging his battle axe enthusiastically by his side. ‘But it’s only to be expected. Apprentices.’ he spat on the ground.

  ‘What? Still no horse brother?’ Phantom said acidly.

  Grendel’s ugly face creased into a heavy scowl, ‘Get a new joke blondie.’

  ‘When you get a new face –’

  ‘Enough!’ Samson bellowed.

  ‘Sorry Samson, I’ll make sure they behave from now on.’ Mistral quickly leaned over to tighten Cirrus’ girth to hide a grin when Phantom pulled a face at her.

  Samson glared at them all in silence for a moment then shook his head and laughed, ‘No, I apologise. I think I can just about remember how it feels to be young. And it’s wrong for me to assume the role of leader. We should vote on it.’

  Grendel growled and ran a finger along the blade of his axe, ‘Better you than that reckless would-be Seer.’

  ‘I am not reckless!’ Mistral retorted hotly then paused. ‘Oh, hang on. Maybe I can be a bit impulsive –’

  ‘Hmm, and in view of that revelation I think my brother and I will vote for you Samson.’ Phantasm looked pointedly at Mistral. ‘Mistral? Your vote?’

  Mistral smiled sweetly at Samson, ‘Experience gets my vote any day.’

  ‘Are you calling me old?’

  ‘No! Just ... experienced-looking.’

  Samson eyed her innocent expression mistrustfully, ‘I’m beginning to see how you went through three Training Lieutenants in your first year.’

  ‘It’s a gift.’ Phantom smiled and gathered his reins in one hand, holding Cirrus with the other to allow Mistral to fasten her crossbow across the pommel of her saddle.

  Phantasm spoke, his quiet voice taking control instantly, ‘Please outline your plan Samson. I assure you that we are perfectly receptive to whatever ideas you may have.’

  Samson blew his cheeks out and regarded their carefully composed faces, ‘Why do I suddenly feel like the unsuspecting supply teacher to an unruly class?’

  Mistral grinned at him, ‘Come on Samson! Surely you can handle three apprentices and one half-troll with the intellect of a stone block!’

  ‘Easy sister!’ Grendel growled.

  ‘Right!’ Samson cut across them in a decisive voice. ‘We arm up with crossbows, bolts pre-dipped in poison. I take point and track. Phantom, Phantasm? You’ll be flanking Mistral armed with crossbows. Grendel? I want you to bring up the rear. Whatever prey comes our way, we do not split up. Is that understood?’

  ‘Yes Samson!’ they chimed obediently.

  ‘We hunt in silence. If we need to communicate we use the Ri code. Remember to aim for the eyes and if they get too close for bolts, use swords. No heroics with daggers please!’

  ‘No talking, aim for the eyes. Got that.’ Mistral nodded.

  ‘No dagger heroics.’ Phantasm reminded her sharply.

  ‘Whatever –’

  ‘Are you going to be difficult today Mistral?’

  Mistral pouted, ‘Might be.’

  ‘Good luck.’ Grendel grunted to Samson and hefted his battle axe onto his shoulder.

  Samson closed his eyes and shook his head, ‘Let’s just get going –’

  Mistral laughed and kicked Cirrus on, cantering away along the avenue of tents. The twins quickly caught her up, leaving Grendel pounding along in their wake. Behind them came the rest of the Ri, still calling helpful advice.

  ‘Brother. I will ride with you.’ Samson held his horse back, waiting for Fabian to mount his restless mare.

  Pulling Spirit sharply under control, Fabian whistled for Prospero and rode alongside Samson at a steadier pace. They rode in silence until Fabian eventually spoke in a tense voice.

  ‘I have a favor to request of you brother.’

  Samson nodded and raised his eyes to regard the same thing as Fabian; Mistral laughing with the twins.

  ‘We have known each other a long time Fabian,’ he said quietly. ‘I cannot tell you how surprised I was when Gleacher sent word through the Agents of your wedding.’

  Fabian smiled briefly, ‘Did you expect to be stood around my funeral pyre before such an occasion arose?’

  ‘Something like that.’ Samson gave a short laugh. ‘But I could see why you felt the need to marry her. I think she would be the type to be lost easily without being tied.’

  ‘I disagree.’

  Samson frowned, ‘She is willful and seems to have a natural ability to attract trouble. She must take some handling and I confess, despite her obvious appeal, I don’t envy you. I’m not sure I would have the patience.’

  Fabian smiled, ‘It is a little like trying to hold burning sand sometimes.’

  ‘But are the blisters worth it?’

  ‘I treasure every burn.’ Fabian replied solemnly.

  Samson laughed, ‘Ask your favor brother. You know I will do my utmost to fulfill whatever you require from me.’

  ‘Then I ask for you to keep her safe for me while I cannot.’

  ‘Of course I will.’ Samson immediately replied. ‘But I have to say that I might be surplus to requirements. She has the twins, who never seem to leave her side, and that half-troll would be a force to be reckoned with. I would not wish to offend any of them by suggesting they were incapable of dealing with Columbine.’

  Fabian did not respond immediately and they rode in silence past rows of tents, now mostly empty with the bright morning sunshine already making it too warm to stay inside. A group of elves rode past them at a canter, talking excitedly about the hunt while they headed along the path leading out of the Vale.

  ‘I do not expect you to understand.’ Fabian finally continued in a low voice when the elves had passed them by. ‘But Mistral … she means more to me than my own soul. She completes me. To watch her willingly ride into danger, yet be forbidden to protect her because of Bryden’s damned rules is almost more than I can take!’ Fabian’s voice had risen in anger, the frustration he was feeling plain on his face. ‘It is tearing me apart brother!’

  Samson studied his old friend carefully, ‘I can see you two are kindred spirits, in fact, I have never seen two more suited. It’s almost as though she were created to be yours.’ he paused and gave a short laugh. ‘Like you, she has a reckless streak wider than the Amber River!’

  Fabian frowned and shook his head, ‘She has a wild nature Samson. Do not be fooled into thinking that I ask this favor of you lightly! That recklessness you speak of burns in her like an inferno. Despite the assurances she has given me I do not doubt that her true nature will take control today. I warn you, she will be trouble.’

  Samson held Fabian’s burning stare evenly, ‘I swear to you that I will do all I can to keep her safe for you.’

  Fabian closed his eyes briefly then opened them to look over at Mistral once again, ‘Thank you.’

  The twins kept up a constant stream of lively banter while they rode out of the Vale, making Mistral laugh. Once they left the narrow path and reached the open grasslands the rest of the Ri rode up alongside, converging into a single noisy group. Cain passed around his battered hipflask of manticore potion and before long the mood grew more boisterous with Xerxes bursting into a rendition of his favorite goblin stuffing song, encouraging everyone to join in the chorus. Mistral declined the flask with a quick shake of her head when it came her way and glanced over her shoulder, looking for Fabian. She immediately saw him riding next to Samson a short way back, deep in conversation. As though sensing her look, Fabian glanced up and met her gaze, his brief smile enough to make her heart skip a beat. He turned away to speak with Samson again, leaving her gazing wistfully at his dark hair. She sighed and turned her head back to see Saul looking at her. His brown eyes held hers for a moment before she blinked and quickly looked away.

  ‘I am glad his name didn’t come out of the bag.’ Phantasm muttered quietly.

glanced sharply at him, ‘Do you miss nothing with those damned green eyes of yours?’

  ‘Not very often, and especially not when I’ve been specifically instructed to keep my damned green eyes on one thing particular.’

  Mistral frowned, ‘You mean Saul don’t you? Damn it! When did Fabian ask you to watch Saul?’

  ‘While you were still asleep this morning.’

  Irritation flickered across Mistral’s face, ‘You know what brother? I never thought I’d say this, but I’ll be glad to get back to the Valley and have some privacy again!’

  Phantom sighed longingly, ‘Ah yes, what I’d give for a bathroom door that locks.’

  ‘Why does that bother you?’ Mistral asked, giving him a bemused look.

  ‘You try having a wash with a bunch of thieving goblins going through your stuff the moment you step into the water! They actually nicked the laces out of my boots last night! I had to take Cain’s while he was still asleep this morning!’

  Mistral laughed and Cain spun around to fix Phantom with a blazing look.

  ‘Is that where they went?’ he demanded angrily. ‘I thought Xerxes was having a laugh with me! I’ve been searching through his saddlebag all morning because of you! I want them back! Right now!’

  ‘Come on Cain! I won’t be able to hunt very well if my boots keep falling off will I?’ Phantom argued.

  ‘I don’t give a stuff if you head falls off, never mind your boots! I want my laces back – or at least be paid some compensation for the loss of my property!’

  ‘I don’t think so!’ Phantom snorted.

  Mistral and Phantasm smiled and listened to their brothers continuing to bicker until The Emerald Forests loomed before them in a lush haze of green. Cain and Phantom were eventually forced to end their disagreement when the Ri joined the rest of the tribes waiting quietly at the outskirts of the forest.

  ‘Knows how to set the scene doesn’t he?’ Phantasm whispered when Bryden Wolfsnare rode into view on a handsome pale grey stallion.


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