Drake [The Texas Senator's Sons 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Drake [The Texas Senator's Sons 3] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 10

by Hennessee Andrews

  “Alex,” Drew spoke softly, “can I come in?”

  “Yeah,” she answered, obviously crying from the other side of the door.

  “Hey, come here.” Drew sat down on the bed beside her and pulled her against his chest. She sobbed and held him tight.

  “I know you warned me, Drew, but Drake is a good man. I really like him, more than I should.” She squeezed her arms around his neck. “My dad’s going to have a stroke. I know it.”

  Alex’s cell began to ring, and she sobbed harder. “That will be him calling.”

  Drew picked up the phone and sent the call to voicemail. “Call him back later.”

  “I don’t need this right now, Drew. I have to finish up this internship, my project. Damn it. What if people recognize me and I can’t get a job?” Alex sat back to look at him with red, puffy eyes.

  “Don’t borrow trouble, Alex. It sucks, I know, but that’s the least of your worries right now.”

  * * * *

  Drake paced the back porch after talking with his grandmother’s lawyers from Drake Industries. Mr. Wilder said he’d file suit against the photographer and the paper, but he didn’t sound positive about it yielding much results.

  “Fuck!” He kicked a lawn chair. If it was a just picture of him, he’d be okay with that, because he already expected it, but Alex, no.

  “Hey”—Damon walked out the back door—“easy on my lawn chairs.”

  Drake continued to pace. “Sorry.”

  “I have to share in responsibility in this. I’ve never had the press invade the ranch before. I should have used my head and spoke up when you two set out last night.”

  Drake shook his head with disagreement. “In a perfect world, those assholes would respect people’s privacy. You had no way of knowing something like this would happen.”

  “I’m sorry, man,” Damon continued and put his arm around Drake’s shoulder. “It will blow over in a day or two. I just feel bad for Alex.”

  Drake nodded. “Same here.”

  Damon’s cell phone rang, and he cursed before pulling it from his pocket. “Hello, Mom. How’s Dad?”

  Drake watched Damon and listened, hoping this new event hadn’t pushed his father over the edge. He was due out of the hospital any day. Damon listened, nodding occasionally. At least he didn’t act like anything was too terribly wrong.

  “Yeah, okay. We’ll be there,” Damon replied and ended his call. “Well, our father wants us to come to the hospital, together.”

  “All right. Let me get a shower and check on Alex.”

  Drake walked down the hall to Alex’s room and watched Drew come out. Great. “Drew, Damon just got off the phone with your mother, and they want us to come down to the hospital.”

  Drew stopped Drake in the hall with his hand as he tried to walk by. “I care for Alex.”

  “I know you do.” Drake nodded and returned his gaze.

  “She didn’t need this shit, especially right now.”

  Drake eyed Drew, seeing a softer and more compassionate side of him. “I’ll be here for her.”

  Drew walked on past him, leaving him standing outside Alex’s door. There had been no sarcasm, no threats, or any crummy comments come from Drew’s mouth, and that surprised him. He stood in a stupor for a moment before knocking at the door.

  Alex opened the door, and Drake immediately pulled her into an embrace. He had no words to give. What could he say? They starred on the front page of the paper in a photo that left little to the imagination. His reputation was in the toilet to begin with. Why did this ugly mess have to pull her in?

  “I have to go to the hospital with Damon and Drew for a while. Our father wants to see all of us together.”

  “Is everything okay?” Alex sniffled.

  “I think so. Hell, I don’t know anymore. This bullshit has made a mess of everyone’s lives, and now you’ve been pulled in.”

  Alex nodded against his chest. Drake tilted her chin up with his finger to force her to look at him. “I’m sorry about all of this.”

  A tear streamed down her cheek. “Me, too.”

  Her cell phone began to ring, and tears started rolling down her cheeks.

  “What is it? Who’s calling?”

  “It’s my dad. I can’t bear to answer it. I know he’s furious.” She cried harder and became choked up.

  “Listen to me, Alex. We’re adults, not kids anymore. I get treated the same by my father, and it bothers me also. They need to realize that while we are not perfect, we will make mistakes and will learn from them.”

  Alex giggled, wiping her nose with a tissue. “Yeah, we learned something all right.”

  Chapter 9

  Damon, Drew, and Drake arrived at the hospital after a long, quiet drive. Drake was grateful for the peace. His mind needed the time to wander and get lost. He thought about Alex a great deal of the time, wondering if she ever found the courage to call her father back. He prayed the man would be gentle with her. Underneath her stoic and tough exterior, she held a tender heart. From what he had picked up here and there from small talk, her father hated the Radcliffs and the fact she worked her internship on the ranch. Drake could relate to how she felt, somehow stuck in the middle and treated as a child at times.

  They entered the hospital room, and his father was sitting up with his entourage of staff taking notes and making calls. Business always came first with him, so it didn’t surprise Drake much to see him in a hospital gown with an IV in his arm, working.

  “Give me a few moments with my sons,” their father stated, turning his attention to the three of them.

  Four men shuffled out the door, leaving them alone. “Have a seat.”

  Drake sat by the window, Damon on the other side while Drew took a chair on the opposite wall. Drake noted his father had lost some weight. His face was a little drawn and his skin paler than normal. Even hooked up to the IV and heart monitor, he still looked strong and stubborn, working although he was sure the doctor had advised him not to. The man never rested, never had.

  Shuffling the papers off his lap, his father reached for the newspaper and Drake groaned. Of course he’d seen the paper. Who in the hell hadn’t at this point?

  “Drake, I don’t think I need an explanation of what’s taking place in this photo, but do you care to explain to me why in the hell you were out in the open in such a compromising position in the first place?” his father asked with a look of irritation marking his face.

  Drake shrugged. “I don’t have a good answer, sir.”

  “Who is she? The press is having a fucking field day with this.”

  “She’s the veterinary intern on the ranch,” Damon chimed in and shifted his weight.

  Drake noted Damon’s body language and knew he wasn’t happy. Damon was working hard to stay calm, and he wondered how he was able to at times.

  “The intern, great. She’s the one from Texas A&M. Brilliant, son. Out of all the women in the state of Texas, you had to pick her. Didn’t you? Do you realize how this makes us look?”

  “I, uh, I don’t have a good answer for that either.” Drake didn’t know what in the hell to say. He didn’t pick her for just a good time, if that was what his father was thinking. It just happened.

  “You just don’t get it. Do you?”

  Drake felt acid brewing in his stomach. “Get what? I made a mistake.”

  His father shook his head. “Your brothers have never seemed to get it either.”

  “What in the hell is that supposed to mean?” Drew rose off his chair. His fists were balled up at his sides, and his eyes narrowed with annoyance.

  Drake watched the scene unfolding, never before being privy to what went on behind closed doors.

  “All three of you seem to get caught with your dicks in your hands. Christ almighty.”

  Damon rose slowly with his mouth drawn in a hard line, and their father cocked his head to the side with a curious look on his face. “Do you disagree, son?”

  “I d
o. If it wasn’t for you, we would never be on show, having our every move recorded and photographed. We don’t have privacy and never have. We are not free. We are slaves to your image and your title. But, try as we might to tarnish your spotless image, I believe it is you that takes first prize.”

  “What did you say?” their father asked with a wild expression on his face.

  Drew walked over beside Damon. “I believe he said you’re a dirty, rotten cocksucker.”

  Drake slinked back in his chair. The room was deathly still as anger swirled around the room.

  Their father nodded. “That’s a fine thank-you for all I’ve done for you boys. Don’t you think?”

  Drake rose, fear fleeting away from him as a new sense of courage entered him. “What have you done? Thrown some hush money out the window to your mistress and son? Tell me, because I really want to know. Did you ever plan on telling Damon and Drew about me? Ever?”

  His father sat quietly for moment, deep in thought.

  “Well, I’m waiting.”

  “I think that means no, Drake,” Drew stated calmly with his eyes fixed on their father.

  Drake nodded and barked out a harsh laugh. “You would have gone to your grave with your secret if you could have. Tell me, though, did you even give a shit about us, or was it simply a ruse to keep us quiet?”

  “Of course I cared,” he shouted, and his monitor spiked.

  Anger pulsed through Drake’s veins. All the years of wishing and wanting something more, wanting a dad and a regular life culminated in this moment. “I grew up wishing for a normal family, wishing I knew my brothers, and you never planned on telling a soul.” Drake shook his head. “Not once were you ever there for me like I needed you to be, like my mother needed you to be. Why didn’t you just leave us so we could have gone on with our lives? Mother cried herself to sleep after every visit. Did you know that?”

  His father sighed heavily. “No.”

  “Yet you sit here and berate us for our actions when we’re young, falling in love and having every right to experience life. The difference between us is the fact we aren’t committing adultery or any other sin. You, Father, you’re the one that owns that shit.”

  Damon smacked Drake on the back. “Couldn’t have said it better myself, brother.”

  Drew nodded, but said nothing.

  “Well, it’s damn nice to see that all of you have bonded together against me.”

  “We aren’t against you. We’re just tired of you busting our balls,” Drew spoke up.

  Their father looked at all three of them and leaned back and took a deep breath. “I fucked up. I’ll admit it. I suck at being a father.” The heart monitor kept spiking. “I’m sorry, to all of you.”

  The monitor alarm went off, and a nurse rushed into the room to check his vitals. “You three have to go.” She pulled a syringe out of her scrubs and injected it into his father’s IV.

  The spikes in the monitor began to drop, and his pulse started to slow. “I’ve given him a sedative so he can rest. He doesn’t need any extra stress. You can come back tomorrow.”

  Drake listened to the steady beep-beep of the monitor as they walked out. His heart was racing from the scene as well, and he secretly wished for some of that sedative himself. He did feel like he was able to get a little off his chest. Some of the pain and stress lifted, but it wasn’t enough and it never would be. All he could do was move on and make the best of the remainder of his life.

  * * * *

  Alex finally found the courage to return her father’s call, and now she sat numb on the edge of her bed. Just as she suspected, he recognized her. She listened for twenty minutes to him yell and express his disappointment before she’d finally had enough. She could admit that it was foolish and made her look bad, and she’d told him as much. When her father demanded she quit her internship, that was when she put her foot down.

  A short talk with her mother went smoother, and although she wasn’t happy either, she seemed to understand. She did warn that if a photo fell in the right hands and they recognized her, it may cost her a position in the future. Alex understood clearly and hoped that never happened.

  After ending the call, she went downstairs to help Regan with lunch. She needed to be around someone who didn’t judge her and look down on her like a child, and Regan was that person.

  “How’d it go?” Regan asked when Alex entered the kitchen.

  “Oh, you know, I’m screwing up my life,” Alex stated sarcastically.

  Regan hugged her. “I’ve very sorry. I have pushed a little with my whole love-guru nonsense. You two just seem meant for one another. I should have steered you in the opposite direction.”

  Alex wiped a tear. Her emotions were dialed too high. “Don’t be sorry. It was just one of those things no one would have ever imagined would happen. I mean, I wish it didn’t, but I don’t regret the night.”

  Regan leaned back and smiled at Alex. “I won’t ask.”

  “Huh, I can see the wheels turning in your crafty mind. I know you’re dying to know.” Alex smirked and poured a glass of tea.

  “Well, I’ll admit I am a little curious.” Regan’s lips lifted into a shy smile.

  “Thanks for the whipped cream.” Alex sipped her tea.

  Regan laughed and hugged her again. “I knew you’d like it.”

  Alex settled into preparing a salad while they laughed in order to keep from crying. It was nice to relax. The day had started, well, fantastic and then turned terrible. It was better now after getting the dreaded phone call over with. After a few hours of crying and worrying, she decided to let it go. Stressing over what happened wouldn’t change it, and it certainly didn’t make her feel better either.

  Damon called ahead and let Regan know they were driving back. Alex smiled hearing Regan say, “I love you more,” back to Damon on the phone. It was sweet and made Alex long for more in her life. She was twenty-four this year and had spent the last six years in college working her ass off. A couple of failed relationships happened along the way, pushing her to steer clear and decide she didn’t have time for a love life. But she really wanted one. She wanted to see where she and Drake were going, if anywhere at all. There was only one problem where Drake was concerned, though, and that problem was her father. Maybe one day, she hoped, one day her father could grow to like him, but Alex wasn’t going to hold her breath.

  “What next?” Alex asked after stirring up a macaroni salad.

  Regan looked at the clock on the wall. “We better light the grill. The guys are about thirty minutes out.”

  “I’m on it.” Alex exited out the back door. She loved grilling food outside. There was something about the taste of the charcoal that seemed to make hamburger taste fabulous. Being here, lighting the grill, reminded her of being at home before her brother left. He was generally the one charged with grill duty, but she always helped. God, she really missed Mason and could hardly wait until he returned home. Hopefully, he’d return for good.

  The grill came to life with large, dancing flames. Alex stood back, mesmerized by it. She sipped her tea and continued to watch with a smile on her face. She loved being there on the Radcliff ranch with everyone. In thinking about them, she began to get misty eyed again. She’d really miss them when she had to leave in a few weeks. She groaned. She was doing it again, thinking of depressing thoughts and events she couldn’t change, again. Alex finally pushed the offending thoughts away and went back inside to help prepare the hamburgers while the charcoal settled down.

  Minutes later, Liv came in the back door carrying a pie. “I brought a cherry pie.” She sounded pleased.

  “Hi, Liv!” Regan and Alex greeted her with their hands full of raw meat.

  “Oooh, macaroni salad. I love that stuff,” Liv continued, looking bright and cheery. “So, I have big news.” She announced and leaned against the counter.

  “New project?” Regan asked.


  “New shoes?” Alex asked


  “You’re pregnant.” Regan threw that out.

  “Hell no! I mean”—she giggled—“not yet.”

  Regan dropped her patty. “So what does this mean? Are y’all trying?” she asked with a cheesy grin.

  “No, but we have moved the wedding up.”

  “Congratulations.” Alex beamed.

  “Oh, no. Oh, hell. Flowers, I’ll have to move up the orders, arrange my schedule—”

  Liv grabbed Regan by the shoulders. “Calm down. Deep breaths.”

  “There’s a lot to do, Liv.”

  Liv laughed. “We’ve decided to have a very small, intimate wedding here, on the ranch. Nothing big, just simple.”

  Damon, Drew and Drake entered the back door, interrupting them. “Oh, hell.” Drew groaned. “I hear giggling. That means Liv has announced our news.” His voice traveled into the kitchen.

  Liv turned and grinned when they came into the kitchen. “I couldn’t help it, and besides, we all needed some good news around here anyway.”

  The sounds of the room faded when Alex smiled at Drake. He looked so handsome standing next to his brothers. They all seemed to be getting along, making Alex’s heart squeeze with joy. He began walking toward her. Her body of its own volition became hot with desire. Images of last night played in her subconscious, reminding her of their heated lovemaking. As if knowing where her mind had traveled to, Drake winked. Lord have mercy, he turned her insides to jelly with his eyes and seductive mouth.

  “Let me help you with the meat. Some say I’m good with my hands,” Drake teased and picked up the platter of hamburger patties.

  Alex giggled and elbowed him. “Hold on, let me wash my hands.”

  The burgers sizzled on the grill and Alex waved the smoke out of her face. Drake shut the top and turned, picking her up and placing his lips tightly to hers. She hummed as his lips pressed against hers, pulling with enough pressure to make her panties get wet. How his kiss could turn her on so much amazed her. It was almost like kissing him for the first time over and over. The kiss deepened, and she fell into in, loving the feel of his tongue gliding into her mouth. His hands held the small of her back, firmly pulling her against him. She felt the evidence of the kiss pressing on her stomach, alerting her body to rise to a new level of excitement.


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