The Makeover
Page 12
Father, guide my words. Please continue to reveal Your plan in Your timing. But for now, Lord, cause me to do what You’re calling me to do. Step by step. In Jesus’ Name, thank You, amen.
“What are you thinking about?” Phoenix asked suddenly, as soon as the prayer in Paulo’s heart had ended. It was as if God reopened the pathway of communication between them, after commanding the silence to hand out His directives to His servant. Paulo smiled to himself, again amazed at the power of his God.
“I was thinking, and praying, about how we will proceed. I would like to meet you five days a week, in the mornings to exercise at my fitness center on West One Forty-Third Street and Broadway. It’s called the Lord’s Table Fitness Center—and no, I didn’t plan our conversation around the theme of my fitness center! I know what you must be thinking, but it happened that way on its own!”
Phoenix laughed. “Yeah, right, I’ll bet. You were probably just reciting from one of your ads.”
“Sounded like it. Honestly, when we started talking, I can tell you I wasn’t thinking about the name of my business at all. God has a funny sense of humor.”
“He sure does. I wasn’t thinking about you bringing up the Lord’s table either, even though I have your business card!” After they shared a good laugh, Phoenix thought of something. “Do you live near your center on one-forty-third?”
“I live on One Forty-Eighth between Broadway and Amsterdam.”
“Oh my! You have got to be lying to me! I live on One Forty-Ninth!”
Paulo laughed. “I know! God covers all the bases, doesn’t He? Now you can’t get away from me, even if you tried. You’re right around the corner, so I can pick you up and literally walk you to the center five days a week, practically dragging you by the hand if need be.”
Tears of amazement sprang to Phoenix’s eyes. “And that’s exactly what I’ve been asking my friends to do for me all these years, just like I’ve done for them when they needed it. That’s what I was praying for when you spoke to me in the park. Oh my goodness…” Phoenix wiped her eyes. “That is exactly what I prayed for...”
“Praise God! We can meet every Saturday morning too, here, to jog. And we have to meet for prayer and Bible study. We can do that twice a week in the evenings.”
“At…your apartment…?” Alone? The thought of being alone with Paulo both frightened and excited her.
Paulo gasped, startled at the sudden joyful look on Phoenix’s face. Her eyes were wide and her smile was bright. He looked deeply into her eyes and felt warmth spread in the pit of his stomach.
“Uh…no,” he murmured slowly, finding himself lost in Phoenix’s gaze. “No, not in my apartment. In my office under my apartment. I own a brownstone and I converted the ground level apartment to an office. I hold prayer and Bible studies there for members of my church every Wednesday evening. But we can do one by ourselves a second time during the week as well. I can do some counseling with you when we meet alone. I don’t know why, but I feel led to do it this way.”
“Okay. I have classes during the week on Monday and Thursday evenings, and weekly meetings with my faculty advisor, as well as research times Tuesdays from four to six. I am, however, free on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday evenings. I am also free all day Sundays…” Suddenly, Phoenix chuckled.
“What?” Paulo asked, with a small smile toying at his lips.
Phoenix shrugged. “I guess I know why I felt pressed to quit my second, part time job the day after I ended it with Cedric. I thought it was because I was too…depressed to keep it. But now I realize I would not have had time to do this with you if I still had it. I used to work Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays providing counseling at a homeless shelter.”
Paulo’s eyes widened. “You mean you had a second job, for real? Like a whole other job on top of everything else?”
Phoenix shrugged again and looked away. “I needed the money to support Cedric…” she said quietly, unable to finish as a lump formed in her throat.
Paulo bristled with a swift fury that nearly catapulted him off his perch on the bench. He wanted to grab Phoenix’s shoulders and shake her. He wanted to shout at her that Cedric never, ever loved her and that he wasn’t a real man. Real men support their women! They don’t sit back and do nothing while the woman manages school, family obligations, and two jobs, without lifting a finger. Real men support their women in their goals.
Paulo swallowed and breathed, struggling to push the words that were on the tip of his tongue back down his throat.
Finally, after the battle against his temper was won, Paulo said in a too-cheerful voice, “Well, praise God for opening up your schedule! So come by on Wednesdays for our weekly Bible study and meet a few nice people while you are at it. We can meet Saturday nights for our individual prayer, Bible study, and counseling session. It’ll just be for a couple of hours.”
“Sounds good,” Phoenix said, thrilled for more evening time with Paulo, but suddenly saddened that he was not asking her on a date.
Yeah, like he would ever ask me out on a date. Phoenix sighed with longing.
“What about Sunday mornings?”
“What about them, Paulo?” Phoenix turned to her new friend.
“You said you had a desire to return to church. Are you?”
Phoenix thought about St. Mary’s on West One Seventy-First Street that she had grown up attending with her family. As sad as she was to admit it, she really did not want to go back there, not that there was anything wrong with the Catholic church. It’s just that the thought of sitting through another mass as the priest droned on and on and asked everyone to sit, stand, kneel, repeat was enough to cause her to want to give up on church altogether. She knew that her type of church, her former religion, appealed to millions around the world, but she couldn’t go back there. She didn’t want to go back on what she had told Paulo earlier, but didn’t want to lie. She was too ashamed to return to the Holy Mountain Baptist Church, after she had abruptly disappeared two years prior.
“How about you join me at my church, then?” Paulo stated with a look she couldn’t decipher in his eye. Something told her, though, that Paulo understood the war raging within her. “We are a Christian church, a nondenominational church—”
“What does that mean? A few years ago, I started going to a Baptist Church, but was raised Catholic myself.”
“So was I, Phoenix, when I was growing up in Bahia, in Brazil, where I am from.”
Phoenix smirked. That’s where that sexy accent is from. Of course he’s Brazilian on top of everything else!
“But my church does not honor any one denomination. We are followers of Jesus Christ, as our Lord and Savior, and we follow God’s Word straight from the Bible. We follow it literally and our pastors preach that we ought to live a Bible-based life through Jesus Christ, as led by the Spirit of God. It is quite different than what you may be used to.”
“I don’t even remember reading the Bible in my mother’s church.”
“Yes, I remember the booklets we read that have the snippets from the Bible—like stuff about the Crucifixion, the Virgin Birth, et cetera. But our church teaches that the Bible is living, breathing, and transforming. Why don’t you visit with me and see if you like it? If you don’t, perhaps we can find a church that suits you better?”
“Are there…only white people there?” Phoenix asked, unable to meet his eyes, knowing fully well that such a thing should not matter.
“God’s people are there, Phoenix, including white people. People of every race, creed, background and economic level sit side by side through Jesus. It’s a big church, located in the heart of Times Square. Why don’t you check it out with me next Sunday? You have eight days to prepare.”
“Um, we’ll see about next Sunday,” Phoenix answered quickly. “But what about this workout?”
“We will start Monday. I will meet you at your home at five—”
“In the morning?!” Phoenix was already trying to figure out how to
get out of it. “I have to work and—”
“At what? Nine?”
Phoenix felt heat creep up her neck. “Well technically I do fieldwork so I set my own appointments.”
“So you can start work at any time during the day?”
“Except for Monday mornings, we have a weekly team meeting with our team supervisor to go over the cases we have to treat…that’s at noon every Monday.”
Paulo pursed his lips and looked into Phoenix’s eyes with a raised eyebrow, before letting his lips spread into a knowing smile. “Uh huh. We will meet at five, no later, this Monday morning. We will walk down to my fitness center and work out for exactly forty-five minutes, five days a week. We will meet here Saturday mornings to run, okay? When was your last physical exam?”
“Two months ago,” Phoenix answered firmly.
“Good. Call the office and ask them to fax me a copy as soon—”
“I have a copy at home I can bring.”
“Excellent. I still will have my onsite Nurse Practitioner take a look at your blood pressure and obtain final clearance from your medical doctor. I will design a diet based on your cultural background and lifestyle needs and a fitness regimen for you based on your shape and your weight loss plans.” Paulo let his eyes travel up and down her seated frame. “You tend to gain weight in the upper and middle part of your torso, so we’ll work to even out your shape with lots of cardio, then weight training to tone you.”
“Gee thanks,” Phoenix muttered sheepishly.
“No need to be ashamed of how God made you. He is now going to improve the areas of your body that you’re dissatisfied with during these workouts. Although our offices do close at the center at seven in the evening, the gym is open twenty-four hours a day. You need membership to have access. We have two floors. One floor houses our larger co ed gym for those who do not mind working out with members of the opposite gender. On the second floor, we have two separate smaller gyms that are for each separate gender. We also have a schedule of fitness classes—dance, aerobics, Zumba, et cetera. Normally, I would set you up with a counselor to work closely with you, but in this case, that is going to be me.”
“I can’t let you do all that for free, so how much?”
“It is free, Phoenix. Consider it an answered prayer. Usually we charge on a sliding fee scale based on the client’s income. Opening this center was a calling God placed on my life. While I do have to support myself and my mother, I have been blessed to live comfortably through sound wisdom from Him and investments. Believe me, we’re not looking to get rich.”
“Paulo thank you and thank God. I don’t know how to repay you.”
“You can start by considering church next Sunday.”
“Paulo, I said I will consider it.”
“Good. Before I forget, let me get the rest of your contact information stored into my phone.”
Phoenix provided Paulo with home, work, and cell phone numbers. She also provided her exact apartment address, and her email address. “Are we done?”
“Not quite. How about we start our work?” Paulo grinned as his golden eyes flashed.
“How?” Phoenix said alarmed. “You want to go to your center now?”
“Nope,” Paulo stated, standing. “How about we walk home together?”
“Paulo, that’s thirty blocks in the sweltering, August sun,” Phoenix protested.
But when Paulo reached out for Phoenix, and she placed her hand in his, she realized she would have walked through the fires of Hell with him if he’d asked.
Little did Phoenix know, that was exactly what she was doing.
Part II—The Battle
Dear friend, you are faithful in what you are doing for the brothers and sisters, even though they are strangers to you. They have told the church about your love. Please send them on their way in a manner that honors God. It was for the sake of the Name that they went out, receiving no help from the pagans. We ought therefore to show hospitality to such people so that we may work together for the truth. (3 John 1:5-8).
The Father’s eyes were roaming upon the earth. His eyes fell upon his servant Paulo, who had been petitioning His help for the past several weeks. He looked to His Right Hand and regarded the Son who was sending his Spirit upon the earth to do the Father’s will.
“My Son,” God began, with a voice powerful enough to shake the world’s mountains at their foundations. “My child, Paulo, has grown weary. Have not his intercessions been fruitful?”
Jesus looked upon His servant. “Satan tries to oppose Our plan at every turn, but My Spirit continues to fight for her through My servant. Paulo has often decided to give up or give in, but My Spirit renews his strength daily.”
As soon as he heard his name, in true fashion, Satan arrived. One thing Satan loved was to be discussed. It made him feel as though he were accomplishing something. He boldly approached the Inner Courts. “Have I been summoned, Oh Great Lamb?” Satan cackled at his own taunt toward the Savior.
“No,” Jesus responded, with pity in His eyes. “But I am sure you will make great use of your limited time, while you still can.”
“So true. Far be it from me to waste my valuable time. It is quite limited, as You so candidly remind me every few moments. And speaking of wasting time, why are You so insistent on wasting time on that girl? What is her name?”
“Am I to be made a mockery of at my own throne?” The Father asked, in a voice like thunder that rumbled across the heavens. “You know her name because you have kept your forces upon her. What of Phoenix?”
“Well it was He who mentioned wasting valuable time. And I choose to agree. Why waste time on the girl? She has been offered help, as You commanded, and has done nothing with it. She has clearly rejected the young man’s efforts and has rejected the Spirit’s efforts to draw her back. Release her soul to me. She is of no use to you,” Satan retorted.
“She is still one of My own sheep. She is almost lost, true. But a true Shepherd never stops searching for His sheep. And a sheep, as foolish and as far away as it may be, will always remember the voice of its Shepherd,” Jesus replied.
“But how long will this Shepherd keep searching for a sheep that clearly doesn’t want to be found?” Satan rallied. “Give her to me. She has clearly run from You, Oh Great Shepherd, and no longer wants to remain in the flock. Stop searching for a sheep that is clearly lost.”
“Are you accusing me of following in your footsteps, Father of Lies? You, Satan, know My Word better than most of My servants ever will. Do you remember what I have decreed to My followers in the Book of Luke, the fifteenth chapter, verses four through seven?” Jesus stared at the enemy, with a flash of fire in His eyes.
Satan struggled against the tremble within at the sight of the fire in the Savior’s eyes. It took everything in this Son of Pride to keep his eyes fixed upon the face of the Lord of Lords. “Vaguely,” he mumbled.
“I will remind you of what you know I have already stated. It is written, ‘suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.’” Jesus leaned forward. “In spite of your hatred for Me and all that belongs in My hand, have you ever known Me to lie, Lucifer?” When Satan did not respond, Jesus turned to the Father. “I will keep drawing her back, Father. She is Mine and I will not give up so easily. Please give her more time.”
God regarded His Son, whom He had placed above all things of the universe; He also looked upon the fallen son, who was closer to Him than any other before he was cast out for rebellion. “I will give Phoenix more time and Paulo more assistance. I will continue to allow You to use the Spi
rit to draw her until an appointed time. If she has not responded to the call by then, she will be handed over to Satan.”
Frustrated that he did not get his way, yet again, Satan disappeared without a word. He was on his way back to his kingdom on earth. He had to command his forces to continue tearing the girl away from the blessings of God.
He could not lose this time.
With a frustrated roar, he commanded his forces to attack the girl and the man God had chosen to help her.
God was already aware of the newest plan of Satan and He would allow Satan to make his effort. He was a fair God, after all.
But He would allow His own Son, the Savior, to make His own efforts.
“Send Your power through the Spirit. Multiply Paulo’s efforts with the girl. Order the truth about Phoenix to be revealed to Paulo as well,” the Father commanded, before sitting back to continue listening to prayers from around the world.
Chapter 11
Their minds are full of darkness; they wander far from the life God gives because they have closed their minds and hardened their hearts against him (Ephesians 4:18).
Six weeks later…
Phoenix heard the pounding on her front door. It was three-thirty in the afternoon. She had finished work early and was trying to get fifty new pages of her dissertation completed for the looming deadline a couple of days away. She sighed and rolled her eyes.
Looking up from her laptop, she stared at her front door. “I am not going to get it. Wasn’t expecting anyone…don’t have anyone to expect, so…whoever you are, you can go back the way you came,” she murmured.