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Slave For Rent

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by Samantha Cayto

  Slave For Rent

  Copyright 2015 Samantha Cayto

  Published by Samantha Cayto

  Copyright 2015 Cover Art by Syneca Featherstone

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  Danny has lived his entire eighteen years as a slave of the Tanner family. Coddled as a house slave during childhood, then sent to work in the family lumberyard, he’s happy and counts himself a lucky slave. The one thing he dreams of that’s missing in his life is someone to love. In his deepest fantasies, he imagines being the devoted pleasure slave of an indulgent master.

  Paul Graham has built a successful construction company. His business leaves him little time for a social life, but a pretty slave boy at a lumber company has caught his attention. Middle class guys like him usually can’t afford the luxury of a pleasure slave. Yet, he can’t stop thinking of buying Danny for his very own and finally gives into his desire. Danny’s protective master refuses to sell Danny outright, but he’s willing to rent Danny to Paul on the weekends on a trial basis—so long as Danny agrees.

  The chance to be a man’s pleasure slave even part-time is too exciting for Danny to resist. Besides, Master Graham is hot, just the kind of man that appeals to the young slave. A doting and patient Paul sets out to teach Danny the pleasure that can be had between two men. Danny is eager to learn the lessons, except that a dark secret he keeps hidden threatens to ruin their budding relationship. Worse, there is another man who covets Danny, and he’ll stop at nothing to possess him.

  Slave for Rent


  Samantha Cayto


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty


  Chapter One

  “What are you doing with that wood, boy?”

  Danny jumped at the sudden question by the lumberyard’s supervisor. Since being reassigned to the woodworking shop, he’d almost forgotten how much Mr. Fahey frightened him. Almost. Danny turned away from the stack of lumber he’d been gathering. He made sure to keep his gaze lowered as he faced the freeman.

  He swallowed past the lump of apprehension lodged in his throat. He hadn’t been doing anything wrong. “Mr. Fiorello sent me to fetch some wood for a cabinet, sir.”

  Fahey sauntered closer to Danny, the swagger in his steps well familiar to the slave. This man was one of those free people who were endlessly deferential to those higher up in the work ladder, yet never missed an opportunity to lord it over slaves. Not only did Fahey mete out punishment freely, he’d always been too predatory where Danny was concerned. Like now, he often got into what little personal space a slave could claim to have, his gaze making Danny want to squirm. It had been a relief when Master Ben had transferred Danny to the woodworking shop. Mr. Fiorello treated him well and never made him uncomfortable.

  “You certainly landed in clover with that job didn’t you, Danny Boy? Made the boss feel sorry for you, batting your pretty doe eyes at him, sniveling over the tough work here in the warehouse.”

  The supervisor stopped inches from Danny, his beefy body caging Danny in close to the pile of wood. “Are you as shitty at your job there as you were here? Of course you are, useless cunt. I bet you must suck that old man’s dick every day to keep him from throwing you back.”

  Danny swallowed hard again, this time pushing down a retort. Mr. Fiorello didn’t make him do anything of the sort. He was teaching Danny cabinet making and other carpentry, and Danny had turned out to have a knack for it. No one had been more surprised than he, but he took pride in what he accomplished. Not that a man like Fahey would appreciate that or even believe him if he defended himself. More likely it would earn him a smack, so he kept his mouth shut.

  Fahey drew a deep breath and exhaled noisily. A waft of beer hit Danny’s nostrils. Oh, great, the man had been drinking at lunch again. That never bode well. Danny was pretty sure the rules didn’t allow drinking during the day, even on a break. But Fahey did a good job, or so Danny had heard the other slaves say, so no one called him on his drinking or his foul temper. Danny often wondered if Master Ben knew about his supervisor’s behavior. The old master hadn’t given a damn about anything as long as business ran smoothly. Master Ben had proved to be different. He cared about the slaves. Punishments for minor infractions had decreased since he’d taken over Tanner Lumber.

  Danny tried to shift subtly away from Fahey. The man moved with him, once more blocking him in. “Please, sir. Mr. Fiorello is waiting for the wood. He told me to make it quick.”

  That proved to be the wrong thing to say. From under his lashes, Danny saw the supervisor’s lips quirk up in a nasty smile. “What’s he going to do if you take too long, paddle your sweet ass?”

  Fahey never missed an opportunity to make comments about Danny physically. Not that he’d done it in front of others. Anytime he’d caught Danny alone, like now, he’d been quick to leer and make sly remarks, some of which went over Danny’s head. His experience with men was limited. His father worked at the lumberyard, too, and kept a close eye on him. Even if Danny had been inclined to act on any of his attractions to some of the other slaves, the men were too respectful of Big John to cross him. While Danny appreciated having his father in his life, a rare privilege for a slave, sometimes it really cramped his style.

  Not that Fahey’s interest in him fell into that category of “if only.” The idea of Fahey touching him or of Danny being forced to service him made Danny’s stomach turn. It reminded him as well of something from his childhood that he’d worked hard to shove into the deep recesses of his memory. The telltale bulge behind the supervisor’s zipper sent his heart racing. He licked dry lips and tried again to escape the trap he’d landed in. No one hung around in this part of the warehouse unless they had a specific order to fill. If Fahey tried anything more than verbal intimidation, who would stop him? Who would even care except his father and maybe Oliver, Master Ben’s body slave? Neither of them was around and even if they were, he didn’t want them to get into trouble by crossing such a powerful person. Master Ben would probably take Oliver’s side, but Fahey could make Big John’s life miserable if he wanted.

  Danny took a deep breath to try again to convince Fahey to back off. Before he could utter another word, however, the man stole a whimper out of him by reaching out and grabbing Danny’s crotch. Danny instinctively jerked back, bouncing against the pile of wood. Instead of letting go, Fahey followed him and pressed closer. His fingers grasped Danny’s cock through his worn jeans and squeezed. Another whimper escaped Danny’s lips, causing his cheeks to burn with humiliation. He hated being so soft but God, he didn’t like where this was heading. His heart scrambled around in his chest.

  “Please, sir.” His voice came out in barely a whisper.

  Fahey rubbed his thumb across Danny’s fly. “Come on, you tease. You must be putting out for the old guy. How a
bout a taste of a real man? A sweet thing like you shouldn’t be working here anyway. Best place for you is in a man’s bed, waiting for him to come home and fuck you stupid. ‘Course, given that you are here, best place for you is on your knees.”

  Danny closed his eyes and held his breath, certain that Fahey was about to force him to kneel. And then what? Would he really make Danny suck him off right here where someone could see them? If they got caught, they’d both be punished, and while that might mean a reprimand for the freeman, it would mean the whipping post for Danny. The thought of having to take the man’s cock in his mouth raised bile. Sure, he’d been fantasizing about blowjobs and fucking for a while now but not with a guy like Fahey. God, he didn’t think he could stand it.

  “Oh, hey, Ken, there you are.”

  The hand on Danny’s cock pulled back immediately. As Danny opened his eyes, Fahey moved away from him and turned. A man in dusty, beat-up work clothes approached. He was tall and lean, but the forearms peeking out from under his rolled up sleeves were strong-looking. Danny recognized the guy right away. Mr. Graham owned a construction company and had been a regular customer of Tanner Lumber for a few years now. There had been some occasions over the last year when he’d approached Danny for one thing or the other from the warehouse. He’d always been so kind and patient with Danny, not berating him when Danny had retrieved the wrong items or needed help getting something down from beyond his reach. For some reason, Danny had always been especially awkward or clumsy around the handsome man, blushing and stuttering.

  Graham wore a faded blue gimme cap, yet Danny remembered that light brown hair, thick and a bit curly lay underneath. The man had starred in quite a few of Danny’s wet dreams, which had led to even more embarrassment the next time he saw him. Even now, as stressed as he was over Fahey’s attention, Danny couldn’t stop his cheeks from heating up. Graham shot both the supervisor and Danny a bright smile. His light green eyes, though, were too knowing. He understood what he’d interrupted and realization caused a worse blush to creep up Danny’s face. God, he hoped the man didn’t think Danny was there with Fahey by choice.

  Graham held out a work order to Fahey. “I picked up some stuff the other day and miscalculated on the railing. Frank says you’re waiting for a new shipment, but that maybe you have some more squirreled away that you’d be willing to sell to me now.” He flashed another bright smile. “Do you have time to take a look?”

  With a scowl, Fahey turned back to Danny. “Get what you need for Fiorello and scram, kid. You know he doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”

  “Yes, sir.” Danny kept his head down when he answered, mostly because he didn’t want to show the resentment he held toward the freeman. Asshole stops him from doing his job, then acts like Danny had been loafing. He hurriedly grabbed the wood he’d pulled out earlier and skittered around the two freemen. He hoped Mr. Graham didn’t believe Danny had been shirking. Not that it mattered what the man thought of him.

  Except for some reason it did.


  Paul took a moment to pull his cap off, shove it into his back pocket, and finger his hair into something resembling neat and tidy. He found Ben Tanner to be a nice and reasonable guy, not one to stand on ceremony and always accessible to his customers. Of course, Paul was about to propose a business transaction that Ben might not be very receptive to. The least Paul could do was present himself as a serious businessman. Although younger than Paul by a few years, Ben had already demonstrated that he was shrewd and capable, no one to underestimate. Paul needed to project confidence. Nothing he could do about approaching Ben in work clothes, though. Paul could no longer afford to wait to make his pitch, not given what he’d witnessed an hour ago in the warehouse.

  God, damn! Blind, dumb luck had led him to seek out Fahey at just the right moment. From what he’d seen, the asshole had cornered Danny, and if Paul hadn’t come along when he had, who knows what might have happened? Actually, Paul could imagine exactly what would have happened and knowing that, he’d been hard pressed to keep from ramming his fist into Fahey’s face. But that bit of self-control had been crucial. No way would Ben deal with him if he’d cleaned the supervisor’s clock. He had to keep his eye on the prize, and the prize was the pretty slave boy whose face haunted every wet dream Paul had been having for the past year.

  Because Ben Tanner wasn’t a pretentious man, he didn’t have an administrative assistant guarding the door to his office and said door typically stood open as it did now. Knocking on the doorjamb, Paul stuck his head inside.

  “Hey, Ben, got a minute?”

  Ben sat at his desk, frowning over something on his computer. Maybe this wasn’t the best time to disturb him. On the other hand, he turned his head and gave Paul a smile.

  “Paul. Hi, come on in.” He waved his hand and gestured toward a visitor chair. His smile dimmed to one of guarded curiosity when Paul shut the door behind him.

  With his palms beginning to sweat, Paul decided not to try for a handshake. Instead he sat down and made his back as straight as he could. He looked Ben in the eye. “Thanks. Sorry to disturb you, but I have a business proposition and I was here anyway, so….” His voice trailed off. More nerves making it hard to get words past his throat. He figured he had one shot to get Ben to agree to the deal.

  He cleared his throat. “I’ve got kind of any unusual proposal, although I want you to understand I’ve given this almost a year’s worth of thought.”

  Sitting back, Ben said, “Okay. I’m all ears.”

  Paul really wanted to clear his throat again, and fidget and look away. This was turning out to be harder than he’d thought. He pictured Danny’s face as it had been earlier with Fahey boxing him in. He could do this; he had to. He’d managed to build up a successful construction company, oversaw a large crew, bid on projects, negotiated contracts. This deal paled in comparison, and yet it meant so much more. More than he wanted it to, really.

  “I’m in the market to buy one of your slaves,” he spit out, grimacing inwardly. He kind of hated to refer to Danny in such stark terms regardless of what the law said.

  Ben’s eyebrows shot up. “Really? I didn’t think you used slave labor on your crew.”

  “I don’t. I’m not looking for a construction slave.” He took a deep and furtive breath. “I’m interested in acquiring Danny.”

  Ben’s eyebrows dropped down in an obvious frown. “Danny? Big John’s boy?”

  “Yeah, why, do you own another Danny?” Paul tried for a light tone and maybe succeeded. The sweat made his palms itch, so he placed them firmly on the top of his thighs.

  Ben’s frown deepened. “Danny is apprenticing with Fiorello but is hardly ready to work independently.”

  “I know. I’m not looking to add to my crew or expand my business.” Christ, this was awkward and kind of embarrassing. “I want him in my personal household.” He hoped that was clear enough because God help him if he had to spell it out.

  Ben sat forward, arms resting on his desk. He pierced Paul with a suspicious look that made his heart skip a beat. “Danny isn’t any kind of trained domestic slave.”

  Now his heart tried to climb up his throat. He had to swallow it back down. “I know that,” he replied quietly.

  When Ben’s expression didn’t change, Paul decided to come clean. Ben wasn’t his father. Everyone knew he doted on his own body slave, Oliver. Maybe he’d understand better than most how Paul felt. His gaze skittered away from the other man for a second before he looked him in the eye again, wanting him to see his sincerity.

  “I like him, Ben. I’ve seen him around here for the last year or so and each time I see him, I want him even more. It’s not only that he’s adorable, because of course he is. He’s sweet, too. The few times I’ve had an opportunity to talk to him tells me that he’d be nice to have around. And well, I don’t have anyone in my life currently. My business has consumed my time for years and continues to do so. I figure having a boy like Danny would make for
a nice change. You know, someone to come home to.”

  He finished his little speech and sat back, trying to gauge its effect on Ben. The guy’s expression hadn’t warmed any. When Paul opened his mouth to plead his case some more, Ben held up his hand.

  “Okay, I get what you’re saying. My point remains the same. Danny isn’t a valet or any other kind of personal slave. He certainly isn’t a fuck toy.”

  Paul flinched at the crude expression. Hearing it used in relation to Danny angered him, as well. He fought to hide his feelings and failed with the first words out of his mouth. “Don’t refer to him that way. I don’t think of him like that.”

  To his surprise, Ben’s face relaxed into a small smile. “That’s good to hear.”

  Paul tried to relax, too. “Of course, I want him in my bed,” he felt compelled to confess, as if it weren’t obvious already. “It’s just that if all I wanted was a warm body, I could go to a slave broker. What I want, who I want, is Danny in particular. I like him,” he said once more with emphasis.

  Pursing his lips, Ben nodded absently. Paul couldn’t tell what thoughts turned in the other man’s head, so he continued with his prepared spiel.

  “I know a slave like Danny doesn’t come cheap. I’ve worked up a proposal for the purchase price based on market comps I’ve looked into. I figure twenty-five percent down with the balance paid quarterly over the next year.” He fumbled for the paper he’d put in his shirt pocket that had the terms written out. He was prepared for a counteroffer from Ben and hoped they could agree on a number that wouldn’t bankrupt him.

  Ben waved him off before he could take it out. “I’m sure you’re prepared to offer a fair price, but the boy isn’t for sale at all.”

  Ben’s words, so final and firm, took the wind out of Paul’s sails. It wasn’t supposed to go this way. He’d planned it all out and damn it all, it wasn’t as if Ben wanted Danny for himself, at least it didn’t seem as if he did. The only thing left to do was beg.


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