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Come Back to Me_A Brother's Best Friend Romance

Page 19

by Vivien Vale

  “Of course, I do!” she peers out from around the tree in a huff, her breasts bouncing aggressively within her white dress.

  She’s lying, of course, and she knows that I know. But given the aban-doned wedding decorations all around us, I understand why she’s keeping up the charade of caring for the other king.

  “Really?” I say, humoring her.

  Although I’m enjoying this game, I can’t help but have this intense urge to just grab her and throw her on the ground already.

  “Judging from the way you’ve been eyeing me since you’ve got here, your body is telling a different story.”

  Ash’s eyes widen in shock, as if she was just caught in a lie. After a mix of emotions wash across her face, she suddenly takes off again.

  “Oh no, you don’t.”

  I reach out and catch her, grabbing her by the wrist before she can take off.

  Surprised, Ash whips around as I yank her closer to me. She resists at first, and then relaxes as our bodies fold into each other. I kiss her, finally, drinking up every last inch of her.

  I can feel myself already growing rock hard now.

  We’re both breathing hard as Ash looks up at me, her eyes both fearful and desirous.

  “We shouldn’t,” she whispers, her breath growing faster.

  “Then make me stop.”

  She does nothing as I slowly start to undo the lacing on the back of her wedding dress, one eyelet after another, until her tits are bouncing free. Once exposed, she throws her arms across her chest, looking around wildly.

  “Someone will see us!”

  “It’s just us,” I hungrily whisper into her ear as I kiss her neck. “Just us.”

  I shove her into the grass as she giggles.

  “I can’t believe we’re doing this!”

  She rolls through the grass as her dress falls around her thighs.

  I grab her legs and pull them up, pulling the rest of her dress off. I reach for her panties, feeling starved to bury my face in her pussy, but she suddenly sits up and brushes my hands away.

  “No, you first,” she says breathlessly as she reaches for my pants. “You’re about to burst.”

  I look down, and unsurprisingly, my cock is rock hard and looks like it’s about to burst through my pants, but I decide to hold it together.

  “Ladies first,” I tell her as I push her back down to the ground.

  I yank her panties down, and for a split second, I realize her white satin lingerie was only meant to be seen by her husband on their wedding night.

  Oh well. So much for that.

  I climb down between her legs and inhale her. Her whole body is con-vulsing, and I haven’t even touched her yet!

  “I’ve never,” she gasps, “I’ve never—”

  “I know,” I say, as I flick my tongue between her pussy lips, tracing the tip along her clit, so that her body convulses with every light touch.

  I grasp her thighs, digging my fingers into her flesh, as her whole body shakes. She starts kicking her legs, her feet dragging across the ground, cover-ing us in dirt and dry leaves.

  Now, I’m even hornier than ever.

  We’re just a couple of dirty heathens fucking in the place, where, just a few minutes ago, Ash was about to marry King Whatshisname.

  “I’m coming!” she exclaims, trying hard to keep her voice down, “I’m coming!”

  This is wrong. This is really wrong. But it feels so fucking right.

  Her back arches as she comes for the first time—an intense, dry orgasm that sends the birds in the trees soaring.

  She tries to wave me away, but I go back again. She convulses, as I grip her sweaty body, all slippery under my palms.

  Within seconds, she comes once more, covering me with her pussy juice.

  Before I can go down again, she sits up and knocks me over.

  “Uh uh,” she says, eyeing me like some beautiful sex goddess, who’s come to my kingdom for this one purpose.

  “It’s your turn.”


  “Well?” Drew asks, expectantly.

  I know Drew asks, expectantly. but I want Drew to feel like he’but I want Drew t

  I stalk over like a cat, letting a seductive smirk cross my lips as my eyes take in the entire length of him, hard and almost throbbing.

  Suddenly, I grab Drew like a cat, letting a seductive smirk cross my lips as my eyes take in the entire length of him, hard and almost throbbing.hudders pleasantly, so I take the plunge and devour it all, my tongue moving along the shaft with such intensity that I feel Drew entwine his fingers in my hair and push me against him, as close as he can physically get me.

  “Faster,” he orders me, his tone commanding and king-like. “Faster!”

  As I suck his dick, I think about all of the chairs and decorations from the wedding party around us. And yet here I am, giving a blowjob to a man who is not my fiancé. This may come back to bite us both, but right now, I fiancé. This may come

  And just like that, Drew explodes in my mouth. His whole body convulses as he sinks to the base of the tree beside me.

  I can’t believe we just did that.

  I’m supposed to be getting married, and my husband is the one who’s supposed to be ripping my dress off, but instead it was Drew—not that I’m complaining, of course.

  I know it’s wrong, but I can’t help the corners of my lips turning upwards in a small smile, feeling absolutely divine just in that very moment.

  As I lean up against him and wipe my chin, he chuckles, causing me to blush and look away.

  “Oh,” he teases gently, his hand on my thigh, “now you’re shy, after taking a mouthful from me?”

  “Stop that,” I chide, swatting his arm and giggling. “Don’t say it out loud like that.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” he croons, “I wasn’t aware that there were rules of engagement for this.”

  I roll my eyes at him, and that predatory spark in his eye comes back, and I gasp, watching as he slowly untangles his arms from mine.

  “What are you doing? Why are you looking at me like that?” I ask, starting to get nervous.

  He doesn’t answer, and before I can ask again, he slides down my body and his face dives back down in between my thighs, that skillful tongue doing what it does best.

  I groan and run my hands through his hair as he laps at my wet cunt, giving soft, wet strokes with his tongue everywhere but exactly where I want it, turning me into a whining, needy mess.

  I’m still wet from him working his magic just moments ago, and I didn’t think it would be possible for me to get any wetter than I already am.

  But here I am, wetter than a rainfall in the jungle.

  My head is foggy, and my heart is pounding in my chest as I feel another orgasm building; that tight, hot coil of pleasure that’s threatening to snap at any moment and push me over the edge.

  As if he’s reading my mind—though he’s definitely reading my body—he circles my clit with his tongue and sucks, and my legs clamp around his head as I start to come.

  A wave of pleasure crashes over me like a tide as I come again, and I turn into a hot mess of pure bliss, legs shaking, incoherent whining. I’m praising him like he’s some sort of god.

  He might as well be, with a tongue like that.

  I come down from my high, and he slowly kisses his way up my body, starting with my thighs, up my hips and my stomach, then taking pause at my breasts to gently kiss each one.

  He traces his fingertips along my skin with feather light touches up to my jaw line until he grasps it firmly and leans in for a kiss.

  I can taste myself on his lips, and it makes me feel so dirty, and I love it.

  Can you imagine what people would say if word got out of what Drew and I are doing? On the day that was supposed to be my wedding?

  The scandal.

  I sigh into his lips, and he breaks from our kiss, sitting up with his back against the tree. I curl against his side and cuddle into him and smile wh
en I feel him wrap his arm around me, feeling protected.

  We sit there for a moment like that, enjoying the silence and each other’s company.

  The setting was perfectly romantic, really: a warm, soft breeze rustling through the forest, gorgeous blossoms on the tree above us, and the sun setting over the sea.

  It’s like something out of a damn fairy tale.

  As I look up at him, his eyes closed and his head leaned back against the bark of the tree, I bite my lip, contemplating my words for a second.

  “So,” I say tentatively, dusting my fingertips along his forearm as I look up at him, “I’m in a bit of a predicament, and I have a confession to make.”

  He cocks an eyebrow at me and smiles, his voice smooth and low as he responds.

  “Oh, do you? Well, what’s this predicament and confession, my little princess?”

  I feel a heat in my chest, and I smile when he calls me his princess. I know it can’t happen for real, but damn if I’m not going to enjoy it for now while I can.

  The thought of being his instead of Fergus’ sends a warm feeling through me, and I can only imagine the life I’d lead.

  Now’s not the time to think about that.

  I shake myself from my thoughts and clear my throat softly, twirling a piece of hair between my fingers.

  “Well,” I coo, looking away shyly, “I’m actually a virgin. And I really don’t like the idea of Fergus being my first. He seems like a—snob,” I settle on the word for lack of a better one. “He’s not the kind of man I want to take me, especially not for my first time.”

  Drew appears mildly surprised as he looks at me and raises his brows, a smile starting to creep onto his lips.

  “Oh, a virgin? Could have fooled me, the way you went to town,” he says with a grin and a chuckle. “But I think I know what you’re saying. Although,” he adds with a thoughtful tilt of his head, “you should probably at least give him a chance; get to know each other a bit. You never know, plus, with the alliance...” he trails off, looking up at the blossoms in the tree and getting lost in his thoughts.

  He looks back down at me and sighs, his voice lower this time.

  “It’s probably for the best anyway,” he says.

  His hands wander along my bare skin, a pinch here, a grab there, caresses whenever he gets the chance; apparently, his body and his mind have two entirely points of views. I shift my weight against him, and when I slide my arm into his lap, I can feel his cock, hard again.

  I hum and smile when I brush against it, and I feel his breath hitch in his chest when I wrap my hand around his cock.

  I lean forward and look up at him, batting my eyelashes, and I lick the tip, smirking when a low rumble comes out of his chest.

  “I think there’s someone—or something—” I say as I dip my glance down quickly to his cock, and back up to his eyes, “that I’d rather get to know better than Fergus.”

  He grins at me and leans down, pulling my face up to meet his as he takes me into a searing kiss; all the while, I’m still stroking his hard cock, pulling groans from him.

  Just as I break from our kiss and lower my lips down onto his hard cock, I hear a rustling in the trees, not far off.

  Damn it.

  I whip my head up and look at Drew—he’s obviously heard it too, judging by the way he’s squinting—and stop for a moment, listening.

  Another snap of a twig and leaves moving ring out from the forest, and it’s closer this time.

  Did someone follow us? Were we being watched?

  We both look at each other in confusion, but it turns to panic when we hear an accompanying voice—one that I unfortunately recognize.

  “Ash? Where are you?”

  Shit, it’s Fergus.

  We both start to hastily right ourselves, hoping and praying that we’re presentable by the time he finds us.

  Definitely not the way I’d planned this day to go.

  Do you want to know what happened next? Find out in The King’s Surprise Bride available now on Amazon!

  Burning Hearts

  A Second Chance Secret Baby Romance

  By Vivien Vale

  Copyright 2018 by Crimson Vixens

  All rights reserved

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons is entirely coincidental. This work intended for adults only.

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  The second I see the flames rising, all I can think about is her.

  Margot St. James. Daughter of my father’s most hated business rival. The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my damn life. And my best friend in the whole fucking world, whether my parents approve or not.

  From the moment I first met Margot, I knew I wanted to make her my wife. But Margot’s parents don’t like me any more than my father likes her. So if friendship with her was what I had to settle for, I’d take it.

  Yet as my firetruck pulls up to her burning sorority house, I realize I might not even have that for much longer.

  Margot’s life is in danger. And there’s not a second to waste.

  “Boone, wait!” I hear one of my buddies on the squad call after me as I hop out of the truck and start sprinting for the Omega house’s front door.

  The university’s volunteer firefighters are just dumb college kids with hero complexes, and we know it.

  My brothers on the squad mean the world to me. We can always count on each other to save the guy that’s making the most dangerous calls for himself, taking the biggest risks.

  But as I search the gathered crowd of Omega sorority sisters for Margot’s face and come up empty, I know that nothing’s going to stop me from running into that inferno and getting her out alive.

  It didn’t even cross my mind that Margot might not be inside. That maybe she’s studying late at the library or—God forbid—maybe she’s staying the night with some asshole frat boy who won’t appreciate her the way I do.

  Sometimes when you know, you just know.

  There’s something deep in my most basic instinct—some caveman part of my lizard brain—which senses that the love of my life, my soulmate is in danger. So I don’t even hesitate.

  I shoulder through the burning red front door of the house and crash my way in.

  I know where Margot’s room is. It’s the same place I always take her when we’re out at a party and she gets so tired. She usually nods off before she even has a chance to finish a beer.

  I’ve carried her up these very stairs a dozen times this year alone. I know the length of the hall to her room, just as well as I know the way home after a long shift at the firehouse.

  The fact that there are half a dozen burning wooden beams that block Margot’s room doesn’t make a lick of difference. I flip my face mask down, and heft one after another to the side, like they’re no more than fucking toothpicks.

  But, with each one I move out of my path, I have to accept the reality of the situation. The roof is already burning. The support beams are already dropping from overhead.

  This house is a deathtrap, and the love of my life is still inside.

  As I move the last beam, I try not to let the thought cross my mind—what if I’m too late? It’s not an option. Either I save Margot St. James tonight, or I die trying.

  My life for hers…That’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.

  The knob on Margot’s bedroom door looks red hot—opening it could cause a backdraft that would make the whole house explode like a powder keg.

  I have to be smart. Times like this, the brain can’t process, so the training kicks in.

  I need to vent the smoke before I can complete this search and rescue. Luckily, I’m easily six foot four. Four years on the college football team have left my ar
ms thick and powerful with muscle. With my axe in hand, I brutally chop a hole where the wall meets the ceiling and watch as thick, black smoke pours out like rich, bold dark roast in a coffee cup.

  Once the room is vented, I charge through the door without a single thought about what might be on the other side…except for her.

  My eyes find her immediately. She’s passed out on her bed wearing nothing but my football jersey, surrounded by flames. Even like this, with mortal danger all around her, there’s no denying it—Margot is the most beautiful woman in the entire fucking world.

  It only makes my need to save her all the more urgent.

  Those long, bare legs. That beautiful blonde hair. The thick curtains of her eyelashes and the little smile that plays on her lips while she sleeps soundly…

  She’s too good. Too perfect. Too pure.

  Too precious for me to lose.

  I brave the flames. I can feel them licking my calves, even through my fire pants. The entire room is hazy with heat and smoke, which makes it hard to breathe, let alone think.

  So I don’t think.

  I just do.

  I scoop Margot up in my arms, careful not to hurt her.

  I protect her with my body as I carry her— like a groom carries his bride—over the flames.

  In the days that follow, I know I’ll think about what might have happened if I had gotten there just a few seconds later. Just a few seconds—that’s all it would have taken.

  I’ll think about what could have happened if I hadn’t been on shift tonight, or if I’d never met Margot to begin with.

  But, in the moment, there’s no time to think of these scenarios.

  There’s barely even time to catch my breath.

  The moment that I stumble back out of Omega house’s front door, the roof caves in. The entire fucking thing deflates like a failed soufflé.

  If I had hesitated for just a second… it would have been my life for hers . But, no. I can’t think of that.

  I’ve had a good life. I wasted my teenage years being the party boy heir to the Masters’ family fortune. I spent four years of college pounding the football field and the books—usually in that order.


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