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Come Back to Me_A Brother's Best Friend Romance

Page 37

by Vivien Vale

Margot’s parents were right.

  My father hates her family so much that he’s willing to have her and Amelia killed. He will stop at nothing if it means hurting them. It obviously doesn’t matter if I get hurt in the process, either.

  Anger floods my system.

  Anger for the asshole standing in my home, trying to burn it all to the ground, with everything I love inside with it.

  And anger for my father, who would rather take the road to pain and to revenge towards Margot’s family rather than see me happy.

  He’s always been the root of the problem when it comes to me and Margot being together.

  I would bet my life on the fact that if there’s an arsonist here right now trying to kill Margot, then there was also one who started the fire that night five years ago at her sorority house—and that he was also hired by my father.

  Margot’s parents knew he was capable of this. They warned Margot to stay away from me, causing her to doubt seeking me out.

  He’s the reason I could have lost everything tonight. I’m going to kill him. I swear to god.

  But first, I need to take care of the slime bag idiot still trying to get the cabin to catch fire. I start to move silently across the hardwood floor in his direction.

  Just as I’m about to grab him and beat the shit out of him, I hear feet padding down the stairs. Shit.

  I glance over to see Margot and Amelia halfway down the stairs.

  The arsonist clearly heard them, too.

  In my moment of distraction, he stops what he is doing to lunge towards me with one of his meaty fists.

  “Boone!” I hear Margot cry out.

  I pivot my left foot back to swivel my body to the side and back, barely avoiding his fist trying to make contact with my face.

  The arsonist put so much momentum and force behind his attempt to punch me that he goes flying towards the fireplace that is standing behind me. His fist makes contact with the stone.

  I hear a crunch of bones, and he lets loose an agonizing scream.

  Amelia reacts with her own.

  Then I see a blur of gray and black fly across the room and towards the arsonist.

  It’s Crockett. He lashes out and sinks his teeth into the man’s ankle.

  The arsonist screams again while shaking his leg out to get away from Crockett, who refuses to let go.

  While the asshole struggles with the racoon, I lash out at him with my fist and clock him in the face. Unlike him, I don’t miss my target.

  His nose breaks and sprays blood all over his face and on my fist.

  He flies backwards and lands on the floor. I flip him over onto his stomach, pin one knee into his back, and secure his arms behind him so he is unable to try attempt two at punching me.

  “Margot,” I call out. “Call the police, baby. Tell them some asshole just tried to burn my cabin down, and I have him subdued for them to arrest.”

  She runs to find a phone, and soon I hear her talking to dispatch on the other end.

  Crockett is standing next to me, baring his teeth at the arsonist. He’s damn protective of his family—like me.

  I turn my head to the right and see Amelia sitting on the steps of the stairs, looking scared and unsure of what’s happening. I see her tears are wet and immediately want to scoop her into my arms and comfort her.

  But I can’t. Not while I’m keeping the asshole from running off.

  Margot is still on the phone, so she can’t help, either.

  I look down at Crockett and nod my head in Amelia’s direction.

  “Go comfort Amelia, buddy,” I tell him. “I got this under control.”

  Crockett relaxes and stalks over to where Amelia is sitting. He snuggles next to her and leans his body into her side.

  Amelia reaches out to gently grab onto his fur, and, immediately, I see some of her tension and anxiety release. While comforting Amelia, Crockett never takes his eyes off the arsonist and me.

  One move from the dumbass, and, no doubt, Crockett would fly over in a heartbeat to sink his teeth into the other ankle.

  Margot walks back into the living room a few seconds later.

  “They’re on their way,” she tells me.

  She takes a seat on the stairs with Amelia and Crockett.

  “Are you okay?” she asks me.

  “I’m fine. You?”

  “I’m a little shaken, but I’ll be okay,” she replies. “Even better when the police get here. What happened, Boone? Who is he?”

  With the last question, she nods toward the man still struggling to escape my hold on him.

  “He’s the jackass who started the fire you saw outside earlier—and the same jackass who tried to burn down the cabin while you and Amelia are in it.”

  She goes pale, and her body shivers in fear.

  “But why?” she asks.

  “I don’t know for sure…but I suspect it’s because my father told him to.”

  That answer elicits a look of shock on her face.

  “Your father hates me…hates my family so much that he would hire someone to kill us?” She tugs Amelia closer to her as she says this.

  My stomach clenches in horror, sickness, and anger. I just got Margot back into my life and got Amelia in it for the first time. All of it could have been taken from me in a heartbeat at my father’s orders tonight.

  “He’s not going to get away with this, Margot the arsonist or my father. I promise you.”

  She stares at me for a minute before shaking her head in assent. With that nod of approval, she’s saying she trusts me and has faith in me to protect her and our daughter.

  I want this asshole out of my house and away from my family. And I want my father taken care of, as well.

  I meant what I promised to Margot. He isn’t fucking getting away with this.


  Out on Boone’s front porch, I sit on a rocking chair with Amelia cuddled in my lap holding Crockett tightly to her. She won’t let him leave her side right now. While I comfort her by rubbing her back, I watch what’s happening in the front yard.

  The police handcuffed the arsonist that tried to burn the cabin down and stuck him in the back of one of two police cars parked in the driveway. Thank God.

  A small shiver of fear ripples through my body, as I think of what could have happened to me and Amelia if the arsonist had been successful

  I’m still in disbelief over what happened, especially the fact that Boone’s father was behind it all. He really does hate my family with a fierce intensity that he’s willing to have people killed without thought or, I suspect, hesitation.

  It doesn’t do any good to dwell on it, though.

  The arsonist can’t try to hurt us again. We’re safe. Thanks to Boone.

  And Boone said he would take care of his father. I trust him to do just that. He isn’t going to let anyone hurt us, not even his own blood.

  I focus back on what’s in front of me. I see Boone who’s standing next to the police chief as they chat. I can’t hear what they’re saying, but I know Boone is giving every detail of what occurred here.

  Then, the chief holds something out to Boone. I only get a brief look. It’s something small, but I can’t tell what it is.

  Boone smiles and gives the chief a firm handshake.

  The chief moves towards his car and Boone heads toward Amelia, Crockett, and I sitting on the porch.

  “Everything is okay and going to be taken care of, baby,” he tells me. “The police back in New York have my father in custody, my mother is dismantling the company, and the arsonist is being held with no offer of bail.”

  He moves closer, and bends to give me a sweet kiss.

  “I promise you, I would make sure no one could hurt you and Amelia, and I meant it. No one will be able to anymore.”

  I feel a heavy weight disappear within me, taking away the fear and anxiety with it. I flash a smile up at Boone.

  “Thank you, Boone,” I whisper.

  “Anytime baby,” he res

  I suddenly remember the chief handing Boone the small item.

  “Um, what did the chief hand you before he left?” I ask bashfully.

  He smiles widely. It’s a smile that lights up his whole face.

  “It’s actually something I’ve been holding on to for quite some time now,” he says. “I had it stored in a safe deposit box in town and asked him to pick it up for me the other day.”

  “Okay. So, what is it?” I prod him.

  Suddenly he bends down on one knee in front of me on the porch. He takes out the small item the chief handed him out of his pocket. It’s a small velvet box. He pops the lid open to reveal what’s inside.

  My heart skips a beat, and my breath hitches in my chest.

  Holy shit.

  When I asked him what the small item was I never thought it would be this.

  A small diamond ring is nestled into the velvet of the box. It’s a silver band with a princess cut diamond.

  It’s not big and flashy, but simple and perfect. It’s me.

  I look at Boone in disbelief and anticipation.

  “I bought this the week I first met you back in college, Margot. I know it was silly back then, especially since I couldn’t even muster the courage to ask you out on a date. But…I don’t know, it just felt right. It felt like I was meant to buy this ring back then, because on some level I knew you were it for me. You are the only woman I have ever loved with every fiber of my being. You are the only woman I’ve ever wanted to be with. Margot, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And Amelia.”

  He nods his head towards our daughter who is still sitting in my lap looking between me and Boone with a smile only a child who is completely happy and excited could have.

  “I want to love you, protect, and cherish you. I want to wake up every morning with you by my side and go to bed with you every night, now and forever. Will you make me the happiest man alive by becoming my wife?”

  I cry tears of joy and happiness.

  I thought I would never see this man ever again. He was the only man I’ve ever loved and wanted to be with, but it never seemed like it would work out.

  Now. though? He’s down on one knee in front of me asking me to be his wife.

  He could have any woman he wanted, but he’s chosen me.

  “You, Boone Masters, have made me the happiest I have ever been these past few days,” I finally choke out. “You are an amazing father, friend, and lover. You are my other half, the only man for me, the only man I’ve ever loved. So, yes, Boone, I will gladly be your wife, now and forever.”

  “Yes?” he asks a little stunned as if he didn’t actually believe I would say it.

  “Yes! Yes, Boone, I will be your wife!” I say excitedly.

  I stick out my left hand for him to slip the ring on to my finger. The cool metal glides easily and is a perfect fit.

  “Fits like a glove,” Boone chuckles.

  Amelia suddenly jumps off my lap with a tiny squeal. She bounces in place with Crockett dancing around her feet for a few seconds before flinging herself into Boone’s arms.

  He wraps his arms around her.

  “You happy, baby girl?”

  “Yes! You and mommy are getting married!”

  Boone chuckles.

  He then releases her so she can jump around once more. Standing up, he holds out a hand to me. I place my hand in his, and he tugs me out of the rocking chair and into his arms. His lips crash into mine in an intense and passionate kiss.

  When we break away to catch our breaths, we both have big smiles. Our foreheads touch and we look into each other’s eyes.

  “We’re getting married,” I giggle.

  “Hell, yes, we are baby,” he growls.

  In this moment, in the arms of the man I love and our daughter joyfully skipping around the porch releasing infectious laughter into the air, I have never been happier.

  I know with Boone, that it will only get better, and there will never be a dull day.


  “Could I please get two piña coladas and then one additional, without the alcohol?”

  The Hawaiian bartender smiles. “Sure thing.”

  Swinging into action, I watch him efficiently whip up our drinks.

  The night is perfect.

  A cool breeze off the ocean is keeping away any mosquitoes that may have been attracted to the Tiki torches. Two torches are perched at the end of each side of the bar.

  Similar torches stretch on the beach, until the water’s edge. Spaced around ten feet apart, they create a huge circle showcasing the paved dance floor and round tables for the spectators.

  The covered bar and serving area face the ocean, where the luau is still in full swing.

  The Samoan fire knife dancer had just finished.

  People were starting to leave their tables and proceed to the dance floor.

  I’m not sure how well I’ll be able to dance after eating all that kalua pork. It really was a feast after being cooked in their underground oven over hot coals.

  Tipping the bartender, I grab our drinks and head back to the table.

  “For my beautiful women.” I wink at them individually as I pass the drinks.

  “Thanks, Daddy!” Amelia had taken to calling me her father almost immediately. I’m so lucky!

  But I know it will take me years before I get used to it. Each time she says it, with her sweet, high voice, I melt. But then, I melt whenever she says just about anything.

  Margot has even tried to have a little talk with me about being stricter. I just laughed. She can’t expect me to be strict for at least a year, or two or more.

  Isn’t that the same period for a baby to grow up sassy and spoiled? Everything is just so new, and I’m learning as I go. I want to do everything perfectly, but it will take time.

  Margot says I’m a great dad, but she worries that Amelia might take advantage of the situation.

  “Can I go dance with them, Daddy?” Amelia’s pointing to three other girls her age. They are carefully watching and imitating a belly dancer on the dance floor.

  “Of course, you can.” Margot’s words spur Amelia into action.

  She takes a long draw of her drink before pushing out her chair and standing.

  “Just stay in sight.” Margot is smiling as Amelia turns and takes off.

  “Oh no,” Margot sips her drink and looks at me suggestively over the rim. “It looks like everyone has left. What will we do?”

  What a fucking little tease.

  I love it.

  “Well, I can certainly think of a few things, but since you just told Amelia to stay in sight, I don’t think any of them will work.” I try to look disappointed. Margot’s laughter draws a few curious gazes from others on the dance floor.

  “When you finish your drink, will you dance with me?” I run my hand suggestively up her arm and behind her neck, kneading it softly.

  Her light summer dress flaps in the breeze and seems to tease me, as it tightens against her lightly tanned skin.

  “That can definitely be arranged,” Margot then takes a long drag of her drink, all the while never breaking eye contact.

  “Be careful, or you’ll get brain freeze,” I joke.

  I take a drink and then proceed to join our cool lips, rubbing my cold tongue against hers before pulling away.

  Our wedding had been a small, quiet affair with Amelia as the flower girl.

  We didn’t want to invite a lot of people, especially with all the craziness surrounding my father’s involvement in trying to have Margot and Amelia killed.

  Everything was so crazy for a while, but I’m determined to only dwell on the positive.

  Amelia comes running up to the table and immediately picks up her drink. She takes a long swig.

  “Are you having fun?”

  Glancing over her shoulder at her new friends, Amelia answers her mother.

  “Yes! Did you see me? I can do it now. Watch!” Dropping her glass back on
the table, she takes off to join her new friends and resumes dancing.

  She’s facing us now, and we both smile while she beams at us. I give her a thumbs up to let her know that I think she’s doing great. It does look a bit like she’s having a seizure.

  “She’s really getting into it, isn’t she?” Margot laughs and stands to move in front of me.

  Slowly, she brings her hands up and begins the slow, gyrating Hawaiian dance that’s made hula dancing so popular around the world.

  I can’t take my eyes off her.

  The small smile on her face lets me know she’s aware of the power she has over me.

  Sliding out of my chair, I turn to face her more fully, enjoying the show.

  Her shoulders drop in exasperation, and she grabs my hand and tries to pull me out of the chair.

  “Oh, no. You’re doing great!” I use her grip to pull her closer, so she can dance right in front of me.

  For a few seconds more, she continues to dance before her face reddens. Standing up, I pull her into my arms and begin to sway back and forth.

  “I was enjoying the show. Why did you stop?” My soft words in her ear make her shiver in my arms.

  Running her hands up my chest and then linking them around my neck, she tilts her head back and smiles.

  “You know why. I embarrass myself. I have no idea what I’m doing. I’m sure I look like an idiot with how bad I am.” Her self-depreciating talk is so silly.

  It’s one of the most endearing qualities about her. She doesn’t seem to have any idea how beautiful she is.

  “You and Amelia are the most beautiful women here. And, personally, I don’t think any dancing you would ever do would be bad,” I kissed the tip of her nose.

  “Look at how good Amelia is doing already.” I angle us so that we can both look at her.

  She’s having a great time. Dancing and chatting with her new friends, she looks like a pixie under the fire light. When she notices us looking at her, we both wave.

  She blows a kiss back enthusiastically, but that’s it. Her attention is consumed by her new friends as she continues to dance.

  “Well,” Margot wiggles closer into my arms. “I don’t know if I would call what she’s doing good.”

  I laugh, and she joins in.

  “Okay. It’s a little jerky and stiff still. We could get you ladies lessons?”


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