Wrapped Around Your Finger
Page 4
She’d been sexy in the tightly laced corset with the way it hugged her curves and put her breasts on display, but she was damn near perfect without all the trimmings. She had a vulnerable innocence to her that was staggering now that it was no longer masked. Her violet eyes brimmed with raw emotion as she lifted her gaze to his.
Gently he rubbed her upper arms. “That’s my girl.”
“I feel so plain without my makeup. And I thought you’d like the outfit. I spent—”
He pulled her to him and kissed her to shut her up. Her lips were soft and timid beneath his as he licked the seam of her mouth. The small moan she gave as she opened for him made his already stiff cock impossibly harder. For all the sweetness he tasted, as she grew bolder sliding her tongue along his, there was an undercurrent of hunger, of darkness. He did not want to stop, but he had to present something that resembled self-discipline.
With a groan, he reluctantly broke the kiss. “Damn if you don’t test my control, Indigo Hartley.”
“Yeah?” she whispered with a grin.
“You have no idea.” He lifted her chin using his thumb and forefinger so he could look into her eyes. “And for the record, there is absolutely nothing plain about you. I love that you dressed up for me, but you don’t need all that for me to think you’re beautiful. You’re perfect just as you are.” He brushed one of her nipples with the pad of his thumb.
She gasped, her eyes widening.
“So responsive,” he murmured. Her nipple hardened as he continued to tease her. “Sit on the bed, keep your feet on the floor and spread your legs.”
A hint of apprehension flickered across her face, but she did as he asked.
“Now lie back,” he told her.
She lay down obediently, but kept her gaze on him.
He stood directly in front of her and studied her, taking his sweet time, appreciating every curve and valley of her body. Minutes went by and she began to fidget, but he didn’t touch her or say anything.
He waited.
The sexual tension intensified. Indie’s body almost hummed with it. Her feet shifted nervously. Her breathing became faster, shallower. Uncertainty showed in the way her brows were knit together. He’d pay a pretty penny to know her thoughts at that moment, but he didn’t want to break the spell.
“Shh. Close your eyes. Don’t move unless I tell you to.”
He could have restrained her, and planned to before long, but there was something about controlling a submissive using nothing but his voice. She would have to consciously think about not moving. Her obedience would be at the forefront of her mind. It would keep her mentally present, not floating off somewhere in subspace. It was his way of cultivating the connection between them. His dominance. Her submission. Some Doms used protocol and punishment to instill the bond. Banner preferred to use a submissive’s emotions and senses.
She blinked a few times as she searched his face then slowly closed her eyes.
“Listen to the sounds around you.” He paused for a moment. “What do you hear?”
She cocked her head a fraction to one side. “I hear the fan above me. It creaks a little… Your breathing. It’s calm, deep… My heartbeat.”
“And what does it sound like?”
“Like a jackhammer,” she blurted with a small laugh.
“Good girl. Now I want you to tell me what you feel. Keep your eyes closed.”
He put his knee between her legs right up against her pussy, placed a hand on either side of her shoulders then leaned down inches from her face. “What do you feel?” he whispered.
“Your breath… The weight of you on the bed and between my legs.”
“What do you feel?”
“Anticipation.” Her answer came out in a rush.
“Good. What else?” He leaned down and brushed his unshaven chin over one of her nipples.
“Need,” she gasped.
“What do you need, Indie?”
“I need you to touch me.”
And he wanted to touch her. With his tongue he caught the tip of her nipple and flicked it back and forth. She moaned behind pursed lips as she shifted slightly on the bed.
“Is it difficult for you to lie still?” He knew the answer, but wanted to hear her say it.
“I’m having a hard time keeping my hands to myself. God, I want to touch you,” she breathed.
He couldn’t wait to feel her hands on him, but if he allowed that, he could kiss his control goodbye. He wanted to take it slow with her. The buildup, the fist-clenching anticipation, it wasn’t just for her. Banner loved it, craved it.
“Thank you for being honest, but this isn’t about what you want. It’s about what I want.” He could see the disappointment in her face as he pushed off the bed and stood. “I’m going to move you, but I want you to keep your eyes closed until I tell you to open them.”
“Yes Sir.”
He grabbed her hands and pulled her up so that she sat on the edge of the bed. “You don’t have to call me Sir, Indie.”
“It just feels…right. Does it bother you?”
“Actually, I love it.”
A huge smile lit up her face.
“Like I said, I’m not much for protocol. But since it feels right to you, by all means, call me Sir.” He sat behind her, scooting her toward him. Her soft curves fit perfectly between his legs and against his body. He had to bite back a groan when she wiggled her ass against his hard cock as she settled into him.
“Uh-uh. No moving unless I tell you to.” Or that chain he used to hold back his desire to fuck her would snap like a twig.
He had positioned them in front of the mirror so he could watch the way she responded to his touch, his voice. The image they created together was highly erotic. Her skin was flushed from desire and there was a vulnerable trust behind her unguarded facial expressions.
“Sorry, Sir,” she murmured.
“If you hadn’t done that on purpose, I’d believe that little apology. But we both know that you grinding your luscious ass against my dick wasn’t an accident, was it?”
The mirror reflected a sly little smile on her lips. “No, it wasn’t.”
He placed each of her hands on the bed along the outside of his thighs. “Keep them there. Are you going to be a good girl and hold still?”
“Yes Sir.”
She flinched when he reached around and palmed her full breasts. The soft weight of them felt incredible in his hands. As he squeezed gently, he rubbed the hardened nubs of her nipples with his thumbs and she blew out a small breath. He tugged them outward, stretching the sensitive tips, causing her to moan.
“I love the way you respond to my touch.”
Slowly he moved one hand up and rested it on her throat. Indie tensed. He would never choke her, but the implication that he could if he wanted to, was more than enough to heighten her awareness. Her pulse raced beneath his fingertips. Tilting her head back, he licked the shell of her ear then ran his tongue down the side of her slender neck. When he reached the curve of her shoulder he bit down and she shuddered.
“Are you wet yet, Indie?”
“I’m fucking soaked.” The words burst from her.
Playfully, he bit down on her shoulder again.
“Ow!” She laughed. “Well, I am.”
“Maybe I should check for myself.” Keeping one hand on her throat, he slid the other down the curve of her belly to the warm folds of her pussy. Careful not to touch her clit, he slipped a finger inside her. “Yup, fucking soaked.” He withdrew, smearing her wetness along the smooth outer skin of her mound. “And I love that you’re hairless here. Nothing to block my view or get in the way, just a pretty, pink cunt.”
He caressed her inner thighs, barely brushing the outside of her labia as he moved from right to left. He watched her in the mirror. Her eyebrows were drawn together, giving her an almost pained appearance. When he slipped a finger back through her slick folds, still
avoiding her clit, her expression softened. He withdrew and her face hardened again. Back and forth, he gave her the promise of pleasure, but didn’t deliver. For long minutes, he drew out her torment, touching, but not touching.
“Banner,” she pleaded, her breath coming in quick pants.
“Is there something you want to ask me?”
“Please what?”
“Touch me.”
“I am touching you,” he said as he swirled his finger close to her clit, then moved away.
“Oh God. Touch my clit.” She whimpered. “Make me come. Please.”
He feathered a finger over the small, fleshy nub. A tremor ran through her body. She was exquisite, hovering on the edge of orgasm. He’d barely touched her clit, but he knew that it wouldn’t take much more to make her come.
“Open your eyes, Indie,” he commanded as he gently stroked upward on her clit.
Her violet eyes flew open as she moaned. He captured her gaze in the mirror.
“Do you see what I see?” he asked, nuzzling her neck as he stroked her again. He could feel her body tensing beneath his touch. “You’re perfect, just like this…natural, wild, about to come. Don’t close your eyes. I want you to see how beautiful you are.” He held her gaze and strummed her clit in an unhurried and steady rhythm.
She nodded, her eyes hooded with desire.
He kept his pace slow but increased the pressure of his touch. She began to mewl with each stroke, her body rigid from the orgasm building in her.
He waited for exactly the right moment, reading her body’s signals.
She inhaled sharply then released the breath with a groan as she started to come. He pinched her clit hard between his thumb and forefinger. Her eyes widened and she screamed, bucking as he held it for a few seconds. He released the little bundle of nerves then lazily stroked it through the rest of her climax, prolonging it as she shuddered.
Her eyes were bright and her chest heaved as she looked at their reflection. “Holy shit.”
“You have such a way with words,” he teased.
“I’m sorry. It’s just that it’s never been like that before,” she said between gasps.
“Explain,” he urged as he wrapped his arms around her.
“I can’t believe I’m going to tell you this. I…um…don’t come easily. Well, unless I’m by myself and battery-operated equipment is involved,” she admitted.
This would be an experience for both of them then because he planned to give her more orgasms than she could handle. “Oh, I think that’s all about to change.”
“Really?” She slid from his grasp and knelt before him on the floor, reaching for the waist of his pajama pants.
He intercepted her hand before she had the chance to touch him and shook his head.
The confused, hurt look was back again. “But what about you?”
He sighed. It would be damn good to show her that there was a world beyond the one she knew, but breakfast would come first. “I don’t expect you to get me off just because I made you come. That’s not the way this works. Don’t for one second think that was anything other than a purely selfish act. I made you come because it pleased me to do so. Like I told you before, this is about what I want. And right now I want to make breakfast,” he declared with a wink as he stood and pulled her to her feet.
She frowned as she eyed his erection. It’s not as if she could miss the huge fucking tent in the front of his pants.
“It’s a sight you should get used to. I have a feeling it’s going to be a constant with you around.” He gave her a wicked grin and led her out to the kitchen.
Chapter Four
“Mmm,” Indie moaned sleepily as she felt soft lips brush her shoulder. It was really nice to wake up with the feel of his body spooning hers from behind.
“You awake, sleepy head?” Banner asked, his lips still against her skin.
“Do I have to be?” She snuggled deeper into the pillow. His bed was so comfy and she liked being surrounded by his smell. She’d been tired after he’d fed her a big breakfast. The food acted much like a sedative. She’d asked him for a cup of coffee to help wake her up and instead received an order to take a nap. At first she’d been irritated about being sent to bed like a child, until she realized that he was right. She hadn’t been able to sleep the night before and was exhausted because of it.
Now that she’d been pleasured, fed and rested, she was content. A girl could get used to being spoiled like this.
She could stay in this bed all day. To her disappointment, Banner moved away from her. Instantly, she missed the warmth at her back.
“It’s really too bad you don’t want to get up. I have a steaming mug of this really yummy coffee. It’s a medium roast flavored with coconut. I think I remember someone saying they wanted coffee,” he coaxed in a rough voice.
She stretched and let out a blissful groan. Clutching the sheet to her breasts with her elbows, she sat up and stopped short of rubbing her eyes. Then she remembered she wasn’t wearing any makeup to smear and happily rubbed the sleep from her face. “Did you just use the word yummy?”
“What? A grown man can’t say things like yummy?” He arched a brow, his hazy blue eyes full of amusement. “Because you look really yummy in my bed.”
She grinned, taking the warm mug from him. “I do?”
“I knew you would when I saw you posing on the table last night. I said to myself, ‘Now that would look delicious in my bed.’”
“I bet you say that about all the girls.”
His face darkened at her implication. “No, Indie, I don’t. You’re the first woman I’ve brought to my home, submissive or otherwise. This isn’t a regular occurrence. And I can tell you it will likely be the only time I do something like this.”
“Because I don’t think I’ll ever come across another woman like you.”
Awkwardly, she took a sip of her coffee. His words, too close to real sentiment, made her uncomfortable. She didn’t want to hear things like that. Okay so there was a part of her that definitely wanted to hear it, but she was over being manipulated by flattery. It was best for both of them if they kept things casual. After all, it was only three days. That wasn’t long enough for her to fall for him, right?
“It bothers you that I said that doesn’t it?” he asked lightly.
Man, nothing gets by him. Was she really that transparent? “It’s just that I don’t want us to make this into anything more than it really is.”
“And what would that be, Indigo?”
“Two people having fun. Nothing more than that, right?”
“You know what I think? I think you should stop trying to analyze everything and just let yourself live in the moment.”
“How very Zen of you.”
“Smart ass. You’ll get yourself spanked if you keep it up.”
“Maybe I want to be spanked.” Oh my God, had she really just said that out loud? What the hell was in this coffee?
“Do you, Indigo? Because if that’s true all you have to do is ask. I’m not one for playing rebellion games just so you can earn a spanking. You want one, ask for it. I’d love to see my handprint on that lovely pale skin of yours.”
Her pussy clenched at the visual of being draped across Banner’s lap, her bare ass glowing pink under his hand. How often had she fantasized about being spanked? Not the little slap on the butt some guys gave during sex, but a real spanking…a stinging, hot, pussy-drenching, barehanded spanking.
“Indigo?” Banner’s voice jerked her right out of her fantasy.
She narrowed her eyes at him. “I’m on to you and your little tactics.”
“Oh yeah?” His grin was downright mischievous. God, he was so sexy.
“Yeah. You’re trying to distract me with promises of spankings.” And damn if it hadn’t worked.
He laughed as he stood. “Come on. Eat now, spank later. I have some things I need to do for dinner. You can he
“Is it that late already?” Careful not to spill her coffee, she moved to the edge of the bed and glanced down at her nakedness.
“Yes, and don’t even think about asking to put on clothes.” He took the mug from her, helped her to her feet, but didn’t let go of her hand. He pulled her in for a soft yet hungry kiss, leaving her breathless when he pulled away. “I want you exactly like this in case I feel the need to touch you…or lick you…or make you come again.”
As if she would argue with that.
* * * * *
“Where do you want me?” she asked as she stood next to the stainless steel sink. There was a brief moment of giddiness about preparing a meal with Banner Faust in his kitchen, but she kept it under wraps, trying to appear professional. Professional what, she had no idea because it was really hard to appear professional anything when she was buck-ass-nekkid.
“Hop up on the counter and just keep me company until I’m done with the ginger. Are you comfortable in the kitchen?” he asked as he set a hand of fresh ginger on the cutting board.
She did as instructed, the granite cold beneath her bare flesh. She’d forgotten she hadn’t told him about culinary school. She hadn’t wanted him to think she was trying to use him to push her career forward. She realized now that he wasn’t one to make snap judgments. That department had her name written all over it. It seemed stupid she hadn’t told him since it was something they both clearly had passion for.
“I happen to be really good in the kitchen. I’m a student at Le Cordon Bleu,” she said confidently.
A big smile lit up his face. She was amazed by how much it changed him from brooding and serious to heart-stopping.
“Why didn’t you tell me? That’s great, Indie.” Delicately he began peeling the ginger.
“I have to confess something… I kind of made all of these horrible assumptions about you.”