Wrapped Around Your Finger
Page 6
The warmth from the ginger grew steadily and the heat from his hand mingled with the heat inside her. She let out a shaky breath as he ran his hand softly over her tender skin.
“That’s it. Breathe, Indie.”
She took in a few big gulps of air before his palm came down on her neglected cheek. It received exactly the same punishment as the first. All the while, the burn from the ginger flared outward. The last two blows sent a shock of fire through her as she tried to clench around the plug. Again he caressed her sore skin when he was finished. The sensuous warmth from the sound spanking she’d received was overshadowed by the insane heat in her ass.
Maybe it was her imagination, but she felt tingly all over as if the effects of the ginger had spread along the nerve endings throughout her body.
“Now that you’re good and warmed up, are you ready for your spanking?”
That was just a warm up? He had said that he wouldn’t take it easy on her and if she was honest, she didn’t want him to.
“Yes Sir,” she said, hoping he didn’t hear the distress in her voice. Damn, she was on fire from the inside out.
The first hard smack made her head come up. The pain was so immediate and intense it stole her breath. She throbbed around the plug as he caressed her softly. Just when she’d had a chance to catch her breath, he slapped her other cheek just as hard.
Fuck, it really hurt.
He followed the blow with another gentle brush of his palm. The next round of strikes, four on each cheek, had her crying out as tears came to her eyes. Close to her limit and unsure if she could continue, it took her a second to realize he’d finished.
“You still with me?” he asked, gently massaging her sore butt.
She didn’t really know at that moment. The burn from the ginger had reached a fever pitch and she could feel sweat under her arms. She couldn’t concentrate on anything other than the crazy need that swelled inside her and the tingling heat in her ass. “I need… Fuck, I’m on fire. I need… God, what the hell do I need?” she gasped.
He dislodged the plug from her ass and the heat dissipated a few degrees. She took a deep, relieving breath. That was better. She could think again. Now all she needed was to be fucked good and hard. Yes, that’s exactly what she needed.
He helped her up so she sat on his lap, facing him. One of his large hands cupped her cheek and he kissed her so softly she trembled. Such tenderness after such pain made her feel like her emotions were swinging on a pendulum.
“What do you need, Indie?” His voice was low and rough like gravel.
“I need to be fucked.” She’d really just blurted that, hadn’t she?
“Like I said before, you do have a way with words. Can you stand?”
She nodded, eased off his lap and stood in front of him on shaky legs. He got to his feet then shed his pants and underwear. After kicking them to the side he sat down at the bottom of the bed and leaned back on his elbows. Naked, hard cock jutting out, every muscle cut and defined, he was glorious. The way he looked at her, as if he wanted to devour her, made her feel as if she were the sexist woman alive.
“Ride my cock until you come. Ride it hard, Indie. This may be the only time I allow you to be in control.”
She didn’t have to be told twice.
Banner couldn’t believe this beautiful submissive woman was all his. Indie had taken everything he’d given her and more. The lust, the emotion, the powerful need that had been all over her face when he’d pulled her into his lap after he’d spanked her had been it for him. He fell for her right then and there. There’d been no fear in her, no animosity, no anger, just desire and honesty. Yeah, he was a goner and they hadn’t even had sex yet.
God, she was fucking beautiful. She’d sucked her bottom lip between her teeth as she straddled him. Grabbing his dick with one hand, she spread her lips with the other and guided him into her slick pussy. They groaned together when she slid down onto him.
He watched her with hooded eyes as she began to rock back and forth, slowly working him deep inside her. His need was every bit as great as she’d conveyed hers to be, if not more since he’d walked around half-cocked all damn day.
“Fuck me, Indie,” he growled.
“I thought you said I was the one in control now?” She arched an eyebrow at him as she leaned back and rolled her hips.
He let out a harsh breath and gave her a look of warning. She had the nerve to smile. Naughty girl. He’d see how well she performed under pressure. He pushed himself up, wrapping his arms around her and latched his lips onto one of her nipples.
She moaned, picking up her pace.
He took his hands and pressed her tits together so that he could tongue both her nipples at the same time.
“I love that,” she told him as she sank her fingers into the hard muscles of his shoulders.
He smiled, still licking and sucking her until she writhed and fucked him faster. He moved both hands down and grasped that beautiful full ass of hers, forcing her to fuck him harder. He was relentless, allowing her no mercy, no kindness now.
“I’m going to come,” she gasped almost as if she couldn’t believe it.
“Well come then. Come with me, Indie.” He pulled her down hard and ground his dick so deep she cried out. Her pussy clenched and pulsed around him as she came, bringing his own climax. Hard and fast his orgasm rushed through him. He shot his seed deep inside, filling her. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling them together tightly and let out a ragged breath against his neck as she shook one last time.
Mine. I have to make her mine.
Chapter Six
“I know you didn’t learn to cook like this at Le Cordon Bleu.” Banner smiled and helped himself to another biscuit, which he used to scoop up grits and eggs. Damn, she was a good cook. The scratch biscuits were perfect. After last night’s intense scene, and the sleepy morning sex, he needed to refuel. It had been really nice waking up with her in his bed this morning. Something he wanted to get used to for damn sure.
“Oh this is nothing. We ate like this every Sunday morning,” she said, pouring them both a fresh cup of coffee before she sat back down at the kitchen table. “Mom still cooks like this. It’s sort of a family tradition. If you’re in town, you go to Mom and Dad’s for Sunday breakfast.”
“Grits. I didn’t even know I had grits.”
“As stocked as your pantry is, that doesn’t surprise me. And I may look all citified with my dyed hair and ink, but underneath it all, I’m just a country girl,” she said, taking a bite of sausage.
He grinned at her. “So, country girl, where did you grow up? How big is your family?”
“I was born just outside of Jacksonville. Mom and Dad still live in the same house I grew up in. I have three brothers and a sister. Two of the boys are married with kids now. I have two nieces and a pack of wild animals my sister-in-law swears are my nephews.” There was a bit of a twang in her voice he hadn’t heard before.
She took a sip of her coffee before she continued. “My mom pretty much raised us by herself. Daddy drove a rig and was always on the road. With five kids to feed and bills to pay, I can’t say as though I blame him, but it was really hard on mom. He’s retired now so things are different, but growing up…it just would have been nice to have him around.” It was obvious that talking about this was uncomfortable for her. She stared down at her plate, pushing her food around with her fork.
“Well enough about me. What’s your family like?”
As a well-known chef he was used to talking about his career, but not his family. It was complicated and something he didn’t particularly like discussing. But he’d asked her to open up to him and she had. He needed to man up and do the same. “My mother died when I was a baby. My father…he left right after that. Couldn’t handle raising an infant on his own, I guess. My maternal grandparents adopted me.”
She reached across the table and put her hand in his. “Oh, Banner, I’m so sorry.”
It s
urprised him when he looked in her eyes and saw only concern, not pity. “No, don’t be. I have no memories of either of them. My grandparents raised me like I was their own. I even called them Mom and Dad.”
“So you had a good childhood?” she asked with a smile.
“You really want to know?”
She sat cross-legged in her chair with one elbow on the table, her chin resting in her hand. He loved that she’d grown so accustomed to her nudity that she seemed oblivious to it.
“Of course I do.”
“I had a good childhood. Mom was a homemaker. I swear she lived half her life in that kitchen—made everything from scratch. She would have loved your biscuits. My passion for cooking, I got that from her. Dad worked for NASA and he spent a lot of time there. They were strict, old-fashioned. It was sort of like growing up in a fifties household.”
“Well I personally happen to love that era.”
“Maybe that’s why I find you so irresistible.”
“You think I’m irresistible?” she asked, standing up.
Yes, naked Indie, waiting on him in his kitchen was pretty damn irresistible. “Don’t be coy.”
She laughed as she began to clear the dishes from the table. “It’s kind of hard to do coy when you’re naked.” She wiggled her ass when she walked by him.
“You make a very valid and very sexy point,” he said, reaching over and lightly slapping one of her ass cheeks. Already he missed seeing his handprint on them.
She turned and narrowed her eyes playfully as she cleared the rest of the table. “So, what are we going to do today?”
“Have you ever been to a play party?”
“A friend of mine hosts one on the last Sunday of every month. I want to take you.” He hadn’t been in a long while. The idea of bringing her to Jared’s party as his submissive was just too tempting. Yes, it was selfish and a little barbaric, but for some reason he felt the need to publicly stake his claim. Aside from that, the party would be the perfect venue for a scene he planned for her. Something explosive. Something emotional. Something she wouldn’t easily forget.
“I’ve always been curious. I have friends at the agency that are always trying to drag me along. Going without a Dominant never appealed to me.”
“You won’t have to worry about that now will you?” He stood and cornered her by the sink, leaned down and playfully bit her neck.
“I guess I don’t have to do a whole lot of worrying with you around.”
“That’s the idea.”
* * * * *
Indie stood in front of the closet watching as Banner slid into a pair of soft, black leather pants. “So what should I wear tonight? I have this gorgeous corset—”
Banner shook his head.
“No? Well I can’t very well go naked can I?”
He wiggled his eyebrows at her and she froze. Oh please, don’t let him say I’m going naked. Maybe the package that had arrived earlier was something for her to wear to the party. A girl could hope.
“You’ll be going to the party as Indie the submissive, not Indigo Hartley, the fetish model.”
“What do you mean by that?” Did he not like her style? Were her clothes not good enough? She didn’t understand. She wanted to, but it looked a hell of a lot like he wanted to change her. That wasn’t part of their deal. This wasn’t supposed to be serious. He’d been steadily chipping away at her idea of casual and she didn’t like it. Not at all.
“I love the way you dress. It’s fun. It’s unique and you are stunning when you’re all made up. But you hide behind the image you’ve created. It’s a shield you use to protect yourself. I don’t just want the tattooed, blue-haired model who wears retro clothes, high heels and red lipstick. I want the woman beneath all that too. I want the raw honesty, the brave trust and the passionate soul that you show me when there is no place left for you to hide.”
Her throat suddenly felt painful and tight as she tried to swallow down all the emotion he’d just dragged into the light.
“I don’t…hide.” It was a lie and she knew it as soon as the words left her mouth.
He pulled on a fitted black t-shirt and approached her calmly. He cupped her face in his hands. “Indie. It’s okay. We don’t have to talk about this right now.”
He saw too much, read her too well. Part of her wanted to pour out her heart, bare her soul, but she just couldn’t. Not right now. Maybe not ever. Besides they had a party to get ready for. She should focus on that.
He walked over to a set of drawers toward the back of the closet and opened one. When he turned he had a black leather collar and two sets of cuffs in his hands.
“You’re going to restrain me with those?” Her mind quickly shifted gears.
“I might,” he answered.
She waited, expecting him to elaborate, but he didn’t. “At the party? In front of everyone?”
“Indigo, do you trust me?”
“Then no more questions.”
She took a deep, cleansing breath and willed herself to relax. Why did she always need to know every little detail? Maybe it was her way of trying to hold on to a thread of control. Where, what, why…for fuck’s sake, she couldn’t let go even for a minute. She could lie to herself and hide behind the notion that she didn’t want to embarrass him with her lack of knowledge. He was fully aware of her inexperience. If there was something he felt she needed to know, he’d tell her. She was safe with him. He would look after her. She needed to trust in that.
She should just…let go.
If only she could place herself in his care and let him worry about the rest. Free. She would be—free—without care, without stress, without anxiety. It hit her for the first time that this was what submission was truly about.
“Lift your hair.”
She obeyed.
“Are you nervous?” he asked as he wrapped the thick collar around her throat. The leather smelled earthy and comforting as the O ring jingled from where it hung in the center. Banner buckled it into place and for just a second, she wished it were hers, not just a play collar. She understood the significance of it and how sacred it was in a Dominant/submissive relationship.
Part of her ached to belong to him and dreaded the fact she’d be going back to her mundane life tomorrow. She shoved the thought down where it belonged, buried with her fantasies. It was the last night of their arrangement, she didn’t want to spend it wallowing over things she couldn’t have.
“A little, but I’m in good hands.”
He flashed a devastating smile her way as he led her over to the bed. “Yes you are. Jared’s parties are safe, sane and consensual. You can expect that people will be engaged in all sorts of sordid, kinky things. Jared doesn’t have many rules, but those he does have are strictly enforced. Treat everyone with respect, subs and Doms alike. Never interrupt someone else’s scene. No drugs. And safe words must always be honored. People who break the rules don’t get invited back and invites are very hard to come by.”
“Sit,” he commanded and she did. The fleece on the inside of the leather wrist cuffs was soft against her skin as he fastened them. After they were buckled, he turned them so that the buckles were on the inside and the D rings faced out. It seemed methodical, something he’d done many times before. With a small bite of jealousy, she wondered how many subs had worn them before her, and how many would wear them after she was gone.
He knelt before her and gingerly picked up one of her feet as if it were a delicate piece of glass. His fingers were soft and light as he fastened a cuff to her ankle. When he looked up at her, the warmth in his eyes was too real, too honest. She dropped her gaze. They’d slept together, had sex, he’d spanked her, but this…this small act seemed so intimate.
He seemed to sense her withdrawal and buckled the last cuff into place with more efficiency, less care. Instantly she missed that small bit of warmth. What would she miss tomorrow or in the weeks to come? The months?
r /> When she looked at him again, the tenderness was gone, but there was desire in its place. Still on his knees, he placed a hand on each of her thighs and parted them slowly.
A shiver rolled through her as he ran his hands along her skin until he reached her pussy. With his thumbs he massaged the sensitive hollows where her thighs met her labia. Unconsciously she spread wider, but he tightened his grip, pressing his fingers painfully into the flesh of her thighs, reminding her who was in control.
“You move when I say.”
“Yes Sir.” She knew how this worked now. If she wanted him to touch her, she had to obey and God, did she want him to touch her.
“Good girl.” He parted her lips with his thumbs, barely brushing the sensitive nub of her clit. When he took her nipple between his teeth, she whimpered. He alternated between teeth and tongue as he played. The pleasure warred with the pain, then he sank a finger inside her pussy and she willed herself to remain upright.
What she really wanted to do was lie back on the bed and beg him to make her come. Instead she sat there and trembled. Slowly he strummed her clit with his thumb as his finger pumped in and out of her. She wanted, almost needed to thrust with him, but she held still. It was torture, a pleasurable, blissful, torture. He brought her close, so very close to orgasm, but to her disappointment, he backed away leaving her throbbing and needy and frustrated.
“Don’t pout. You’ll get to come…eventually.”
* * * * *
It was absolutely insane how aroused Indie was at the moment. Banner had brought her to the brink twice more before they left the house. She was thankful he’d left her alone for the drive. Well not as thankful as she’d be if he took mercy on her and gave her an orgasm. Apparently he wasn’t in a very merciful mood. Frustrated, she shifted on the passenger seat of Banner’s SUV.