by A. N. Wilson
interpretations of works, 327–8
language games in, 328
photography, 324–5, 327
proposes to Alice Liddell, 324
and psychical research, 439
and Ruskin, 327
sexual nature, 324–5, 327
sympathy with children, 328–9
Alice’s Adventures Underground, 324
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, 263, 324, 327–8, 330
Through the Looking Glass, 324, 328
Carson, Edward Henry (later Baron), 532, 563
Cartwright, Edmund, 249
Catholic Church
and Anglican Rituialists, 368–9, 371
antipathy to, 64–5, 67, 69, 139, 141, 367–8
and communism, 372
confidence, 169
creation of English hierarchy in, 139–41
and evolution theory, 232, 377
Gladstone and, 69–70, 142, 347–8, 372–5, 380
and heresy-hunting, 170–1
hostility to science, 377
in Ireland, 68–9
opposes cremation, 543–4
political loyalty, 374–5
Ruskin on, 87
and scramble for Africa, 491–2
and social concerns, 517
temporal power, 515–17
see also Maynooth; Mortara, Edgar; Oxford Movement; Papal Infallibility; Pius IX, Pope; Vatican Council, First
Catholic emancipation, 59, 135
Catholic Emancipation Act (1829), 78, 140
cattle plague, 428
Cause, the see feminism
Cavagnari, Sir Louis, 401
Cavendish, Lord Frederick, 453, 503, 532
Cavour, Camillo Benso, Count, 84
Cawnpore see Kanpur
Cecil, Lord Robert see Salisbury, 3rd Marquess of
cemeteries, 542–3, 545
Cetewayo, Zulu Chief, 401
Ceylon: unrest in, 126
Chadwick, Edwin, 12, 37, 156–7, 309
Preventive Policing, 37
Chamberlain, Joseph
background, 447
Beatrice Potter (Webb) and, 483, 574–5
denounces Lord Salisbury, 482–3
at Devonshires’ ball, 585
and Dilke case, 459–60
and educational reform, 363
and Egypt, 465
and Ireland, 449
and Liberal split, 508
liberalism, 546
political changeability, 483
remarriage, 483–4
republicanism, 360
resigns (1886), 479
and social reform, 444, 447
and South Africa, 605, 608
and Tariff Reform, 593
turns against Gladstone, 456, 479, 508
Chambers, Robert: Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation, 95–100, 103–4, 227
Chambers, William, 95
Chand, Nanak: Narrative of Events at Cawnpore, 207
Chaplin, Henry, 588–9
Chapman and Hall (publishers), 19
Chapman, John, 167
Charlotte, Princess (George IV’s daughter), 24, 54
Charterhouse School, 281
Charter published, 43
and Corn Laws, 72
criticize Great Exhibition, 136
divisions in, 42
failure, 113, 116, 119–20
Land Plan, 118
as libertarians, 44
National Convention (1848), 118–19
national petition rejected, 46
newspapers, 41
origins and principles, 39–41, 43–6, 115
‘Physical Force’, 115, 118
popularity, 41, 46, 114, 119
riots and violence, 39, 44–6, 115, 117
Third Petition (1848), 116–20
Tories in, 46
Chatsworth, Derbyshire, 383
‘Chatsworth Stove’, 114, 129
Chaudhuri, S.B., 202
Chelmsford, General Francis Thesiger, 2nd Baron, 401
Cheltenham Ladies’ College, 286
Chester Castle, 453
Chesterton, Gilbert Keith, 45, 89, 168, 335, 433, 518, 579–80, 604
child labour
agricultural, 428–9
as chimney sweeps, 299, 304
in cotton industry, 250
in mines, 151, 618
minimum age of, 153
working hours, 41, 151–4, 429
childhood, 260
adults self-image as, 330
and crime, 264–7
and custody law, 306
expendability of, 264
literature for, 263, 315, 330
mortality, 307
of poor, 264, 307
in prostitution, 472–5
chloroform, 156
attitudes to, 34–6
causes, 155–8
cordon sanitaire against, 35
in Crimean War, 178–81
epidemics and mortality, 36, 74, 156–7
in India, 34, 210, 217
in Ireland, 35, 83
origins and spread, 34–5
research on, 256–7
Christian Science, 550
Christian Socialist Movement, 149, 296
Christian Victor, Prince, 615
apparent, 169
Balfour and, 556–8
charity, 22
conflict with science, 96–7, 103, 232
and evolutionary theory, 376
and heresy-hunting, 169–71
in India, 202, 205
and Jerusalem, 172–3
morality, 162
as mythology, 167–8
opposition to capitalism, 151–2, 156
power of Church, 227
supports status quo, 149
see also Catholic Church; Church of England; religion
Christmas cards, 128
Church of England and Catholic Church, 141
disestablishment question, 364, 371
High Church movement in, 101, 140–1
Ritualism, 366–71
and state, 70
see also Christianity; religion
Church Missionary Society, 487, 491
Church in Wales, 452, 543
Churchill, Lord Randolph, 484–5
Churchill, Lady Randolph (née Jennie Jerome), 484
Churchill (Sir) Winston Spencer, 189, 470, 484–5, 611
cigarette-makers, 197–9
Clarence, Albert Victor, Duke of, 526
Clarendon Commission on public schools (1861–4), 280–2, 291
Clarendon, George William Frederick Villiers, 4th Earl of, 77, 81, 189–90, 240–2
Clarke, General Sir Andrew, 468
class (social)
and army purchase, 355–8
conflicts and divisions, 115, 157, 319–20
English views on, 192
fluidity, 94, 261, 383–4
in Gilbert and Sullivan operas, 420
and school education, 280–1
system, 59–61, 192, 274
views of revolution, 119
and women’s movement, 312
see also aristocracy; middle classes; working classes
Clergy Daughters’ School, Casterton, 285
Clerkenwell: Fenian bomb in, 338–9
Cleveland Street scandal (1889), 564
Clifden, Nellie, 242
Clough, Arthur Hugh: Oxford Letters, 103
Clutton, Henry, 539
and child labour, 618
mines, 31, 45, 151
production, 15
Cobbett, William, 32
Cobden, Richard
as advocate of political freedom, 253
on factory working, 60, 75
on Free Trade, 352, 427–8
and Great Exhibition, 127–8
parliamentary career, 66
and repe
al of Corn Laws, 71
on war as aristocratic sport, 191
on working class improvement, 119
Coburg family and dynasty, 24–5, 54–5, 139
Cochrane, Elizabeth (‘Nellie Bly’), 493
Cohen, Meyer, 275
Cohen, Morton, 328
Cole, Sir Henry, 128–9
Colenso, John William, Bishop of Natal, 401
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 349
Collingwood, Robin George, 570
attitudes to, 48–57
and Corn Laws, 126
in Great Exhibition, 152–3
sexual appeal of expansion of, 496
technological change in annexation of, 493
unrest in, 124–6, 258
see also empire
commerce see trade
common employment, 582
common land: enclosure of, 31
communism, 114–15, 151, 256, 343, 386
Comte, Auguste, 110–11
Conder, Charles, 552
Condition of England question, 53, 62
Condorcet, Marie Jean de, 11
Congo, 468–9, 488–9
Congregationalists, 577
Conrad, Joseph
Chance, 314
The Secret Agent, 445
Conroy, Sir John, 25–6
Conservative Party
composition, 66–7
Disraeli rebuilds, 402
election defeat (1880), 188, 404
extends franchise, 271, 331–2, 386
governments: (1874), 386–91; (1885), 478; (1895), 573
see also Tory Party
constituencies (Parliamentary): newly-formed, 572–3
Constitution (British), 61, 385
Contagious Diseases Acts (1864–86), 308–10, 369, 473–4, 480
repeal of, 474, 476
Royal Commission into working of (1870), 473
Contemporary Review, 543
Cooper, Lady Diana, 598
Co-operative Movement, 575–6, 579
Cope Brothers (tobacco manufacturers), 198–9
cheap imports, 71
exported from Ireland, 79
imported from USA, 427, 586
prices, 32
tariffs on, 427
see also Corn Laws
Corn Laws
effect on colonies, 126
effect in countryside, 32, 428–30
repealed, 19, 58, 61–2, 66, 71–3, 133, 135, 355, 427
and squirearchy, 45, 586
see also Free Trade
Cornforth, Fanny, 161
corporal punishment, 291
Corry, Montague Lowry (later 1st Baron Rowton), 389
Corsica, 69
Corvo, Baron see Rolfe, Frederick
cost of living, 32
British mass-manufacture, 248–9, 253
famine, 253–7
goods, 15, 513
imports, 249
spinning machines, 138, 249
US production, 248–50, 257
Cotton, Sir Henry, 213–14
country houses, 383–4, 481, 559
county councils, 587
Courvoisier, François Benjamin, 336–7
Coutts, Angela Burdett-, Baroness, 382
Cowper, Francis Thomas de Grey, 7th Earl, 453
Cowper, Georgiana, 289
Cox, Rev. Bell, 369
Cragside, Northumberland, 384
Crakanthorpe, Hubert, 552
Crawford, Donald amd Virginia, 457–60, 476
Crawford v. Crawford and Dilke (lawsuit), 457–8
creation, 100, 228–9, 233
see also evolution, theory of
cremation, 543–5
Cremation Society, 544–5
cricket, 287, 292–3
children and, 264–7
rates, 38
Crimean War (1854–5)
as ‘aristocratic sport’, 191, 352
armaments in, 181
background, 172–4
campaigns and military actions, 176, 178–83, 186–7
causes and motivations, 184–6
cholera and disease in, 178–81
command of, 179–80, 192
conditions, 175, 178–9
ends, 195–7
feeding of troops in, 175–7
financing, 77
and free market, 194
medical care in, 176–8
negotiated settlement, 186–7
outbreak, 171
Palmerston and, 184, 187, 189, 191–2
and Peel’s death, 133
photography in, 197, 199–200
popular support for, 20, 120, 180, 186, 193–4
and religious fundamentalism, 169
reporting of, 175, 180, 183–4
Russian troops in, 181–3
and Russophobia, 187
and smoking habit, 199
as theatre, 184
troop numbers, 181
see also individual actions and participants
criminal code, 38
Criminal Law Amendment Act (1885), 448, 564
Criminal Law and Procedures Act (1887), 530, 532
Cripps, Sir Stafford, 257
Cromer, Evelyn Baring, 1st Earl of, 466–8, 471, 480, 607
Crompton, Sir Charles John (Mr Justice), 264, 266
Cruikshank, George, 145
Crystal Palace, 129–30, 143–5
see also Great Exhibition (1851)
Cubitt, Thomas, 128
Cullick, Hannah (Mrs A.J. Munby), 319–20
Cumberland, Ernest Augustus, Duke of (later King Ernest I of Hanover), 26
Curzon, George Nathaniel, Marquess Curzon of Kedleston, 222, 500, 558, 560, 598
Cust, Harry, 558, 598
Cyprus: occupied, 400, 405
Daily Chronicle, 461
Daily Mail, 590–1
Daily Mirror, 590
Daily News, 337, 346, 355, 396, 461
Daily Telegraph, 411, 451, 461
Daimler, Gottlieb, 494
Dale, Robert William, 363
Dale, Rev. Thomas Pelham, 369
Dalhousie, James Andrew Broun Ramsay, 1st Marquess of, 202, 211, 215
see also East India Company
Dannreuther, Chariclea and Edward, 411–12
Dante Alighieri, 91, 371
Paradiso, 236
Darwin, Charles
autobiography, 15
background and character, 45, 50, 224–7, 231
on Chambers’s Vestiges, 96, 98
and determinism, 132
influence, 231–4
Kingsley corresponds with, 299
nature of writing, 231–2
on racial differences, 375–6
and religion, 168, 231, 376
reluctance to publish, 168, 226–7
sails on Beagle, 15, 50
schooling, 283
and slavery, 52
theories, 15, 98, 100, 224–8, 230–3
The Descent of Man, 232, 375
On the Origin of Species, 98, 224–8, 230–3
The Voyage of the Beagle, 227
Voyage of a Naturalist, 375
see also evolution, theory of; natural selection
Darwin, Emma, 226–7, 231
Darwin, Erasmus: Zoönomia or the Laws of Organic Life, 97, 224
Daunt, W.J. O’Neill, 452
Davidson, John, 552
Davidson, Randall, Bishop of Winchester (later Archbishop of Canterbury), 615
Davies, Emily, 285, 312–13, 321
Davis, Jefferson, 248, 251, 253, 256
Davitt, Michael, 452–4, 533–4
Dawkins, Richard, 231
Dawson, Rev. E.C., 487
death see funerals
death certificates see Bills of Mortality
death duties, 588
Decadence, 553, 556, 571
Delane, John Thadeus, 461
Delhi: in Indian Mutiny, 205, 208–10, 213–14, 219
Delhi Declaration (1857), 205–6
Dell and Wainwright (photographers), 144
democracy, 67, 119, 252–3, 271, 385, 584
Democratic Federation, 444–5
demos, 509–10
Demuth, Freddy, 438, 511
Denmark, 239–40
Denneby, Major-General Sir Thomas, 505
Dennett, Daniel C., 231
dentistry, 425
Derby Day, 339–40
Derby, Edward George Geoffrey Smith Stanley, 14th Earl of (earlier Lord Stanley)
asked to form 1855 government, 189–90
and control of contagious diseases, 309
on cotton famine (1862), 257
criticizes Disraeli, 386–7
Disraeli hopes to succeed, 250
and Don Pacifico affair, 134
and Great Exhibition, 127–8
heads ‘Who? Who?’ government, 146
opposes science education, 280
as Oxford Chancellor, 273, 277
as potential successor to Peel, 136
premiership (1866), 271, 331
Derby, Edward George Smith Stanley, 13th Earl of (earlier Lord Stanley), 66, 71
Derby, Edward Henry Stanley, 15th Earl of (earlier Lord Stanley), 387, 389, 395, 400
Dervishes (Sudan), 467–8, 470, 607–8
Desborough, Ethel Anne Priscilla, Lady (‘Ettie’), 559
design, 164
determinism, 132
Devastation, HMS, 423
Devonshire House, London, 382–3, 585
Devonshire, Louise, Duchess of (earlier Duchess of Manchester), 585
Devonshire, Spencer Compton Cavendish, 8th Duke of (earlier Marquess of Harrington, 386, 397, 456, 465, 468–70, 472, 584–5
Devonshire, William George Spencer Cavendish, 6th Duke of, 82–3, 129, 383
Dhondu Pant (Nana Sahib), 210–13
Dickens, Charles
background, 16, 21, 260
on Britannia, 618
death and funeral, 336
on fire at Houses of Parliament, 10, 13
at Gad’s Hill (Kent), 21, 336
ideas and principles, 20, 22
literary qualities, 234, 334–5
and Lloyd George, 593
on Malthusianism, 12
popularity, 108, 334, 336
and public executions, 336–7
schooling, 283
visit to Italy, 85–6
works published serially, 19
Bleak House, 463
A Christmas Carol, 22
David Copperfield, 329, 335
Great Expectations, 127, 335, 579–80
Hard Times, 107
Little Dorrit, 20, 334–5, 382
Nicholas Nickleby, 289
Oliver Twist, 28–9
Our Mutual Friend, 19, 155
The Pickwick Papers, 16, 18–22
Pictures from Italy, 85
Sketches by Boz, 18, 335
Diderot, Denis, 97
Dilke, Sir Charles, 359–60, 444, 457–60, 461–3, 466, 476, 515, 546
Dillon, John, 532
Disraeli, Benjamin (later Earl of Beaconsfield)
on American Civil War, 253–4
and anti-Semitism, 402–3
background, 27–8
in Balkan crisis, 395–7, 399–400