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Forever Yours (Forever Series)

Page 13

by Kar, Alla

  “You’re one tough motherfucker, you know that Jacks?” He wipes the blood off his chin with the back of his hand. “But, I can promise you that I will not let you or Layla leave this state. I’m going to kill both of you, so you can both rot in Hell.”

  “I’ll tell your dad you said hey,” I say, keeping my eyes focused on his closed fists. He’s losing it again. That tranquil look is growing on his cold face. He’s shaking.

  “Excuse me!” someone yells. We both turn. Someone who I assume is the manager marches toward us. “You two have to leave. Now. Right now.”

  Seth plasters the fakest smile on his face and gives him a salute. “No problem, sir!” The manager cusses him out beneath his breath.

  “And you need to get your group of fucking heathens out of the parking lot, before I call the police.”

  Parking lot. A deep ache starts to grow in my stomach. Turning, I run full speed, knocking into carts and shoving people out of my way, until I’m outside. A group of four guys are surrounding Layla. She’s pressed against someone–Peter–and is crying hysterically. He’s pressing his mouth against her ear, and mumbling something into her ear. I feel like I’ve stepped into a fucking ‘The Hills Have Eyes’ movie, with a bunch of red-neck assholes. My feet take me toward the group of guys before I have a clear plan of what I’m doing.

  I knock over the first guy I come in contact with, until I’m being held back by two corn-fed assholes in overalls. Peter’s face is fucked-up. A sense of pride wipes across my face when I see him. The bruise on his face is purple, covering him cheek to jaw. “Nice face,” I spit out.

  Smiling, he tugs Layla tighter underneath his arm. “You like that do you?” He lights a cigarette over Layla’s shoulder and takes a long drag, blowing the smoke in her face. “It was a surprise to find out that you fight for a living. When Seth showed up at the trailer park, and found me unconscious on the ground, I had to say,” another long drag, “I was a little pissed. Then I was let in on the secret. See, I know Layla.” He grins. “I dated Layla,” he whispers into her ear. I jerk my arms but the two assholes keep me in place. “But, I had no idea Seth’s dad was her parents’ murderer.” He scoffs. “I didn’t have the pleasure of meeting her dad. He died before I dated her. But, if he was as bad as Seth told me, I’m happy to help him along. Help with the asshole that fucked up my face.” He nuzzles her neck, his lips trailing along her skin. He’s touching her like I touch her.

  A grumble is rising in my throat. I’m hanging onto every last ounce of self-control. Layla’s eyes are glued to mine, she doesn’t look away. A plea is deep in her eyes. She wants help. I want to help her. A few minutes later I feel a hard slap on my back, and then Seth is standing beside me. “All of this trouble for Layla. I mean … she’s hot, but I wouldn’t put my life down for her or anything,” Seth says, examining his fingernail.

  My stomach tightens. “What do you want from us? We didn’t kill your father. We were trying to save–,” A hard blow comes in from my side. Gritting my teeth, I fight back the stars in my eyes. The ache starts deep, covering my entire stomach.

  Seth bends down, hands on his knees, and looks me square in the eyes. “I warned you with your truck. I warned you at the fair. Now, I’m sick of warning you, Taylor. I’m going to kill each and every one of you motherfuckers. You know what the best part about it is?” He chuckles at himself. “I’m going to get away with it.”

  Seth jerks back when he hears a siren singing from around the store. He eyes us, growls and runs toward his truck. Peter bites Layla’s neck before shoving her into me. She falls helplessly into my arms, her own loose around my waist. A feeling of anger surges through me. Seth was right about one thing. Someone is going to die, but it isn’t going to be us.


  We tell the police what happened, which they didn’t seem too worried about. I’m finished trying to go to the police, who couldn’t give a rat’s ass about us. They took down the names of the boys, Layla knew most of them, and left. I’m not sure exactly what they’re going to do but, I’d say nothing. We buy Sarah’s groceries, well, Layla does, because I’m not allowed back into the store. I watch her from the window and help her put the groceries in the truck when she gets out. She has a blank look in her eyes and tears are streaming down her face as I help her into the truck. “What are we going to do?” she asks as we pull out of the parking lot.

  I don’t know. I’m not ever sure why Seth thinks he should kill us. We didn’t even kill his dad. Damon did. I guess he feels it’s his job to finish his dad’s unfinished business. He just doesn’t know who the fuck he is messing with. Reaching over, I wrap my fingers around Layla’s hand. She’s shaking. “Look at me,” I command. Her eyelashes flutter up from spanning across her cheeks and meet mine. “I’m going to take care of us. Both of us. All of us. I don’t care what I have to do. I’m going to end this soon. Let’s just have a good day, alright?”

  She gives me a small smile, then looks out the window. Her shoulders shake with silent tears. I know right now that I’m going to end this. I have to. To save her. To save us. To save my fucking chance at happiness.

  Layla wasn’t lying when she said her grandmother was going all out. Because the old lady went all out. She even had a kiss the cook apron on, with a huge smile on her face. Her small radio plays Christmas music that she hums along to. Cindy and Layla have been helping her cook since we got home.

  I’ve been in the barn with Brett and Dan. He’s kept us busy all day, never looking directly at me. I’m not sure why he hasn’t. Maybe he’s heard about my fighting recently. Word gets around in a small town, right? I’m leaning against the pitch fork when Dan suddenly looks up at me. “Come with me, Taylor. We need to have a chat.” I follow him as he wobbles out of the barn. Damon is jogging out of the back door when.

  “Sorry I’m late,” Damon says, his cheeks red. “Had to pick up something.” He turns his eyes toward mine, and he knows. He knows that I know he kissed Layla. Both hands clench beside him. Little does he know, I’m not going to beat the fuck out of him. As badly as I want to, I won’t. Especially not in front of Dan. Who am I kidding? Dan is the only reason I didn’t beat the hell out of him the first day. Damon swallows and glances back at Dan. “Where to?”

  Dan is stroking his chin with his finger, glancing back and forth between the two of us, like he knows something we don’t. “Go help Brett in the barn, Damon. I’m taking Taylor to the back fence. It needs fixing.”

  Damon’s face turns white. “I can help if you need help.”

  Grabbing his overalls, Dan shakes his head. “No. Help Brett.” I follow Dan behind the barn. Damon is still staring at us when we walk away. Dan grabs some barbed wire and starts walking toward the field. I grab the rest, and follow silently. Layla hasn’t taken me back to this part of the land, but it’s beautiful. I see a small pond on the right side and I know exactly where I’m taking Layla tonight. I have a surprise for her and it has to be special.

  Dan and I walk for ten minutes until we come to the edge of the woods. The barbed wire fence is broken. He comes to a stop, then drops down on his knees with a low grunt.

  “Someone clipped the fence last night, Taylor,” he says, softly. I’m not sure what he thinks I’m supposed to do about it and then I realize he thinks it’s because of me.

  I hide my anger. “Do you think it’s because of me?”

  He looks up through old, blue eyes. “No, I think it’s because of Layla. It always has been.” He gestures toward the fence. “This fence isn’t going to keep anyone out, and I know it. But, it shows me when someone is trying to get in. They hardly ever get past the barn. That’s because I have a spotlights and sensors on this back field. It’s how I knew when someone tried to sneak in here and take Layla.” He stands and clips the wires with the cutters. I grab the other end, careful not to cut myself. He pulls it tight and hooks it. “It’s how I knew when Layla would sneak boys into her room. It’s how I kept Layla safe. I knew after her parents we
re murdered I had to keep my granddaughter safe. I had to make sure she grew up normally.” He laughs. “She didn’t. But, she was more normal than before.” He clips the other end, then ties it. With a huff he stands to his feet and looks over at me. “I know Layla is a handful. That’s why I always saw her with Damon. Because, I know,” he touches his heart, “that he loves her endlessly. He has since he was a boy. I didn’t think anyone could keep her safe like myself or him.” God, did he really bring me out here to talk shit? This old man is riding my nerves. “Until I met you.” What? “I’ve heard about the fights in town. I know you were jumped and I know you were almost jumped today. You never thought twice before putting Layla first. That’s how I know you’re going to make a great husband for her. Do I approve of your fighting? Hell no. Would I rather she were with you than Damon … yes. He would fight for her. But, you were born to fight. Born to protect. To keep everything close to you safe. I see that in your eyes. I see the love I had for Layla’s grandma. The same tranquil look. You’re smitten with my granddaughter.” He rolls the extra fence up his arm. “Who am I to stop you two from loving each other?”

  If I weren’t me, I would wrap him in a hug and thank him. I don’t think he would like it, anyway. Instead, I offer him my hand. He takes it, gives me one nod and smirks. “It’s not going to end until someone is dead. Do you know that, son? That Seth kid is unstable, just like his dad. He can’t stand to lose.”

  Clearing my throat, I grab the wire cutters from the ground. “Well, sir. He’s messed with the wrong man. Because I don’t lose.”


  Damon is waiting against the barn when we walk up. I saw him craning his neck to see us the entire walk back to the house. He’s dying inside. I’m sure he wants to know what we talked about. Tough shit.

  Dan pats Damon’s shoulder when we get close enough, and turns to wobble up the stairs to the house. Damon’s mouth is in a hard straight line. “What?” I ask.

  “I kissed Layla,” he blurts out. It’s almost like he’s proud of it. He wants me to know. “I thought you should know.” He gives me an almost there smug smile.

  I don’t hear Brett say anything but I see him stop mid dig and stand up to lean over his shovel handle. “I know,” I say, simply.

  Damon’s eyes momentarily widen and then he lets out a long laugh. “You’re not going to give up, are you? You’re not going to let anyone have a chance with Layla.” He tosses his head back and growls. “You know what’s so fucked up about all of this?” He steps toward me.

  I cock my head to the side. “What?”

  “I can’t even not like you. As much as I want to hate you and pretend to hate you, I almost … ” he makes a sore face, “ … like you! Do you know how long I waited for Layla? She was always supposed to be with me. Always. I would move to Ohio, sweep her off her feet and then move back to Dallas with her.” He scratches the back of his neck. “Then you happened to her. You took her before anyone had a chance, but I can’t even be mad. Because I’m one hundred percent sure that she’s never going to give me that chance. I could make her happy, sure. But not like you.” He pats my shoulder. I almost laugh in his face. I wasn’t expecting that at all.

  “Damon,” I say, carefully. “Don’t you ever fucking kiss my fiancée again.” A loud laugh echoes from Damon.

  “I value my life too much.”

  “You’re damn right.”


  Dinner is perfect. I don’t feel the pressure of the fucking world while I eat. We just enjoy ourselves. Enjoy each peaceful moment. Sarah makes the best fucking sweet potato pie. I’d never eaten it before. Layla thinks that’s hilarious. She got the recipe from her grandma and says she’s going to make it when we get back home. Her calling my apartment home makes my fucking dick hard. When it comes to Layla she can sneeze and it’ll make my dick hard.

  Layla watches me as she helps her grandma clear the table. Her eyes outlining my body, her chest moving quickly. She looks happy. Like before this incident. Before we were ambushed. Before her dad’s sins took over her life. She looks like the Layla I want to spend the rest of my life with.

  “Present time!” Cindy yells, sashaying over toward the living room. Cindy has taken this country setting to heart. I have yet to see her without her cowboy boots. She looks ridiculous, but she makes Brett happy. And that makes me happy. The Christmas tree is tall, decorated in red and green. Presents sit underneath it, all wrapped and ready. We all file into the room and sit down. Layla comes in holding a box in her hands, and sits on my lap. My eyes go straight toward Dan’s. I almost hold my breath. I’m not sure how he sees Layla and I. I know southern, old people have a thing about intimacy. Well, sex before marriage. I don’t want to push the limits. But, he winks over at me and I relax.

  We pass around our gifts and open our presents. Layla bought me the new Call of Duty, and the headphones I’d been wanting. And I give Layla the cashmere sweater Cindy says she wanted form the mall. She instantly pulls it on. The other present is shoved down in my jacket pocket. My lungs feel tight. I don’t want to give it to her in front of everyone. All of us open our gifts and sit listening to Christmas music while Layla’s grandparents tell us stories about Layla as a kid. I can’t imagine Layla as a kid. I imagine she was as hardheaded as she is now. The thought of kids makes my stomach tingle. I’m not even sure if I’m dad material. I love my sibling but raising a kid is completely different. What if I mess up? What if I’m completely terrible? Layla and I haven’t really talked about it, but I assume it’s something I need to bring up.

  Layla squirms on my lap and her laugh rings in my ears. I smile up at her. Her neck is long, her hair pushed back behind her shoulders, giving me a good view of her. I think about sucking her soft skin. Christ, now I’m really hard. Pulling her closer I whisper, “Come with me. I have a surprise.”

  She glances down, a devilish look in her eyes. “Okay.” We excuse ourselves. I stop by the back porch and grab the bag of blankets, scarves, sweaters and gloves that I placed by the steps for easy access. Anything to keep us warm.

  Layla watches me closely as we walk to the back part of the land. “Where are we going?” she finally asks.

  “Somewhere. No distractions. No one but us.” Tugging her closer, I kiss the top of her head. “Somewhere alone.”

  We walk toward the pond. The night air is cool, but I have a place set up for us. With her grandpa’s permission, of course. Layla starts to shake when we get closer to the water. “We’re going swimming? It’s freezing, Taylor.”

  I stop near the water and unpack our things. The hard clack of Layla’s teeth chattering is the only noise beside the cool wind in the trees. Dropping the bag, I hold out my free hand for Layla. She looks at it and then up at me. Her brows shoot up. “That look would drop any pair of panties.”

  My eyes travel down her legs, and rest on her zipper. “Too bad we will never find out. Those panties are the only ones that are going anywhere. And I’m the only one that does the taking off.”

  “My big, strong fighter is mighty confident.” She takes my hand and squeezes. “I don’t think I could ever get wet for anyone else after I’ve had you, Taylor. Maybe for Christian Grey but who wouldn’t wan–,” she yelps as I haul her over my shoulder and to the water. “Nope, not even him. My panties will only get wet for you.”

  If she keeps talking about her wet panties, I may have to hold off my plans and give her what she wants. As we near the water, I set Layla down. Her feet make a squishy sound in the mud. Her eyes sweep over the water and back to me. She lifts a brow but keeps her mouth closed. The small john boat, which is what Dan called it, is tied neatly to a tree to my left. Exactly where I left it. Spreading the blankets down in the rusted bottom, I push it slightly into the water. The seats have been taken out, which is how I got the idea. I was helping Dan and was thinking about having my way with Layla, then I saw the boat.

  Putting the pillows and clothes in the corner, I turn and offer Layla my hand once mor
e. “Come with me,” I say, softly, not recognizing my voice. The blue in her eyes is vibrant in the moonbeams. Every curve is outlined nicely from the light. She takes a step and then another one, until she is in my arms. Her fingers trail my chest, and up to my neck.

  Picking her up into my arms, I carry us into the boat. Layla immediately lies down as I push us off into the pond. Curling my hand around her waist, I pull her to me. “Taylor. As many years as I’ve ever been here, I’ve never had someone do this for me. It’s so … romantic.”

  “You sound shocked,” I say, stroking her sides.

  She giggles on my chest. “I am. I mean … sure, you’re romantic. You make me want you every second I’m around you, but this is different. It’s dreamy.”

  I smile into the night. Exactly what I was going for. “I want you to know how much I love you, hustler. I love you to the fucking moon and back. I’ll never let you go.” I tilt her chin toward me. “I always want you by my side. I want you to have my babies,” I whisper into her ear. I’m not sure where that comes from, but I don’t regret. Knowing that I put something inside of her that’s mine, that’s hers, ours, makes me rock hard.

  Her slender fingers run down my hip to my erection. “You’re not joking are you?” She laughs and trails her nail against my length. “You want to fuck me, Taylor?”

  Grabbing her wrist, I stop her. “No. I want to make love to you.” The passion in her eyes draws tears.

  She sits up and tugs her shirt over her head. My eyes turn to the small, pink bra barely holding her tits in. I can see the soft, pink nipple through the lacey fabric. She turns her back to me and curls into the covers. My fingers trace her sides, running across the smooth skin of her scar. She exhales deeply. “It’s healing nicely,” I mumble against her ear. When Jason sliced her back that day in my house, I could have broken into pieces right then and there. The pain crossing her face made my heart throb. I hurt thinking about her hurting.


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