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Say You Won't Let Go_A Return to Me/Masters and Mercenaries Novella

Page 6

by Corinne Michaels

  My brow furrows as I wonder what the hell is going on, and then I look at the card; anger mixes with jealousy as they spike through my bloodstream.

  I put the card in the air and shake my head. “Is there someone else you’re hookin’ up with?”

  “What?” She rears back.

  “I didn’t send these, Em.” I watch as all the color drains from Emily’s face.

  Her lips part, and she looks terrified. “Oh, God.”

  I try to stay calm. She and I are extremely new, and I have no idea if there was a man before me. I clench my jaw before letting out a heavy sigh. “Is there someone else?”

  Emily steps close and puts her hands on my chest. “No.”

  “Because I swear to God, I won’t be in some fucking love triangle again.”

  My feelings toward Emily are so much stronger than I ever had for Grace, and I know I wouldn’t survive her choosing another man over me. There’s no way I’m willing to put up with that again. If she wants me, she has to choose me. I plan to show her why there is no other option.

  Her hand rests on my heart, and she tilts her face so she can look at me. “There’s no one else, Coop. Not even close. I’m not that girl. I genuinely thought you sent me the roses.”

  “I wish I had,” I admit as all the anger dissipates from my body, leaving a trail of something else. Who did send her flowers about kissing her? “I should’ve sent you flowers.”

  She smiles softly. “I like having you much more than some silly flowers.”

  “Well, if they weren’t from me, who the hell are they from?”

  I don’t like the idea of someone else giving her things or sending notes like this to her. I want to be the one to give her the world.

  “I have no idea. Maybe it was for someone else on the tour?”

  “No clue, darlin’.” I look down at my watch and groan internally. “Let’s talk about this later, we’re runnin’ on borrowed time.”

  “Okay, baby.”

  My arms tighten, and I squeeze her against me, where she fits perfectly.

  Chapter Eight


  I lied.

  I should’ve told him my suspicions about the flowers being from whoever keeps sending the letters, but I couldn’t. Last thing I need is a lecture on security or to have a man overreact. Until I know what is going on, I’ve got it handled. I’d be full of shit if I said I wasn’t concerned. This is the third thing in just a few days from this person.

  However, Cooper doesn’t need to be mixed up in this.

  I extricate myself from Cooper’s arms—begrudgingly. I hate that he’s leaving, but I can’t be too mad since I’ll be back on the road tonight after the concert.

  “Let’s go before I tie you up in my room and never let you leave,” I say, only half-joking.

  Cooper laughs and takes my hand. We fit together perfectly in so many ways. Last night was everything and more. I fell hard, and I’m not sure I’ll be able to get back up.

  “I may like that,” Cooper jokes.

  “Oh, I know you would. I’d be very good to you.”

  He laughs as I pull him forward, giving me one of those playful grins. “You’re killin’ me.”

  “But what a way to go,” I say over my shoulder.

  We exit the bus, and there’s a small line of fans standing over to the side. It’s crazy how early they come just for a glimpse of Luke. Hours they stand outside in the rain and heat for autographs, but it’s the coolest thing ever. One day, I pray I’ll have devoted fans like that.

  “Emily!” A deep voice booms from the gate. “Emily!”

  I smile and wave to my one fan; I swear I’ve seen him before.

  Cooper wraps his arm around my middle. “You have a fan.”

  “I do,” I smile, looking up at him with my fingers resting on his chest.

  His green eyes stare down at me. “A man.”

  I shake my head. “I know. You’re observant this morning.”

  Cooper’s lips find mine, and he holds me tight. “I’m feeling a lot of things this morning.”


  “Yeah, and protective is clearly at the top.”

  Cooper’s eyes turn serious as his honesty pours through each syllable. “I’ll do whatever I can to keep you safe. It’s what a man should do, and more than that, it’s what I’ll always do.”

  That is exactly why I’m hiding things from you, Coop.

  We walk, and I keep quiet, trying to wrestle with the conflicting emotions I’m struggling with. I like that Cooper feels protective of me, which is very unlike me.

  Cooper, though, he is that kind of guy. The one who wants to be the rock in the relationship. You can feel it all around him. He emanates dominance, but not in that do-as-I-say kind of way, it’s more of the I’m-here-and-no-one-will-hurt-you kind of way, but I also don’t trust men to stay that way. I watched it with my father too many times.

  “You’re quiet,” Cooper notes as we get to his truck.

  “I know. I just want you to know there will be more male fans, Coop.”

  He nods. “I know. Doesn’t mean I like it.”

  “And what about the girls who dream of the sexy and eligible Cooper Townsend?” I raise a brow while leaning against the truck.

  Cooper and the Hennington brothers were every girl’s dream in that town. He has no idea just how many dreams he’s starred in. Which may just be a very good thing.

  “Like who?” he scoffs.

  I lean forward and grin. “Felicia?”

  Cooper’s face says it all. “Hell no. That girl is a bloodsucking viper.”

  “Hmm.” I pretend to think. “Oh, Betsy.”

  His hips press against my torso, pinning me to the car. “Now that isn’t even funny.”

  The giggle that comes from my lips is light. It’s actually very funny because Betsy’s mother has been trying to set the two of them up forever. It’s a running joke between Grace, Presley, and me. Poor Cooper went on a blind date, only to find out Betsy’s family had finally tricked him. Oh, to have been a fly on the wall.

  “I’ll make it up to you.” I grin as I trail my finger down his chest.

  “Damn right you will.”

  * * * *

  “Do you promise to call?” I ask, vying for one more minute with him even though we’ve been saying goodbye for ten minutes. Breakfast was great, and now he has to leave, which is tearing me up inside.

  “I don’t think you could stop me.”


  “Now go on inside, and I’ll see you soon.”

  Goodbyes suck.

  I’ve kept him here long enough. It’s time to make this a little easier for him. “Okay. I’ll call you after my show.”

  We kiss again, and he moves back, allowing me to go inside. I have a show in a few hours and could use a nap. I inhale and open the door. My heart feels as if it’s being ripped from my chest as I take a step up and look back at him.

  Cooper’s eyes are filled with sadness, but he manages a small smile.

  “Bye, Coop.”

  “Bye, darlin’.”

  I smile and close the door.

  My hand rests on the door, and I fight back the rush of despair that threatens to overtake me. I need to take a nap and get my shit together. I’m living a dream that people would kill for. I have to have faith that Cooper and I will figure our relationship out.

  I climb the rest of the steps and stop.

  My bus is trashed.

  Things are strewn around the room. Papers and my clothes are everywhere. The roses are on the floor, smashed amongst the shards from the broken vase. I move forward, assessing the damage, and there’s another note taped to the window, cut-out magazine letters glued haphazardly into a single sentence: You’re playing a dangerous game.

  My heart races as I dart off the bus. Someone was on my bus. Someone went through my clothes.

  I’m going to be sick. Bile climbs my throat as I struggle to catch my breath. What the
hell am I going to do?

  With my back against the bus, I squeeze my eyes closed and try to focus on breathing. I need to calm down, but I can’t get the image of that note out of my head.

  A hand touches my shoulder, and I scream. “No!”

  “Em!” Cooper’s voice is full of concern. “What’s wrong?”

  There’s no stopping the emotions that explode from me. I burst out in tears and fling myself in his arms.

  He holds me and tries to soothe me as I quiver and cry. It’s no use, though. I’m too terrified to even get an explanation out. The notes and flowers were one thing, but that person getting on my bus is a whole other level of scary.

  “Hey, talk to me,” he encourages.

  I swallow and know there’s no way I can keep this from him anymore. “I’ve been getting letters and then—”

  “Letters?” Cooper stiffens.

  “M-my bus—” I start but then gesture to the closed door, unable to actually say it.

  Cooper’s eyes meet mine, and I see the shift happen. He releases me but takes my hand in his.

  “I’m not letting go of you. I just need to see what happened.”

  Numbly, I nod, but I look at my feet, not wanting him to see my worry.

  Cooper lifts my chin and waits until I look at him to speak. “I won’t let anything happen to you, Emily. Trust me.”

  I nod again.

  Holding on to him, I let him lead me back into the bus. His fingers tighten when he takes in the scene. “What the fuck?” Cooper’s eyes are wide and anger vibrates off him. “How the hell did anyone get on your bus? How long have you been getting these letters, Emily?”

  “I…it was…I don’t k-know. It just started.” I believed it was trivial, but it clearly wasn’t. What if he had been in the bus when I got here? What if he had a weapon? So many things could’ve happened, and I thought it was just a stupid prank.

  “Show me the other letters,” he says through gritted teeth.

  I walk back to the bedroom area, careful not to touch anything, and tears fall when I see my drawers open. My clothing is all over the bed, and I struggle to keep upright. I feel violated, and I want to go home.

  Cooper’s arms wrap around me, and he holds me as I lose it. My tears soak his shirt as I clutch him tight. I was so stupid thinking it was nothing. This…is not nothing. This is crazy.

  “It’ll be okay, baby,” Cooper reassures me as he rubs my back. “Don’t cry. You’re going to be okay.”

  I look up through my wet lashes and see the promise in his eyes. “I’m scared.”

  “I know.”

  “I was so stupid,” I admit.

  Cooper shakes his head and sighs. “Did you think this was going to happen?”


  I didn’t think this was real. My dumb ass thought it was maybe some new girl joke or just part of the gig.

  “The letters, darlin’,” Cooper reminds me.

  I walk over to the stack of letters, which is one of the only things not thrown around, and hand them to him.

  He reads them each several times, not saying a word. I’m not sure what to do, but being on this bus is the last place I want to be. Who does this? Who thinks it’s okay to terrorize someone’s home? Even though this isn’t my home per se, it’s where I’ve been living. And where the hell was our security team when this was going on? No one should’ve been able to get to my bus. Luke doesn’t allow anyone near the tour buses.

  Eventually, Cooper puts the letters on the bed and runs his hand down his face. “This is disturbing, Em. When were you plannin’ on telling me ’bout this?”

  “I wasn’t. I didn’t think it was a big deal. Who the hell would come after me? I’m just some C-list country music singer.”

  He takes my hand in his. “You’re not some C-list singer. You’re gorgeous, talented, and clearly makin’ a name for yourself. If this asshole was able to get these to you and then get on your bus, what the hell else can he do?”

  A shiver runs down my spine. Now that it’s clearly some whacko, there are things I need to do. “I’m going to let security know, and I know Luke won’t be okay with this.”

  “Luke?” Cooper scoffs. “No.”


  Cooper shakes his head. “No, Luke has done a shit job so far. How the hell did anyone get on your bus in the first place? How did this piece of shit go unnoticed when you are supposed to have security? He isn’t going to be in charge of your safety. I will.”

  Here we go. I knew that Cooper would make this his fight.

  “I’m not helpless. I know now that this isn’t a joke. I can take care of this myself. I refused security because I can’t afford it. Yes, the tour has security, but I don’t. You can’t come here and demand things.”

  He releases my hand and groans. “Have you ever taken a self-defense class? Do you own pepper spray? Are you carryin’ a gun that I don’t know about? Unless all of those things are a yes, then this conversation is moot.”

  The hell it is. I get that I may not have any of those things, but I’m not weak. There are, however, things that can be done—things that should be done—like telling Luke. Cooper is clearly upset, which is understandable, but I’ve been doing just fine on my own for thirty-eight years. I can handle this.

  “I don’t want to fight, but you have to understand none of this would’ve happened if I thought this was serious from the beginning.”

  Cooper cups my cheeks, and the look in his eyes stuns me. There’s a mix of fear, confliction, and defiance swimming in his gorgeous gaze. “Let me do this,” he requests softly. “I can’t get on that plane if I think you’re in danger.”

  My chest tightens at the tone of his plea. Am I being silly by not letting him do something to ease his fears? I look around at the devastation left by the intruder and realize how freaked out I’d be if the roles were reversed. Cooper and I may be a new thing, but there’s no denying how much I care for him. If he feels an ounce of what I am, then I should give a little.

  I grip his wrist and sigh. “What do you have in mind?”

  Chapter Nine


  Emily is passed out on the bed in the hotel room I got. There was no way she was staying on that bus. Fuck that. I’ve never seen anything like the scene there, and no matter what she thought, I was going to have someone guarding her.

  My phone pings with a text.

  Wade: I’m here.

  Me: I’ll be right out.

  I check on Emily before heading out the door with the letters and photos of the bus. I believe that everything happens for a reason, and there’s a damn good one that I ran into Wade Rycroft last night.

  As soon as Emily agreed, I called him.

  “Hey,” I say, gripping his hand. “Thanks for doing this.”

  “I’m glad I was between jobs. Tell me more about what happened.”

  Wade and I talk for a few minutes as I fill him in on the letters and the bus. He looks over everything and shakes his head. “Has she had anything like this before?”

  “Not that I know of.” I grip the back of my neck. “It was like a fucking horror movie in that bus. The letters were one thing but then he sent her roses, too. I’m not sure if he saw the two of us together and that made him escalate this quickly.”

  He shakes his head as he studies the last letter. “He’s clearly watchin’ her. Has she said she noticed anything else? Anyone following her around? Anything out of the ordinary?”

  I tell him about the guy that called out when we were walking to our car that morning. I can’t remember what he looked like or even if I bothered to glance his way.

  “I want to pack her shit and take her back with me,” I admit.

  Wade smirks. “You like her that much, huh?”

  “I left the bar and drove four hours to see her. I’d say I’m pretty fucked.”

  He laughs. “I’d agree.”

  “You’ll protect her?” I ask tersely. Wade is the only person I trust
right now with this.

  “With my life,” he promises.

  That’s all I need to hear. I’ll pay whatever to keep her safe. Emily has become more to me than I ever thought possible. As much as I want to stay here and be the one to do it, I have to get back. Presley and Wyatt know most of the business, but I can’t spend a few weeks touring with her.

  “I fucking hate that I have to go,” I grit out.

  Wade claps me on the shoulder. “I won’t let anyone hurt her. This is what I’m trained for, and if I wasn’t good at my job, I’d never be with the McKay-Taggart team. I know that doesn’t mean much to you, but it means something down here.”

  It doesn’t have to mean anything to me. Their reputation speaks for them. After talking to Ian Taggart on the phone, I knew there was no doubt this was the right choice and they were the only ones I could trust with her.

  “If I had a doubt, she’d be hauled over my shoulder on a plane to Bell Buckle.”

  He nods. “I want to go look at the bus without her there. Sometimes there are details that you might not see.”

  “You’re already on the list as the security team.”

  “Good. I’ll be back after I check things out,” Wade tells me.

  We go over a few more details and then he leaves.

  I make my way back up to the room and climb in the bed, wrapping my arms around her. She releases a deep breath and nestles herself against my body. Holding her like this is everything I could ever want. I don’t know how I went this long denying the feelings I have for her.

  Unable to stop myself, I let my fingers move against her soft skin. Her blonde hair is spilled around her head, framing her perfect face. I slide my fingers through it and move it over her shoulder. There’s nothing about her that doesn’t call to me. Her blue eyes are closed, but I can replicate them in my head. The denim color with tiny flecks of green that deepen when she’s aroused. I rub my thumb against her plump lips, and she sighs.

  I lean forward, needing to kiss her.

  “Cooper,” she breathes against my lips as she pulls herself out of sleep. Her hand grips the back of my neck, urging me to slide on top of her.


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