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Hyacinth (Book #2 in the Svatura Series)

Page 4

by Abigail Owen

  “Excuse me. You told him what?” Dez finally barked.

  “You heard me.” Selene placed her hand over her mouth and stifled a giggle.

  “Now why the hell would you go and do a ridiculous thing like that?”

  “You dare to call your Princess ridiculous?” She couldn’t quite keep the amusement out of her voice.

  “Don’t change the subject, Your Highness,” he snapped.

  Selene sighed and dropped her hand from her mouth. “I told him to endorse you because I believe you’d make a wonderful leader for the Vyusher.”

  Dez changed tack. “What on earth gave you that crazy idea?” he answered with a lazy drawl. But Selene could tell he was shaken.

  “Just an impression.” She quickly glanced at her watch, “Desmond, I really can’t talk. I need to finish this reading assignment before my next class.”

  “All right college student. You go get’em,” he said. “But understand that I’m not accepting anything while you’re gone.”

  “Let’s just see what happens, okay?”

  Desmond grunted.

  “Goodbye, Desmond.”

  “Bye, Princess. I’ll check in again soon.”

  Selene hung up, shaking her head at his parting line. She put her phone away and once again tried to concentrate on her reading. She’d completed about a chapter when a male voice drew her attention.

  “Excuse me.”

  Selene sighed at yet another interruption and raised her gaze to a see a boyishly handsome face peering back at her.

  “Can I help you?” she asked politely.

  He glanced over his shoulder and then back at her. Selene leaned over to see what he was looking at and discovered a group of his friends watching them closely. She looked back at him.

  “I’m John. I’ve noticed you here studying the last few days.” He paused briefly to think of his next line. “You’re really hot, you know that?”

  “Thanks,” she said, resisting the urge to answer with something more sarcastic.

  “Would you like to go out Friday night?” John asked.

  Selene maintained her polite facade. “That’s really nice of you to ask me. But I already have a boyfriend.”

  “Ah, come on…” John took a step closer. “My bros are watching. You don’t really have a boyfriend. Give me a chance?”

  Selene hid an impatient sigh. “No, really. I do have a boyfriend.”

  “I’m calling bullshit,” he said.

  Selene shifted in her seat uncomfortably. No one in the Vyusher had ever spoken to her quite like that. Not even Gideon. She was trying to decide how to respond when voice from behind her drawled, “Wow, what a gentleman.”

  The tiny hairs on the back of her neck stood up. Selene recognized that deep voice, dripping in sarcasm.

  “Who are you, man?” John puffed out his chest, posturing arrogantly.

  “I’m not your man, dude.” Griffin was now standing directly behind her. Selene just barely stopped herself from jumping when his hands landed softly on her shoulders and gently squeezed. “I’m hers.”

  Selene’s stomach clenched and her heart pounded triple-time at hearing that claim of connection coming from Griffin’s lips. Even if it was a lie.

  John glared at Griffin for a moment, contemplating his next move. Finally, he glanced back at Selene. She simply shrugged, both communicating an I told you so to the boy in front of her and also effectively removing Griffin’s hands. They disturbed her equilibrium too much.

  With one last glare at both of them, John stalked off to his friends. Selene held her breath, her eyes firmly focused on the book in her lap, but she couldn’t see the words on the pages. All of her senses were tuned to the man who was making his way around to the front of the bench.

  Chapter 8

  Griffin silently cursed himself as all kinds of foolish as he moved to sit beside Selene. He paused, mentally debating his next move. Selene didn’t lift her eyes from the book in her lap. He caught her slight flinch as he’d raised his arm to drape it casually along the back of the bench behind her.

  It’d been just a tiny movement. Miniscule really. And he would’ve put it down to their strained relationship if he also hadn’t managed to catch a stray thought that escaped her mental blocks, allowing him to briefly read her mind.

  Someone had hit her, screamed through his head. Selene had been struck frequently enough to unconsciously recoil from physical contact as well as lose a small amount of her incredible control. Griffin was unprepared for the instant rage that pounded through him at the thought of anyone hurting her. As angry as he was with her, the thought of harming Selene had never crossed his mind.

  “You sure seem to attract jerks,” Griffin muttered. What he’d wanted to do was put his arm over her shoulders and ask if she was all right. But that was just a bad idea for so many reasons.

  Selene shrugged. “Guess so,” she replied, grimly. “Why are you talking to me, anyway? You didn’t want to let me into your dreams, so clearly you decided you’re too angry to talk. So what do you want?”

  Griffin ran a frustrated hand through his hair. He hadn’t meant to come over. He’d been watching her as she studied. And for the last two days, he’d been watching John and his friends ogle her. She’d been oblivious to the attention. In fact, she appeared to be oblivious to everyone around her.

  “It looked as if you needed some help with that guy,” he mumbled.

  Selene raised a perfectly arched eyebrow. “Well, thanks, but I was just about to handle him. No damsel in distress here.”

  Griffin glanced away and felt his cheeks redden. He knew she could take care of herself. She was a stunning woman… obviously men would be interested. But he didn’t realize how much it would bother him until he saw it in play out in front of his eyes. Then, like a moron, he had rushed over and tried acting all protective.

  “Sorry,” Griffin muttered, staring at his shoelaces.

  Selene studied him for a moment and allowed a small smile. “That’s quite a new skill you’ve developed,” she said, changing the subject. “You’ve managed to make your shield hide you entirely, huh? Invisibility is certainly a handy power to have. I’m jealous.”

  How had he managed to forget, even for a second, exactly who and what she was? He tried reading her mind, but got nowhere.

  “Stop trying to read my mind,” she suddenly interrupted his mental dialogue.

  “Wait. Are you reading my mind?” Griffin’s voice was serious. He leaned closer, his eyes narrowed. “Are you using my power against me, Selene? Because if you are…”

  She held up a hand, stopping him mid-sentence. “I can’t read minds or use your powers,” she said, shaking her head. “It didn’t take those skills to figure out exactly what you were thinking, though. You were staring at me as if you could burn a hole right into my brain.”

  Griffin was furious. Mostly with himself for being so easy to read. He abruptly stood up.

  “Just stay away from me and my family.”

  “I’ll stay away from them if they stay away from me.” Selene lowered her blocks for a moment, allowing him to hear the thought as he stalked away.

  Griffin ignored her and kept walking.


  Selene had mixed feelings as she watched Griffin leave. She’d intentionally baited him, knowing that it would drive him away. As much as she’d wanted to reach out to him, she knew that Griffin would never accept her…. That much was obvious. And she just couldn’t handle that rejection again. Not now. What she needed was unconditional love and support. Something he was clearly incapable of giving her—not after what she’d done to him. So she’d deliberately taunted him, pushed him farther away. But as he left, an achy loneliness had set in, and she’d wanted to bring him right back. But it was hopeless. She knew that in her head. Now she just needed to convince her heart.

  A shiver suddenly ran down Selene’s back, and she frowned. She felt, for the briefest moment, as though she was being watched by som
eone or something. The feeling was similar to how she used to feel around Gideon. A faint queasiness passed over her, and she took a deep breath and shook it off, reminding herself that he was gone. She had nothing to fear anymore.

  “That last comment was for you too, Ellie,” Selene spoke aloud.

  “How’d you know I was listening?” Ellie’s sheepish voice sounded in Selene’s head.

  Selene glanced to the branches of the tree above her and smiled at the black falcon perched there. “Because I let you.” She patted the bench beside her. “Go shift and come grab a seat. I’ll show you.”

  Ellie spread her wings wide and flew off. Several minutes later she strolled over, human once more, and sat down. She dropped her backpack on the ground and grinned.

  “Where were you keeping that?” Selene wondered, looking at the backpack.

  “Gotta have some secrets.” Ellie winked. “Now come on… show me!”

  Selene held out her hand. Ellie grasped it and closed her eyes for a brief moment. When she opened them again, she flashed Selene an impressed look.

  “That’s a handy skill to have. You can see the glow when someone is using their power,” she said.

  Selene gave a half-hearted smile. “It has good points and bad points.”

  “That was a pretty mean trick you played on Griffin, you know.” Ellie said.

  Selene blinked but didn’t say anything.

  Ellie propped her elbows on the back of the bench. “Bringing up your powers to make him leave. Why’d you do it? He was treating you like a normal human being for once. You were making progress.”

  “What if I don’t want to make progress with Griffin?” Selene kept her expression neutral.

  Ellie shook her head. “No way. I don’t buy it. Why else would you choose to come to this school? It has to be because you wanted to be friends with us. And Griffin is the biggest roadblock. Am I on the right track?” She raised her eyebrows.

  “I can’t be friends with you.” Selene nibbled at her bottom lip.

  “But you want to, don’t you?”

  Selene just looked back down at her book.

  “Yeah. I thought so,” Ellie concluded and paused a moment. “I have a great idea! Come dancing with us tomorrow night?”

  Selene gave a surprised laugh. “I don’t think so. Griffin would go ballistic. In fact, you’d better watch it, or he might see you talking to me.”

  “Oh, pooh,” Ellie scoffed. “Anyway, he’s blowing off steam now. He’s nowhere near here.” She gave Selene the onceover. “Are you really going to let my oh-so-cautious brother dictate your actions?”

  Selene chuckled. “Nice try. But after so many years being dictated to by my own brother, I won’t let anyone influence me. You included, Miss Ellie Aubrey.”

  Ellie held up her left and wiggled her fingers, flashing her engagement ring. “Soon to be Mrs. Jenner.”

  Selene’s eyes lit up at the news. “Congratulations! But I won’t upset your family just for a chance at some new friends in my life.”

  “Well, I won’t stop asking,” Ellie insisted as she stood up. She leaned over and gave Selene a swift hug. “And next time Griffin isn’t biting your head off, I suggest you don’t immediately push him away, sweetie.” Ellie picked her backpack up off the ground, and with a wink and a wave, she walked away.

  Selene sat in stunned silence. Hugs had been few and far between in her life up until then. Ellie’s effervescent friendliness could become addictive. With a mental shake, Selene forced herself to turn to her studies. She did manage to read the words on the page this time, but the beauty of the day had dimmed.

  Chapter 9

  Selene looked up from her computer to listen to her project team gathered around her kitchen table. Remnants of pizza and cokes were scattered between books and computers. It was mid-November and the five of them – Selene, Josh, Elayne, Cindy, and Gordon - were working on the simulation project that would comprise the bulk of their grade for the class. In the simulation for the assignment, they were the owners of a car company and had to compete against the other groups in the class in having a more successful car company simulation.

  Selene was thoroughly enjoying herself. Not only did she like the class and think the material was very interesting, but she’d really come to like her group. They were the first people in her entire life to treat her normally. Even before Gideon, the Vyusher had treated her as a princess, held apart to be cossetted and petted.

  But beyond that the people in her group were very nice people and could also be hilarious. They got their work done and made smart observations, but they did so while still keeping things on the light and funny side.

  “I disagree,” Josh was saying.

  “You would!” Elayne joked as she reached for another slice of pizza.

  “Yeah,” Josh insisted. “There’s no way we’re going to dig our way out of this mountain of debt. We should do what we can to maintain our market share lead without looking like we gave up on revenue. I think we do that by launching another car now. It’ll be too late after this.”

  A collective groan arose from the group. They’d been arguing this point for the last hour or so and were no further along.

  “Do you need me to explain again the concept of making money?” Gordon, the finance whiz of the team, asked.

  “Okay, okay!” Josh threw both his hands in the air. “No new car. But I’m telling you now that if we still don’t end up cash positive this round, it’s all on you.”

  “Finally he gives in!” Cindy cheered.

  “On that note… ” Selene stood up and started gathering up trash to throw away. “Anyone want to take home some pizza?”

  “You paid, so you keep it,” Elayne said, looking at the slices of pepperoni with longing in her eyes.

  Selene knew that they were all the typical broke college kids, which meant food was low on the priority list for bills. “I don’t like reheated pizza. So it’s just going in the trash if I keep it. Seriously, someone take it off my hands.”

  “In that case, I’ll take some,” Josh said. The other four quickly followed his lead. Selene pulled some foil out of the pantry and wrapped up their slices while they all shut down their computers and packed up their bags.

  She walked her friends out. “See you in class tomorrow, guys.” She waved goodbye and went back inside.

  Smiling to herself, she went to close the blinds and happened to see a falcon in the pine trees. Without hesitation she snapped the blinds shut and then started pacing the confines of her living room. She was so angry she wasn’t sure what to do with herself. That golden-colored falcon had a glow inside him.

  “Griffin,” she muttered. He was keeping tabs on her. Deep inside, her wolf gave an irritated growl.

  If she’d been thinking rationally, she’d have realized that she shouldn’t be surprised by Griffin’s stalkerish behavior and that he might even be entitled to keep an eye on her. She wasn’t even sure she was safe to leave by herself. Maybe someone needed to stop her. But she wasn’t thinking rationally at the moment.

  Maybe she should just turn off his power and watch him fall out of that damn tree. She held in a giggle at the mental image. Or maybe she should drop her mental blocks and tell him to go away.

  Eventually, Selene decided to do neither of those things. She calmed down and finished cleaning up the apartment. Then she got ready for bed. It was only several hours later, as she still lay in bed wide awake, tossing and turning, that something occurred to her.

  If Griffin was watching, and she ended up dream walking in her wolf form, then he’d see, follow, and maybe even stop her. If the dreams were real and she really was the one killing those people...

  Suddenly, strangely, knowing that Griffin was keeping an eye on her brought her a modicum of peace.

  And that finally allowed her to fall asleep.


  Selene was back on her bench a few days later, despite the unseasonable chill in the air. She was studying
for an upcoming econ exam when Ellie plopped down beside her.

  “Hi, Selene.” Ellie gave her an impish grin.

  Selene shook her head. “Griffin is going to be so mad at you.”

  “So what?” Ellie shrugged nonchalantly and pulled a protein bar from her backpack. “We’re staging a rebellion.”


  “Yeah, we,” said another female voice behind them. Selene turned and was stunned to see Lila and Adelaide standing there. Other than her brief exchange with Lila when she’d first arrived, she’d had no contact with the two girls. Now that she saw them together, she realized how alike they looked. The girls got their coloring from their mother, also a honey blond. Adelaide kept hers shorter than Lila’s though. A pair of green eyes twinkled at her.

  Selene narrowed her eyes. “Okay. What’s going on here?”

  “Well, we’ve discussed it,” Ellie began. “Lila knows you’re being truthful, and Adelaide, well, she never shares what she can see, but she does say it’s not bad. And you led me to Alex and to my new family. You helped us.”

  Selene just shrugged. “Okay?”

  “So we’re staging a minor rebellion,” Adelaide said. “We’re going to be friends.”

  “Huh…” Selene ignored the small spark of hope those words inspired. She glanced at Ellie. “And what does Alex say to this plan?”

  Ellie gave an exasperated sigh and rolled her eyes. “The boys are staying out of it. But they side with us in spirit.”

  Selene shook her head. “I won’t be the cause of conflict in your family. I refuse to play a part in causing any family pain ever again.”

  Lila rested a comforting hand on Selene’s shoulder, and a feeling of peace slowly started to wash through her. Surprised, Selene could see a small glow coming from Lila slowly fading as Selene’s mental anguish faded. She studied the glow as it went out.

  “You can heal emotions? That’s new.” She met Lila’s gaze.

  Lila gave a small grin. “I’ve only just started figuring it out. I can only do it if I can touch the person. But Ellie says eventually I’ll be able to do it without touching. And I don’t always sense the emotion. It uh…” Lila seemed a tad unsure of how to word it. “…it has to be a very, mmmm, intense emotion for me to see it. Apparently, I’ll get better at that as well.”


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