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Hyacinth (Book #2 in the Svatura Series)

Page 8

by Abigail Owen

  Desire pulsed through her in time to the music. With a little shimmy, she gave him her back, undulating her spine enticingly. His hand returned to her hip, drawing her body into his. She felt surrounded by Griffin… his heat, his seductive scent. His hands seemed to be everywhere at once, setting her already hot skin on fire.

  Despite her earlier anger at him, she felt a secret thrill at being so close to him here in the dark, their bodies sweating as they gyrated to the thumping beats. She tossed him a look over her shoulder that was all woman. Leaning back, she lifted her hands over her head to catch him by the scruff of neck and gently pulled him closer.

  “I assumed you weren’t going to come!” she shouted.

  “I decided to join you!” he yelled back.

  “Oh… why?”

  When Griffin didn’t respond, she thought maybe he hadn’t heard her over the noise. But then he put his lips up to her ear. “I don’t want to fight with you tonight.”

  Selene turned in his arms, still grinding to the music as her body responded to his. She stared at him, his face only a few inches away from hers, and gave him a small smile. Griffin pulled her closer and wrapped his arms around her. The fingers at her back started to slowly caress her skin, and Selene was immensely grateful she’d worn the backless top.

  She closed her eyes, savoring his closeness. She thought she felt Griffin dip his head and lightly brush his lips across her bared shoulder. But when she opened her eyes and glanced at him, he just looked steadily back at her. She must’ve imagined it. Despite that, shivers of wanting shimmied up and down her back, making it impossible for her to ignore the desires and dreams centered on this man that she’d held in check for so long.

  The music changed, and Griffin stepped back. He offered her his hand and led her back to their table like a gentleman. No one in their group commented on his return or their provocative dancing, although she noticed Ellie raising her eyebrows at him. To Selene this was fascinating. She’d never had a family that cared enough to banter with her or tease her or one she’d felt safe enough with to do the same.

  Griffin didn’t ask her to dance again, but she had several more rounds with the girls and felt him watching her the whole time. Excitement fizzed inside her like effervescent bubbles. Selene was grateful for her blocking ability; otherwise, Lila and Ellie would be having a field day with her right now. Selene was having so much fun, she was surprised when it was time for last call. How the heck was it already so late? Or rather, so early in the morning?

  Sad that her wonderful time had come to an end, Selene gathered her things and they all headed home.


  “Who’s on first shift?” Selene asked, yawning.

  “I am,” Griffin answered. He leaned casually in the doorway to the family room and gave her a small shrug. “It’s only fair,” he added. “I haven’t done it yet.”

  “I’ll watch, too,” Ramsey volunteered. Lila gave a small frown.

  Griffin furrowed his brow. “Thanks, but I don’t need any help.”

  “We always stay with Selene in pairs,” Alex explained as he entered the room. He held two water bottles and gave one to Ellie.

  “Her idea,” Adelaide added. Griffin raised a curious eyebrow at Selene, and she shrugged.

  “It’s for your own safety,” she muttered.

  Griffin cocked his head to the side and gave her a scrutinizing look. “Do you believe that you are dangerous to us?”

  “I didn’t think so until I had these nightmares,” Selene replied.

  “But now you have doubts?”

  “I don’t really know what to think,” she said quietly.

  Griffin considered her words for some time. “I’ll take my chances,” he eventually said.


  Griffin held up his hand. “Ellie and I are connected. She’ll know if something is happening.”

  Selene folded her arms across her chest. “Not if I’m blocking her.”

  “Would you really do that?”

  “Not consciously,” Selene admitted. “But what if I don’t know I’m doing it?”

  Griffin crossed the room and stood before her. With a gentle finger under her chin, he lifted her face until she met his eyes again. “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes,” She paused, the irony not lost on her. “But you don’t trust me.”

  Griffin smirked. “Exactly.”

  Chapter 18

  Griffin settled in the chair in Selene’s room and prepared to watch over her for the rest of the night. She’d said very little to him as she had gotten ready, only explaining how the others had gone about their watches on previous nights.

  “I can sleep through anything,” she’d informed him. “So if you want to read or even watch a movie, it won’t even faze me.”


  Selene climbed into bed and glanced over to Griffin. “Goodnight.”

  “‘Night,” he answered and flipped off the light.

  Even blinded by the darkness, Griffin knew that she’d lain down with her back to him. He’d also been quite aware that she’d been out almost immediately. She wasn’t kidding about being a good sleeper.

  And now here he was, alone in a room with a woman whose very presence twisted his guts and with hours to concentrate on nothing but her. Of course, he’d had a lot to think about lately.

  When Selene had spilled her secrets to Griffin’s family, it’d hit him hard. It wasn’t just that she was telling the truth about trying to help him and Ellie. What had moved him was that despite all she’d been through, Selene remained a sweet, innocent, and pure person.

  She’d only touched on it, but when she’d showed how she tried to reach out to him via his dreams and how he’d never believed she was real, Griffin had felt sick to his stomach. How had he not known, deep in his soul, that she was real?

  When Selene had finished showing them her life, he’d had to get away. He needed some time and space to process everything. It was a lot to absorb.

  Once he’d felt as if he was under control, he’d tried to reach out to her and start over, but he’d completely bungled it and had come off as a pompous ass.

  His dream girl was flesh and blood, and somehow he’d managed to turn his back on her twice: first when she’d tried to communicate with him through dreams and then when she’d come to Colorado looking for friendship. He wouldn’t turn his back on her again. He was going to show her that he was here for her now. And maybe, eventually, she’d be able to trust him.

  But trust felt so far away. Even if this was a good first step. She’d allowed him into her bedroom to watch over her while she slept. It wasn’t much, but it was a start. Griffin contented himself with just watching her sleep, periodically checking her thoughts for any dreams. She’d dropped her blocks so that he could follow what was going on. He was tempted to fall asleep himself and see if she met him in their shared dream world. But he knew that would be counterproductive. He was supposed to be watching her…


  Selene screamed and sobbed, and Griffin shook her violently.

  “Wake up, Selene!” he shouted.

  It took a while for her to realize she was no longer in the nightmare, but safe in bed with Griffin’s arms around her. She collapsed back on the pillows and stared vacantly at the ceiling, trying to catch her breath.

  “Are you with me?” Griffin’s asked, his eyes creased with concern.

  Selene curled up into the fetal position and wept. Griffin crawled into the bed and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly. If anything, this made Selene cry harder, but she was warmed by his support. He didn’t rush her to stop or ask what was wrong; he just waited. Eventually, her sobs slowed to hiccups, and still he just held her.

  Finally, Selene turned over to face him. She was a little surprised when Griffin didn’t let go but continued to comfort her. He looked at her solemnly and smoothed her hair away from her face.

  “You didn’t do it,” he whispered.

>   “But she’s dead.”

  “We don’t know that.”

  Tears welled again. “Are you sure?” she asked, desperate to believe. She held on to him, grateful for his steadiness.

  “You never left the room, not for one second,” he assured her.

  “What if I’ve somehow manifested my dreams into reality?” It’d been a thought that had crossed her mind more than once, but she’d always been too frightened to vocalize the concern.

  “It’s not you,” he insisted softly. He reached up and brushed another stray lock away from her eyes.

  “You don’t know that,” she whispered.

  “If anyone in this house would be suspicious or doubt you, it would be me. And I don’t need Lucy’s ability to sense your intentions, or Lila’s ability to sense if you’re being truthful, or even my ability to read minds, to tell you that you didn’t do anything.

  Selene took a deep breath, and for the first time felt slightly comforted. If Griffin was in her corner, maybe everything might work out.

  She took another deep breath and nodded. A slow smile made its way over Griffin’s mouth, and Selene was stunned. It was the first time she’d ever seen him truly smile, and it was shocking what an amazing difference it made. Griffin had always been very handsome, but this made him mouth-wateringly hot.

  “Although I did read your mind just a little,” he added. Selene couldn’t tell if he was teasing or not, but his eyes twinkled.

  “And…?” she prompted when he didn’t continue.

  “The dream didn’t originate from you, as far as I could tell. It was something you were pulled into.”

  “Pulled into it?” The frown on her face depended. That had been how it’d felt… as if she wasn’t in control. Her gaze flashed back to his. “If you’re right – and that’s still a big if - then someone else is manipulating me and I’ve got a different problem to deal with.”

  “We’ll deal with it,” Griffin corrected her. “And let’s wait until we know if anything actually happened tonight or if it was just a dream before we borrow trouble.”

  Selene’s grimaced. “I don’t have to borrow trouble, Griffin. It finds me just fine on its own.”

  “I know,” he chuckled.

  And in the quiet moments that followed, both of them suddenly realized that they were lying in bed together, Griffin’s arms still wrapped around Selene. The tension was palpable, and so was the awkwardness.

  Clearing his throat, Griffin released her and inched off the bed. Once he was safely seated in the chair, he smiled again.

  “Get some rest. Tomorrow we’ll figure out what our next steps are.”

  Like I’ll be able to sleep now, she thought. But a hundred and sixty years of forcing herself to sleep when she was emotionally drained, surrounded by danger and terrified of her future, kicked in. With a nod, she turned her back on Griffin. She closed her eyes, emptied her mind, and hoped for the thousandth time that she wouldn’t see any new horrors that night.

  Chapter 19

  Selene woke to the low tones of a muted conversation. She rolled over and saw Griffin standing in the doorway talking with Ellie. The urgency of their gestures broke through Selene’s sleep-clouded mind.

  “What is it?” she asked in a groggy voice, propping herself up on her elbows.

  The grim expression on Griffin’s face as he glanced at her told Selene all she needed to know. Her nightmare was real. The girl she’d seen – all that blood – she really was dead.

  Ten minutes later, wrapped up in her comfy robe, Selene sat on the living room couch as Griffin and Ellie and their entire family debated the situation. She barely heard them as she sat there numb… silent. Her initial suggestion that she return to the Vyusher was one point of the deliberation. A point that Griffin had not vetoed but had not agreed to either.

  “What about leaving the area?” Lucy suggested.

  Hugh shook his head. “I don’t think that would make any difference, honey.”

  “What is it that we know? You’re sure Selene didn’t kill the girl?” Alex asked Griffin.

  Griffin nodded, his mouth set in a firm line. “Positive. She got pulled into the dream; she didn’t manifest it.”

  “Then the only logical conclusion is that someone else is doing these killings and trying to make Selene – and maybe us - think she did it,” Alex said.

  “Why do you say that?” Lila asked. “It could all just be a horrible coincidence. Or maybe Selene’s power is growing into some kind of precognition thing.”

  “You’re right,” Griffin agreed. “Except for the feeling of how she got pulled into that nightmare. If I had to put money on it, I’d say someone else is manipulating this situation.”

  “So what do we do about it?” Lila asked.

  Ellie snapped her fingers and stared at Griffin. “I’ve got it!”

  Everyone grew silent, and Selene could see a very subtle glow coming from the twins, although it was brighter in Griffin. She realized that they were talking to each other using Griffin’s telepathic power.

  After a few minutes of hushed nods, Alex nudged Ellie with his elbow. “Out loud, baby. The rest of us would like in on your brilliant idea.”

  Ellie gave a satisfied grin. “We do what we did when we defeated the Vyusher.” She glanced at Selene. “Sorry, but you know what I mean.”

  Selene waved away both the comment and the apology.

  “So you turn into a great, hulking dragon?” Nate asked, confused.

  “No, silly.” Ellie rolled her eyes. “We combine our powers. At least… the ones that would be relevant.”

  Selene frowned. She’d seen their wagon-wheel formation in battle, of course. And she’d seen their coordinated use of their powers and Ellie’s ability to control powers of any being physically connected to her. But she didn’t quite see how that could work in this situation.

  “I think you’d better explain, honey,” Charlotte prodded. Nods around the room echoed that sentiment.

  Ellie leaned forward. “The first thing we need to figure out is who is doing the actual killing, agreed?”

  Nods all around again.

  “Right… so this is the second death related to her nightmares that we know of for sure. My guess is the killings have to be occurring in the physical world somewhere. Lucy, we use your precognition to try to tell when the next attack is coming. Maybe you weren’t aware of what feeling to look out for. Look out for it now.”

  Lucy nodded.

  “Also we use Griffin’s mind reading during Selene’s next dream to see if he can figure out where it’s happening. Selene, you look for landmarks and clues about where you are. Griffin and I can tap in and watch and then use Charlotte’s teleportation to take us there.”

  “What about Selene’s powers?” Griffin asked.

  Ellie shook her head. “I thought of that too, but if someone else is doing all of this, using her power will alert them that she’s aware that something might be coming. She needs to act as if nothing is different. It’s the only way…”

  “That could work,” Lila mused.

  “Yes,” Selene allowed hesitantly. “But you’re assuming that it’s not me who is doing the killing.”

  Adelaide moved to stand in front of Selene. “Why are you so determined to blame yourself?”

  Selene’s lips compressed, and she didn’t speak for a moment. “I’ve only shown you a little of what Gideon was capable of. What if I’m wrong about how much he controlled me? What if he left behind something evil? And now I’m killing those people? It’s just so like something Gideon would’ve had me do. And these nightmares… they’re all from my point of view.”

  Eleven sets of eyes trained on her face, and an eerie hush fell over the group. Selene rose gracefully from where she was seated. Even in the midst of her despair, she was elegant and poised.

  “I appreciate your support, especially given our history.” Selene glanced briefly at Griffin, whose expression remained closed. “But what if it is m
e? I know you don’t think it is. But shouldn’t we have a plan just in case?”

  “I could use Griffin’s telepathy to force you to use your power on yourself and permanently extinguish your own abilities… all of them. You said that that was possible,” Ellie suggested.

  Selene was already shaking her head. “Maybe. But only Gideon has ever been able to control me, and he was the strongest tele-manipulator I’ve ever encountered.” She glanced around. “If it is me, you have to promise to kill me.”

  “No!” Griffin protested.

  Selene recognized the stubborn look in his eyes from all the times she had visited him in his dreams, trying to convince him to go find the Jenners and Pierces.

  “You of all people know exactly what I am capable of,” she thought, knowing he could hear every word. “Promise me, Griffin. Please… This time I have the choice. And I choose to never knowingly harm another living being again without cause. Promise.”

  Griffin closed his eyes. “It’s not you,” he answered aloud. “Regardless of your role in previous attacks or how evil your brother was, none of this is your fault.”

  “Then you have nothing to lose by making this promise,” Selene whispered.

  Griffin opened his eyes and stared at her with an intensity that took her breath away.

  “I promise,” he slowly murmured.

  Chapter 20

  “I feel a little funny lying on the couch with all of you watching me,” Selene commented later that night.

  “What? You don’t usually sleep with twelve people staring at you? It’s so much fun! Not awkward at all,” Nate joked.

  Selene chuckled. At that moment, Lucy entered the room with a tray of steaming white mugs. “Everything’s always better with hot chocolate,” she said, as she offered the tray around. Once everyone had taken some, Lucy retreated to the corner where Hugh was snuggled in a sleeping bag waiting for her.

  “How did the two of you find each other?” Selene asked. It was something she’d been wondering for a while.


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