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Wolf's Whisper

Page 5

by Arizona Tape

I thought he would separate the twins, but instead, he swung his arms over their shoulders and pointed them towards me.

  "Akira. Who is your mate?"

  Well, that was no help. Thanks, dude.

  A lump appeared in my throat as both Aspen and Ashleigh's eyes pierced into me. I knew Ashleigh was my mate, no doubt. But the idea of disappointing Aspen and breaking it to him that he was mistaken, nearly broke my heart. I had really grown fond of him, as annoying as he was.

  "... Ashleigh..." I softly muttered. "Ashleigh is my mate..."

  The dark-haired girl pumped her fists in the air with a loud "yesssss!" as she did a little happy dance.

  I threw an apologetic look at Aspen. There were many things I could lie about, but who was and wasn't my mate, was not one of them.

  His amber coloured eyes caught mine. They were bright and innocent, inquisitive. Exactly like in his wolf form. And then his posture changed. He opened up his shoulders, surprising me at how broad he actually was. I could see the muscles roll under his shirt as his eyes blackened.

  The whole playful and cheeky vibe around him disappeared, as it made way for something much more raw and powerful.

  What was happening? Was this man surging with power really the same Aspen who had just been spanked by a pine-tree?

  I heard a faint "oh-oh" from behind me, but before I could even wonder what that was about, he spoke. "You sure I'm not your mate?"

  And before he even uttered his first words, I knew the answer to that question.

  Mate. My wolf whispered as the only thing I could do, was nod speechlessly. Indeed. Mate.

  But as soon as that thought passed through my head, I felt an unnerving doubt settle onto me. Could this be? Was this right? Was Aspen my mate? But then again, no, that couldn't be. It was Ashleigh. Definitely Ashleigh.

  So what did Aspen just do to make my wolf whimper like that for him?

  As I stared at the two of them, my gaze flicking over their faces, I begged my wolf to speak. But all she did, was repeat the same word over again. Mate. And she clearly meant both of them.

  "I don't understand..."

  An angry Ashleigh flashed before my eyes as she slammed her fist against Aspen's. With a confused look on his face, he just stared at his sister, like he wasn't sure what was happening.

  I caught his eyes once more and realised they were as bright as they had always been. Did I imagine that surge? Had he done something to me?

  “You’re not allowed to put her under your Alpha spell!" Ashleigh yelled at her brother.

  I looked at the both of them and for the life of me, I suddenly couldn't figure out why my wolf had cried out mate to Aspen. Watching them together, it was crystal clear that Ashleigh was my one and only mate.

  Was it true what she was saying? Was Aspen an Alpha and did I just fall under his command? Wasn't it a true mating?

  I noticed Danny had stood up as well. She placed a hand on Ashleigh's shoulder as she gently peeled her away from Aspen.

  "You know as well as I do that not even an Alpha's command can force the bond."

  She turned towards her best friend and for the first time, I saw a crack in Ashleigh's strong appearance. With a broken voice, she yelled. "It isn't fair!"

  Danny pulled her in an embrace as she rubbed her soothingly over the back. "I know it isn't... I’m sorry."

  I looked at the group, still not entirely sure what the hell was going on here. Was it even possible to have two mates? And if so, why didn't I feel that bond to Aspen before? Why had my wolf recognised Ashleigh immediately? And why when I looked at Aspen now, didn't I feel a thing anymore?

  "Can someone explain what is going on here?" I asked, my voice cracking a little as I stomped my foot into the ground. I didn't care if this made me seem like a child, I wanted an explanation and I wanted it now.

  Danny gently pulled out of Ashleigh's embrace as she walked over to me. She placed both her hands on my shoulders, a heavy sigh escaping her mouth.

  “You’re either the luckiest or unluckiest person in the world. You found both your mates. And at the same time."

  I frowned my eyebrows as I stared at the twins. "Both?"

  "Yes. The way it looks, Ashleigh is your first mate and Aspen... Well, there is no doubt in my mind. He is your second."

  "What do you mean with first and second?"

  Danny shot me an odd look. "Your two mates."

  As I tilted my head to the side, confused about what she meant, she furrowed her brows. "You do know us wolf-shifters each get two mates, right?"

  I shook my head. "Nu-uh, nobody ever told me?"

  "Oh dear..." she sighed, scratching the back of her neck, pondering over how to explain this to me. "Well... To put it simply... We all have two mates, but they aren't equally ranked. As I’m sure, your wolf only picks up on Ashleigh, since she is the one meant for you. But Aspen... Well, he is your... To use an ugly word: "back-up"?" she said, making air quotes with her fingers. That word alone earned her a distasteful snort from Aspen, as he obviously didn't like being called my back-up.

  "Like you noticed, if you’re in the presence of your first mate, your second one won't even ping on your... Radar? But since Aspen... Well... Since he is an Alpha, I guess it kind of gives him an extra... Push? I'd say it makes him able to compete on the same level as only a first mate should."

  I groaned. Really? Just my luck. Or unluck. Misfortune? Definitely misfortune.

  I turned to Aspen. "Why didn't you say so before?"

  Aspen grimaced. "I was never planning on finding my second mate. And when we met, I just wanted to get to know you first. Like a person, before I let my wolf come out."

  "I've seen you in wolf form before. Why have I never felt it?"

  He shrugged. "I suppose since Ashleigh was always this close by? And my Alpha form lies beneath the surface. I keep him there."

  I turned to Ashleigh, as I threw my hands up in exasperation. This was just freaking perfect. "What about the whole one soulmate thing, you know, two halves of a whole, mated for life, only one perfect fit?"

  Ashleigh seemed to have gathered her composure as she walked over to me. She placed two fingers underneath my chin, urging me to look in her eyes. "Look, it is quite simple. Every wolf has one perfect fit. One perfect mate, one meant to be. But we are more than wolves, we are shifters. And what we want, the human part of us, that doesn't always overlap with the cry of our wolves. Our wolves would mate without any second thought. They are and will always be the perfect fit. But the human part of us makes it all a bit more complicated. We are much more fickle and picky. So to prevent our race from dying out, you get a second mate. There usually is no good reason to settle for your second mate unless your first has died, is an Alpha, or in some cases, is a freaking asshole. Even the worst of our kind have mates, but their second mate can be the out they need."

  I squinted my eyes, not really understanding it all. If you could choose not to be with your mate, then what was all the fuss around it? "So I can choose not to be with my first mate?"

  A pained look appeared on Ashleigh's face, like the thought alone had stung her deeply. To be honest, just saying it made the wolf in my chest ache a little. There was no way I wouldn't choose her.

  "Everyone can, but it usually leads to an unfulfilled life. The only thing that comes close enough to fill that hole is a person that possesses your second mate and is a good fit for you personally."

  That new-found knowledge certainly made my head spin. I always thought if you found your mate, that was it. You were done. But things just became much more complex.

  "And coincidentally, you two are my mates...?" I sceptically asked, glaring at the duo in front of me.

  A sour grin appeared on Aspen's face. "Correct. Funny world we live in, don't you think?"

  Funny world, indeed. If funny was another way of saying fucked up.

  Ashleigh's fingers gently brushed against my arm. "It is late... Why don't we all talk it over tomorrow when we are all rest

  I nodded, suddenly realising how freaking tired I was. Catching some sleep wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. Especially if it meant escaping this two mate thing and the two people that supposedly were mine.

  Chapter 6. Morning

  The next morning I woke up and for once, realised I didn't feel as stiff or as cold as the nights before.

  The slender arm slung over my stomach was probably the reason why. Well, not just the arm, mostly the woman attached to it. Ashleigh must've cuddled up to me when I fell asleep because no way I could've fallen asleep with her so close to me.

  Since she was still asleep, I had time to study her beautiful features. Her sharp nose and the scattering of freckles on the apples of her cheeks, which was surprising since she had such dark hair. Her lips were plump and pouty, the colour of ripe cherries. I wondered if she would taste like cherries or wild strawberries. Or maybe a mix of the two?

  There was just something utterly beautiful about her. But then again, her male counterpart wasn't that bad looking either. Now those were some beautiful genes.

  I smiled as I closed my eyes, loving how I both my front and back were nice and toasty.


  I shot up as I turned to my other side.

  "Goodmorning, pumpkin," Aspen greeted me, looking ridiculously handsome for the morning.

  How did he look like a model straight out of a catalogue, while birds mistook my hair for a nest? No fair...

  Also not the point!

  "Morning..." I stuttered, as I felt stirring from the other side. With a yawn, the other half of the delightful duo woke up.

  "Mmmorningggg," she mumbled, sleepily rubbing her eyes.

  "Ehmm... Morning?" I said again, as I looked from one twin to the other. So I had slept all night with those two cuddled up to me?

  "Did you sleep well?" Ashleigh purred as her fingers grazed over the back of my hand, her long hairs falling over my shoulder.

  "Yes, how was your beauty sleep?" Aspen chimed in, oddly cheery for having just woken up.

  "Great," I muttered as I quickly dusted myself off and got out of the cuddly pile of twins. Aspen sure was much snugglier now that his sister was here. Must be his competitive nature...

  Pretending I didn't know a thing about the two mate situation, I stretched the sleep out of my limbs. I threw a quick glance inside the other tent, wondering if they were morning people or not. To my relief, they were still one big pile of sleeping bodies.

  Regan looked more like a big log than anything else, while JP was curled up in a little ball. Darren was star fishing, his feet digging into JP's back, but neither of them seemed to mind. And in the midst of the heap of men, there was a fluff of red hair. I grinned, they sure kept their woman nice and warm.

  Not a bad situation, if you ask me. I briefly wondered if I maybe could get a thing like that going with both Aspen and Ashleigh, but as they now seemed to fight over who got the last fur, one thing became very clear. The twins didn't share.

  I bent down next to the fire and blew on the coals. They were still hot. I glanced gratefully at the sleepy bunch of newcomers. At least one of them must've gotten up in the middle of the night to feed the fire.

  Maybe having them around wouldn't be such a bad thing after all.

  I poked up the fire and threw on some of Regan's firewood, which was surprisingly dry.

  Not bad, at all.

  I glanced at Darren's construction. Somehow, he brought two pots, a grilling rack, and he had put up a roasting spit. Mmmm, roasted meat... I wouldn't say no to that.

  Maybe staying one day longer wouldn't be the worst thing, if the boys went on a hunt and I got a nice piece of leg, I would allow them to stay in my camp a little longer.

  I heard a low grumble and the pile of humans seemed to move. A sleepy Danny appeared from between the male bodies and to my delight, she looked like a rampaging horde of cows had just run her over.

  Her hair was a mess, there was more than one twig sticking out of her ear, and sleep lines were embedded in her cheek.

  Thank god, another messy sleeper.

  I threw an angry look at the perfect pair of siblings that were now happily chatting away, looking even better than the day before.

  Nobody should be allowed to wake up that pretty and perfect.

  "Wake up, Darren!" I suddenly heard Aspen call from behind me. Regan seemed about as awake as a mountain that had awoken from being, well a mountain. JP, on the other hand, didn't seem to be too bothered by the morning as he was already splashing water in his face.

  But Darren, well he didn't seem to be too fond of waking up. He pulled all the remaining furs over his head as he curled up into a ball. "Five more minutes."

  I smiled, now that was more my style.

  Danny touched Aspen on his shoulder. "Let me handle this."

  She skipped over to Darren, poked him against the shoulder and lifted the furs. However, instead of waking him up, she crawled next to him with a happy "Night night, guys".

  I chuckled again. What a random group of people. But I already loved them. I mean, how could I not?

  "A-A-Akira? W-Will you collect s-some snow?" JP asked me, handing me the biggest pot of the set. "I-I'll start cooking up some b-breakfast."

  I felt my stomach grumble. Yum, breakfast.

  "Hey, I want to make breakfast!" A shout came from the heap of furs as Darren jumped up, suddenly wide-awake. He threw on a shirt and whilst jumping on one leg as he put on his boots, he took over JP's place at the fire.

  JP happily handed him the spoon. "Works every time," he grinned at me, looking rather pleased with himself.

  Not bad. So there was more to JP than just the stuttering, nervous, sweet-looking guy.

  "Nice. And I will get you that snow, is that okay, Darren?"

  "Yes, that is great," he vaguely answered as he was rumbling through his pack and seemed to conjure many different kinds of edibles. I felt my mouth water as I saw him pull out of sack of potatoes, a couple of strips of dried jerky, and surprisingly, a couple of eggs. How and why he carried eggs all the way with him, I didn't understand, but I wasn't about to question him. I would kill for some eggs!

  "Akira, how do you like your eggs?" he asked me, like it was a given they were sharing their food with me. They had been with me the whole time and so far, I hadn't heard any of them discuss it, they all seemed to be in agreement that I was included in their eating arrangement now.

  Well, I wasn't going to say no to that!

  "Whichever way you’re making them," I answered, not really caring how they were made, as long as I got a portion of them. "Oh, I have a whole bag of freeze-dried vegetables with me." I added, deciding if they were going to share food with me, the least I could do, was offer my bag of cardboard veggies.

  "Sounds great, throw em my way," Darren nodded as he started heating up his skillets and quartered his potatoes.

  I rumbled in my backpack for the untouched bag of vegetables and threw them his way. He seemed rather happy with them and I wondered how he was planning on making them edible.

  "You want a lot of snow?"

  "Yeah, fill her up!"

  "Right," I called back, grabbing the heavy pot as I wandered around the camp, looking for a nice pile of fresh snow that didn't have a lot of twigs and dirt in them. I already slept the whole night far too close to the ground, I didn't feel like eating it for breakfast.

  It didn't take long before the air was filled with the delicious smell of food and a group of impatient people were hungrily staring at Darren. Not that I blamed them, I was one of them.

  How he did it, I wasn't sure, but he somehow had turned a handful of random ingredients into a stew that was making my mouth water.

  "Grab yourself a plate!" Darren cheerfully said as he distributed spoons. Well, he didn't need to tell me twice. He happily piled the stew onto my plate and as the smell penetrated my nose, I felt my stomach grumble.

  I couldn't wait to dig in and hungry like a wolf, h
a ha, I shovelled the stew into my mouth.

  The otherwise chatty Danny and the quarrelling twins were all suspiciously silent as they too were practically inhaling their food.

  "Don't overeat. We have to do a fair bit of walking today," Regan spoke, a discord of full mouths disagreeing with him, including me. Darren was one hell of a cook. He somehow managed to turn my tasteless veggies into an utterly delicious gravy. I'd stay with this group just for him, never mind the beautiful twins, I should get myself a Darren.

  Mate. My wolf suddenly whined, like she was worried I might forget the beautiful woman sitting on the log next to me.

  As if I could forget Ashleigh. I wish. But I knew it wouldn't happen. There was no way I'd be able to resist her, or for her to resist me, for that matter. We would end up together, no question about it. The only question was when. And all this Aspen stuff, I would just pretend I didn't know any of that. Besides, if he kept his Alpha neatly locked up, I wouldn't have any trouble.

  "Yo, Darren, you rock, man." Aspen's enthusiasm pulled me out of my thoughts. He was happily waving his spoon around, as his plate seemed to be cleaner than when he got it. No surprise there, I already knew he liked to eat a lot. How could I not, I had been feeding him these past days.

  "D-D-Delicious as always," JP weighed in, even though his plate looked practically untouched. If he wasn't hungry, maybe I could get another bite?

  "Honey, are you sorting your potatoes again?" Danny chimed in, as she hugged JP from behind.

  "Y-Y-Yeah... I can't help m-myself," he answered, his face falling as he stared at the plate in his lap.

  The redhead smiled. "I'll help you out." With those words, she started pushing the food on JP's plate around until it became clear they were sorting everything by size.

  "JP's has a little trouble with eating unorganised food," she explained as she saw me watching them, shrugging as she did. It didn't seem to bother her in the slightest. On the contrary, she seemed to find it quite endearing.

  I answered with an approving smile and shrugged. Hey, everyone got his quirks. I much rather be camping with a potato pusher than a homicidal maniac.

  "Better clean your plates, weather is about to change," Regan muttered as he peered up into the sky, one hand shielding his eyes.


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