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Wolf's Whisper

Page 13

by Arizona Tape

  "His first mate?"

  "Yes... It isn't my story to tell, but Aspen lost her a couple of years ago."

  "Oh..." New questions flashed through my mind as I wondered about Aspen's past. Not just Aspen's. The whole group's, actually. They were far too cheery for their age and that usually meant one thing. They had a good reason to be.

  "So... Will he be okay?"

  Ashleigh waggled her head from side to side. "Ehhh, I don't know... He's had moments like this but never this intense..."

  I remembered the dead girl on the ground, threw up a little bit in my mouth and with a hic-up, swallowed it again.

  Hey, I was a lady! I wasn't going to throw up in front of Ashleigh. Again...

  "So that, umm, this... Chesca thing... Is this unusual?" I asked carefully, not sure if I wanted the answer or not. What if I had unintentionally joined a travelling killer Carnival? That was hardly something you add in the letter home.

  I could already imagine the tribe gossiping about it.

  Silly Akira, thinking she could travel all by herself to Coyote Country, got snagged up by a killer circus and was murdered in the Aladwin Forest. But what else was to be expected of such a stupid girl anyway.

  Ashleigh opened her mouth. "We..."

  A long pause. That was never a good sign. Oh fuck, I really had joined a group of madmen. I should've left when I had the chance.

  She scratched the side of her face as she stewed over the right words. Are there right words to tell someone you and your friends went on a killing spree?

  "The life Aspen and I've lived isn't like the one you had in your tribe... It wasn't... Easy. Or Fun. Or you know, all that civilised, for that matter."

  I waited as I gave the dark-haired woman more time to explain what she meant by that. Life in my tribe certainly hadn't been fun or easy, but that didn't mean I went around killing people. Even if said people were crazy Pumas trying to... Actually, what exactly had Cece been trying?

  I suddenly realised she never gave me an explanation for why she had enchanted me. Or how she had done it. If I recalled correctly, Pumas should only have the power of invisibility. They shouldn't be able to enchant or bewitch anyone. So how did she...

  "I need you to understand that the things we've done were necessary evils. I'm not proud of my past, but we did what we had to."

  I swallowed a lump in my throat as I prepared for the worst. "And that's...?"


  Oh my gods. I wasn't deluded. I really had joined a crazy killer gang. I really was going to die here in the forest. Or worse, they would try and turn me into a killer as well. Akira the killer. Well, if that wasn't just peachy.

  I felt the blood rush through my head as panic spread throughout my body. Aspen, the guy who loved running around naked, was a killer. Danny, the cheery redhead that was always smiling, killer. Darren, the divine cook, killer. Regan, the tall and trustworthy man, killer. JP, the shy man who couldn't utter more than one sentence without stuttering, killer. And Ashleigh, my beautiful mate, my other half, my wolf's guide. Killer.

  The metallic taste of blood filled my mouth as I realised I had bitten my own cheek. This was it. I was doomed. I really was only destined for bad things. My father had been right.

  I forced myself to keep a straight face as I felt something stir inside of me. Even if my wolf was crying for hers, I couldn't be with a killer, could I?

  Why couldn't my mate be a nice boy or girl from my hometown who liked pottery and music? Not two crazy twins on a killing journey.

  "Please let me explain... Our hometown was small. Everyone knew everyone and we were all somehow related to each other. If not directly, indirectly to the Great Wolf. In the beginning, everything was fine. And then the Monoke Clan came."

  I tried to swallow, but my dry mouth wouldn't let me. Was this really a story I needed to know? I had heard stories about Monoke. They were strongly devoted to the Ape spirit and it was rumoured they were possessed by a blood lust.

  "They trampled our village. There is something utterly terrifying about seeing familiar sights disappear into smoke and flames. The store owned by Mrs. Foria where Aspen and I used to get our sweets. The altar where we went to pray. The swingset in our garden. Our parents."

  Oh gods...

  "My mother's screams will haunt me forever and I didn't even love her that much. I remember Aspen putting his hands over my ears, but it didn't help. Not much. My father, my hero, ran blindly into our house, his only thoughts with his dying wife. Neither of them made it out. Aspen and I were only fifteen."

  At this point, I felt so guilty for even asking about it. With every step, Ashleigh was stomping her feet into the ground. Not from fear, but from anger. Rage was coursing through her veins. I could feel it. My wolf could feel it.

  "That day, Aspen and I swore to always protect each other. We swore it next to the ashes of our childhood home and what remained of our parents. And then we ran. We ran for days."

  Ashleigh's eyes were directed towards me, but she wasn't there. She looked right through me as she recalled the horrors of her childhood.

  "We wound up in Danny's hometown. Aspen and I took refuge in an old, abandoned warehouse. It was an adjustment... We were used to soft couches and warm beds, but here we slept under ragged blankets and old linen. We used to have roasted game with an endless array of vegetables and sauces. Now we were lucky if we had a chunk of stale bread to share. It was a miserable time. We were orphaned, homeless, starving. But we had each other."

  I followed her gaze to the cave as I came to understand a little bit more about their bond.

  "We were great at pretending. We fooled this whole new town in believing we were well-adjusted civilians on a trip. Everyone bought it. Except for Danny."

  A faint smile played around Ashleigh's lips. "She called me out on our bullshit two days after we met. She later admitted I had enraged her so much, she had followed me out for revenge and found out where Aspen and I lived."

  A memory flashed through my head of Danny telling me about the hair cutting and I felt my lips curl up. I could imagine how that would piss someone off.

  "Danny is the only daughter of the Orse family. One of the four pure bloodlines that possess the wolf in our country. She sensed the wolf in us and figured out we came from the destroyed town. She offered for us to stay at her mansion, but we declined. We were young and despite everything that had happened, we had far too much pride. Danny never got along well with other people. They envied her for her wolf, her status, her wealth. With us, she could just be Danny. I think it was around the time she met JP as well."

  "What about Regan?" I asked, suddenly remembering he said he used to live next door to the twins.

  Ashleigh bit her lip. "Regan had already left town before Monoke came. He never told us why, but one day he just said goodbye. The next day, he was gone. We didn't see him for another couple of years until we coincidentally ran into him. That was when he laid eyes on Danny and he hasn't left her side ever since."

  "That is sweet."

  She nodded. "It certainly was. Regan was always a bit stiff, so it was nice to see him become more playful after he met Danny."

  I snorted. Regan, playful? We must have different definitions of playful.

  "Things quickly changed. The Monoke had followed us and terrorised our new village. But this time, Aspen and I were no longer helpless children. This time, we were prepared. By the end of the rampage, Em, Danny, JP, and Regan were all living in our club house. We fought the invaders daily, cutting down their numbers one by one. If House Hystericia hadn't shown up when they did, I don't think we would have made it."

  I felt my chest ache as I hadn't realised there were such disputes, no, wars, going on in the world.

  "It was... I don't have the words for it. It is probably a story for another time. Just know we saw some horrible things. Aspen and I were prepared, but Danny, it shocked her. If it wasn't for Regan, she probably wouldn't have made it through. And JP would n
ever have survived if it wasn't for Danny. And Darren, well, he would've been lost for good if he hadn't met all of us. In a way, we all saved each other. I know this might not be what you want to hear, but we are a package deal. It is all of us or none..." Ashleigh stated, her eyes boring deep into mine as to gauge my reaction. "Aspen and I have shared all our lives. I mean, we aren't good at it. We bicker and we fight over everything. But we've always shared. From the smallest toy to our best friends, there is almost nothing we haven't done together."

  I nodded. I already knew this pack was all or nothing. Now if only my wolf could find a way to want both my mates, instead of switching between the two of them, I might be able to make it work with the twins.

  "The thing is..."

  I perked up as I heard her crystal voice suddenly much closer to my ear.

  "This time, I don't want to share. And neither does he," she whispered, her breath hot on my cheek. A shiver ran down my spine as I swallowed a lump in my throat. How was I supposed to react to that?

  "I want you all to myself."

  Ashleigh's piercing blue eyes bore deep into mine, the air around us suddenly crackling with electricity. I could swear I saw the sparks fly. If only we were on our own instead of surrounded by the pack and my other mate, we might just have a chance.

  But with Aspen's Alpha lingering at the surface, my wolf seemed to be unsure of who to follow. Ashleigh's rare black wolf or Aspen's amber coloured eyes. It was an impossible choice.

  I threw a concerned look at the man in front of me. Aspen was quiet. So quiet it was freaking me out. I mean, I get that after you've killed someone you don't throw glitters in the air and fart out unicorn dust, but still. It was spooky. He only seemed half there.

  "So this has happened before? And he'll be alright?" I asked Ashleigh, whose concern was edged into her face.

  She scrunched her nose. "Usually, he becomes gloomy and unresponsive for a couple of days, before returning to his usual self. But I have never seen him like this. It is like..."

  "Like he isn't even there," I finished her sentence, earning me a grateful look.

  She nodded, a sad smile playing around her lips. "Exactly..."

  "Do you need some time alone with him?" I inquired, wondering if it would help Aspen get back to his cheery self.

  Ashleigh shook her head, her dark curls dancing in the wind. "There is nothing I can do to help him... The only thing that might work..."

  I tilted my head to the side, waiting for her to finish her sentence. "Yes?"

  She curtly chuckled, rolling her eyes. "Nothing. Never mind."

  I let out a heavy sigh. Why did people always do this? "No, tell me."

  A pained look flashed over Ashleigh's face. "The only thing that might snap him out of it is... Is you." She bit her lip as she seemed torn. "This is what makes it so hard. I want him to get better. I do... But I don't want to share you... Then again, how can I not? He is my brother and I would do anything for him. Or at least, I always thought I would. But now I've met you, I'm not so sure anymore. And that kills me," she confessed, glancing at Aspen who was gazing into the world like it wasn't even there. Like he wasn't there.

  "But what if..." I started, ready to protest her proposal, but as I glanced at Aspen, I realised I would never decline the opportunity to help him. He was surrounded by a melancholy that seemed to separate him from the world, but underneath that shield, I could feel his raw power pulsate. It was still there, right underneath the surface, ready to lash out at any given time.

  He was suffering. For what he did to Chesca, for the things he had done in his past, for the way he had tainted his soul. How could I not help him?

  Ashleigh followed my gaze, smiling. "There are no what ifs... He is my brother and if this is what I need to do, I will do it."

  I felt my breath hitch in my throat. "Do what?" I asked quietly, actually needing to hear her say this. This was not something you'd want to make wrong assumptions about.

  My raven-haired mate gritted her teeth down. "I won't try and keep you away from him. I know you're drawn to him."

  Before, it would have sounded like an accusation. Now it was simply a statement. One I couldn't deny. We both knew it was true. No matter how strong my bond was with Ashleigh, with Aspen's Alpha around, I would always be a little torn.

  Ashleigh sighed, brushing her dark curls away from her face. "Like we've always done, Aspen and I will share..."

  I should have rejoiced after hearing this. This is what I had wanted, no? For the twins to stop fighting over me and for my wolf to find a way to be with both of them. If I didn't have to choose, if I could have them both, how could my wolf not get on board with that?

  But somehow, I only felt dread settle in. This wasn't how it was supposed to happen or the way I had imagined it to go down. This wouldn't make Ashleigh happy. Not really.

  But these were just the cards we were dealt. And we just had to make do. Ashleigh had no choice but to help her twin brother. And I had no choice either. Regardless of how long I had known them both, regardless of who came first or second, they were both my mates. If there was a chance for me to help Aspen, I had to try. For him and for Ashleigh as well. Even as fucked up as our situation was.

  If I could help, I should.

  I turned to Ashleigh, but before I could say another word, the group abruptly came to a halt. So abruptly, I actually ran into JP's back. Losing my footing, I stumbled backwards. A yelp almost escaped my lips, but the hand suddenly clamped over my mouth prevented it.

  "Shhhh... C-Can you hear that?" JP whispered, nudging upward.

  Chapter 13. Hills that rumble

  I peeled his hand away from my face and turned my head. There was a strange rumble coming from over the hill and somehow, I guessed it wasn't a good kind of rumble.

  "Oh no..." Danny groaned, running her hands through her red hair in worry.

  "Not this again," Regan growled, dropping his backpack and cracking his neck.

  I looked around. "What?" I asked, unclear to what was going on. Why did they always know what was going on? Why were they also so coordinated and in sync? It made me feel like the odd man out. Literally.

  "Damn it, they couldn't have chosen a worse time," Ashleigh cursed, facepalming herself.

  "Who are they?" I tried again, angry I was always one step behind. Or you know, at least a couple of steps. I really needed to keep up. I couldn't stay the ignorant, weakest link.


  As soon as he said it, I could distinguish the noise from over the hill as the drum of multiple people running and I wanted to slap myself for not recognising the sound.

  Ashleigh placed a hand on my arm, asking for my attention. Not that she didn't always have it.

  "You need to keep Aspen calm," she spoke, urgency clear in her voice.


  "He barely managed to keep his Alpha under control the last time. If he kills more people, he'll be lost."

  Her blue eyes pierced into mine. This was an important task, why would she trust me with this?

  "I..." I started my protest, racking my brain. Wouldn't JP be more suited to keep him calm? Or even Ashleigh herself? But as I heard the metal zing of blades behind me and saw JP gearing up, I realised he was going to fight as well. I wasn't sure why, but I always assumed he wasn't a fighter. He just seemed more like the brains of the group. But with the determined look in his eyes and the way he swung his arms, I could immediately tell this wasn't his first fight.

  Ashleigh tugged on my arm again. "Please, don't let my brother fight," she begged again, her voice cracking as she asked.

  I nodded. "Okay. I won't."

  A chaste kiss landed on the corner of my lips. "Thank you."

  And with those words, she drew away from me and pulled Danny to her side. I briefly wondered what the two women were discussing, but quickly focused back on the real task at hand. I made a promise to Ashleigh, but how could I possibly keep Aspen in check?

  The last time, my w
olf cowered at the sight of his Alpha and I only barely succeeded with Ashleigh's help. Now I was supposed to do it alone?

  "Ever been in a fight before?" Darren suddenly asked, twirling his dagger in front of my nose.

  I shook my head. Not really no. Unless getting miserably beaten up by your brothers and sisters counts as a fight.

  "Stick close to Aspen. He'll protect you if necessary, but we won't let anyone come close enough to you two. At least, that's the plan," he spoke, jumping up and down to loosen his limbs.

  A shiver ran down my spine as I felt a growl in my neck. "Like hell will I sit back and let you do all the work," Aspen snarled, his breath hot on my skin. These were the first words he had spoken since his kill and frankly, they terrified me.

  "Asp, you can't fight," Ashleigh worriedly said, trying to calm her brother. He slapped her hand away, his eyes wild and dark.

  "I'll kill them all," he snarled, yanking off his shirt to expose his bare chest. I felt my hands burn as I remembered how his muscles had felt underneath my palms and balled them into fists. This was not the time to lust over him. I dug my nails deep into my skin only after I left white crescent circles in my palms, allowed myself to touch him.

  "Aspen... I need you to protect me," I whispered, disliking I had to play the helpless girl card, but then again. It wasn't exactly a lie. I really did need him to protect me. That being said, there was no reason I couldn't try and protect him at the same time.

  His eyes softened a little, the muscles in his arms relaxing for a second as he stared at me. There were flecks of gold dancing in his ambers and I wondered why I had never noticed that before.

  "Okay. For you."

  Before I could get lost in his eyes, Ashleigh tapped me on my shoulder. "You'll have to hold him down."

  Gold flecks became silver strands as I shifted my attention from Aspen towards Ashleigh. Why were they both so beautiful?

  I nodded, staring in her bright blues. I loved her eyes.

  "I'm not kidding. You'll have to hold him down literally," she spoke, snapping me out of my trance.

  "Umm... Okay?" I frowned my forehead. I wasn't sure how I would be able to hold down a beast like Aspen, but it if meant wrapping myself around him, I wasn't going to say no. There were worse things to be wrapped around.


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