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Temporary Master

Page 19

by Dakota Trace

  “Move forward, little one.” The block of wood was removed and she took several steps forward until he stopped her.

  “Now relax for me, we’re nearly done.” He cupped her mound, pressing hard on the knot. She moaned softly, teetering on the edge. Her short walk, followed by his touch, had her poised on a release she was sure was going to be spectacular. “Soon I’ll be buried deep in you, giving you what you need as the ropes hold you.”

  “Please…” She jerked a bit as he released her, her orgasm stalling out.

  “Match my breathing, Sabella.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She struggled to obey but soon found as each additional wrap of the rope was added, her uncontrollable need to come faded a bit, as she focused more upon how the hemp held her, caressed her skin. She was beginning to rise above her body’s needs when light suddenly blinded her. They were less than eighteen inches away from the mirrored wall.

  “Look, Sabella.” Standing behind her, Sir’s darker skin made a sharp contrast to her own body. Her breath caught as she took in not the intricateness of the rope bondage he’d created, but instead the connection between them. How his hands rested lightly on her upper arms between two loops of rope. The pleasure shining in his eyes as he took in their image and her part in it. “See what I saw the first time. The beauty of a submissive giving over to her Master. Her trust in him as he leads her where she wants to go.” He nuzzled her neck, his dreadlocks spilling forward to tease her shoulder and the upper swell of her breast. She wanted to beg, to plead with him to not let this moment end.

  “Please….Sir…” she whimpered, as his tongue traced up her neck, while his hands wandered over the swells of her breasts both teasing them with his callused hands and soothing them at the same time.

  “I will…” His head lifted and he made eye contact with her in the mirror. Moving her closer to the mirror, she gasped as he pressed between her shoulder blades, guiding her forward until her breasts were flattened against its cool surface and her hips were canted back. The shock of it had her crying out.

  He squeezed her bottom in reassurance before groaning. “I have you, Sabella.” The head of his cock rubbed against her as he rocked her gently. She bit her lip as the naughty knot rubbed over her, giving her a minute amount of friction but not enough. She was so close to coming she cried out as the knot slipped away from her clit. She didn’t have time to mourn its loss as her Sir’s cock filled her from behind. His rough growl as he sank inch by inch teased her ear. Once he was fully seated, he leaned over her, laying his chest against her back. “So damned tight,” he whispered before licking across one shoulder blade. “You feel wonderful - everyone of my adolescent dreams come true.”

  She didn’t know how to respond to the raw need she heard in his voice, other than to give him what he wanted. “Fuck me, Sir.”

  The plea had no sooner crossed her lips than he was riding her hard, the intense rocking motions pressing her roughly against the glass. She didn’t mind the discomfort however. She was being racking by too much pleasure to even notice it. Her world spun wildly as he exorcised his teen-aged fantasies on her willing body. Her throat was going to be raw from the sobs by the time he was done, but she was too busy coming around him to care. By the time he stiffened behind her, his seed filling her, she’d lost how many times she’d come. All she knew was she’d pleased him and she was happy except for one thing…

  “Sir?” she asked a short while later as he undid the ropes, and was rubbing the massage oil into her skin as was his custom.

  “Yes, Sabella?” He looked up from his position at her feet. Even kneeling to rub in the oil, there was nothing submissive about her Sir’s pose. He was still a hundred percent her Master.

  “The wooden block…what was it for?” She wasn’t sure what its purpose had been.

  He gave her wolfish grin. “It was to expose your pretty little chitsu-nai for my viewing pleasure as I worked on your legs.”

  A blush filled her face, but she couldn’t help but giggle a bit. This playful side to her Master would take some time to get used to.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “I can’t believe we’re doing this, Ethan.” Davis kicked back in his chair, tossing his feet up on his desk in the office he shared with Ethan at New Beginnings. Across the room at his own desk, Ethan looked up from his paperwork and sighed.

  “I’ve argued with you until I’m blue in the face, Davis, and I’m tired of it. I get that Louis is a total, as you call it “douche”, but I don’t have enough proof to have him arrested, let alone banned from any of the other clubs. So it’s either you and I keep an eye on him, or we let him loose on some unsuspecting sub.”

  Davis crossed his arms over his chest, a disgruntled look on his face. “That’s just it! We’re going to have a club full of unsuspecting subs tonight at Subbie Night. Who’s going to protect them?”

  “We’ll protect them as we always do.” Ethan rubbed the bridge of his nose. Even as much as it chapped his ass to have the slime in his club, he couldn’t in good consciousness let the idiot end up in another club. And I can control myself. I won’t go after him unless he lays a hand on Sabella.

  “Fine, we’ll protect the subbies at the club tonight, but what about Sabella? What are you going to do when she sees him? Or are you going to deny yourself your weekend with her to catch the son of a bitch? I’m sure she’ll be real understanding how her Dom decided he didn’t want her around…”

  Ethan shook his head, his eyes narrowing. There wasn’t a chance in hell he wasn’t spending this weekend with his little one. “She’ll be by my side. I plan on demonstrating on her tonight to prepare her for the crowds we’ll run into at the Kinkfest.”

  Davis groaned. “You know your timing sucks right? She’s going to be off-balance with having an audience for the first time, then you’re going to let the asshole from her past walk back into her life?”

  A surge of possessive anger washed over Ethan. “Sabella is mine. Tonight at the club, she’ll be wearing my collar - not just the club’s chains.”

  Davis’s legs dropped from the desk in surprise. He leaned forward, his expression hopeful for the first time in the past hour. “Really? You’re going to shake off the past and finally live? No more of this ‘temporary Dom’ shit?”

  Ethan wanted to roll his eyes at his friend’s antics but refrained. While he wasn’t sure he was ready to give up his title, he knew he wasn’t comfortable with the idea of Sabella walking into his club without his collar. “I wouldn’t go as far as that. I just want it clear to Louis she’s unavailable to him.”

  Scowling, Davis got out the chair. “I swear you’re the most stubborn-assed bastard I’ve ever met, Ethan. You’re going to throw away a sub who’s perfect for you because you’re too damned scared.” He stopped in the doorway as Ethan opened his mouth to protest. Holding up his hand, Davis shook his head. “I don’t want to hear it, Tremaine. Eventually you’re going to realize the wall you’ve built up around you isn’t going to protect you. If you don’t believe me, ask the Chinese how they fared with their Great Wall.”

  Ethan stared at him, his fingers tightening around the pen in his hand. “This has nothing to do with China.”

  Davis smirked. “Bullshit. You’ve built up your damn reputation as a Dom no one can get close to…for what? So you can sit around by yourself at the end of the day?”

  “I don’t sit around….I have my practice…the club…Sabella…”

  Disgust filled Davis’s face. “Exactly! You’re putting everything before her. Just remember that when you find yourself alone because you refused to commit to her.” He stalked out of the room, shutting the door behind him softly.

  If he could’ve, Ethan would’ve run his hands through his hair. His partner could be a dick at times. Just because he wasn’t ready to be led around by his nose by a woman didn’t mean he was avoiding commitment. Turning back to the file of applications, he focused on the top one. He had at least a dozen applicants for Dom me
mbership and nearly two dozen for submissive membership to plow through before Subbie night started.

  * * * *

  Apprehension filled Sabella as she kept her gaze on the floor, her concentration focused on Sir’s leather pant leg, using it to judge his direction and distance. They’d just left his private room at New Beginnings and her nerves were strung tight. Not only was the situation different this time, but so was she. Dressed in a pair of skin-tight leather shorts and matching halter specifically purchased by her Dom, she was showing a lot more skin than she was accustomed to. Around her neck, she could feel the weight of his collar resting there. The sinfully soft white leather contrasted beautifully with the blue lapis lazuli cabochon in its center along with a small silver tag inscribed with the Japanese characters for ‘rope bottom’. Sir had whispered, ‘my nawa jujun’ as he’d placed it around her throat. She still shivered a bit when she thought about it. Then of course, to complete her outfit was the club chain. All the subs wore them as a way to allow a Dom to tell what they were into. But hers, brushing her navel, held another piece of lapis lazuli like her collar, and not the emerald hued tags she’d worn last week. She was a walking advertisement of her Sir’s claim. She belonged to Master Ethan - at least temporarily.

  She nearly ran into his back when he suddenly stopped. Keeping her eyes lowered, she waited as he spoke softly with another man. Another Dom she could only assume, as the man inquired about the planned demonstration.

  “So I hear you’re going to show us laymen how to properly tie up a submissive tonight, Ethan?”

  Her Sir chuckled. “That’s the plan, Master Toby. My little one needs to accustom herself to being on display in front of others.”

  With her eyes still lowered, her curiosity of who Sir was talking to got the better of her and she peeked up through the fan of her lashes, hoping to catch a glimpse. Shock rolled through her as she recognized the man Davis had kicked out of the office the week before. Evidently Davis’s cousin was more than just weekend help. It seemed like there were Doms coming out of the woodwork around her and from the most unlikely of places.

  “Come, Sabella.” Sir’s command broke into her musings.

  “Yes, Sir.” She obediently followed him, content to see where he led. It was a short journey to a wide-open space, the one she’d skirted when Kaleb had taken her to Sir’s playroom the last time she’d been here.

  As they crossed the open area to the low stage, Sir was stopped several times by Doms and submissives alike. As he handled both with ease, Sabella was amazed at another facet of the man she loved. She’d known he was a powerful Dom in his own right, but she’d never seen him in his role as an owner so vividly. Holding her place behind him, she listened as he dealt with each interruption with ease. By the time they finally made it to the small stage set up quite similarly to Sir’s training room, she was a bundle of nerves. But she immediately relaxed when his hand pressed on the small of her back, before he lifted her with ease on to the stage.

  “Prepare our area, Sabella.” His command had her moving quickly to light the pillar candles scattered around the stage. As she went through the motions, she could hear him explaining what he was going to demonstrate tonight. The words shinju and sakura barely registered as she finished lighting the candles and the lone incense stick. As the familiar scent washed over her, she found herself settling even more into her role as her Sir’s submissive. At least until he turned to face her, “Strip, Sabella.”

  Shock washed over her. When he’d told her they would be using tonight as a dry run to make her comfortable, she hadn’t expected this request. For the first time in their relationship, she faltered at a direct command.

  Jumping up on the stage, he walked over to her. “Do I need to repeat myself?” His emerald eyes were cold.

  Ut-oh. Her fingers trembled as she reached the threaded laces on the front of her leather halter. “No, Sir.” Fumbling with the tie, she let her gaze drift downward.

  “Look at me, Sabella. There’ll be no hiding tonight.” His hands settled on her shoulders as her eyes met his. The message in them assured her she could do this. Nodding, she freed the laces until the air brushed over her breasts. The answering fire in his gaze didn’t surprise her. Her Sir loved her breasts and their sensitive nipples. “Finish it, little one.”

  Turning away as she hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her shorts, Sir pulled out his ropes and gave a brief explanation, for those present, why he used a neutral colored hemp rope as opposed to the more colorful ropes most shibari artists preferred. While he did a quick history lesson for the newbies amongst the crowd, she reminded herself she was in a BDSM club where nudity among submissives was expected.

  She’d just folded the shorts and halter and placed them on the small stand provided when Sir returned to her. As he came to a stop by her, she slipped down into the nadu position. As he wrapped his body around her, Davis took over the commentary as she relaxed in his arms. The brush of his lips over her ear had her breath catching briefly before she adjusted it to match his. While Davis touted the benefits of routine and ritual in kinbaku she forgot about the crowd - instead concentrating on her Sir and their connection.

  How long they spent in that position Sabella wasn’t sure, but he finally urged her to her feet. Once she assumed the Leasha high position, Sir faced the crowd and spoke confidently about the first binding he was going to do.

  “Shinju refers to a very basic breast bondage which you’ll find in kinbaku. As most of you know, I grew up in Japan, and as such I can tell you we don’t use the word Shinju when referring to this type of bondage. However as a transplanted Japanese American, I’ve adopted it.” He gave the crowd a smile. “The word Shinju roughly translated means pearls, and of course I’m sure there are many of you who’ll agree with the euphemistic referral to a submissive’s breasts in such a way.”

  There was a spurt of laughter from several of the men present as Sir continued his explanation. She nearly jumped as he cupped one of her breasts without warning, his thumb rubbing over the tip. “I particularly agree that I find my submissive’s breasts to be quite the treasure. So much in fact, I’m going to demonstrate to you how I show my appreciation to them.” He reached for the coiled rope Davis was holding. “Step forward, little one.”

  Placing one foot in front of the other, she moved forward until she was front and center before the crowd. Her heart leapt as she felt nearly a hundred pairs of eyes on her. But she didn’t have time to worry about it as Sir stepped in front of her. Pulling her close, he pressed a kiss on her startled lips. “Relax, we’ve done this before.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Standing absolutely still, she raised her arms at his request. Holding them out like she was going to be frisked, she sighed as hemp encircled her rib cage just below her breasts. As he drew it around her back and pulled the ends through the loop of the double folded rope, she savored the closeness of his body and the way his leathers brushed against her bare skin. She felt remarkably vulnerable wearing nothing but his collar and the slender sub chain around her waist.

  “Watch as Master Ethan pulls the rope back around to the front, this time coming down on top of Sabella’s breasts. Lovely framing isn’t it?’ Davis continued to narrate, explaining to the crowd as her Sir looped, twisted and manipulated the rope to form the snug Shinju around her breasts. Each brush of the hemp against her skin as it covered not only her torso but also her shoulders, settled her deeper. She truly loved the feel of it against her body - another thing she had to thank her Sir for. Before him, she’d had the desire but no clear path to finding what she needed. Now with his refusal to let her hide from her body’s responses, she had not only a direction, but a guide to lead her.

  “Turn, little one.” His soft command had her frozen limbs moving slowly, never aware of how sensual they looked to not only her Sir but the rapt audience. Presenting her back to the crowd, she moaned softly at the brush of his fingers, as he worked the soft but slightly scratchy rope into an intr
icate weave against her spine. She wanted to shift towards his fingers, but had learned in a previous session it would only result in disapproval from Sir. He wanted her still but relaxed as he bound her with his art.

  “You’ll notice here, how Master Ethan sets the finishing knot slightly off to the right of her spine. This is important if you plan on having your submissive on her back for any length of time. I dare say our intrepid nawashi has plans for his little nawa jujun. Just remember in bondage, as Doms, we have to be aware of any potential pressure points…” Davis’s comment drew the expected laughter, but Sabella could see the promise in Sir’s gaze. Her thighs tingled. She knew that look. After they were done, she was going to have to satisfy his lust, not that she minded. While she loved the way he claimed her body, the idea of dropping to her knees and pleasing him orally teased her. So far, he still hadn’t let her get her mouth on any part of his gorgeous manhood. He seemed to delight in tormenting her by ordering her to watch as he slid in out and out of her, to watch as he stroked himself. But this ‘look but don’t touch’ was driving her nuts.

  “Stay with me, Sabella.” Sir’s voice brought her back to the present. He stepped to her side, more than likely allowing the observers to see his handiwork. “Care to tell me what has your mind wandering?” Keeping his tone low, he accepted the next rope from Davis’s outstretched hand.

  “You, Sir. I’m hoping you’ll let me….” The blood rushed to her cheeks as she flushed.

  “Let you what?” He prompted softly, keeping his voice low.

  Wetting her lips, she finally just blurted it out. “Give you oral sex when we’re done.”

  His nostrils flared in response. “You want to suck my cock in front of these people? To show how submissive you are to me?”

  “I…no, Sir. Because it’ll pleasure you and satisfy my need to taste you.”

  He folded the rope in half before looping it around her waist and above the submissive chain. Using the length to pull her close, he jerked her up against him, his head lowering. “If you reach rope-space tonight, I’ll consider it.”


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