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Beyond Charybdis

Page 6

by Bruce McLachlan

  ‘Come on, girl, nothing to be afraid of.’ Tethys urged Mina in, her hooves clattering loudly across the shower room’s polished tiles. Oceanus closed the door and helped Tethys unfasten Mina’s crotch-piece, snapping open the buckles and drawing it free.

  The flight of the ribbed shafts literally made Mina shake in her boots and gasp from the delicious sensation of their rampant retreat from her tracts. Sagging slightly from their loss, she was led closer over the pole. Her ankles were locked in place, the metal gripping her feet to prevent escape, and as they touched the base of the instrument the hydraulic spear began rising beneath her.

  ‘Just relax and let them in, pony-girl,’ Oceanus murmured, taking hold of her hips to help steer her onto the rising shafts.

  Her eyes widened with shock as she felt the cold tips touch and begin gathering more force against her. She mewled and wriggled in protest as the steel devices demanded entry into her body.

  ‘Easy, girl,’ Tethys said soothingly, stroking her ponytail.

  Mina’s legs fought their bonds as she tried to lift them and grant herself a few more seconds’ reprieve from the dreaded penetration. She responded to the entry of the cold shafts with a gurgling hiss as her orifices expanded around the unforgiving lengths, allowing them to slide up and sheathe themselves deep inside her, until the bar connecting them was pressed against her crotch.

  ‘There, that’s better, isn’t it?’ Tethys asked, smiling. ‘Now we can get you clean.’

  She and her husband moved over to the wall and gathered up a set of poles armed with sponges. Squeezing soap onto the honeycombed balls, they turned the temperature dials to their required settings and turned on the taps. The showerhead above Mina churned with sound, and released a warm sparkling deluge over her, the myriad small jets directing streams of water all over her. She arched her back above the shafts impaling her and turned her face up to accept the gloriously refreshing rain on her flushed features.

  The warm water trickled down her body, making her skin shiver with delight as the sponges closed in and began rubbing themselves across her form, the long poles to which they were attached permitting her owners to remain outside the shower’s steaming flow. Shuddering and groaning deep in her throat, Mina swayed as she was treated like a beast and scrubbed clean by her owners, the two of them working together to ensure she was purified of the day’s accumulated dirt and perspiration.

  Stepping back, husband and wife replaced the sponges and left Mina under the shower’s cleansing waterfall as they manned a series of other taps.

  Watching them with a sense of apprehension, Mina stiffened and cried out against her bit, sinking her teeth into it as water suddenly emerged from the rods imbedded in her pussy and anus. The tight jets pummelled her membranes, sending a swell of churning fluid through her. Her arms battled their restraints and her ankles struggled against their fetters, the sensations were so incredibly potent as small whirlpools and eddies beat against her insides. Gurgling and whinnying, she shook and struggled against the deep and powerful enema as her owners manipulated the faucets, changing the pressure and sometimes making her wail with mingled stress and ecstasy as the streams of water penetrated her with vicious force.

  By the time they finished washing her insides, Mina felt weak and light-headed. The couple turned off all the taps and approached her, and she held herself perfectly still as they retracted the internal nozzles and lowered the pole as the fetters around her ankles clicked open.

  Her legs quaking beneath her, Mina was only half conscious as they led her back out into the corridor and past several stalls before one opening one and ushering her into it.

  ‘Sleep well, pony-girl,’ Tethys said. ‘We’ll see you tomorrow for more training.’ She locked Mina’s reins to a wall ring as Oceanus hung her crotch strap on a hook, ready for the morning.

  ‘Sweet dreams,’ he added, and without even bothering to take in her surroundings, Mina slumped to the soft hay and fell asleep instantly.

  Chapter 5

  The sound of movement nearby and a pressure against her body made Mina’s eyes flit open. It took her a moment to focus, and realise that a woman was resting her head on her thigh.

  Mina discovered herself lying on her side in the hay, the hand she had fallen asleep on completely numb. Her legs were spread open and the other pony-girl was using one of her thighs as a pillow. The woman was nestled adoringly against her, her uniform identical to hers.

  Looking up, Mina saw another crotch band hanging beside hers, and she followed the woman’s reins to the other side of the room where they were locked opposite her own tethers.

  Had she been so exhausted that she had remained utterly oblivious as another pony was brought in and stationed with her? It was still dark out, the chirp of nocturnal insects filling the air and merging with the tune of dozens of pony-girls slumbering soundly in their stalls.

  She calmed her racing pulse and laid her head back down on the straw. If the girl was as worn out as she had been, then she was not going to disturb her. Besides, it felt pleasant to have a companion, and she wondered if the newcomer was one of Tethys and Oceanus’s slaves as well, or if she belonged to someone else.

  She closed her eyes and shook her sleeping hand until prickly influxes of feeling began flowing back into it. The girl’s head remained on her thigh as she shifted slightly into a more comfortable position and drifted back into a deep and dreamless sleep.

  The weak rays of dawn appeared and made both pony-girls stir beneath their light caress. Mina sat up as her partner also dragged herself onto her knees, fully revealing herself.

  She was young, perhaps in her early twenties, with bleached-white curls of hair spilling from her crown in the requisite form of a tail. She did not appear to be as tall as Mina, but she was lithe and slender, her breasts small and pert and inviting caresses where they pressed against her nylon sheath. Her face was angular, almost severe in appearance, but her eyes helped soften the almost fierce cast of her features with their calm blue innocence.

  The two pony-girls stared at each other for a long moment, and then Mina completely took in her surroundings for the first time.

  The stall they were sharing looked like all the others. Locked to the wall was a small trough of water and another containing nutrient pellets, and that was all. She had already seen the hay strewing the floor and the hooks holding their crotch straps. The two-panelled door was shut from the outside, as was the interior exit to the corridor.

  Rather than attempting to communicate around their bits, they stared silently into each other’s eyes. Then the other pony smiled, leaning towards Mina so they could nudge noses in greeting, and she steered into a new position with a series of snorting prompts.

  Complying mainly out of curiosity, Mina fell back across the hay with her legs spread and raised. She assumed her companion was going to try and pleasure her, a favour she was eager to receive and more than willing to reciprocate. But then the girl started dragging her reins beneath Mina’s left side, and the pull of the leather straps against her shins made her lift them so it slipped between her legs. The girl then shuffled aside and pulled up, causing the straps to fall against Mina’s crotch and cleavage with a soft slap. With a gasp of astonishment, she squirmed against the hay as the pony-girl began rocking her head back and forth and pulling at the reins so the leather rode against Mina’s sex. The taut strip caressed her clit, slithering between her sex lips and quickly becoming moist as she groaned softly, sinking her teeth into her bit as she shuddered with pleasure. The reins rode up over her chest and between her breasts to emerge at her collar, from which they stretched to the other pony.

  Melting with rapture, Mina pushed against the girl until she was squatting against the wall, her legs spread as she balanced her haunches on her hooves. Still playing the reins against Mina, she emitted soft mews of delight as Mina stretched her tongue over the bit and began lapping h
er exposed sex. She shivered against the wall, her operation of the strap momentarily lapsing as she relished Mina’s oral attention. And as the pleasure between them mounted, they settled into a fervent rhythm of leather and flesh slapping against moist pudendas.

  Mina could not have been happier with her lot as a pony-girl. She had the discipline and control she craved, the bondage, the attention, and now she had a comrade, a secret partner to share her existence with, the two of them able to revel in their degradation and conduct an illicit affair as they did so.

  The straw scratched and tickled her breasts as she thrust her tongue determinedly through her bit to lick the other pony-girl’s pussy as she in turn worked the strap faster and harder, drawing Mina towards orgasm. She flitted her tongue with gusto, fawning upon the juicing loins before the crotch straps once more sealed them away from each other. The sense of iniquity and misbehaviour was a strong and potent aphrodisiac, forcing them to keep utterly quiet lest they reveal their crime. The feeling of danger spiced the exchange, making it all the sweeter for both of them.

  The detailed attention of her tongue proved a swifter encouragement than the caressing strap. The nameless pony-girl’s body shook as she was beset by a powerful orgasm, soft croaks of rhapsody escaping her bit in response to Mina’s energetic cunnilingus. Once she could take no more pleasure she pulled aside, closing her legs tightly while remaining on her knees, recovering from Mina’s devastating devotions. Then hauling the strap up, she made Mina sob and bury her face in the straw, her thoughts drifting as her fingers pawed at the fabric entombing them as a climax exploded between her legs and made her fight to keep mute as every cell in her body begged to be allowed to scream her pleasure to heaven.

  The pony responsible for her ecstasy continued her ministrations fervently, delighted to see Mina dancing upon her reins, groaning softly, the rocking tethers stealing her strength with joy and making her sag across the floor.

  Removing the reins, the pony-girl nestled closer to Mina, brushing their breasts together and teasing each other’s nipples. Mina was delighted by the improvised play, which bypassed the use of their bound hands, and realised she would need to work in ways she would never have considered before. Not being able to use their fingers was forcing them to become more imaginative in their passion for each other, forcing them to come up with unique ways to find sensual fulfilment before the day’s training began.

  Their lips touched, brushing against each other’s around the bits in a delectable kiss whose pleasure was perversely augmented by the bondage hampering it. They were fighting the will of their owners and the restraints that transformed them into ponies and garnering a little pleasure for themselves, giving in to the animal lust that seemed so totally appropriate for them. The girl shuffled down as Mina rolled onto her back, and plunged the tip of her tongue into Mina’s pussy, devoting herself to paying back her companion’s skilled cunnilingus with the same fervent currency.

  Mina’s back arched and she whimpered softly with pleasure, lifting her booted leg between the girl’s raised buttocks. Using her shin, she rubbed the pony-girl’s polished hide as she rode her, treating Mina to another long session of intense delight. It was not long before soul-churning spires of pure bliss carried her away, shaking and snorting in an effort not to shriek with joy, her teeth chewing upon the bit as she weathered a second climax.

  Panting, Mina sat up and pushed the girl back, urging her to her feet by nudging her breasts with her bit. Then she stood up and pinned the girl against the wall as she adored her sharp nipples as best she could, the tip of her tongue doing most of the work. She raised her leg, pressing her thigh into place against the girl’s crotch.

  The pony-girl strained upwards as she gasped with rapture, rocking her hips so her sex shifted along the smooth field of Mina’s thigh. Her hooves scratched into the hay as her neck tensed with stress and she moaned softly, biting down on her cries as Mina dragged her helplessly through another climax teasing her nipples the whole time.

  Afterwards, she rested her head on Mina’s shoulder, nuzzling up to her, her warm breath spilling across Mina’s skin.

  Mina supported her for a moment and then eased back, letting them both sink slowly down into the hay. Relaxing, their minds at peace, they fell asleep again awaiting the return of their respective owners.

  Chapter 6

  When their stall opened, the pony-girls found a nurse standing before them. She was an Asian woman who looked to be somewhere in her mid or early thirties. She was wearing subtly applied make-up, and her jet-black hair was pulled back into a stern bun pierced by two spires of dark lacquered wood. She wore a plain white nurse’s uniform, the bleached white material protected by a latex apron. Her limbs were also encased in latex beneath the short sleeves and skirt, rising above the plunging cleavage of the dress, sheathing her entire body in tight and shiny rubber. The unnatural cocoon flowed into gloves and knee-high patent leather boots, the seam between the two fabrics almost imperceptible.

  Stepping forward on wicked heels, the nurse looked them over with a surgical intensity, apparently seeking signs of physical distress in the two human fillies.

  ‘Up we get,’ the woman stated brusquely, her accent thick. ‘Now, let’s have a look at you both,’ she muttered to herself once both pony-girls had risen to attention before her. She looked them over closely, examining their welts.

  ‘Humph, naughty ponies,’ she remarked, detecting the gynaecological signs that gave away their wild sensual exchange in the stall. ‘Okay, you’re both fine,’ she concluded. ‘Time for your morning cleansing.’ She stepped back and kicked some of the hay away from a hidden trapdoor. Grasping the latch, she lifted the small metal sheet and fished inside the interior.

  Mina craned her head forward to try and get a better look, wondering what the woman meant, for she had already been comprehensively cleaned the night before. She sincerely hoped the procedure would not be repeated twice a day.

  A funnel of moulded black plastic appeared in the nurse’s hand, the slightly oval object fitted with a thick articulated metal hose at its smallest end, while several straps hung from the padded and flared lip. Mina’s companion stepped forward, apparently well versed in the morning’s routine ablutions. Bending at the waist as far as her corset would permit she offered her hindquarters to the nurse.

  The woman promptly pressed the crotch-spanning funnel against the pony-girl’s bottom and belly, using her fingers to pull her buttocks apart even more, thereby ensuring that the padded rim was airtight against the girl’s anus. The attached straps were then wrapped around her upper thighs and her waist, fixing the funnel firmly to her so she could not dislodge it. The pony-girl then straightened up, scowling slightly as the hose was pushed forward and delved into her anus.

  ‘Now it’s your turn,’ the nurse informed Mina, removing another funnel from the storage compartment hidden in the floor and stepping before her. Obediently mimicking the other pony-girl’s actions, Mina turned around and offered her bottom to the woman’s attentions. The funnel was pushed against her, the yielding rim clinging to her flesh and creating a hermetic seal as the straps were set in place to ensure the device’s integrity. There was a push to the hose, and her sphincter was breached, the cable feeding into her insides a short way before stopping. Squeezing her muscles to it, Mina found she could not shift the intruder, which left her completely helpless to the forthcoming douche.

  The nurse moved back to the pit and turned on two hidden faucets, making the hoses shudder and gurgle as water began flowing through them. She then straightened up and leaned idly against the wall, watching the two pony-girls as they shivered around the swelling force spreading through their innards. Mina grimaced even as the other girl smiled, taking pleasure in the feeling of being flushed out for the day, and taking the opportunity to urinate. Unsure whether she would have another chance, Mina dropped her barriers and allowed herself to be fully purged of all

  The nurse turned away, apparently satisfied that her charges were secure and the automated system would attend to them in full.

  Left alone in the stall, the pony-girls tolerated the enemas sloshing around inside them, the hose increasing the force of the jet before retracting of its own accord, slipping out of their anuses as the funnel suddenly fired sharp streams of water at them. Both fillies jumped and wriggled against their bonds as the tickling spray pounded their rears and their sex, washing away all leakage. Mina sagged against the wall with her eyes tightly closed as she ground her teeth against the bit, sobbing with pleasure. She pressed her legs tightly together, her thighs clamped to the funnel as she struggled to endure the unbearable teasing influence of the intimate sprays as they pummelled her loins and clitoris. Despite her recent orgasms, she was being worked back towards yet another climax, her body unable to resist such a concentrated method of stimulation, the enema having once more roused her profound sexual appetite. And she was not alone in how she felt, for the other girl was shaking with ecstasy too, her eyes closed as she braced herself against the wall, lost to animal passions and instinct.

  Finally the funnel finished its work, leaving Mina and her companion panting for breath as they slowly recovered from the strange ordeal. The nurse appeared a short time later to remove the straps and funnels and set them back in the storage compartment beneath the trapdoor, which she closed until the next morning. Then taking up their crotch-pieces, she buckled the fronts to the two pony-girls and steered the attached dildos back into them, their wet orifices allowing the soft shafts to plunge in effortlessly as the ribbed surfaces made them jolt and quiver.

  The nurse bowed in respectful acknowledgement suddenly and retreated as Tethys and Oceanus strode into the stall, dressed as the day before in seductively modified riding attire.


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