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The Triple Goddess

Page 6

by Stephanie Hudson

  She turned back round to me and nodded to a seat opposite her and her husband. At this Klaus stood up and stormed off to the front of the plane.

  “Ah don’t mind Mr Pissy Pants down there, he’s just sour ‘cause he’s gonna die soon...drink?” She said like talking about someone being murdered was so the norm for her that it required toasting to.

  “Umm...water please,” I said in a timid voice I hardly recognised anymore. It was the same voice I used to reserve for the early Draven days.

  “Well aren’t you polite, considering we kidnapped you and all...isn’t she polite honey?” She asked turning to Adam who was busy reading the Financial Times. He answered without moving his face from the page he was reading.

  “Certainly is love.” She smiled at his answer and plonked herself down with a little jump. She swung her legs around to hang over the plush armrest and faced me fully.

  “Soooo...tell us about yourself, Toots.” She asked cocking her head to one side.

  “Squeak,” Adam said in warning.

  “What! I’m bored and we still have ages to go yet and you’re boring and won’t screw me when we’re this high up...’cause you’re all weird about heights and stuff...for a demon you know he’s a bit wussy with certain stuff, and you know the big man can’t come out to play this high up.” She finally took a breath and I looked over to Adam who was smiling with flat out amusement. Me, well I was just confused as hell. Who was the big man...his penis? I shook that thought out of my head quickly and couldn’t help but laugh when he stuck his tongue out at her. She blew a raspberry back.

  “Besides, I think her walking out of the toilet to us at it like bunnies would have been a little much, don’t you think dear?” He asked in a dry tone and it was obvious what his honey little wife had been up to when I was absent.

  “Bunnies...? You’re more like a horse honey!” She said with a wink and he gave her a cheeky grin back before straightening his paper to indicate the conversation about the size of his penis was over.

  “So, back to my questions, what’s it like be the Chosen One?” She asked boldly while clicking her fingers to an air steward who appeared from behind a curtain. He came forward and she snapped out her order in another language.

  “Umm...” Was all the reply I had for her.

  “I mean, it must be so cool knowing how important you are and that none of my kind can feed from you, that must make you stronger. I’ve tried to feed from you but couldn’t, not only that but you haven’t been very happy since I’ve met you and fear tastes nasty...sour to me don’t say much do you?” No and I doubted I ever would around her!

  “Squeak, remember what we talked about. Remember what doc said at group?” Adam reminded her and she just giggled like a naughty toddler. I could imagine that Adam had his hands full with this cute little pixie.

  “Yeeesss of course I remember, I just sometimes choose to ignore it. I go to a therapy group for talking too much, it’s held by a harpy called Sheila and she says that as an Imp, I have issues with size and find a bigger voice makes up for insecurities I don’t even have, silly dugong...I mean why would I with a husband like him that I can control.” She steamrolled without taking a breath.

  “Dogong...Imp?” I said the two words that confused me the most.

  “Dogong? The dugong is a large marine mammal which, together with the manatee, is one of four living species of the order Sirenia. Sireniais commonly referred to as sea cows... get it...silly seacow?” She reeled off all this information that would have made David Attenborough proud. I bet she loved watching Blue Planet!

  “And Imp?” I reminded her.

  “Well that’s me, I’m the Imp and a very important Imp at that! You don’t know much do you and you do a funny little wrinkle thing with your nose when you’re confused.” I could feel myself doing it and let my face relax feeling self-conscious. She fished around in her pockets looking for something when Adam cleared his throat. He held out an expensive looking smartphone without looking up.

  “Ah, there it sneaky little bugger...if you have been on my facebook again, me and you are having words!” She said as she started tapping away on the small screen with her pointed nails. She looked up and said over her phone,

  “He changes my password and messages all my male friends telling them to fuck off.” At this I looked over to Adam who turned his head to wink at me. I couldn’t help but smile back.

  “Righty, here we go.” She cleared her throat and read out a description in a posh voice that didn’t suit her look.

  “An imp is a mythological Being similar to a fairy or demon, frequently described in folklore and superstition. The word may perhaps derive from the term ympe’, (Which it’s not by the way)” She interrupted before carrying on.

  “’Used to denote a young grafted tree. Originating from Germanic folklore, the imp was a small lesser demon’. (Which they so are NOT!)” She shouted out.

  “Squeak, blood pressure!” Adam reminded her and now that he mentioned it, she had gone quite red in the face.

  “But have you heard this shit! I am not a ‘lesser’ Demon! I could beat the crap out of everyone I know...well, with your help that is, but still.”

  “I know darling, of course we could, please continue, I like to hear your voice,” he stated seriously and at this she instantly calmed enough to carry on.

  “Ah, finally some sense. It now says ‘It should also be noted that demons in Germanic legends were not necessarily always evil. Imps were often mischievous rather than evil or harmful, and in some regions they were portrayed as attendants of the Gods’. Now that is better! I got that straight from Wikipedia by the way. Some of it’s true, like that last bit. But I am by no means a ‘lesser Demon’. If anything I am more, ‘cause I have a berserker.” She whispered this last part but Adam had heard and snapped his head round to glare at his wife.

  “Pipper Winifred Ambrogetti!” Adam said her full name sternly.

  “Uh oh, now I’m in trouble, he always means to spank me when I say something I shouldn’t, what he doesn’t yet realise is that I love a good spanking.” She said again behind her hand, which I was soon discovering was a little quirky habit of hers.

  “Oh trust me sweetheart, I know.” He said before once more, getting back to his paper. If there was one image I didn’t want in my head, it was this little Imp being placed over Adam’s knee and being smacked on the backside, while screaming with pleasure! Too late I thought trying to pry it out with the help of closing my eyes and shaking my head. I heard Pip laughing.

  “Ambrogetti means immortal you know.” She stated randomly. I found myself nodding, even though, no I didn’t know that.

  The steward came back with our drinks and when I took a sip and coughed at the burning in my throat, she came over to me and started to pat me on the back gently.

  “Not a whisky fan eh? I thought when you said water you meant with your whisky, oh well never mind, drink up, it will help with the pain.” She said kindly after moving a stray bit of hair out of my face.

  “Thanks,” I said.

  “You know that’s the eighth word you have said to me, tenth if you include ‘Umm’. Is that a word? Is that a word, Sugarbake?” She first asked me and then her husband, ‘Sugarbake’.

  “I don’t think so, Sugarcake” He said emphasising the word ‘cake’.

  “Cake, bake, what’s the difference, they’re both sweet to lick, eat, bite... devour.” She said the last few words husky with desire and I wondered what I was going to do with myself when these two would soon be at it. I didn’t think it would be long before that would happen with the sight of Pip licking her lips and him groaning behind his paper.

  “Behave Pip!” He said and now she was the one groaning but for a different reason.

  “No fair! Alright but you so owe me when we get off this plane Nerd Boy! And it’s my rules!”

  “Pip, I’m not doing Mexico all over again, we were stuck like that for two days and
you giggled the whole time.”

  “Fine, but we’re doing the cruise ship and no buts!” She interrupted him before he could protest and I could happily say that I had no clue what they were talking about.“

  Do you like 80’s cartoons?” She asked me, completely changing the subject ...unless she was going to bring up sex being dressed as Minnie mouse!

  “Umm, Yeah I guess.”

  “There’s that word again ‘Umm’ I’m gonna have to submit that one this year to Merriam-Webster's Open Dictionary. Few years back it was ‘fugly’ which means fucking ugly, well it’s in there now, ‘cause of me.” She said looking extremely happy with herself.

  “Nerdy was so proud.” She said thumbing over her shoulder at him.

  “Sure was babe,” he said sarcastically which she either didn’t pick up on or she ignored.

  “Oh damn, it is on there.” She said after playing with her phone for a bit.

  “So which is your fav?”


  “Cartoon, which is your fav?”

  “Oh, umm...” She smiled again when I made my trademark noise but didn’t comment.

  “She-Ra.” At this she made me jump as she clapped her hands.

  “YES! Me too, well I prefer He-man, cause he’s like, well fit and all, apart from that hair, God that was bad, looked like a ginger monk with that bob. That hair style wasn’t popular EVER! Just very gay and not in a cool, good looking way...don’t you agree?”

  “I do and have always thought that myself.” I told her honestly which brought a beaming smile to her heart shaped lips.

  “See Adam, I knew we would get on and you said for me to cool, to rein it in and give her space, we’re like best friends already! Aren’t we Keira...? Tell him you like me and we’re cool and shit.” I couldn’t help the genuine smile at the idea of being kidnapped by someone who also wanted to be my friend. Adam gave me a thankful smile and winked at his wife.

  “Ah, but did you know they were actually brother and sister, She-Ra and He-man that is? I think She-Ra kicks ass and in those heels, well I love those heels, I have a She-Ra costume at home...don’t I?”

  “That you do.” Adam answered and raised his eyebrows like a memory came to mind and the look that followed made me blush.

  “And a Bumblebee costume.” The image I got was adorable until she continued,

  “Not the bug, the Transformer. I love Bumblebee and Optimus Prime, I cried when he died in the movie, did you cry...wait have you seen the cartoon movie?” I shook my head and she gave me a look of horror.

  “Oh my, you need to, it explains so much in life. It’s like my bible, that and the Carebears movie, those two combined will blow your’s some deep shit.” She said with such certainty that I couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

  “There you go, you’re laughing now. She finds me funny, Nerdy.” She said over her shoulder.

  “Well you’re a funny girl, sweetheart,” Adam said before she got up and bounced over to him landing in his lap. He made an ‘Umff’ sound and he tried to wrestle the ruined newspaper from under her body. She wrapped her arms around his neck and poked him repeatedly with her little nose, all the while saying “peck, peck” over and over again. He laughed while trying to restrain her. The sound of a mobile phone ringing brought an end to the play fighting and Adam was trying to smooth his hair back while Pip answered the phone with a singing voice.

  “Hello, hellooo.” Adam pushed his glasses back up his nose and tried to re-straighten his paper to no effect.

  “Ok boss, we still have the girly.” She said sweetly and although I couldn’t hear the voice on the other end I knew who it belonged to and that was enough to form the beads of sweat that broke out across my skin.

  “She is fine...I even made her laugh.” She said, clearly feeling good about this fact, I on the other hand, was wondering why he would even ask after my welfare?

  “Sure thing boss man,” she said handing over the phone to the outstretched hand of her husband.

  “Go on!” He said, getting down to business and losing all past playfulness, replacing it with a powerful man of authority.

  “My Lord, as we mentioned before, he has not been allowed near the girl and awaits your judgment alone.” I knew they were talking about Klaus and he knew it too if the look of terror was anything to go by.

  “He would not get far my Lord.” So Lucius thought he would make a run for it, well, now he had two flight risks on his hands, ‘cause I couldn’t guarantee I wouldn’t bolt if given half the chance, no matter how nice my captors had been. At this Klaus turned back around and slumped in his seat. I would like to have said that I felt sorry for him but I couldn’t find it in me, thanks to the pain every movement my bruised body made. When I was in the toilet splashing water on my face I had lifted up my t-shirt to find all my left side was bruised and scratched by the impact of the tarmac. It hurt slightly to breathe in deeply and I just hoped that I hadn’t cracked a rib. There was also a bump that had formed under my hairline on my right side from my head hitting the ground which was probably what knocked me out. I have to say that I think as far as being knocked unconscious, I was beginning to think I preferred being drugged.

  “We will see you in Munich soon. I have arranged for a car to take us straight to Transfusion.” He said with the smoothest poker face I had ever seen, even though he now had a little honey minx that was straddling him in his seat and was pulling his tie from underneath his sweater. She then tickled his nose with the tip. He grabbed her wrists and she giggled.

  “My Lord, if you could control her I would be indebted to you, as you know I never can.” He said dryly making Pip pout. Of course it looked endearing and adorable. He put the phone to his shoulder and bent his head to keep it there.

  “Yes, there is no doubt in my mind that Carrick knows to disappear for a while.” He said as he used one hand to grab both Pips wrists and bend them behind her back, as she was trying to undress him now. With the other hand he picked up the tie she had discarded on the table in front of him and he used it to wrap around her wrists until tight. She continued to giggle, bouncing up and down on his lap which made him groan a few times. All the while he spoke without a hint of distraction in his voice but only his face gave away his growing arousal when he would bite his lip and look strained whenever she would grind herself against him.

  He finished tying her hands behind her back and gripped the column of her neck to hold her still. Every time she wriggled he would tighten his hold until she gave in and remained still. He leaned his head down to her face and kissed her nose soundlessly, she snapped her lips and teeth back at him in return, now clearly sulking. He just smiled at his victory.

  “He is bound to you my Lord, whether or not he has his blood back, he knows this but I have had some of my men keep watch on the Otherlands just in case.” He nodded once and finished the phone call with a simple,

  “My Lord”.

  “No fair! You always use your strength.” Pip moaned and Adam just pretended to snap back.

  “Well if I were you, I wouldn’t give me the means to tie you up my love. Besides if you didn’t like it, my little Imp, then you would have stopped me...if you had tried...hard enough.” He said this last part strained as she rolled her hips, grinding herself against his manhood with a curl on her lips.

  “Talking about hard things,” she said giving him yet another roll of her hips making him growl. I felt as if I was watching a live sex show or a porn movie I couldn’t get away from. I wanted to turn away but it was difficult trying not to watch. I found these two fascinating. They were so unashamed of their obvious love that it was heart wrenching to watch. It made me ache for Draven in a way like never before. Did we look like that in front of people? Could they taste the sexual attraction in the supercharged air around us? The way we always had to touch, to feel one another or we would fade away. It was like my dream when I had tried so hard to touch him but I couldn’t move, why couldn’t I have moved
towards him or touched him?

  “Not now kitten, you have a friend to play with.” He said like she actually was the age she looked. She looked up to see me staring and my cheeks went hot with a deep blush at being caught. She just smiled and jumped off his lap and snapped the tie, freeing herself.

  “Hey, I liked that tie little Miss.”

  “I know, it was your punishment for not giving me what I want.” She held the tie in her hands and looked down at it with concentration. I watched as it started to move around in her cupped hands like it was some kind of material snake wrapping around itself. When it finished moving it ended up as a neat navy bow with long bits hanging down. She lifted it to her head and tied it on the top of her head like snow white. It matched her lush green hair and brought out the blue flecks in her startling green eyes.

  “Mine now.” She said as she came back to plonk down in her seat.

  The rest of the journey was the strangest flight I had ever taken. Not only was it filled with terrifying thoughts of what would happen to me once we landed but mainly the depressing thoughts about the worry that Draven must be going through and what I wouldn’t give to be in his arms right now. To wake up with him calling my name back to sanity, cradled in his strong secure arms, holding me and telling me how everything was ok now, that I was safe and he wouldn’t let anyone get to me...wouldn’t let anyone take me away from...

  But it had happened and it was all my fault.

  I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream and run and hit and shout the F word at the skies but no, what was I doing, sat here watching the bloody Transformer cartoon movie on Pip’s tiny phone screen. I have to say, even I got a little teary when Optimus Prime died!

  I had no idea how long I had been gone for now, as all nights were merging into days I had no idea the name of. I was well fed and watered on the flight and Pip had insisted that someone get us some popcorn when we stopped to refuel. As we watched the movie, which half the time she was close to sitting on my lap, I would sometimes find Adam watching me without once making a comment about the way his wife took to me. The wife that had no concept of personal space, that was for sure and every time she played with my hair, I don’t think she noticed my body go ridged.


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