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The Triple Goddess

Page 17

by Stephanie Hudson

  “Try the panel in the wall, there is a cabinet behind there hidden.” I screamed a little yelp and spun round to face Lucius watching me, sat on the side of the tub.

  “How did you …What are you…?”

  “Door and Demon, remember?” He said, answering my unfinished questions. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

  “Don’t you know the meaning of privacy?”

  “Oh, I know the meaning well enough, never thought of it as a rule though…but please carry on, don’t let me stop you.” He said holding out his palm and that combined with the smarmy grin, I wanted to scream again. In the end I just huffed. It was rather that or a string of profanities that once I started I don’t think I would have been able to stop.

  I found the cabinet and after minutes of struggling, a hand came from behind me and pushed it in the right place for it to click open. By the time I turned he had returned to his seat on the tub. I think I actually growled. But that mood left me when I spotted what was in the small cupboard, hidden away like treasure. There was a hair brush, complete with bobbles and clips. tampons, face crème and wash. And there buried at the back was a new toothbrush in a packet and toothpaste. I pulled out the two packets and laughed when I saw my toothbrush.

  “Let me guess, Pip was in charge of Keira supply shopping?” I said to Lucius and he raised an eyebrow.

  “Or do you have a fondness for pink Power Rangers?” I laughed when his eyebrows turned slanted into a frown. I laughed again ripping the pink figure with a brush on the end from its wrapper.

  Lucius and I didn’t speak again but he didn’t leave and by the time I had washed the makeup off my face, brushed my hair and finished my teeth I was getting worried why he was still in my room.

  “Do you find something fascinating about watching a human girl get ready for bed or do you just have some messed up hobbies?” I asked turning round but again with the sneaking up on me and making me jump, because there he was again right in front of me. I stepped back and bumped my lower back into the sink’s worktop.

  “No, my hobbies are more of the… active variety.” I gulped down that image and tried to shift away when he started feeling the material of his shirt by my shoulder. He rubbed the fabric between his thumb and forefinger, all the while not taking his eyes off me.

  “Why did you kiss me back?” His question took me back and I shook my head slightly trying to make sense of his question.


  “Oh, but I know you did Keira, I was there remember. Now answer me!” He demanded and just like that, Master Lucius was back.

  “I…I don’t know,” I whispered.

  “Not good enough! Tell me now!” He shouted making me flinch back but all the while he never stopped feeling his shirt on my shoulder. I looked to see what he was doing and why, but he snapped at me again,

  “Look at me Keira, nowhere else.” I immediately did as I was told and hated that I did it.

  “Good girl, now tell me why?”

  “If I do, will you finally leave?” He slowly nodded his head and that predatory gaze was back looking as if he was getting ready to strike again.

  “I was scared and I, well… I wanted to feel safe.” I must have blushed beetroot at admitting that because he smiled, bearing one of his fangs where his lips curled slightly higher on one side.

  “And you thought of me as being a safe choice. That’s like the rabbit kissing the wolf!”

  “More like the wolf kissing the rabbit, you kissed me.” Even to my own ears I sounded like a whiney child in the playground.

  “Umm, I remember it well.”

  “I answered your question.” I said arching back as he seemed to be getting closer.

  “So you did.” He was still smiling.

  “So, are you going to leave now?” I was close to panting.

  “And why would I do that?” He paused and got real close until his breath fanned my neck and his lips made contact with my skin. He sent a deep shiver down my back and then it came to rest at my earlobe where his lips had found home. Then his next words chilled me to the bone.

  “It’s my room, Keira!”

  Chapter 12

  Ribbons and Sunshine

  “What do you mean this is your room?” I said nervously.

  “Don’t look so worried pet, I’m not in the habit of forcing young morsels to my bed, besides, you’re not my type!” He said pushing himself off the counter and crossing his arms over his chest.

  “Why? Because I have an IQ and a pulse?” I said, wondering why I was even pushing him in the first place. He laughed and then shook his head as though I wasn’t doing myself any favours in proving that IQ.

  “Why is it humans insist the rules of being a Vampire means we’re dead creatures without a pulse! It fascinates me how humans class themselves as being so evolved yet bring a supernatural legend into play and they become mindless idiots.” He said turning round and walking straight out of the door. I couldn’t believe I found myself going after him.

  “Man, you do have a high opinion of yourself!” I couldn’t help saying.

  “Do I? Must be what being me does to you. Answer me this, if I didn’t have a pulse then how would all that thick delicious blood I consume get around my body, I think even you’re smart enough to know I would need a beating heart for that one, no matter how heartless you consider me to be.” He said, coming to stand by the balcony door opposite the bed. Ok, so when it was said like that then yeah, it did sound pretty stupid.

  “Oh but garlic, now that’s a real killer, what would I do without breath mints!” I could see him rolling his eyes in his reflection on the glass and hoped he didn’t miss my scowl.

  “I didn’t say anything about garlic. Tell me more about turning a human!” I blurted out the question even before I thought about it and when I saw his grin I knew I had made a mistake.

  “Never mind, I don’t want to know” I said quickly, turning away to hide my blush.

  “You can’t lie for shit! I know you have a million and one questions rolling round in that pretty little head of yours, ones I can guarantee your Dark Knight won’t answer.”

  “Stop calling him that!” I snapped, making him laugh. I hated the way he tried to degrade Draven, but considering what he said about him not telling me, well that I couldn’t deny. How long had Draven and I been making love? How many times, how many opportunities did he have to tell me? Not one tiny little ‘Oh by the way, I don’t want you to die or get old, so I have been slipping in a little something extra, hope you don’t mind’ .

  When I thought back to all those times something referred to death or ageing and Draven’s reactions to it, I now understood why. It made me feel as though Draven should have come with a warning sticker attached to his side, ‘Side effects may vary’.

  “Do you want to know things or not, it’s your choice I will not make the offer again?” I could feel Lucius trying to hold in his smile as he knew he had me, hook, line and sinker! I walked over to the bed and slumped down defeated. I felt like I was now the one betraying Draven by getting another to explain things to me but what else could I do, I had been left in the dark long enough and where had it gotten me?

  “Yes, I want to know.”

  “Of course you do,” he said softly, making me want to throw one of the many fancy pillows at his head and shout ‘Stop being nice to me!’ It was messing with my head when he did that, like running on a playing field where someone kept changing the game.

  “Ask away!” He said seating himself in one of the chairs by the corner of the room. He stretched out his long legs and didn’t seem to care that he was still half naked. I brought myself up fully onto the bed and pulled the throw at the end over my folded legs, hiding my modesty.

  “What is a half breed?”

  “Let me ask you first, what do you know about the human essence?” He held his chin and lent his elbow on his knee while he stared at me intently, waiting for my answer.

’re talking about feeding from the emotions of humans, aren’t you?”

  “It’s nice to know you’re not completely ignorant of our ways.” I made a huff sound which he chose to ignore.

  “The human essence is what we feed on, this is done in different ways but for the majority, through strong human emotions. Vampires, for example, feed straight from the source. Why buy your meat in packets when you could slaughter the cow yourself, that’s what I say?” He laughed when he saw me shudder at that image. Lucius slaughtering anything would be terrifying enough to need therapy for a very long time and I should know.

  “Vampires therefore, get the essence for power from not just human blood but any blood. If I was to feed from a Demon say, or an Angel, depending where my tastes lie, then I would consume their essence and with that, their power. Not enough to cause permanent damage but enough to weaken them for a short while.” Looking into his eyes it hit me, like someone planting a vision and it was a painful one at that.

  “Oh my God! You fed from Draven didn’t you? That’s how you grew strong enough to control him, why you had never done so before and it’s the reason you’re no longer friends! It all makes sense now.” I was shaking my head fitting all the puzzle pieces together when his clapping brought my head up.

  “Very good Keira, what a clever little human you are, but there is a lot about that day you do not know and I have no intention of telling you.”

  “It’s how you knew isn’t it?” I asked, ignoring his last comment.

  “About my blood being changed by Draven? You could taste it in me.” His eyes seemed to get darker for a second before flashing red at the memory.

  “Yes I could, that and more. You want to know what you have become Keira, then I will tell you.” He leaned forward after rolling his neck muscles and stared at me like I was an utter mystery.

  “You, my dear, have been changed into the only Being of this earth to possess a powerful mix of Demon, Angel and human blood.” When he said it I sat back against the headboard and Lucius got to his feet to come and stand by one of the four tree posts.

  “So you see, you are his little unique gift from the Gods and one he intends to keep whether you wish it or not! You are mistaken if you ever thought that you possessed choices with a man like Draven. You are a puppet, a toy to amuse a King and more importantly, a means to an end for the Gods to carry on such power. You will learn your fate soon enough, whether you accept it is irrelevant. Choices are never given to those chosen by the Gods.” He said bitterly and remembering his past I gathered he was something of an expert on those matters.

  “You would know wouldn’t you?” I said before thinking. He growled and lunged for me. I found myself flat on my back with a two hundred and fifty pound Vampire on top of me. He held his weight easily with one arm and with the other ran fingers down my cheek, neck and side. He was breathing fast and so was I but for a very different reason as I doubted his was due to fear.

  “Draven’s been telling little stories has he?” He continued down my side with his hand and I stifled a moan when his hand grabbed a fist full of his T-shirt to yank up my leg.

  “Curious about me were you, Keira Girl?”

  “I…I…” I couldn’t seem to get words formed and out of my lips thanks to what he was doing to me. I could feel cold fingers caress circles on my thigh.

  “You…You?” He mocked as his hand got higher, near the very top of my hip.

  “Your name…” I whispered and he lowered his head, turning his ear my way to hear me.

  “Yes?” He whispered back and I knew the next word out of my mouth would cause a reaction from him, hopefully one that wouldn’t get me killed and that would put a stop to his hand from getting any further. I could feel it inching across and so close to my core that I tensed. It was now or never, and never meant the unthinkable. I couldn’t let myself give up my body, a body that belonged to Draven. So I opened my mouth and let out his fears, one word, one name,

  “Judas,” I whispered so slightly I wasn’t sure I had even said it, but when Lucius snarled at me between the deadly fangs, I knew he had heard. His fangs got longer before crashing down on my neck making me scream. My arms came up and tried to push him away but he grabbed both my wrists and hissed,

  “Be still!” At me, causing me to give up the fight. He gripped his teeth at my flesh but thankfully hadn’t yet bitten down. He sucked my skin into his mouth and I felt his fangs ready to tear into me at any moment. I did as I was told and remained still as any sudden movements would no doubt cause blood loss.

  He stayed there sucking at my neck but never drawing any blood for what seemed like paralyzing hours but when he pulled back there was surprisingly no blood on his lips and my neck just felt numb. His eyes burrowed into mine and I wanted to look at anything but his angry glare. He must have heard every mad beat of my heart because when he leaned down once more and dragged the points of his fangs across my skin it raced faster, causing him to smile on my neck.

  “Ssshh, little rabbit, I’m not going to eat you, not tonight anyway, but…” He released my wrists and pushed all his weight up so that he hovered over me.

  “If I ever hear that name come from your sweet lips again, then I will make it so it is the last thing ever heard from them.” To make his point he snapped his jaws at me coming so close to the lips he was talking about that I thought he was going to bite them now. I flinched back and he smiled as his fangs retracted to the normal size. I was panting in fear and my rising breasts kept brushing along his bare chest.

  “Have I made myself clear, Keira Girl?” I could only find myself with the faint ability to nod and now instead of blind white hot anger he was back to being amused. He lent down one last time and put his lips to my forehead for a gentle kiss. He must have tasted the little beads of sweat there because he proceeded to lick and kiss each one away. I was so shocked at how one minute a raging beast hung over me like a guillotine and then the next he was so gentle it was building up as being pleasurable.

  After I lay immobilised under the ministrations of Lucius he finally finished with my skin and eased himself off me. He moved back to his chair at a speed too fast for my eyes to register.

  “So, where were we before you brought something sour into a sweet mix?” I shook my head being too afraid to say anything that might set him off again.

  “Ah I know, I was about to tell you about Cambions and Nephilims.” He rubbed his jaw that was starting to show day old stubble. I pulled myself up slowly, the way you would move around a dangerous animal that’s unpredictable.

  “I wouldn’t have fear Keira, I doubt you will make the same mistake twice and I believe I am quite calm… for now anyway.” He held his thumb under his chin and one curled forefinger over his mouth while he lounged back in the chair with his elbow on the armrest. He looked perfectly at ease, the complete opposite to me, I could imagine.

  “For someone usually so fiery in nature, I find it unnerving having you watch me with those big frightened eyes, saying not a word. I wish for you to speak.” That last part was demanded and his hand left his face momentarily to motion me to do as he asked with his palm out and his fingers together folded in his outstretched hand. I remained silent.

  “What, nothing to say, no burning questions about your royal lover?” He smirked at what he had named Draven and I had no doubt he was trying to get a rise out of me.

  “You just want me to bite.” I said turning to look the other way.

  “Umm, now there’s a thought.” He laughed when I shot him daggers.

  “Better. It’s no fun sparring on your own. Now, do you want me to continue or not?” I hated the smile he gave me when I nodded. I felt like I was giving in and just fuelling an already inflated ego. I just hoped one day soon a certain somebody’s fist was going to make it pop and then he would see me smile!

  “Thinking happy thoughts Keira, tell me… am I naked?” He asked behind his hand like it was a secret.

  “No but you’d like
it, there’s violence!” I said sarcastically. He fell back and clapped laughing.

  “Ha! There she is, our little firecracker is back! Good, now you can be done being a damn girly girl and get your head back in the game!” I didn’t give him the satisfaction of responding and he actually looked a little disappointed. Good!

  “A Cambion and Nephilim is what we call a product of our kind crossing over and tasting the forbidden fruit, when we change from being just Demons and Angels into Incubus or Succubus.”

  “I don’t understand,” I said.

  “Of course you don’t, I doubt you know what they are, considering Draven likes to keep his pretty little doll in a glass cage, highly polished with ignorant bliss. An Incubus is a male supernatural that takes a human to his bed. A Succubus is the female version, both of which are punishable by death. Although I doubt Draven is about to do the honours and throw himself down on the sword.” He said waiting for my response.

  “I’m sure Draven’s only reason for keeping things from me is that he means to protect me.” I said, trying to put the belief behind my words.

  “Yes, from himself. Don’t kid yourself little girl, he wanted you and he took you. Hey, not that I’m blaming him but don’t be naive enough to think all his intentions are so honourable.”

  “I find it hard to see how you two were ever friends,” I said choosing to ignore his last statement.

  “I think you will find we’re not that different, you for example.”

  “What about me?” I asked shaking my head, not seeing where he was going with this.

  “Well, we both wanted something and we just took it, snatched you away without a care for what was best for you. Tell me, does he still keep that hot piece of ass called Aurora around his table?” He studied my reactions and smiled when he saw the pain flash across my features.

  “I will take that for a yes. Can’t say I blame him, after all, I hear humans can’t hack our sexual appetite for long.”

  “Enough!” I shouted and slammed my fist on the bed in anger. He was doing this on purpose and I hated the insecurities he was planting in my head. What was he doing now, was he with her? Was she giving him fake comfort while I was no longer there? I stormed off the bed and paced the room clenching my fists, all the while Lucius was sat taking in my anger, dripping in smug satisfaction.


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