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The Triple Goddess

Page 26

by Stephanie Hudson

  “Please!” The word was released before I could stop it. I felt his head lower down to mine in response and his lips spoke over mine.

  “Tell me. Speak the words and tell me what you want?” I felt every word whisper its way across every nerve and travel straight down to my core. I didn’t realise that his other hand had let me go and now both hands wrapped around my body holding me close but obviously not close enough for him.

  “Tell me!” He said pulling my lower half into his frame with both hands holding a cheek full, kneeing the rounded flesh with strong experienced fingers, until I could feel every hardened ridge of his toned body. And I mean every single inch.

  “I…I…” I couldn’t speak for the sensations flooding my body’s responses with confusion. It felt like my skin was on fire and my insides would self-combust. I could feel my own pulse in my neck and wrists, and it felt like my blood was being pumped around my body just for Lucius’ need alone.

  “You?” Lucius spoke over my lips before dragging the bottom one from my teeth and into his mouth to take a long, hard suck. This time I couldn’t prevent the moan from escaping. He groaned at my response and just before he took the action further a blind flash of realisation hit me and I knew I couldn’t do this.

  “I can’t do this!” I said now speaking over his lips and I felt them smile as he rested his forehead to mine.

  “No…but I can!” This was my only warning before he fisted his hand in my hair, tilted my head back and crushed his lips to mine in a heart stopping kiss. The moment he turned my head to the side, licked the seam of my mouth and dipped inside to deepen our connection the whole room erupted in daylight so bright I had to close my eyes. It was like someone had just dumped us on a Caribbean beach at the hottest part of the day. Lucius groaned louder before taking the kiss to another level of passion and I felt his hands glide down my body and hold on to me like he would lose himself without my skin touching his. I could feel every part of him and his manhood rested heavy against my stomach just waiting for the green light.

  My mind felt fogged again like it had back in the cave but this time it had added a sex induced craving that caused my hands to hold onto Lucius as if he pulled away I would only pull him back again. I couldn’t stop this, my body was screaming out for it in the worst way. When his lips left mine I nearly cried out at the loss but then I felt his lips trail sweet kiss after kiss along my neck and I threw my head back and the word,

  “Yes!” Came out in a whimper.

  “Say it again!” Lucius said not only commanding my body with skilful hands but also my mind, my whole being and my sinful soul.

  So I gave it to him.

  “YES.” I said growling out my demand at his lips then grabbed two handfuls of hair to pull him and locked his lips to mine. This caused the sun to get even brighter and he grabbed my backside roughly in his hands. The growl in my open mouth was the only warning I got before he gripped tighter and picked me up to then step into my body eliminating any space between our nakedness. He wrapped my legs around his waist and walked us backwards to the edge of the pool.

  “Tell me you want this,” he groaned out between gritted teeth, like he was trying to hold back but was losing it. I looked up at him and seeing the sunlight drenching his skin in a luminous glow I wondered if I had ever seen anything as beautiful before. I couldn’t find the words as every erotic point on my body and the bits in between had never wanted anything so badly. All I could do was nod and in that he found his green light.

  He thrust up into me with the raw power of a Vampire king and ignited me like kindling. I screamed my release in a howl of pleasure that only one movement caused. Lucius pushed my torso backwards so that I was bent over the ledge with my breasts laid out like a welcome home mat. With one firm hand on my backside and the other covering my breast in a possessive hold, he unleashed his passion and blew me into a different world.

  I could feel the tight coil of orgasm growing tighter in my belly with every hard thrust into my most secret place as he used my body without restraint. I was his to use. My body no longer my own but given over freely to a pure male savage. His movements were such as I had never known, no soft gentle words of love, no careful caress, just a powering need so basic that it was the only reason man survived for so long.

  The love of sex.

  The need of sex.

  For Lucius’ sex.

  “Keira!” The manly roar of my name undid me as with one last delicious plunge we came together in a blinding furiousness that had me whimpering at the after spasms that wracked my body.

  Then I opened my eyes and the world crumbled.

  Chapter 18

  An Innocent Mistake

  When I opened my eyes I could not understand what had just happened. One minute I was writhing in ecstasy and the next I was wrapped up in what looked like thick bedding in the arms of Lucius, being carried through a wide hallway where various artwork covered the smooth walls.

  “What just happened?” I asked after taking in my surroundings.

  “Well, with the moaning of my name coming from your bitten but kissable lips, my best guess… we were having sex.” He couldn’t wipe the smirk from his face and I didn’t know who I wanted to beat to a bloody pulp more, me or him! How could I have done that! What was wrong with me, I loved Draven and I would never have done a thing like that! It was now official,

  I hated myself!

  Lucius started laughing and even though I knew I was still naked under the covers I was wrapped in I didn’t care, I still started to struggle to get out of his hold.

  “Shut up! This isn’t funny! We had sex and now I have lost everything!” I was close to tears knowing I would have to tell Draven but God, what would he say? I was the worst girlfriend in the history of the human race and I wanted to take it all back with every fibre in my body!

  “I thought as much,” he said smugly.

  “What do you mean by that?!” I snapped at him but he just shifted his hold and hoisted me further up against his chest.

  “As hot as it sounded Keira, I don’t think even your wild imagination could live up to the real thing. Besides… I don’t think you could handle me.” He whispered the last part down my bare shoulder. But wait! What did he just say?

  “We didn’t have sex?!” I asked praying like I never had before.

  “Now she gets it.” He said with exasperation.

  “No Keira, we didn’t have sex. I prefer my partner to be responsive at the very least, not comatose, I may be a Vampire but I’m not into Necrophilia.” A huge whoosh of pent up aggression left my body and was refilled by massive amounts of relief, complete and utter relief. One thought.

  Thank you God!

  “What happened?” I asked after I had taken the time to process that I hadn’t cheated on the man I loved from some over sexed Vamp juice.

  “I explained that if I didn’t get all the mud off you that the effects would eventually get to you. I can only imagine that you got yourself too excited in my naked presence and started hallucinating, which is what I told you would happen.” He was being way too smug but his teasing was actually making me feel better about all this. Let’s put it this way, I would rather Lucius knowing I was having hot, steamy, watery sex with him in my mind and come thinking it was real, than waking up finding out that we had in fact had hot, steamy, watery sex and I had come full stop. Nope I would take embarrassment over that fact any day of the week!

  “Man, can anyone say EGO much!” I teased back making him laugh.

  “So was it as you expected it would be or more…no doubt much, much more.” He said so full of humour that it was like flirting with a long-time friend about a drunken one night stand that we never had. I laughed and took the game to the next level. A cruel level.

  “Actually it was really disappointing. And much, much less, if you know what I mean.” I said shaking my little finger at him so he got the hint. He stopped dead in the hallway and burst out laughing. He then leaned
down to my bare shoulder and held the skin there with his teeth making me shiver.

  “You will pay for that comment, not now but one of these days my little Keira girl.” I laughed at him because I was trying to hide how his heated words got to me and plunged me straight back into the dream of the places those smirking lips had been.

  “So what really happened, because I gather I am now clean.” My cheeks heated even more at the thought of me still being naked around him.

  “You passed out when I asked you to turn round. But don’t worry sweetheart, I continued to get you clean. Oh and Keira…” He paused, leaned down and whispered in my ear like a lover’s kiss,

  “I was very, very thorough.”

  We continued on through the honeycomb of tunnels, passageways and hallways until we reached familiar ground and I knew where we were. One more turn around the corner and we would be at my room. I don’t know how the supernatural did it? But nevertheless here he was, he’d been carrying me for the last twenty minutes at least and not even a sweat. Lucius looked strong, hell he was strong, no doubt about it but other than Draven it was still a shock to witness that strength. With Draven it was more of a natural thing, you took one look at him and didn’t expect anything less. He looked like the man that could crush, devastate and pulverise any enemy too stupid enough to get close to him but Lucius was more a silent but deadly weapon. It wasn’t as obvious to his power but it was there and I gathered it had lain dormant for all those years until his refusal to stand by Draven’s side any longer. No, for now they stood opposite each other having, what was told, an equal power but why?

  I couldn’t stop from wondering what had happened? What could have been so earth shattering that made them turn against each other? What could possibly have shook the world and turned it on its axis to make one side become two?

  My questions disappeared when I felt myself being placed back on the bed. It dipped as Lucius sat at my side and I couldn’t speak when he lifted his hand to gently brush some hair from my cheek. He tucked it behind my head which is when I realised he must have brushed my hair because now it was hanging down my side in a wet plait. I don’t know why the idea of Lucius doing that made goosebumps break out over my skin. I had to know.

  “Did you…umm, have any help?” He raised one eyebrow and then gave me a bad ass grin that made him look even more painfully handsome.

  “Nope, it was all me and all my pleasure.” He winked at me and trailed his fingertips across my collarbone.

  “You’re cold!” He frowned quickly and then pulled the covers around me before adding the throw at the bottom of the bed. Lucius was tucking me in?! Ok now I had seen everything, first the Vamp King can plait hair and then instead of stripping a girl naked he covers one up because they’re cold.

  “You need rest,” he said cupping my cheek in his palm and then ran his thumb over my bottom lip making me close my eyes and shudder.

  He moved and I couldn’t help what I did next. My hand shot out to grab him and his wrist was so thick my thumb and fingers wouldn’t even meet.

  “Lucius wait, I…I don’t want to be alone.” One look at my face and he knew why.

  “I will not let anyone hurt you again Keira, you have nothing to fear!” He said but then he turned his head and looked for something deeper.

  “But you still do.” He commented on my fear that was still fresh and obviously written all over my face.

  “Very well,” he said with no mockery, no lack of respect just a knowing. He moved off the bed and before I reached out for him again he walked around the other side and lay down next to me, turning me on my side to spoon my body against his. There was no sexual tension. No skin on skin contact. Just a solid presence that felt strong and secure at my back. He laid his arm around my middle and pulled me until my body was snug against his and moved my head so that it lay rested on his upper arm. I was taken aback by how smooth his skin was but there was no mistaking the hardness of pure man underneath.

  “I will stay with you until you fall asleep, so you can rest without fear.” His voice soothed me into believing his every word. I don’t know what was happening but this Vampire King Lucius was not the person I saw when he was like this. No, it was not the Vampire but a man, a man wrongly accused named Judas.

  “Thank you,” I said giving in to the feeling of heavy lids.

  “Rest well little Keira girl.” I opened my tired eyes to see his pale hand in the moonlight that came through the balcony doors. It was held open as if waiting for something to fill it, so before even thinking about the action I put my hand in his and entwined my small fingers with his, only now seeing that my fingers had been bandaged with strips of tape. Why didn’t I feel the pain? How did I ever forget that had happened? He must have felt my reaction to seeing the night’s events creep back like some deathly spider spinning a web of nightmares ready for me to live through. He gripped me tighter and spoke in my hair.

  “Ssshh, I am here, I am here.” He said softly. Too softly for a Vampire King.


  “Yes Keira?”

  “Thank you for saving me, with Ruto.” His hand lifted to my face, brushed back my hair and whispered on my cheek,

  “You’re welcome my Keira.” The last thing I felt before the darkness took me was Lucius’ hand holding my hand tighter and whispering beautiful words into my hair.

  Ones I will never understand.

  I felt the body next to me stir and the fingers I still held untangle themselves from mine. I kept my breathing even and remained still as Lucius started to remove himself from my side. I kept my eyes shut tight but could tell that he bent over me and when his knuckles travelled my cheek to my neck I had to hold in a shivered reaction. He then pulled up the covers higher as if he had only been touching me to judge whether or not I was cold. He proceeded to tuck me in and before leaving he leaned closer to my side, kissing below my ear.

  “לישוןפחדקלובלי,הילדההיפהשלי” (Means ‘Sleep easy and without fear, my beautiful girl’ In Hebrew) Lucius whispered in my ear before kissing my temple.

  And then he was gone.

  I opened my eyes and saw the light from the winter moon still filling the room with bluish warmth and I was just happy that it wasn’t the pitch black nothingness that my nightmares were summoned from.

  I slowly sat up and looked around the room but froze mid-stretch. No, it couldn’t be…could it? I pulled myself closer and my heart leapt at the sight before me.

  “Ava?” I said her name and the huge bird ruffled her feathers looking quite aggravated. I got up from the bed ready to run to the balcony where she was sat on the railing when I saw the flash of purple in her eyes.

  Oh God no! It wasn’t just Ava sat here watching me but Draven sat watching us! I raced to the window but I was too late. He had seen me and Lucius together and that had been enough. I just managed to open the door and Ava turned her head before taking off into the night, taking Draven’s possession with her.

  “Draven!” I screamed but it was no use. He was already hurt.

  And I was the one who had hurt him.

  Chapter 19

  Silence in the Garden

  After waking up and seeing Ava at my window I couldn’t remember what happened after that but I woke up in a bed that I didn’t recall getting back into. Was it a dream? Everything inside me wished it was so, but what if it wasn’t? That thought had tears springing to life before I could try and push them away.

  I wrapped the covers around me making me look like a caterpillar as I took little steps into the bathroom. I looked at my face in the mirror and quickly looked away feeling disgust. I felt like a traitor. Or at least I felt that Draven would see it that way. Me, a traitor? Well I felt as if I had a new contender for worse night of my life and last night with Lucius was done purely from desperately needing comfort. It wasn’t an excuse but a truth, a hard fact of the matter that resulted in something that looked so much more than it was.

urely Draven had to have trust in me more than that… right? Well I bloody hoped so but I needed to know. I had to see for myself and I knew just the right Imp for the job.

  “You rang my noggin?” Pip said from the doorway while I was on the loo, luckily though I was in the right place for wetting myself!

  “Pip, Jesus! Do you ever knock?!” I shouted at her but she just shrugged her little shoulders making her ridiculously large earrings sway. I think they were of Jack the Pumpkin King wearing a Santa hat and wait, were they really flashing? Knowing Pip, then yes they were and it wasn’t just my tired mind. I don’t think I would have been surprised at this point if they started dancing the two step to ‘Getting Jiggy With It’ by Will Smith!

  “Nice earrings!” I said once I finished my morning routine, all the while being watched by a silent Pip.

  “You like them? Adam got them for me for our anniversary, these and a new swing for our bedroom.” She said doing a swinging motion as if I needed help with the concept but then again, knowing Pip it was doubtful it would just be a happy child’s playground pastime. Yep, she winked at me and confirmed it was a sex swing.

  “What, not a chocolates and diamonds kinda girl?” I asked making her smile with blue lips that matched the tips of her hair.

  “Chocolate is for drizzling on certain body parts and as for diamonds, well look closer to good ole Jack.” She walked closer and shook her head which created little rainbows from the large diamonds that were Jack’s eyes. No wonder his thin long limbs wanted to dance, he not only had flashing lights on his Christmas hat but blinding rocks for eyes…the little dude was loaded!


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