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The Triple Goddess

Page 41

by Stephanie Hudson

  I felt the earth moving beneath us and when I tried to look he grabbed my face with both hands to keep me there. Unbelievably his kiss got deeper still and I felt myself giving in to his control with little resistance. He explored my mouth like it was the first time and my senses started to be come over loaded. I was panting for air so he had no choice but to let me gain a moment of freedom.

  His lips travelled across my jaw line and down my throat, nipping and sucking his way along. Without his lips on mine, I felt some of my senses coming back and when I opened my eyes I couldn’t help but flinch at what I saw. Not only was Draven in his other form, causing the forest around him to glow but that forest was now slowing dying and floating away. The trees looked as though the life was being drained from them by an unknown source and each one was in a different stage of deterioration. Ones closest to us seem to be the worse off as they were turning grey with a bright white light burning in the centre. It was if they were dying from the inside out and when one burst into a cloud of ash I jumped in Draven’s arms.

  “Ssshh, you’re safe,” he whispered softly in my ear and I couldn’t help myself from relaxing. No matter what was happening between us I knew that Draven would always have that effect on me…I would always feel the safety in him. And this was why I grabbed his face and pulled it to mine in my own fierce, possessive kiss.

  He groaned low in his throat till it almost sounded like pain and before I could pull away to ask, he lifted me with both hands holding my cheeks and then he wrapped my legs around his waist. That was when everything around us burst all at once as the rest of the forest died away. I felt the ground’s rumbling grow stronger and stronger until pieces of the earth started to fall into the clutches of Hell. I tried to be scared but Draven wouldn’t let me. I clutched on tight and all the air left me in a whoosh as I felt Draven start to lean forward and as we were about to fall I called out breaking our connected lips,

  “Draven!” The only response to his action I received was a confident smile. I felt my weight shift and tried to cling on tighter but when he gave me a wink it was the only notice I received before his mighty wings erupted from his back. Just before we should have hit the ground I looked back in the less than seconds I had and saw the last of the earth collapsing away leaving nothing between us and death but his wings.

  He held me tight as he let us both free fall for terrifying moments before I felt the force of his moving wings pull us both backwards. I must have screamed but I was sure the sound of the destruction we were leaving behind had drowned out my despair.

  “Do you think I would ever let you fall, my Keira?” Draven whispered into my hair as my face had found a secure spot in his neck to bury my fears in. He actually chuckled at my response when I shook my head quickly still not leaving my secure hold that was sure to be half strangling him.

  I felt the soft pull of his wings that set a calming motion to our flight and it was a strange feeling as my eyes started to drift in a sleepy state. What would it be like to have a dream within a dream I wondered as my eyes kept creeping shut?

  “We are here,” Draven said in my ear after a time and I shivered in response at feeling his lips once again. As he set us down I still didn’t open my eyes as now a new fear at where we would be this time found its way to my mind. I could hear his wings ruffle slightly before folding back into place and his hold on me forced my legs down to the ground. This was when I finally gave in and opened my eyes.

  “What is this place?” I asked as I took in the sight before me. He released me and before he said a word he walked over to an iron fitting that was embedded into the rock of the cave wall. He lifted his hand and fire emerged in his palm before he transferred it over to the twisted torch that was the length of my arm.

  “This is my place, my…secret place.” I had never heard Draven sound so vulnerable before and he waited for my reaction silently. I looked around the dimly lit room that was no doubt hidden from the outside world.

  This was his place. A place for solitude and personal time.

  I don’t know what I found more surprising, the mountain cave I now stood in that reminded me of a giant nesting place for a huge bird or that Draven even had a place of his own. I walked closer to the edge and Draven rumbled his worried warning making me smile. It wasn’t a large opening, just big enough to have fit Draven through to land on the slight ledge that stuck out further than the cave. This side of the mountain was mostly hidden from anyone’s view and as far as secret places went this one was as secret as they came.

  The view below was engulfed in a white mist that seemed to roll along like fallen clouds making me feel like a bird’s pet…or prey. I turned around and saw the room was about the size of the full downstairs of Libby and Frank’s house and went further back than I could see. It looked like the shadows in the rock that were the size of people could have been doors that lead further into the mountain. But there was one aspect of the room there was no escaping and being how I craved Draven’s touch, the sight of the low bed in the middle had every nerve in my being screaming out what my body wanted.

  “Come here!” The soft command had me facing Draven to see if his features matched up with that command but he remained in shadows with his back to the light. He was no longer in his other form but by no means did this make him seem less deadly. He stood with his arms folded causing the material he wore to stretch painfully around his biceps, that tensed harder when I didn’t move. His long legs were also encased in black and this combined with his olive skin was creating him as the figure Gods were seen as.

  “Now, little rabbit!” He said, only this time in harsher tones. In this situation, I knew better than to push at the restraints that held his anger in check. I nodded once and walked slowly towards him feeling exactly like the new name he had given me. Even if this was a dream it didn’t deter from how intimidating Draven was naturally.

  Once I got within an arm’s reach, he pounced on me like the predator he portrayed so well. He walked into me making me back up until I fell backwards. At the last second he grabbed my forearm and lowered me onto the bed slowly, with one hand holding all my body weight like it was no more than the pillows my head sank into.

  Half his face still belonged to the shadows but the other half made me blush. The pure carnal look of lust he showed me was heart pounding. He still stood above me as he drank in the sight of me like some helpless victim of his waiting, to be devoured. His eyes trailed the full length of me up and down, again and again and the heat in my cheeks burned hotter than ever before. His eyes seemed caught in an unintentional trance I held him in and they stayed frozen at my breasts that were heaving with my laboured breaths. I couldn’t stand it any longer and made a move to cover myself up when he made a growl that vibrated around the hidden room.

  “Put your hands above your head!” He ordered and I couldn’t stop from shaking when I complied. However, when he took in my fearful reactions he lightened my heart by winking at me before complimenting me,

  “Good Girl!” His approval seemed to shoot down to the junction of my thighs and pleasure took the place of fear.

  He leaned over slightly and I thought he would move further to settle himself over me but I was wrong. He had grabbed the edges of my skirt and torn the whole dress in two without any effort used. He whipped the material from under me with the slightest of flicks and soon I was trembling from a mixture of the cold chill the night offered and the anticipation of what would come next. As I was left naked in every place for him to drink in, I watched as he stripped his body of clothes so as he was the same.

  At this I had to close my eyes at the onslaught of my senses and he hadn’t even touched me yet. I must have jumped a bloody mile when I finally felt his hand run lightly up my inner leg. My hands came down on impulse and my legs locked closed.

  “Uh ah, back in position, little rabbit, I want to enjoy you while I have you here and that means…” He ran both hands further up and pushed my legs aside with little press
ure needed.

  “…taking my time.” He stated roughly as he leaned the rest of his body down onto me. He took my lips in a kiss so deep it was like he was marking me as his. And I let him like a willing sacrifice ready to throw myself onto the heated brand for just one touch. His hands curved round my sides with palms plastered as flat against my skin as he could get them.

  They travelled upwards and I shuddered when they brushed the side of my breasts. But he kept going until they both curled around my arms, coming to finish at my wrists. Once there he shackled them before lifting them above my head. He then transferred one wrist to the other and held both with one large hand that had no problem with the task.

  “Hey!” I said after he had unknowingly captured both my hands restraining me against his ministrations. I felt him smile against my lips before pulling himself back to look at me.

  “I like you in restraints, little one,” he said, smirking at my obvious disagreement. He looked down my body and he ran his knuckles over one hard nipple just begging for something hot to taste it.

  “It allows me to explore without disruption,” he said before taking my body’s silent plea to be touched deeper in to effect. His mouth captured my nipple and that hot wave of euphoria sent my body into a spasm without even being touched at my core. My back arched up, pressing myself against him as my body found its first release. Draven sucked hard as each wave hit my insides like he could feel it also and my moans soon turned to cries for him to stop.

  “It’s too much…I can’t…I…c…” He released the flesh in his hand he had been feasting on like bountiful fruit and before I could stop him his fingers found the little bundle of nerves that was like the ignition switch to my internal bomb.

  “You can and… you will.” He said before setting me off again. I tried to bolt upright but his hold on me didn’t waver. My middle lifted and collapsed back in on itself as I had no other option than to ride the waves again and again until I felt drained. I felt my arms being freed but I had no energy to move them from where Draven had set them. With my eyes still closed and my body still shaking from the aftermath of Draven’s power over me, I felt the bed dip.

  “Look at me Keira!” I knew why he wanted me to, but something in me snapped. I couldn’t do it knowing what he would see. I shook my head to indicate my answer but he wasn’t having it. I felt his solid presence waiting at my core for its chance at entry but he waited.

  “Keira!” He said my name in warning, one I wouldn’t listen to. I don’t know what had happened but after my release I felt ripped wide open and as a result the past came flood in. I saw Draven like this only it wasn’t me underneath him…it was her. I was so scared to open my eyes and see the look of a man that wanted not what was beneath him. If I opened my eyes he would see that fear trickle out of me in the form of tears.

  “Look at this quivering beauty before me. This satin skin cast like a spell by the firelight. This golden mane like a cape of glory…” His hands moved with his voice, so gentle, as his words left trails in the path he followed. Hands over my stomach splayed out covering the whole space under my breasts and he leaned down to take in the scent of my hair.

  “The smell of cotton flower, so natural you would not expect it to be so ingrained in your genetic makeup, but it is Keira, and that combined with the sweet musk of your recent release is testing my control…” He came closer still to my ear and bit the lobe hard enough to get a response.

  “I suggest you not test that control any longer, my Keira.” At this he bit down where my neck met my shoulder, eliciting a cry from me and my eyes flashed open in a surprise he counted on. At this second he plunged deep inside of me and the walls of my sex pulsed around him in another orgasm that milked him into not moving. He waited for the last flutter and started to drive into me with a force I had never felt before.

  This caused my orgasm to continue on in an endless ride of pleasure that I screamed over and over but never once did I take my eyes from Draven’s. I felt locked to him like never before and when I saw his eyes flash purple I knew he was near to losing himself in me.

  The sky behind him cracked and rumbled in the distance full of a thundering roar. A harder thrust lit the night with lightening in answer to his actions and the sound of rain falling in sheets to the mountain floor added to the intensity of this moment, that I wanted never to end.

  I felt myself building up once more and when I was so close to coming apart beneath him once again he saw it in my eyes as they clouded with intense sensations he growled before his entire body erupted into his demon form. His wings blocked out the storm outside and the air that was moved with them extinguished the flame on the wall making the power coming from Draven’s body the only driving force to provide light.

  He came hard, harder than I had ever witnessed before and my last thread snapped that had been holding on to my last orgasm. He reared up like one of Hell’s beasts and roared into the night. I felt his hands fist and he ripped the bedding by my sides to shreds as he pumped into me, riding his own wave. I felt myself rippling down his shaft that had no intention of leaving my body yet.

  The night grew still, with only the sounds of rain, the thunder in the distance from the passing storm and the sounds of two bodies gaining much needed air. The darkness didn’t seem to matter to either of us and Draven’s power seemed to pulsate with every breath he took until he calmed enough to let his other side fade away like the storm.

  “H…How?” I managed to find my voice and with that Draven found his smile. He leaned down still embedded deep within me and hovered inches above my face. He ran his fingers across my cooling forehead and then licked the pad of his thumb tasting the saltiness his actions put there. He groaned lightly before smoothing the rest of my damp hair back.

  “Don’t you believe in magic?” He asked and I don’t know why but his question brought a blush to my, already overheated face.

  “I…don’t know,” I answered honestly, making him raise an eyebrow at me, a feature of Draven that I was so used to I couldn’t help but smile.

  “That’s a beautiful sight on you, my lovely one.” He smiled back at me making my insides melt, insides he could still feel intimately.

  “You don’t strike me as a man that would hold much weight in magic, Draven.” I said causing him to frown before thinking about his answer.

  “I hold my weight in many things Keira, and these days, anything that will allow me to touch you. You belong to me Keira and only me…when will you accept this?” His question turned his answer into something so serious that it was like flipping a switch.

  “I’m sorry Draven, it doesn’t work like that.” I whispered feeling the words come out of me like lead. I didn’t want to say them but everything I believed in knew I had to be true to myself and speak them.

  “Then tell me how you think it works Keira, because I will need more than magic on my side to make you see the truth. Tell me Keira, what do you believe in?” Draven’s features had turned to granite but the hands that still caressed me could have belonged to someone else, they were that gentle.

  “You can’t have me without giving back, Draven and after what I have seen…I know that you don’t belong to me.” At this he let out a snarl that sounded back to being more beast than man. I stilled under him and his hands captured my wrists again but this time in solid restraint, more than passion. I struggled beneath him in a fruitless attempt at getting away but he was having none of it.

  “Be still and hear me!” He raised his voice and the shaking of my head stopped long enough to see the regret in his eyes.

  “You speak of what you have seen but not of what you have heard. Think back Keira and you will find my truth. I am yours and no one else’s! I did not insist upon using forbidden powers to get this moment with you…a moment to try and regain a trust that should never have been broken in the first place!” He was close to shaking by the end of this and I felt the tears slip down my cheeks, ones he watched until out of sight.

  “Let me go Draven.” I said feeling the emotions building up until they could no longer be contained.

  “You already know the answer to that one.” He said dryly.

  “And you already know why it is that trust was broken….YOU KNOW!” I screamed this last part as the emotions bubbled over and spilled out in a fiery overload. But instead of screaming back he took in my reactions and tried to find his answers silently.

  “Please let me go.” I whispered and he lay his forehead down on mine as if this would help his search but all he found were my indestructible walls that sealed everyone out.

  “I can’t.” He whispered back and before I could cry, his mouth took mine in a kiss that felt like the last. He caught my sobs and turned them to moans of an inner pleasure I could never escape from. He released me long enough to speak one last time before taking my body again.

  “And I will show you why.” He said and like his words, his actions rang true. He took me to a new place of divine bliss and this time when he found his euphoria, he did so screaming to the Heavens that he loved me.

  I found myself crying into his chest as he held me close, not understanding what this all meant? He held the back of my head to his body and cradled me like a frightened child, as I lost every last fight in me. I loved him and knew in this moment that as much I would try I would never live another day without loving him and the last words from Draven proved to be too much.

  “That is why Keira. Why I can never leave you…why I will never leave you.” I looked up at him through a veil of damp lashes and teary vision before his last word was said, cutting my insides like a blade he held to brand my bones with just one word…



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