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The Triple Goddess

Page 43

by Stephanie Hudson

  “I have to say, as a son of the mighty Lord below, I expected more from you and you would have gained more from my alliance as I promised.” Malphas said with an ease I was surprised at, coming from a man whose throat was situated in a meaty grip.

  “I have enough alliances,” Lucius said now in a bored tone.

  “Yes, but are any of those the alliance of Gods?”

  “Malphas you should have had your lackeys do better research, then you would know that I hold little faith in the Gods!” Lucius snarled the word like it was dirty and I flinched.

  “That is because you are not yet one.” At this Lucius laughed but there was nothing heart-warming about it.

  “And this Winter Solstice will not make you one!” Lucius spat out and at this point I thought it would have been real handy knowing what they were talking about…Supernatural Beings couldn’t become Gods…could they?

  “Don’t be so sure!” Malphas said and as if to prove his point further he raised one hand and rubbed his thumb and forefinger together ever so gently. Then when I saw the slightest blue spark come from his fingertips and with that the two guards who still had hold of him started to freeze. And when I say freeze I don’t mean by being still, I mean starting from their hands their skin started to glaze over as though liquid nitrogen had been injected into their bodies. It kept travelling up until it covered their bodies in the stuff and then in seconds it was taking over their shocked expressions.

  Once the two were fully transformed into ice sculptures that had skin like glass with a smoky cloud behind it, Malphas grabbed both the hands over his shoulders and crushed those that had kept him immobile into powdery red dust. I heard the two men screaming in agony without either of their mouths moving, which added to the haunting sound.

  I tried to get away from it all but Lucius held me closer to him and wrapped an arm diagonally across my chest to hold me still.

  “Your weak attempt at proving your point has had no effect on my decision. The girl is mine and the deal is off! Now go before I give you a demonstration of what real power looks like…one you will not soon forget!” This was the first time I had heard Lucius’ demonic voice and if I was trying to get away before now I was really panicking. It was like someone had taken all the voices people would most fear in the world and joined them all together to produce a horrifying symphony that would make you want to fling yourself out of a top floor window rather than facing its creator!

  Lucius, on feeling me struggling, leant down to my ear and softly said something only I could hear.

  “Ssshh little one, do not fear me for my anger is not directed at you.” On hearing the protective voice float into my senses I relaxed as his words took effect.

  “Ah, so I see you are still able to control her. That would have come in handy for my cause indeed but I can see you are not to be persuaded. Very well, I shall take my leave.” He got up in a swift action for someone who had been looking so casually at ease in his chair, that it shocked me.

  “You may keep your little pet for now Vampire, but soon the axial tilt of Earth will be perfect and then nothing will stop me from being powerful enough to take her, not you or your royal alliances.” This threat rumbled from him in a hoarse hiss and Lucius growled possessively at my back.

  “I will be seeing you soon my Chosen One!” Malphas promised before turning to leave. At this point the icy spell shattered and the two guards became whole again…with a little bit missing than before. Each one had lost a hand and were now cradling the unfinished limbs to their chests with the look of utter pain evident on their faces. Malphas stormed past the two and snarled the word ‘Useless’ at them before they followed with fear clear in their thoughts.

  No one moved or said a word until it became apparent that Malphas had done an Elvis and had left the building.

  “Well, that went well!” Said Pip with a smile. Adam rolled his eyes and groaned. Then I flinched in Lucius’ arms when Caspian crashed his fist into the table causing the sound of splitting wood to echo.

  “I say we kill the bastard!” Caspian roared and Liessa smiled at seeing her husband’s rage, so she started rubbing his thigh getting closer and closer to his obvious hard on. What was it that made sex and violence go hand in hand for men and from the looks of Liessa, some women?

  “No one can kill a President of Hell without first finding a replacement for his forty legions Caspian, and he must be of noble blood.” Lucius said as though he had given it some thought. Caspian seemed to calm slightly and Liessa sounded close to purring in his ear.

  “Liessa, take your husband and give him something to direct his frustrations on, I fear Keira’s cheeks will explode if you do so here!” Will explode? …they already were!

  “My pleasure,” Liessa said making her husband growl with a growing lust. As they both stood Caspian swiftly scooped Liessa up and slung her over his massive shoulder and Pip giggled. Liessa looked as red faced as me and just before leaving he bowed to Lucius still holding her in place with a firm hand on her curved behind, when she tried to move he slapped her there making her yelp.

  “Be still wench!” He said like the barbarian he looked but as they walked off I could see him caress lovingly where he had slapped.

  “Aww, they’re so cute!” Commented Pip before turning to straddle her own husband, ready to give him the same amount of attention.

  “Man, what is it with this place… do you guys put something in the water?” I said dryly, making Lucius laugh.

  “We’re just very sexual beings Keira and normally… we just take what we want!” Lucius whispered this last part in my ear and then bit my lobe as if to emphasise the point. My blush then turned scarlet and I looked over to Hakan as he was the only person in the room who wasn’t doing anything X-rated. I don’t know how he could stand it, seeing all these couples grinding against each other like animals without even a slight uncomfortable expression…if anything his expression never changed…EVER! I just could not figure that one out.

  “So, are you going to explain what just happened?” I said finally after not getting any indication of an explanation. I mean, as far as Lucius knew, then I was in the dark about what Malphas wanted with me and also about the bargain they had made. It was only thanks to Pip that I had any idea what was even going on!

  “Keira!” Lucius groaned in my ear, as though now was not the time, but to hell with that! I tried to turn round but he held me stiff.

  “I am not having this conversation with my back to you and you nibbling on my ear, which you shouldn’t be doing anyway!” I said in a huffed and over flustered way…man I sounded like a girly girl.

  “Fine, there you go little one.” He released his hold on me and I moved to the seat where Liessa and Caspian had been, with another huff.

  “And I wish everyone would stop with this ‘little one’ crap! You make me sound like a bloody Umper Lumper, and being 5’’3 is not that short, Pip’s shorter than me and she doesn’t get called anything patronising!” Ok, so as far as important rants go I knew this shouldn’t have been high on my list of priorities but it was really starting to get on my goat! (I am pretty sure that is a saying) I was really starting to get sick with all this macho bullshit that I kept getting sucked into.

  Lucius was trying to keep in his grin along with everyone else, all apart from Hakan that was, who I was beginning to think was a mute.

  “Consider it noted, woman of normal size.” Lucius said sarcastically, although his sarcasm clearly came with humour, one I tried to ignore but when Pip spoke I found myself laughing with the rest of them…again discounting Hakan.

  “I dressed up as an Umper Lumper once…do you remember Adam and you were Willy Wank…” Adam wouldn’t let her finish that sentence as his hand shot out to cover her mouth. He growled in her ear and then whispered something that made her blush. And wow, if it could make Pip blush, then I really didn’t want to think about what that could have been.

  “Ok, so back to more important issues,
like, what was that all about?” I asked again directing all my attention to the man with the answers. And I was curious as to how much truth would be in his answer.

  “Malphas is under a misconception of his power, that is all.” WHAT! That is all? Ok, so now I knew that Lucius was going to try and worm out of this one with telling me anything but that was so not going to happen!

  “That is all…oh no, that is bullshit, that’s what that is! You may want to keep me in the dark here Lucius but I kinda have this little rule about my life…I like to bloody well know what is happening in it!” I shouted making him raise an eyebrow at me.

  “Are you giving me an order, little Keira?” I found myself not caring about the strength in his observation but instead ignoring it completely.

  “You bet your ass, Vampire!” I was almost shaking now and didn’t care for the worried looks that Pip and Adam were sending my way.

  “Be careful Pet, you don’t want to go too far with me!” He warned but I was so beyond fearing him now it felt like arguing with a pig-headed friend.

  “Oh sod you and this macho bullshit!” That’s when I made my mistake, he snarled at me, showing his deadly Vampire side in the image of long fangs that gleamed with his anger.

  “I will show you macho bullshit!” He raged before he lunged for me. And in half a second I found myself hauled up like a prize kill on a hunt and in Liessa’s position, only on a different demon’s shoulder.

  “Put me down, you caveman!” I screamed but he just hauled me further up and kept my legs pinned with one unmovable arm.

  “Quieten down female or I will club you over the head first!” He sounded stern but I could also hear his smile in the threat. The rest of the room erupted into cheers of excitement as Lucius walked through a room full of his people. Was this what they classed as entertainment?

  I felt him sweep down and grab something from one of the chairs but I couldn’t see what it was because not once did he slow down.

  “Next you will be calling me Jane,” I commented dryly, having resolved myself to being carried like a dead pig.

  “So now I am Tarzan? Do I look like I am wearing a loin cloth to you?” He said laughing now as he was out of ear shot and making our way through a door that led out of the Great Hall. Of course this brought a vision of Lucius in that loin cloth and not only did the image fit with his behaviour, it would have also looked damn fine on him…damn him!

  “Not going to answer that one yea, or are you lingering on the image?” Cocky bastard!

  “Umff!” Ok, so it wasn’t the best come back but with an image like that my female brain couldn’t get past the man candy that had been dangled…Damn me!

  I would like to have seen where we were going but with my hair acting like a wavy curtain swaying from side to side there was no point even trying. Wherever he was taking me it wasn’t far and as soon as I felt the chill he put me down.

  “There you go,” he said, setting me on my feet and holding me until he was sure I was steady. I looked around and was surprised when I recognised it. Of course I couldn’t let Lucius know that so I asked,

  “Where are we?” I saw the moon was almost at its fullest and it cast a beautiful glow on the balcony I remember seeing in my vision, the one where he and Layla had spoken, the one where he had cast her out and cut her from his power for good. Well at least this place had good memories for me, I thought smugly.

  “This is what we call the ‘ruhigen Ort’, which means ‘Quiet place’ in German” I snorted a little.

  “Wow that’s original!” I said now being the one using sarcasm. He smiled at my comment and then shocked me by zooming so close to me I almost staggered back. God Vampires were fast! I didn’t even see him move, he kind of just appeared. He must have seen my shock ‘cause now he smirked making him look even more devious. Then before I could try and come back with a witty comment he whipped out a length of material that felt like velvet. It was the colour of a peacock and it felt like heaven against my skin.

  He had draped it over my bare arms and shoulders in a protective manner and his kindness had every smart mouth comment fleeing my head like wasps from a hive on fire.

  “Don’t want you getting paler, people will start thinking I broke the rules and made you one of my Vamps.” He said in his usual seductive tone that would have had ministers melting.

  “B…but…you can’t do that…I mean, I have been told…” He gave me a smile that caused little creases by his eyes making him look even more handsome and carefree.

  “So they say!” He teased…or did he?

  “So why did you bring me out here?” I needed to change the subject from one that didn’t include his fangs coming anywhere near my neck.

  “Because you were demanding the truth and it is easier to argue with a mortal out here without undermining my position, one you keep forgetting about.” He added a bit prickly.

  “Well, what can I say, apart from this mortal doesn’t really give a shit!” I said folding my arms across my chest.

  “Yes, I gathered that thank you. So elegantly put by the way.”

  “Screw you!” I shot back, feeling my blood start to boil again. What was it about this man that one minute had me wanting to throw myself at him, climb him like a cat to rub up against and the next, wanting to scratch his eyes out while I was up there?

  “And also very lady like, that Draven is a lucky man!” He snapped back at me making me lose the climbing stuff and cut right to beating the crap out of him with the potted conifer in the corner!

  “Arrg! You are so…so…”

  “So?” He said gesturing with his arms out that I should continue.


  “It’s not an insult when being called something that is commonly known and not minded”

  “I haven’t finished! You are a fool, a hypocrite, an asshole, a back stabbing bastard, a kidnapper , and…”

  “And?” He asked looking very unaffected by all my insults so I hit him where cocky men would really be knocked of their stride.

  “And a lousy kisser!” I added, changing his arrogant expression to one of shock. HA! But the next thing to happen didn’t really help in my mission to wound his pride.

  “Oh Yeah?!” He said getting up in my face, or at least if I was a foot taller it would have been, but even raising my head as far back as I needed, I still didn’t back down!

  “Yeah!” I shouted which is the second he tried to prove me wrong. He grabbed the top of my arms, pulled me roughly to him and took my lips as a prisoner of war. I tried to pull away but his hand fisted in my hair and he slanted his mouth until we fit perfectly. His mouth moved over mine in such a way that my attempts at trying to get free lessened. His kiss started to soften and he urged my lips into a response, one my traitorous body was yielding into.

  As soon as I opened up momentarily he was in and had full access that he wasn’t letting go of anytime soon. But as soon as his tongue met with mine the blinding light of the sun burst free like a supernova. We were somewhere on the other side of the world, in some exotic hideaway, that only the two of us were allowed to be a part of. I could feel the heat of the sun that I had not felt in so long and it didn’t only warm my shell, it warmed me to the core.

  I felt Lucius shaking with the thrill of it all and I realised why, this was his only opportunity to see the sun and to think of all the years that he had been denied was unimaginable. This was one of the reasons I couldn’t find it in myself to pull away, why I didn’t fight. Because to him, this moment was as rare as they come.

  After his lips left mine he just had enough time to raise his head in wonder and bask in the sun that danced along his beautiful face that looked so alive in the sunlight. He had his eyes closed and his head up like a starved man finding his salvation. It was only when the light started to fade like the sun setting in faster motion that he opened his eyes.

  “That is why I couldn’t let him have you!” He said leaning his forehead to mine in silent und
erstanding. For him his confession was a weight lifted but for me it was a grave awakening. For now everything had just fit into a place like a bloody puzzle painted with a grim picture of realisation. This was why Lucius had changed since the helicopter, since that first kiss he had slowly, everyday started to change his brutish ways with me and become more caring, more understanding and even at times reasonable. And all this time I had wanted to believe the reasons for his change were the humanity coming back to his dark soul…but that wasn’t the case.

  I was just being used…again.

  “So that is the only reason. You make me sick!” I shouted and burst from his hold trying to get far enough away from him. I turned my back to him and clutched at one of the giant gargoyles so that he wouldn’t see the tears forming.

  “Keira...I…” I heard him behind me but I couldn’t look at him.

  “So let me get this straight. If what happens when we kiss didn’t happen then it would be a bloody free for all on who gets Keira! Of course the payment would have to be good enough!” I bit out this last part, hearing him practically wince.

  “No, it…it isn’t as you think. Yes, I am surprised you show me the sun, it has never happened before and I would be lying if I say that hasn’t changed things but …”

  “Enough! I don’t want to hear it! I don’t want to know how differently that would have gone in there tonight if kissing me hadn’t been so…insightful!” This time I turned to face him and the look on his face did surprise me, it wasn’t guilt but… hurt.

  “I had never planned to give the Chosen One to him. For fuck’s sake Keira, I may have my plans and I may use people to fulfil them, but I would never risk the life of the Chosen One! That was never in question and if I let him think otherwise it was for my own gain.” He was pleading with me but I wasn’t listening. I couldn’t listen anymore. I didn’t know what to believe…I just needed time. I needed to arrange these feelings of betrayal in my mind. First Karmun, then Draven and now Lucius…I just didn’t think I could take anymore.


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