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The Triple Goddess

Page 59

by Stephanie Hudson

  “GET OFF ME!” I screamed at him but this just extracted another grin from the evil bastard. He ran his fingers up my legs and I started to thrash about on the hard marble slab just to get away from him. Then, just before he reached the junction of my thighs he stopped and moved the bowl over me.

  “To the rebirth of the Horned God’s true Maiden!” He saluted the bowl in the air before he poured the blood over my lower stomach. I screamed as I felt the cold blood drip down my body as if alive and looked down in horror as I watched it congeal together in one big mass and then it made its way like a blood snake to my private place.

  “Aahhh!” I moaned as I felt it turn hot and then back to cold again before reaching the most sensitive parts of me. It slithered down my core and out of sight, until it then had me screaming as it entered me.

  “Get it out, get it out!” I screamed as I thrashed harder, feeling the pain it caused as the heavy metal rubbed and banged against my wrists and ankles. Malphas looked down at me with satisfaction and nodded once before leaving me to aimlessly fight against the intrusion to my body. I could feel it inside me twisting and turning as if trying to coat every last part of my channel. It didn’t hurt but was definitely uncomfortable.

  “If you relax, you might even enjoy it.” Malphas said over his shoulder at me before reaching the redhead, the one he called the full moon. I snarled at him but he ignored it and continued to let me fight against something I couldn’t see.

  “Now to complete the next stage of the ritual.” He said opening his arms wide and this was a cue for the crusty old hag to help him. She started by pulling his hood over his face and then she untied the flap of material across the front of his pants. There was also one on the other side and once she had untied the last one, she opened it so that it now displayed his naked manhood. His erection was at the ready and I inhaled sharply as I saw what he was about to do with it. The redhead had bent over another marble slab like mine that had symbols of the full moon carved into it. She lifted up the skirt of her dress and waited for Malphas to mount her from behind.

  The old woman stood by to hold the hands of the redhead over the side as they both start to chant in a different language. I tore my head away when I saw him thrust into her to the hilt and I heard her cry out in rapture. I closed my eyes tight to the sounds of rough sex, the slapping of skin on skin contact and the grunts and moans of pleasure being given and received. It became a background tempo to the feelings the moving below caused me and I tried to fight against the growing of my own desires but it was hard to ignore when it started to tingle and vibrate.

  “Let it go my child.” I heard Malphas say and I didn’t know whether it was to me or to the redhead he was pounding into. I felt the building in the base of my spine and then without warning, I cried out as the sensations became too much and the whole centre of me became a burning centre. That’s when the cries of release filled the Temple from the three of us. But my own waves soon turned from ones of wronged bliss to fires of regret and torture. The thing inside me started to pulsate and it gripped at my insides like thousands of little tentacles were growing and building something together with my flesh. Like it was trying to re-fuse pieces of me back together and I was screaming in the sheer agony of it.

  “Keira!” I heard Pip screaming my name in the bedlam of it all and I tried to wrench free from my restraints again just to get the thing out of me.

  “Keira, listen to my voice…hear me Keira…hear only my voice.” Pip said desperately and when I started to concentrate I felt the excruciating pain start to subside. I started to relax my body as I finally felt the thing inside me start to leave and I was left with a cooling sensation in its absence.

  I looked to the side, once I had finished panting and dragging the much needed air back into my lungs, to see Malphas had finished with the redhead and was now at the ready once again with knife in hand. I felt like both sobbing uncontrollably and getting a hold of his head and ramming it into the marble slab he just found his jollies on!

  “And now with my seed planted firmly in the womb of the Mother goddess it is time for the blood of the underworld’s Crone and the Maiden of the earth on this Winter Solstice so as the Horned God will finally be reborn and we will become one.” Malphas said before he pressed his palm to a raised part of the stone on the side of the marble block. I felt the stone beneath me start to shift and the part below my back started to concave down so that my back was suspended by the sides. I saw him bend down to my side of the marble but I couldn’t see beyond that.

  At this point Pip started going crazy on her chains, calling Malphas every name under the sun to try and get his attention. I gathered her plan was to try and stop what he was doing, which told me that what he had in mind was not a good sign.

  Finally she must have said something in a different language that hit home because he growled low in his throat before straightening up to his full height and storming over to where Pip hung.

  “That’s it asshole, come and use me as your sacrifice, I would just love to see my God come in here and kick your pale ass!” Pip spat at him when he reached her and when the bloody saliva hit him on the side of the cheek he lashed out and hit her hard in the stomach.

  “NO!” I yelled but it was no use. She pulled her legs up and was now swinging back and to in a protective ball and when I saw her shaking, my first thought was that she was crying in pain.

  But I was wrong.

  I shrieked out like everyone else did when the walls around us started to shake and the vibrations of the loudest roar I had ever heard echoed throughout the Temple making it rain with debris from the ceiling. I felt the sound through the floor and the marble even trembled under me. Everyone in the room staggered when the earthquake hit and great cracks travelled the length from the door of the far end, like forks from lightening.

  Then the booming noise of a creature so big, it must have been bigger than the Temple’s castle doors, because it caused a crashing sound of splitting wood to fill the vast space.

  I looked back to Pip and saw her still shaking but that was when I first realised it wasn’t from fear or pain. No, it was from gut wrenching laughter. She then stopped and looked Malphas straight in the eye and with a deep smirk, she said in calm tones,

  “Malphas, I don’t believe you have met my darling…” She waited until the doors at the end burst into splinters the size of your hand and stared lovingly at the beast roaring at its opening before continuing,

  “Abaddon, my husband!”

  Chapter 46

  Hell Breaks Loose…For Real

  After the doors were smashed open, the beast that entered the Temple was a house sized monster that was a breathing entity of pure untamed and uncontrollable rage. This creature was not just the stuff of nightmares, it was also the only being that the very Devil himself feared and finally seeing the beast himself, I could certainly understand why.

  Standing before the Temple was no longer the man I knew as calm and collected Adam but the frenzied Hell’s beast that no God could destroy. And right now he was trying to find the only person in the world that could control him and when he saw her hanging from a chain with blood dripping down her body…that was when the Heavens and Hell could hear the bloody curdling, ear splitting roar of maddening wrath being released.

  Abaddon was the size of a building and he resembled nothing I had ever seen before. His very skin seemed to be made from the bones of victims, as though he had been swallowing heads and the decayed skulls were showing through from the inside. He had no neck but his massive head was situated closer to his shoulders and was mainly made up from just a forehead and mouth. Twisted horns came from what looked like slits for nostrils as he has no nose to speak of. They reached up and outwards tipped blood red on grey bone and his mouth was a snarling mass of small fangs in rows down his throat. His high cheek bones touched his low forehead, which made his eyes into thin strips that could hardly be seen. His skin was like that of a rhino with massive lump
s underneath that were like moving souls trying to escape.

  He ran into the room and smashed his way to Pip causing a path of destruction on a monumental scale. Arms that reached the floor took out about forty soldiers with barely a movement and I felt the earth shudder beneath me with each immense step. I watched Malphas take stock of what was happening and he quickly used his power to run, jump and skid his way from the falling rubble to get out of the beast’s way. He was then at my side and freeing me from my chains.

  “Time to go!” He said lifting me and when I tried to struggle he threw me to the two women to hold me still. I felt the long dirty nails from the old witch cut into me and with a cry I tried to break free.

  “PIP, TAKE CARE OF HIM BEFORE HE DESTROYS EVERYTHING!” I heard Lucius’ voice shout amongst the devastation continuing on around me and then I saw Pip start whistling and waving her hands to get the beast’s attention.

  “Oi, sweetheart, get your big heinie over here!” As soon as he heard her, he dropped the pillar he had smashed free, that looked more like a baseball bat in his hand! He then crashed his way to her and I thought for a second she would get crushed by accident. However he stopped in time and it was the first time since being in here that he seemed to calm slightly.

  “Hey big guy,” Pip said softly and I couldn’t believe it when I heard a high pitched moan coming from him that sounded like pained happiness. It hurt my ears but I couldn’t tear my gaze away from the sight of him trying to nuzzle her so gently that all she was doing was swaying back and too on the chain. She must have made a sign of pain because then he roared, smashed his fisted claws into the solid floor that crumbled like pastry and ripped the pillar that held her chains from the floor like a twig.

  I screamed out, worried for her safety but there was no need. He had grabbed the chain, tugged it free, and was now pulling it from her body with as much care as a monster his size could accomplish. Once she was free he drooled on her before a massive tongue came out from the danger of his teeth and he licked her clean from blood. Soon she was dripping wet but amazingly he was purring like a fifty ton cat!

  “Ok, ok, I am here baby.” She cooed and I was gobsmacked that he seemed to understand her. He then pulled her close to his body and cradled her to him as he ran and smashed his way out of the Temple with his car sized shoulder, making the last of the walls supporting the roof start to cave in.

  “KEIRA!” I heard Draven scream my name at the sight of the Temple’s pillars coming crashing down but it was too late. Malphas hauled me to him and the redhead and the crone held onto his back as everything around us faded like it did that night on the balcony.

  “DRAVEN!” I screamed and was still screaming his name when we re-emerged in another room. I tried to pull away from Malphas but he grabbed me by the top of my arm and swung me round before pushing me back on to another stone altar.

  “NO! GET OFF ME…DRAVEN!” I shouted out until my voice was cracked and sore but I couldn’t stop. He had to hear me and even when I was backhanded by Malphas to keep quiet, I still carried on.

  “Gag her!” He snapped and the old hag came at me smiling. Malphas wrenched my hands up and I tried to fight him but he was too strong. I found myself being tied by all three of them and then a left over piece of rope was forced in my mouth and tied behind my head.

  “We don’t have long before they find us. Get the ritual started while I summon more of my legions here!” He barked out an order and I watched him walk over to a pool of water that ran down the centre of the room in a long rectangle. I took this opportunity to look around to see where we were this time.

  It looked like some long grand ballroom that had high ceilings which were all made from rust coloured bricks with glass panels at the top and they curved round slightly where they met the flat glass roof. Four massive chandeliers hung down in different sections of the room, each being made up from three tiers that were gradual wrought iron rings that cupped church pillar candles around each edge. The same style lamps were on the walls and the room glowed thanks to the reflection from all the glass above.

  The long room had arched church doors at each end and the altar, I was now once again tied to, was cast sideways on a raised dais acting like a large bridge over the pool running down the room. I looked to my left and saw two other altars like mine in a row so there were three all side by side. The two women stood next to their own altar and I noticed the different moon cycles carved into them. They then each dropped their clothes to pool around their feet and climbed on to lay down on their stone slabs. I shuddered at the sight of the old hag’s wrinkled body that was more fold after fold of baggy skin than that of a human body. It looked as though her skin was about to drop off her as if weighing too much to stay attached to her flesh and bones.

  I looked to my right and saw Malphas stood in the body of water and he was chanting in a demonic voice that made the chandeliers shake. Wax dripped down and made a sizzle when the red hot drips landed in the water. I then felt the air change as if a storm was coming. I saw the water start to mist and then it turned to dirty grey then to tar black. It started to bubble and pop as though boiling as it turned to thick black goo. As one more word was spoken out like a command, heads started to emerge from the liquid in every available space the pool had and soon there were over fifty tar covered figures rising from the pool like a new race of soldiers from the depths of Hell.

  I watched in horror as the black tar substance started to seep into their skin and morphed them into lava skinned men with smoothed rock masks and the same rock armoured plating covering all their vital body parts. Their faces were hidden under the cooling lava rock that was still steaming and it was as though the two halves the masks made up met in the middle and formed a large point like a tusk coming from the centre of their faces. The eyes were only seen as two points of fire and the rock around them glowed red as though flaming hot from contact.

  The new born soldiers to this world stepped out of the pool and as soon as the last ones left the black goo, the pool instantly turned back to pure water that splashed down in a little wave, like the whole thing had never happened. Each man was now stood to attention, waiting for their master to command them. Malphas left them to wait and walked back over to the three of us to continue with his plans.

  I knew what it would mean for the world if he completed the ritual and I knew that deep down I must do anything I could to stop that from happening. I was suddenly transported back to my past and I was once again sat in my basement cell looking at my only option to put an end to a situation that could result in my family’s death in the form of a mirror. My reflection said it all as my tears fell onto the glass and I found myself gripping it tighter, waiting to hear the devil of my dreams. The sound of him entering the house was a starter gun firing and I dug the sharp edge into my flesh. I did it then and I can do it now. And like then…I had no other choice.

  I frantically started rubbing my head and cheek on the side of the stone to get the gag to loosen and when it finally slipped out of my mouth I was thankful for the old woman’s obvious arthritic bent fingers that did a lousy job in tying the knot at the back of my head. I spat the rope to one side and quickly got to work with my plan.

  “Hey, asshole!” I called out trying to get his attention. I knew he was carrying a blade on him, so if I could somehow manage to get him over here close enough, maybe if I made him seething mad, then I could get him here to then thrust myself against it. I didn’t know if it would work but I gathered the only reason he hadn’t yet killed me was that he needed me alive.

  He turned round and sneered at me and I knew I was going to have to try harder. I lifted myself up to test how much leeway I had and I found, thankfully, I wasn’t tied down as tightly as before.

  “Hey limp dick! I am talking to you!” I said hoping even Demons got pissy about the insinuation of a small penis. And from the looks of things I had hit my mark.

  “Yeah, I saw you trying to give it to that slut bag but I was
surprised she could even feel it with it being so small! Hey, are you sure this ritual is even going to work…’cause, I don’t think your packing enough!” Oh shit, yeah, that did it. He looked barking mad now and stormed his way over to me. I watched as he pulled something strapped to the side of his leg and I didn’t notice it before as it was black and camouflaged. I thought it would have been another blade but as he got closer I could make out what I was seeing.

  “I know what you are trying to do and it won’t work. But let me give you a little something to think about.” He held up something that looked like a twisted dagger only it was charred black and made from wood not steel. I could tell someone had this carved from a thick branch and then mounted to the tarnished silver handle.

  He held it up for me to see and his pale fingers looked like tissue paper against the smooth black wood.

  “Do you know what this is?” He asked me and I didn’t need to answer as my face said it all. Now he was the one smiling.

  “This was made from the rubble left from a burning tree. I must say, he did do a very good job destroying the only substance strong enough to kill a Vampire King” I gasped as realisation hit.

  “That was made from the tree Judas hung himself on?” I asked already knowing the truth. I remembered Draven telling me the story of how the only thing that could truly kill Lucius was being pierced in the heart by wood from the very tree he was tortured on.

  “Ah, now this has certainly got your attention. I knew that night I came to Lucius’ stronghold on the lake, of his affection for you but what I did not count on was your own affection for him. The way you drew comfort in his touch was a nice surprise and it means I will take even greater pleasure seeing your pain when I plunge this deep into his heart. I will be a God standing over his rotting corpse and you will be at my side as my Goddess.”


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