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Giant Series 01 - Inherit the Stars

Page 25

by Inherit the Stars [lit]

  discussing the latest news on the Ganymean field drive, while

  behind them another circle was debating the likelihood of a world

  government being established within twenty years. Danchekker seemed

  to have been unduly quiet and withdrawn for most of the evening.

  "When you think about ft, Vic, this could develop into the ulti

  mate weapon in interplanetary warfare," one of the physicists was

  saying. "Based on the same principles as the ship's drive, but a

  lot more powerful and producing a far more intense and localized

  effect. It would generate a black hole that would persist, even

  after the generator that made it had fallen into it. Just think-an

  artificially produced black hole. All you'd have to do is mount the

  device in a suitable missile and fire it at any planet you took a

  dislike to. It would fall to the center and consume the whole

  planet- and there'd be no way to stop it."

  Hunt looked intrigued. "You mean it could work?"

  "The theory says so."

  "Christ, how long would it take-to wipe out a planet?"

  "We don't know yet; we're still working on that bit. But there's

  more to it than that. There's no reason why you shouldn't be able

  to put out a star using the same method. Think about that as a

  weapon-one black-hole bomb could destroy a whole solar system. It

  makes nucleonic weapons look like kiddie toys."

  Hunt started to reply, but a voice from the center of the room cut

  him off, rising to make itself heard above the buzz of

  conversation. It belonged to the commander of Pithead Base, special

  guest at the dinner.

  "Attention, please, everybody," he called. "Your attention for a

  moment, please." The noise died as all faces turned toward him. He

  looked around until satisfied that everyone was paying attention.

  "You have invited me here tonight to join you in celebrating the

  successful conclusion of what has probably been one of the most

  challenging, the most astounding, and the most rewarding endeavors

  that you are ever likely to be involved in. You have had

  difficulties, contradictions, and disagreements to contend with,

  but all that is now in the past. The task is done. My

  congratulations." He glanced toward the clock above the bar. "It is

  midnight-a suitable time, I think, to propose a toast to the being

  that started the whole thing off, wherever he may be." He raised

  his glass. "To Charlie."

  "To Charlie," came back the chorus.


  A voice boomed from the back of the room. It sounded firm and

  decisive. Everybody turned to look at Danchekker in surprise.

  "No," the professor repeated. "We can't drink to that just yet."

  There was no suggestion of hesitation or apology in his manner.

  Clearly his action was reasoned and calculated.

  "What's the problem, Chris?" Hunt asked, moving forward away from

  the bar.

  "I'm afraid that's not the end of it."

  "How do you mean?"

  "The whole Charlie business- There is more to it-more than I have

  chosen to mention to anybody, because I have no proof. However,

  there is a further implication in all that has been deduced-one

  which is even more difficult to accept than even the revelations of

  the past few weeks."

  The festive atmosphere had vanished. Suddenly they were in business

  again. Danchekker walked slowly toward the center of the room and

  stopped with his hands resting on the back of one of the chairs. He

  gazed at the table for a moment, then drew a deep breath and looked


  "The problem with Charlie, and the rest of the Lunarians, that has

  not been touched upon is this: quite simply, they were too human."

  Puzzled looks appeared here and there. Somebody turned to his

  neighbor and shrugged. They all looked back at Danchekker in


  "Let us recapitulate for a moment some of the fundamental

  principles of evolution," he said. "How do different animal species

  arise? Well, we know that variations of a given species arise from

  mutations caused by various agencies. It follows from elementary

  genetics that in a freely mixing and interbreeding population, any

  new characteristic will tend to be diluted, and will disappear

  within relatively few generations. However"-the professor's tone

  became deadly serious-"when sections of the population become

  reproductively isolated from one another-for example, by

  geegraphical separation, by segregation of behavior patterns, or by

  seasonal differences, say, in mating times-dilution through

  interbreeding will be prevented. When a new characteristic appears

  within an isolated group, it will be confined to and reinforced

  within that group; thus, generation by generation, the group will

  diverge from the other group or groups from which it has been

  isolated. Finally a new species will establish itself. This

  principle is fundamental to the whole idea of evolution: Given

  isolation, divergence will occur. The origins of all species on

  Earth can be

  traced back to the existence at some time of some mechanism or

  other of isolation between variations within a single species. The

  animal life peculiar to Australia and South America, for instance,

  demonstrates how rapidly divergence takes effect even when

  isolation has existed only for a short time.

  "Now we seem to be satisfied that for the best part of twenty-five

  million years, two groups of terrestrial animals-one on Earth, the

  other on Minerva-were left to evolve in complete isolation. As a

  scientist who accepts fully the validity of the principle I have

  just outlined, I have no hesitation in saying that divergence

  between these two groups must have taken place. That, of course,

  applies equally to the primate lines that were represented on both


  He stopped and stood looking from one to the other of his

  colleagues, giving them time to think and waiting for a reaction.

  The reaction came from the far end of the room.

  "Yes, now I see what you're saying," somebody said. "But why

  speculate? What's the point in saying they should have diverged,

  when it's clear that they didn't?"

  Danchekker beamed and showed his teeth. "What makes you say they

  didn't?" he challenged.

  The questioner raised his arms in appeal. "What my two eyes tell

  me-I can see they didn't."

  "What do you see?"

  "I see humans. I see Lunarians. They're the same. So, they didn't


  "Didn't they?" Danchekker's voice cut the air like a whiplash. "Or

  are you making the same unconscious assumption that everyone else

  has made? Let me go over the facts once again, purely from an

  objective point of view. I'll simply list the things we observe and

  make no assumptions, conscious or otherwise, about how they fit in

  with what we think we already know.

  "First: The two populations were isolated. Fact.

  "Second: Today, twenty-five million years later, we observe two

  sets of individuals, ourselves and the Lunarians. Fact.

  "Third: We and th
e Lunarians are identical. Fact.

  "Now, if we accept the principle that divergence must have

  occurred, what must we conclude? Ask yourselves- If confronted by

  those facts and nothing else, what would any scientist deduce?"

  Danchekker stood facing them, pursing his lips and rocking

  back and forth on his heels. Silence enveloped the room, broken

  after a few seconds by his whistling quietly and tunelessly to


  "Christ . . . !" The exclamation came from Hunt. He stood gaping at

  the professor in undisguised disbelief. "They couldn't have been

  isolated from each other," he managed at last in a slow, halting

  voice. "They must both be from the same. . ." The words trailed


  Danchekker nodded with evident satisfaction. "Vic's seen what I am

  saying," he informed the group. "You see, the only logical

  conclusion that can be drawn from the statements I have just

  enumerated is this: If two identical forms are observed today, they

  must both come from the same isolated group. In other words, if two

  lines were isolated and branched apart, both forms must lie on the

  same branch!"

  "How can you say that, Chris?" someone insisted. "We know they came

  from different branches."

  "What do you know?" Danchekker whispered.

  "Well, I know that the Lunarians came from the branch that was

  isolated on Minerva. . ."


  ". . . And I know that man comes from the branch that was isolated

  on Earth."


  The question echoed sharply around the walls like a pistol shot.

  "Well " The speaker made a gesture of helplessness. "How do I

  answer a question like that? It. . . it's obvious."

  "Precisely!" Danchekker showed his teeth again. "You assume it-just

  as everybody else does! That's part of the conditioning you've

  grown up with. It has been assumed all through the history of the

  human race, and naturally so-there has never been any reason to

  suppose otherwise." Danchekker straightened up and regarded the

  room with an unblinking stare. "Now perhaps you see the point of

  all this. I am stating that, on the evidence we have just examined,

  the human race did not evolve on Earth at all. It evolved on


  "Oh, Chris, really. . ."

  "This is getting ridiculous. .

  Danchekker hammered on relentlessly: "Because, if we accept that

  divergence must have occurred, then both we and the Lu-

  narians must have evolved in the same place, and we already know

  that they evolved on Minerva!"

  A murmur of excitement mixed with protest ran around the room.

  "I am stating that Charlie is not just a distantly related cousin

  of man-he is our direct ancestor!" Danchekker did not wait for

  comment but pressed on in the same insistent tone: "And I believe

  that I can give you an explanation of our own origins which is

  fully consistent with these deductions." An abrupt silence fell

  upon the room. Danchekker regarded his colleagues for a few

  seconds. When he spoke again, his voice had fallen to a calmer and

  more objective note.

  "From Charlie's account of his last days, we know that some

  Lunarians were left alive on the Moon after the fighting died down.

  Charlie himself was one of them. He did not survive for long, but

  we can guess that there were others-desperate groups such as the

  ones he described-scattered across that Lunar surface. Many would

  have perished in the meteorite storm on Farside, but some, like

  Charlie's group, were on Nearside when Minerva exploded and were

  spared the worst of the bombardment. Even a long time later, when

  the Moon finally stabilized in orbit around Earth, a handful of

  survivors remained who gazed up at the new world that hung in their

  sky. Presumably some of their ships were still usable-perhaps just

  one, or two, or a few. There was only one way out. Their world had

  ceased to exist, so they took the only path open to them and set

  off on a last, desperate attempt to reach the surface of Earth.

  There could be no way back-there was no place to go back to.

  "So we must conclude that their attempt succeeded. Precisely what

  events followed their emergence out into the savagery of the Ice

  Age we will probably never know for sure. But we can guess that for

  generations they hung on the very edge of extinction. Their

  knowledge and skills would have been lost. Gradually they reverted

  to barbarism, and for forty thousand years were lost in the midst

  of the general struggle for survival. But survive they did. Not

  only did they survive, they consolidated, spread, and flourished.

  Today their descendants dominate the Earth just as they dominated

  Minerva-you, I, and the rest of the human race."

  A long silence ensued before anybody spoke. When somebody did, the

  tone was solemn. "Chris, assuming for now that every-

  thing was like you've said, a point stifi bothers me: If we and the

  Lunarians both came from the Minervan line, what happened to the

  other line? Where did the branch that was developing on Earth go?"

  "Good question." Danchekker nodded approval. "We know from the

  fossil record on Earth that during the period that came after the

  visits of the Ganymeans several developments in the general human

  direction took place. We can trace this record quite clearly right

  up to the time in question, fifty thousand years ago. By that time

  the most advanced stage reached on Earth was that represented by

  Neanderthal man. Now, the Neanderthals have always been something

  of a riddle. They were hardy, tough, and superior in intelligence

  to anything prior to them or coexisting with them. They seemed well

  adapted to survive the competition of the Ice Age and should, one

  would think, have attained a dominant position in the era that was

  to follow. But that did not happen. Strangely, almost mysteriously,

  they died out abruptly between forty and fifty thousand years ago.

  Apparently they were unable to compete effectively against a new

  and far more advanced type of man, whose sudden appearance, as if

  from nowhere, has always been another of the unsolved riddles of


  Homo sapiens-us!"

  Danchekker read the expressions on the faces before him and nodded

  slowly to confirm their thoughts.

  "Now, of course, we see why this was so. He did indeed appear out

  of nowhere. We see why there is no clear fossil record in the soil

  of Earth to link Homo sapiens back to the chain of earlier

  terrestrial man-apes: He did not evolve there. And we see what it

  was that so ruthlessly and so totally overwhelmed the Neanderthals.

  How could they hope to compete against an advanced race, weaned on

  the warrior cult of Minerva?"

  Danchekker paused and allowed his gaze to sweep slowly around the

  circle of faces. Everybody seemed to be suffering from mental


  "As I have said, all this follows purely as a chain of reasoning

  from the observations with which I began. I can offer no evidence

  to support it.
I am convinced, however, that such evidence does

  exist. Somewhere on Earth the remains of the Lunarian spacecraft

  that made that last journey from Luna must still exist, possibly

  buried beneath the mud of a seabed, possibly under the sands of

  one of the desert regions. There must exist, on Earth, pieces of

  equipment and artifacts brought by the tiny handful who represented

  the remnant of the Lunarian civilization. Where on Earth, is

  anyone's guess. Personally, I would suggest as the most likely

  areas the Middle East, the eastern Mediterranean, or the eastern

  regions of North Africa. But one day proof that what I have said is

  true will be forthcoming. This I predict with every confidence."

  The professor walked around to the table and poured a glass of

  Coke. The silence of the room slowly dissolved into a rising tide

  of voices. One by one, the statues that had been listening returned

  to life. Danchekker took a long drink and stood in silence for a

  while, contemplating his glass. Then he turned to face the room


  "Suddenly lots of things that we have always simply taken for

  granted start falling into place." Attention centralized on him

  once again. "Have you ever stopped to think what it is that makes

  man so different from all the other animals on Earth? I know that

  we have larger brains, more-versatile hands, and so forth; what I

  am referring to is something else. Most animals, when in a hopeless

  situation will resign themselves to fate and perish in ignominy.

  Man, on the other hand, does not know how to give in. He is capable

  of summoning up reserves of stubbornness and resilience that are

  without parallel on his planet. He is able to attack anything that

  threatens his survival, with an aggressiveness the like of which

  the Earth has never seen otherwise. It is this that has enabled him

  to sweep all before him, made him lord of all the beasts, helped

  him tame the winds, the rivers, the tides, and even the power of

  the Sun itself. This stubbornness has conquered the oceans, the

  skies, and the challenges of space, and at times has resulted in

  some of the most violent and bloodstained periods in his history.

  But without this side to his nature, man would be as helpless as

  the cattle in the field."

  Danchekker scanned the faces challengingly. "Well, where did it

  come from? It seems out of character with the sedate and easygoing


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