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Brick House: Blue Collar Wolves #2 (Mating Season Collection)

Page 4

by Ronin Winters

  He sat, legs splayed and the bearing of a man getting everything he wanted. He crooked a finger at her. “Come straddle me. I want those luscious breasts in my mouth as you ride me.”

  House was sitting the same way he would at the desk in the office as he was messing with her about something, and for the first time since this began, it hit her why this was happening.

  Friends. These guys made her laugh and stood by her and watched movies with her and worked with her son when he wanted to build an engine as a science project and a thousand and one other experiences. These two men had become a part of her life that she had never asked for, and now could not do without.

  A bubble of joy rose inside her, a desire to play a little, now that the first wave of desire was sated. She put her hand on her hip and cocked her head to the side. “I’m expected to do all the work? Don’t think I didn’t notice your zipper isn’t undone yet.”

  His face went blank for a moment, but then a wide grin grew over his face. He settled deeper in the chair, spreading his knees. “Come on, Mel. You know I’m no good on my own. You do everything so much better.”

  Damn that smirk. It made him too pretty by half. She gave a long-suffering sigh. “You’re lucky you have me to take care of you.”

  “Oh, I know you’re going to be taking care of me real good.”

  She kneeled before him, and a curl of feminine power twisted inside her as House’s pupils blew wide, his breathing quickening just having her before him.

  She ran her hands from his knees over his jean clad thighs, until she reached the zipper. Her hands pushed over the hard ridge, teasing him before slowly grabbing the tab and pulling the zipper down, teeth releasing and letting her see, inch by mouthwatering inch, what lay underneath the denim.

  He sprung free, hard and long and so damn thick that it would be impossible not to hit her g-spot while he was fucking her. Part of her wanted to play and explore, but she was tired and a bit sore and was eager to feel House inside her.

  Playing was for another day. Today she just wanted to ride.

  She settled over him, her long legs anchoring on either side of his. But before she could do anything else he leaned up and kissed her and one hand came up between her legs.

  As he kissed her his fingers moved down, using light, teasing strokes over her pussy lips. Using quick flicks to push inside her, just the tiniest bit, before removing his fingers and using them to circle her once more.

  Groaning in frustration she tried to move her hips down hard. With a small bite to her bottom lip he signaled that she was to stay still.


  “Need to make sure your wet. Don’t want to hurt you.”

  “I’m only hurting because you’re not inside me,” she breathed. “Don’t tease.”

  He licked his lips, swallowing hard though keeping his voice light. “Never let it be said I don’t obey. Push me into that pretty pussy.”

  There was nothing she wanted more. Mel lifted herself over him and pushed down. He felt so good, good and warm and just like he belonged there.

  She didn’t want any warm-up. She wanted hard and fast and she wanted now.

  True to his word, as soon as she began moving House’s mouth fastened on a breast, teasing not only her nipple but every inch of the surrounding plump flesh. His hands were at her hips to help her ride him.

  She experienced every ridge, every firm inch of him gliding within her. She twisted her hips, directing him to hit that spot inside which lit nerve endings within her.

  He released her breast and brought his mouth to nuzzle her ear. “Mel, Mel,” he chanted, his breath hot and damp against her skin, his breathing deeper, quicker, with every movement of her hips. “You gotta come, because I can’t hold back much longer.”

  “Play with me. Help me.” He groaned even as his thumb flicked over her clit. It was a playful pressure, and Mel ground her pussy into his hand. “Harder. Please don’t tease.”

  And then the pressure was perfect, and she moved hard on him, and he was pushing up into her in desperate strokes, and for the third time of the night she was tightening, tightening, tightening, and hard pleasure rushed through her body as her orgasm hit.

  And through the haze she heard House groan one final time as hot come flooded her again, and now both House and Brick were part of her in a way that could never be undone.

  Chapter Five


  WAKING UP HALF-OFF-THE-BED was something that hadn’t happened in years, but as Mel opened her eyes, it took only a moment to orient herself and figure out why she had the crick in her neck and was staring at an upside down dresser.

  Warm fingers were on her ankle and brushing the side of her stomach. Touches that belonged to two…separate…men.

  It wasn’t – panic. That wasn’t the word to describe the emotion coursing through her as the first rays of sun filtered through the window. This was gentler, kinder and more understanding. Dammit, she did not regret one solitary moment of last night. Not one touch. Not one sigh. In fact, part of her wanted nothing more than to switch her position enough to curl between the two of them and wake them enough to start the fireworks over again.

  The bigger part kindly suggested that she take herself away from temptation and think things through a bit. Last night had been about escaping reality for awhile and letting tomorrow be another day, but now tomorrow was today. Continuing to indulge without coming to some sort of decision on matters was not what a woman with a child could responsibly do.

  Time to leave.

  Whether it was the will of the fates or she was just that good and had worn their asses out, she lucked out as neither stirred as she pulled away, removing her body from the bed where she had spent the last twelve hours getting the best orgasms of her life.

  No underwear, no bra, jeans were over there, and where the hell did her shirt go? Did those wolves disintegrate her clothes somehow as they undressed her? A small creak from the bed had her go still, but whoever it was settled without waking.

  That was that. Mel needed out of here…now.

  Her shoes were by the door, and House’s jacket was overlarge yet fitted enough that she could wear it without a shirt underneath and still not be picked up by the cops. Grabbing her purse – thankfully next to the shoes – she was out of the house.

  The only flaw in her great escape was the fact she didn’t have a car, which was a pretty big flaw. Calling her parents for a ride was out of the question, and yuck to explaining this to anyone, anyone but…

  An explosive sigh escaped Mel, but what else could she do? There really was no other choice. She grabbed the cell from her purse.

  The phone rang a few times, and before Mel could hang up because she refused to interrupt someone else’s sexy times, Bella’s out-of-breath “Yeah?” came over the line.

  Yep, Bella had been in the middle of something. Mel would place cash money on it. Still, the phone had been answered, and a ride was still needed. “Bella, I need a ride. I’m walking half-naked down Miller’s Road after leaving Brick and House, and I don’t have my car.”

  Several seconds went by, and just as Mel was about to speak again, an agitated voice came through the cell phone’s speakers. “Wait…What?!”

  Bella’s shriek had Mel pulling away the cell phone from her ear. When a few moments passed and Bella said nothing else, Mel spoke again. “I said…I’m walking on Millers Road with a jacket over no shirt and two wolves who will be up soon and I guarantee will not be happy I’m not still in bed with them. Can you come and get me?”


  “SO…WAS IT good?”

  Mel stirred her coffee, letting the extra amounts of sugar she added absorb into the dark, fragrant liquid. Caffeine and sugar, the fuel that kept her going. “Why am I not surprised that’s your first question…and it was fantastic.”

  “Because we know each other well, and I knew it would be.” Bella took a drink of her own black coffee, which had Mel wrinkling her nose as the
unadorned bitterness wafted past. “I can tell you Iron was worth the wait.”

  “No, don’t tell me about Iron. The guy’s an almost-brother, and I do not want that info. I’m glad you’re happy, and we leave it at that.” It was early enough that the diner was only half-full, and she and Bella were well away from anyone else. It helped, considering what they were talking about. Not something she wanted broadcast to random people. “Congratulations on the love bite.”

  A radiant smile formed on Bella’s face as she raised her hand and covered the still red wound on her neck, more healed than a bite only a few hours old should be. “It’s everything I ever wanted.”

  “Are things…different, or something? How does it feel?”

  “You mean now that I can turn into a wolf and bite faces off?” Bella made a snarly face which quickly morphed into a giggle. It was something they talked about often, what it would be like when Bella finally became Iron’s mate. Bella’s smile withdrew as her face became contemplative. “I’m different. I wasn’t sure I would be, which sounds funny, considering I’m a werewolf, but I thought the only change would be it would I could turn into a canine. But it’s more. Even in the short time I’ve been like this, my perceptions have changed. I don’t think exactly the same. You know those gut feelings you get, and it doesn’t matter if it makes sense or not, you got to go with them? That’s being a wolf, I think. You are a lot more attuned to those feelings. It’s not to say you don’t have a rational mind or can’t think, but your instincts become more important.”

  Bella had put into words what Mel had seen all her life. Wolves weren’t human. Considering her best friends had all been wolves save one, she had no issue with that, but it was nice to hear Bella confirming the fact. “Are you regretting it now?”

  It was the most exaggerated eye-roll Mel had ever seen, and Bella had probably given herself a small headache with the motion. “I’m Iron’s woman now, and more importantly, I can throw him down and have my way with him any time I choose. So of course I don’t regret it.”

  “I’m glad you have priorities.”

  “Damn straight. Speaking of becoming a werewolf, I hope they bring me my damn bacon soon.” The word bacon had Mel’s stomach rumbling, and Bella offered a sly smile. “Though the need for bacon probably has more to do with last night’s activities – for both of us.”

  “Shush.” Mel waved her hand in front of Bella’s nose, causing Bella to make a smack for it. “I’m not giving you any details, so don’t even ask.”

  “My college experimentation phase didn’t include threesomes, so this is information I need to know.”


  Bella threw up her hands in surrender. “Fine, fine. I’ll stick to porn for details on who sticks what where. Can you at least tell me what started you down this path of licentiousness?”

  “You and your college words.” Coffee was great, but coffee was not a substitute for liquor, and this conversation was much better suited to the bar. “John appeared yesterday.”

  Bella’s eyes went hard and dark, and damned if they weren’t glowing, just a bit. “The hell you say. Why the hell was he around you? Danny okay?”

  “Danny’s fine. It never touched him. And dear John wanted me to give him money. Threatened Danny if I didn’t.”


  “And…House took care of things, and Brick stayed with me and Danny until House was done.”

  Bella’s head tiled, her eyes narrowing as she took in everything Mel said…and everything Mel did not say. “Which means John is no longer a threat then.”

  It was a combination of question and statement, and Mel didn’t bother answering.

  The food came then, greasy spoon portions of bacon, eggs, and pancakes, and after getting drinks refilled and assuring their waitress they were good, the two women tucked into their orders.

  It took about five bites and another cup of coffee before Bella started up the conversation again. “What do you think last night was? A one-off? Friends occasionally fucking? Mating one of them…mating both of them?”

  Mating both. The words rumbled through her mind, settling more comfortably maybe then they would have this time yesterday. “That’s impossible. Wolves only have one mate.”

  Bella shrugged, scooping up some egg. “There are a couple stories about two wolves with the same mate. It’s pretty rare, but I do remember Iron talking about his grandfather’s best friends both having the same true mate, so it happens.”

  It sometimes flittered through Mel’s thoughts that she might be the true mate of one of them. It was the explanation that made the most sense, but she always dismissed it, because – two of them. There would be no reason for the one who wasn’t her mate to act so nice for her. Instead she kept repeating a litany of excuses though they never felt right, like a jigsaw piece that wouldn’t fit no matter how much you pushed.

  If she was the true mate with both of them though? “Oh my God.”

  “Did the clouds just part for you? You really never considered that?” Bella’s voice was so matter-of-fact, Mel had to push hard against the urge to smack her friend on the shoulder.

  However, Mel did raise her head back up to give her friend the evil eye. “Why would I have thought that? I never heard about it before today. In fact, before today, what I could have told you with no hesitation is wolves don’t like to share, especially when it comes to their mates. They’re possessive bastards.”

  “True, they are. You are so screwed considering you’ll be dealing with two of them. You’ll be lucky if they let you leave the house, though as long as they keep you busy screwing…” Mel ducked the piece of toast that had been lobbed at her, giving a shit eating grin as she did so and putting another piece of bacon in her mouth.

  Both. Both both both. “This is unreal. Yesterday I was happy in having an occasional fantasy involving the two of them, and now today I’m contemplating the possibility that I’m the true mate of two wolves who I–”

  Fuuuucccck. The L word did not just pop into her head while discussing this crazy situation. It did not. No one could force her to admit that it did.

  Last night was supposed to be a tension release, the ultimate example of seizing the moment. How did it become a love-and-true-mates talk?

  “Want to finish that sentence? This is me you’re talking to, Mel, your best friend since six years old. I can see what’s going on in that brain of yours.” Bella’s mouth was pursed, the same way it always got when she got an idea in her head she would not let go. This time, that dogged determination was focused solely on Mel, and since Mel still needed a ride home, she couldn’t run away and escape it. “What’s the problem? The two men thing? The pack thing? The love thing.”

  “I can see why you’re sarcastic, since all of those are such small deals.”

  Bella shrugged. “If you think about it, they are. I already told you, being a werewolf is no big deal, and let’s be honest – you already are pack in almost all ways. Your whole life revolves around the wolves, so there will be no change there. It’s not like you’re going to need to uproot your life.”

  “I know that, and I wouldn’t change my life.” The light through the windows was getting brighter, a few more people meandering in. It was still comfortable, but the signs were there that rush would be starting soon.

  Brick and House would be up now. Were they mad? Did they assume she was going to run?

  “Part of me is…rebelling. I know I’m as good as pack, but I’m not pack. I’m not a slave to the wolf like the guys are, I’m not beholden to urges demanding to be filled. Once I mated and was turned, that’s it, and I don’t plan on leaving, but to have that option taken away from me – it doesn’t sit well.”

  “I thought you were over this escape mentality.”

  Bella sounded so disappointed that Mel’s cringe was instantaneous and unavoidable. “Bella, I’ve got nothing but obligations on me, in a way you don’t know yet. Please don’t hold it against me that I get a l
ittle antsy while discussing the only freedom I have possibly going away. It’s not like I knee-jerked away from this talk.”

  Bella drew in a deep breath, but nodded before grabbing her coffee. “Okay, you’re right. Divorce is not an option with a wolf, so I can understand. I’m lucky that I’ve never doubted what I felt for Iron for a moment. It made my decisions a lot easier. With that said – how do you feel about Brick and House?”

  “It was so gradual. I didn’t know it was possible to creep up on you.” Where were the fireworks, the blazing inferno that had always categorized her relationships before? That’s how she thought love was supposed to be, passionate and loud and eventually devolving into screaming matches and tempers blowing up.

  With Brick and House, it had never been anything like that. She enjoyed being with them, so different in their personalities – House with his energetic exuberance and Brick’s quiet stoicism. It brought her a contentment not even hanging with Bella could replicate. With them, she was at peace, whole within herself in a way nowhere else could produce. With them, she didn’t feel alone, didn’t feel like the weight of the world rested on her shoulders. They made her feel beautiful and desirable, but they also made her feel intelligent. They asked her opinions on a wide range of subjects, and took what she said into account when making decisions. They relied on her, but only in ways that built her up, not had her feeling like she’d sink under extra weight.

  What she felt for them was…quiet. It wasn’t huge rollercoaster swings of emotion, no butterflies beating winds into hurricanes in her stomach. With them, it was a firelit glow, a cozy warmth shielding her from the world.

  Yet, looking at it now, from her new view on this this side of their night together, it slammed down into her how desperately she needed that warmth, how fake those large, loud emotions were compared to it. Those other relationships were theatrics, while her hands enveloped with Brick’s and House’s was a sweet reality she would never get enough of.


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