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Lifeless Page 17

by Jennifer LaRocca

  My mouth hung open. “You were having an affair with my dad for two years.” Unbelievable. I had no idea it had been going on for that long.

  “Well, it wasn’t exactly two years—more like a year and a half. Am I proud of it? No, but I loved your father so much.” She sighed. “Hold on just a second and let me get that letter for you. I just ask one thing: please . . . please read it. It’s the one thing your father made me promise: to make sure you got his letter.” Tears ran down her cheeks. “Sorry,” she said, wiping them away. “Even after having months to prepare for his death, it’s still so hard to believe that he’s really gone.” She stood from the couch and left the room.

  I sat there trying to process what she had just told me. After all this time, I thought they were married and had gotten a divorce, but in reality, he had just left her. I couldn’t say I understood their situation, but even though I wasn’t happy that my dad left, I could understand why he wouldn’t want to be in a relationship with a woman he didn’t love. The question still remained as to why he didn’t fight to keep me, but instead stayed out of my life this entire time. I hoped that the letter he’d written had all the answers.

  Joan came back into the room with a white envelope in her hand. “Here you go. Just read it whenever you feel comfortable,” she suggested as she handed it to me. “Let me go ahead and show you to your room so you can get situated.” She gave me a sad smile as she turned and headed out of the room.

  I stood up from the couch with a heavy stomach, clenching the letter in my fingers. I knew that I wouldn’t be reading this letter until I was completely alone. I followed Joan up the stairs to one of her guest rooms. The walls were painted a light purple, and there was a queen-sized bed against the far wall with a matching night stand and dresser.

  “Make yourself at home,” she said softly as she grabbed the doorknob. “Come on down to the kitchen if you feel up to it, and I’ll make us some drinks.” She chuckled. “I have to say I think we both deserve one.” She smiled at me before she left the room, closing the door behind her.

  Okay, I’m not going to lie. I liked her. I didn’t want to like her, but I did. Damn it! Ugh!! I flung myself on bed and stared up at the ceiling. I couldn’t stay in this room all night as I’d planned. My mind was too active to sit there by myself, so I decided to go down and have that drink. But first, I needed to change my clothes and send a text to Jules, letting her know I was here and that everything was okay.

  I walked down the stairs, turned down the foyer past the floral living room, and made my way into the kitchen. Joan was at the counter with a blender and some ice.

  “There you are.” She turned and smiled at me. “I was beginning to think you weren’t going to come down and make me drink by myself. Drinking alone is never a good idea.” She turned back to the blender adding some ice. “I hope you like tequila, dear. I’m making frozen margaritas.”

  “I could definitely use some tequila.” I laughed as I took a seat at one of the stools at the island.

  Walking over with two glasses of frozen deliciousness, she sat down next to me and handed me a glass.

  “Tell me about yourself, Scarlett. I know this situation is strange, difficult, heartbreaking, confusing, and so many other things. And I know you don’t know me at all, but I’d really like to get to know you.” She smiled at me before taking a sip of her drink.

  She seemed truly happy about me being here, so I humored her and told her a little bit about my life. We chatted awhile about our likes and dislikes, movies, music, and stuff like that. After two and a half margaritas, she stood up and excused herself to the restroom.

  “I’m going to go to the ladies’ room and change out of these clothes. I need to get into something comfortable,” she said.

  Before she walked out of the kitchen, she paused and turned to me. “My son, Bryce, should be here any minute too, so if you hear the door, that’s who’s coming in. I should be back before then though.”

  Crap. I had forgotten that she had a son. This was going to be weird. I really shouldn’t have had that other margarita. I was feeling pretty tipsy. Joan made her margaritas with more tequila than mix, for sure. Jules would love her. I smiled to myself.

  Speaking of Jules, I had to text her.

  Pulling my cell out of the back pocket of my jeans, I sent Jules a text.

  Scarlett: Just had a margarita with Joan. She uses way too much tequila. You’d love her.

  Jules: OMG lol, my kind of woman I’ll def have to meet her. So I take it u 2 r bonding?

  Scarlett: I guess u can call it that. I’m about to meet her son, Bryce.

  Jules: Well if he’s hot, you’ll def have to sneak a pic and send it to me lol.

  Scarlett: Whatevs.

  Just then, I heard the front door open and close. I could feel my heart start to race. There I was, sitting in a house I’d never been in before and meeting people who knew about me, but I had no idea who they were. I felt uncomfortable meeting Bryce without Joan. She needed to hurry up and get down here. How long did it take to pee and change your clothes?

  I had my eyes trained on the entryway of the kitchen. I could do this. No need to be nervous.

  I lifted my glass and took a sip of my margarita, turning my head toward the wall clock to see what time it was. Damn it was already almost five. I couldn’t believe we’d been sitting there and talking for almost three hours.

  Taking another sip, I turned back toward the entryway, setting my glass on the island. My eyes bugged out of my head, and I started choking on my margarita.

  I coughed a couple times to clear my throat. “What the fuck?” was the only thing I could think to say.

  Standing in the entryway of the kitchen, holding grocery bags, was black t-shirt guy, Kevin, from the bar.

  Chapter 18

  I stood up from my stool, having to grip the counter due to too much tequila. I swayed a little as I tried to figure out how I could make a run for it. What the hell was going on? How did this guy find me and what was he doing in my dad’s house, carrying grocery bags?

  “Oh good, Bryce, you’re back,” Joan chimed in, interrupting my thoughts. Apparently she was feeling the effects of the tequila too. However, I wasn’t giddy. I was starting to feel nauseated. Did she just call him Bryce?

  I looked between the two as they walked further into the kitchen, placing the bags on the counter, while I slowly stepped back, keeping my eyes on him the entire time.

  He smiled at my retreat. “Yeah, sorry it took me so long. I saw Mr. Thomas at the store and he started talking. You know how he is when he gets started. He told me to tell you that he sends his condolences,” he said in an even tone, not breaking eye contact with me.

  I was so confused. Was this the guy I saw at the bar? He looked and sounded the same: sandy blond hair, blue eyes, six foot, medium build, deep sexy voice. It had to be the same guy.

  Joan started to pull things out of the bags. “He’s such a sweet old man,” she said, finally catching my movement out of the corner of her eye. She looked up at me. “Oh dear, how rude of me! Bryce, this is Scarlett. Scarlett, this is my son, Bryce.” She smiled.

  We stared at each other for what seemed like fifteen minutes before he made the move to shake my hand. As he walked closer to me, my body got tense. I kept looking back and forth between him and Joan, waiting for something to happen, but he just stood there with his hand stretched out, waiting for my response. Yeah, this was definitely the guy. How was this even possible?

  I broke eye contact to look down at his hand. I wasn’t comfortable with this situation at all, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little scared.

  I looked over at Joan just as she lifted her gaze from what she was doing and smiled at me. So I lifted my hand, grabbed his in a firm shake, not wanting to seem weak in any way, and plastered a smile on my face.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Scarlett,” he said as he grinned at me, returning my grip.

  If he thought he was going to
be slick, he had another think coming.

  I broadened my smile. “It’s nice to meet you too, Kevin . . . I mean Bryce.”

  The look on his face said it all as I snatched my hand away from his. He wasn’t expecting me to do that. One point for me, zero for him.

  We both looked over at Joan, who wasn’t paying any attention to us. She was making more margarita mix. I should actually call it tequila mix. I wasn’t sure that I could drink anymore, not then, knowing this guy was going to be in the same house.

  I moved to take my seat again to finish off my drink. I thought I might as well drink it. Maybe this tequila would help me figure out what the hell was going on. I usually think well when I’m tipsy.

  Watching Bryce walk around to the other side of the island, I kept the smile on my face, but he had a smug look on his face too.

  “So, Scarlett,” he grinned at me, “do you like the beach or do you prefer the lake?” He snickered and winked at me.

  Son of a bitch!

  The smile and victory I felt faltered. I could feel the blush rise to my cheeks. I knew he could see it because his grin got bigger. Plus, this tequila wasn’t helping matters. I pushed my drink away and watched as he pulled out his phone—the same phone that he handed to Paul so he could show me the video of Kade and me having sex at the lake.

  I reacted without thinking. Getting up from my stool, I rounded the island to get to him. My intention was to reach for him and get his phone so I could delete the video. However, that’s not what happened. Rounding the corner, my foot hit the corner of the island, causing me to trip.

  My face hit something warm and hard that smelled really, really good.

  Pulling myself off Bryce’s chest, I noticed he was actually laughing at me.

  “What the hell do you have under that shirt, a metal plate?” I sneered, rubbing my cheek.

  He threw his head back and laughed, causing Joan to turn and look our way.

  “Oh, I’m so glad you too are getting along.” She was oblivious. I wouldn’t call it getting along. “Would you like another margarita, dear?”

  Bryce turned and answered before I was even able to open my mouth. “I think we’re going to head to the living room and get to know each other better,” he said, grabbing my upper arm. I didn’t protest because I had questions and I knew he had the answers. I knew something was going on with Kade, and he was going to tell me what the hell it was.

  “Okay, sweetie, I’m going to get started with dinner then,” I heard her say as we made our way out of the kitchen.

  As soon as we were out of Joan’s sight and in the living room, I yanked my arm out of his hold. “Who the hell are you?” I snapped.

  I stood next to the couch with my hands balled up in fists at my side. I wasn’t going to leave this room until he gave me what I wanted. And I definitely wasn’t going to leave this house until I got his phone and deleted that damn video.

  I watched as he started to pace, running a hand through his disheveled blond hair. Letting out a sigh, he took a seat on the ugly floral couch and looked up at me.

  “Will you please sit?” he insisted in a soft voice.

  I didn’t want to sit. I started to pace around the room. “I can’t sit. I’m infuriated,” I said through gritted teeth. “I will get that phone from you and delete that video, you fucking pervert. Who the hell do you think you are to do something like that? Stalking is illegal,” I hissed.

  He was laughing at me again. “So is fucking out in public, but you don’t see me complaining.”

  I stopped pacing and gasped. “You asshole,” I yelled louder than I should have.

  We both looked into the hallway to see if Joan would come in. She didn’t.

  He started to rub the back of his neck and let out another sigh. If I weren’t mistaken, he sounded stressed. What the hell did he have to be stressed about?

  “Look, I know you want to know what’s going on. And you have every right to want to know. But I’m limited as to what I can tell you,” he confessed. “Please just sit down so we can talk,” he patted the seat next to him.

  I slowly walked to the couch and sat down. Now that I was going to get some answers, I was kind of scared about what I’d learn. He’s limited to what he can tell me?

  Turning my body toward Bryce, I folded my arms over my chest and stared at him for a moment before I spoke. “Who are you?” I demanded.

  “My name is Bryce, but I’m sure you want to know why my name is also Kevin?” I nodded. “Kevin is my undercover name.”

  I looked at him, disbelieving. “You’re a cop?” There was no way he was a cop.

  He smiled at me. “Actually, no, I’m with the FBI.”

  My mouth hung open for a moment, trying to figure out if he was pulling my chain or not.

  “There’s no way you’re an agent,” I objected. “An agent wouldn’t sneak around in bushes and record people having sex and then use it against them as blackmail.” I was getting pissed about this whole situation again. I could feel my cheeks and ears getting red, which they usually did when my temper was about to explode.

  “I assure you that I am an agent, Scarlett,” he interjected. “I’ve been undercover, working on this case for over a year, and you were never part of this plan.” He exhaled loudly, running his hands through his hair and cleared his throat. “Look, Scarlett,” he said, looking back at me. “Kade’s not who he says is. There are people that Kade is involved with that are very dangerous. You need to step away for good. I don’t want to see you get hurt. If these people decided to go after you, there’s no way I can stop them. I can’t blow my cover. And I expect you not to open your mouth about it either, or you could get us both killed.”

  My eyes widened in shock. Killed?

  I turned my body more toward his and bent my leg up on the couch. I asked the only question I could think to ask. Even though I knew he wouldn’t answer it, I had to try.

  “What is Kade involved in?” I asked softly.

  Bryce shook his head. “I can’t tell you, Scarlett. It’s best if you don’t know and get out while you can.”

  I just sat there and stared at him. I couldn’t get out. My heart was already in too deep. I loved him.

  “Bryce . . . Scarlett,” Joan shouted from the kitchen. “Dinner is ready. Come on in here.”

  I watched as Bryce stood up, letting my eyes drift to look him over. I knew I shouldn’t be checking him out, but I couldn’t help it. He was right there in his tight dark blue t-shirt and faded ripped jeans. I didn’t get the chance to appreciate his appearance when he walked into the kitchen because I was too busy freaking out. He wasn’t as good-looking as Kade, but he was definitely eye candy.

  Making eye contact with him, I blushed. He was smirking at me. Damn it!! I shouldn’t have even been looking at him after what happened the other night. Even though he explained to me that he was working undercover, it didn’t erase the fact that he violated my privacy and let some guy threaten me.

  With that thought in my head, I stood up and walked toward him, until we were standing about two feet apart. Before I even realized what I was doing, my hand flew up and connected with his face.

  His head flung to the side, and I brought my hand up to my mouth in shock that I’d even done something like that.

  He deserved it.

  “Ow,” he said, furiously bringing his hand up to rub his cheek. “What the hell was that for?”

  “That,” I said, pointing at him, “was for you recording me and letting some guy violate me and threaten me. You’re lucky it was just a slap and not my knee on your balls.”

  He actually laughed. I wasn’t sure if it was from my actions or from what I said, but I didn’t care. I needed to get away from him before I did knee him in the balls.

  As I made my move to walk past him, he grabbed my upper arm. I turned toward him to give him the death stare, but the look on his face almost resembled remorse. He opened his mouth to say something, but decided against it then let
go of my arm and headed toward the kitchen.

  What the hell was that?


  Dinner was uneventful. Joan made homemade pizzas, something I’d never had before. She must have piled every kind of veggie you could think of on that pizza. I had to use a fork just to eat it, but it was delicious.

  After dinner, Bryce told Joan he would clean up the kitchen. I offered to help, hoping he would decline and was glad when he did. I needed some alone time to think about everything that had happened the past couple of days.

  I told Bryce and Joan goodnight and headed to the guest room where I was staying. After changing my clothes and getting ready for bed, I checked my text messages.

  Jules: Hey biotch whats the dish?

  Kade: Hey, beautiful, Max and I just got done writing some music, so I thought I’d send u a message. I hope everything is ok. I wish you’d told me what’s going on so I don’t worry, but I’ll see u tomorrow. Sweet dreams, beautiful.

  I lay back on my bed and stared up at the ceiling. Before I dealt with anything that had to do with Kade, I needed to deal with what was happening right then and that was my dad. Looking over at the letter on the bedside table, I decided to read it then. I needed to get this out of the way before I said my goodbyes tomorrow.

  Tearing the envelope open, I pulled out the letter and slowly opened it.

  My Dear Scarlett,

  I don’t know how to write this letter to you. I can only imagine what you must be thinking to receive a letter from a man that you haven’t seen in over fifteen years, and for that I’m sorry. So much had gone on in your mother and my relationship that I’m not proud of, but there is one thing I can say that I am proud of, and that is you. You were my little ray of sunshine every day until your mother and I split.


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