Louis Armstrong, Master of Modernism

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Louis Armstrong, Master of Modernism Page 75

by Thomas Brothers

  Spanish Shawl, 193

  spirituals, 4, 230, 236

  Spurrier, Esten, 267

  Squeeze Me, 297, 506

  Stacey, Jess, 239, 304, 389, 391

  Star Dust, 323, 403–7, 405

  AL’s performance of, 404–7

  Staten, Georgie, 244

  Static Strut, 193, 210, 459

  Stearns, Jean, 171

  Stearns, Marshall, 171, 230–31

  Stewart, Rex, 131, 152–53, 335, 502

  Stewart, Sammy, 119–20, 145, 191, 223–24, 291, 498

  Stomp Off, Let’s Go, 193, 210, 459

  stop time, 111, 208, 264, 265–67, 272, 504

  Stoptime Rag, 264

  Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 363

  Strauss, Richard, 448

  Stravinsky, Igor, 10, 11, 135, 393

  Stringbeans and Sweetie May, 213

  Strong, Jimmy, 292

  Struttin’ with Some Barbecue, 282–83, 286, 315, 352, 364, 505–6

  Sublett, John William “Bubbles,” 264, 267, 268, 355–56, 504

  Sugar Foot Stomp, 149–50, 193, 205, 297, 301, 507

  Sullivan, Ed, 434, 443

  Sullivan, Joe, 239, 280

  Sunset Affairs, 278

  Sunset Cafe Stomp, 214

  Sunset Gaieties, 244, 264–65

  Supreme Court, U.S., 231, 427

  Swaffer, Hannen, 408–9

  Sweet Baby Doll, 104

  Sweethearts on Parade, 327, 384, 400, 402, 404, 406–8

  Sweet Lovin’ Man, 100, 106

  Sweet Sue—Just You, 392

  swing, 57, 193, 210

  four-beat style of, 88

  swing era, 31, 39, 88, 262, 411

  syncopation, 94, 134–36, 147, 201, 457

  Take Me to the River, 301

  Talking Machine World, 54, 99, 100

  tango, 51, 135

  Tansur, William, 395

  Tan Town Topics, 341, 345

  Taps, 102

  Tate, Erskine, 175–76, 178, 179, 180, 183–86, 188, 190–94, 203–4, 205, 290, 499, 506

  Tate, James, 180, 182

  Tatum, Art, 171, 273

  Taylor, Cecil, 110

  Taylor, Eva, 154

  Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilyich, 280

  Teagarden, Jack, 160, 332, 391, 422, 499

  Tears, 83–84, 105, 146, 172

  LA and Lillian Armstrong as co-composers of, 83, 100, 110, 111, 430, 457

  recording of, 110, 490–91

  Tell Me Dreamy Eyes, 142, 147

  Terrell, Pha, 392

  Teschemacher, Frank, 59, 218, 238, 274, 304

  Texas, 158, 160, 425–28, 433

  Texas Moaner Blues, 155–57

  Texas Rangers, 427

  That Eccentric Rag, 29

  That Rhythm Man, 512–13

  That’s When I’ll Come Back to You, 319

  That’s Why Darkies Were Born, 345

  Theater Owners Booking Association (TOBA) circuit, 17, 52, 434, 489

  Them There Eyes, 413

  Thibeau, Tom, 35

  Thomas, George, 104

  Thomas, Hersal, 104

  Thomas, Hociel, 165, 489–90

  Thompson, “Big Bill,” 276

  Three Classy Misses, 278

  Thurman, Wallace, 352

  Tichenor, George, 231, 241, 432

  Tiger Rag, 141–42, 284, 368–69, 371, 383, 413, 420, 430, 432, 437

  Tight Like This, 317, 321–24, 330, 356

  Time, 366, 382

  Tin Pan Alley, 149, 495

  Tin Roof, 389

  TNT, 150

  Todd, Clarence, 158–59

  Toomer, Jean, 125

  Tough, Dave, 33, 38, 59, 391

  Traffic in Harlem, 346, 352

  Treaty of Versailles, 84

  Trip Through Southland, A, 288

  Tristan und Isolde (Wagner), 136

  Trumbauer, Frank, 281, 313, 364, 502

  Tucker, Earl “Snakehips,” 345, 385

  Tucker, Sophie, 169, 357

  Turkey in the Straw, 395

  Tuskegee Institute, 305

  Tuxedo Brass Band, 91

  Tweedie, Tinah, 218

  Tyler, Tex., 427

  Ukelele Ike, 212

  Uncle Remus Tales, 442

  Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 363

  Underneath the Moon, 278

  United States:

  biracialism in, 23

  European immigration in, 13, 36–37

  illegitimacy statistics in, 37

  Vallée, Rudy, 366, 367, 398, 400, 401, 407, 413, 434, 516

  Vanderhurst, Sammy, 244

  Variety, 130, 152, 169, 172, 224, 226, 235, 238, 247, 256, 345, 347, 385

  vaudeville, 26–30, 38, 51–52, 54, 117–18, 151–52, 158, 167, 187, 238, 241, 243, 367, 407, 417

  Venable, Percy, 236, 242, 252, 254–55, 329, 371

  revues produced by, 17, 243–46, 250, 258, 277–78, 290, 499–500, 502

  Vendome Theater Symphony Orchestra, 175–87, 179, 205

  Venuti, Joe, 327

  vibrato, 119, 157, 231

  Vicksburg, Miss., 40–43, 46

  Victorian values, 240, 407

  Victor Records, 63, 381, 434

  Victory Life Insurance Company, 75

  Victor Young Orchestra, 404

  Vidor, King, 378

  Vincent, U. Conrad, 124

  Vincent Lopez’s Orchestra, 130, 151

  violins, 20, 136, 179, 183, 196

  Virtuoso, The, 314

  Vitaphone system, 220, 334

  Vocalion, 130, 138, 320

  Voelker, George, Jr., 278

  Voice of America, 200

  voting rights, 45, 230

  Waco, Tex., 427

  Wade, Jimmy, 323

  Wagner, Richard, 136, 178, 298, 409

  Walker, A’Lelia, 125

  Walker, Ruby, 160

  Wallace, Sippie, 154, 158

  Waller, Fats, 158, 171, 184, 341, 344, 345, 346, 348–49, 348, 408, 434

  Wall Street Journal, 131

  waltzes, 122, 135, 182, 344, 422

  Ware, Edmund A., 125

  Washington, Albert, 308

  Washington, Booker T., 42, 54, 125

  Washington, D.C., 106, 108, 112, 124, 250, 269, 366, 371–72, 429, 434, 459

  Howard Theater in, 435

  Washington, Ford L. “Buck,” 264, 265, 367–68

  Washington, Leon, 59, 497

  Washington Post, 218, 443, 514, 516

  Waters, Benny, 135, 152

  Waters, Ethel, 29, 81, 129, 139, 218, 290, 295, 299, 331, 338, 340, 345

  Watts, Bob, 374

  Way Out West (film), 384

  WCFL radio, 290, 309

  Weary Blues, 262–63, 509

  Weary Blues, The (Hughes), 297–98

  Weather Bird Rag, 106, 108, 111–12, 272, 313–17, 457, 490, 510

  Weatherford, Teddy, 180, 192

  Weatherly, Frederick, 63

  Webb, Chick, 333

  West End Blues, 107, 157, 158, 217, 262, 292–95, 298–302, 308, 312, 324–25, 358, 371, 400, 413, 415, 438, 507, 514

  Westmoreland, Lillian, 237

  Wettling, George, 33–34, 59, 239, 281, 295, 304, 391

  What a Friend We Have in Jesus, 82

  What Did I Do to Be So Black and Blue, 346, 352–54, 438, 513

  What’ll I Do, 78

  What the Negro Thinks (Moton), 305–6

  When It’s Sleepy Time Down South, 28, 413, 432, 440–44, 447–48, 519

  When It’s Sleepy Time Down South (film), 28, 448

  When You Leave Me Alone to Pine, 99–100, 457

  When You’re Smiling, 327, 357–58, 367, 379, 410, 421

  Where Did You Get Those Eyes, 182

  Where Did You Stay Last Night?, 99, 100, 457

  White, Lulu, 20

  White, Slick, 244, 278

  White, Walter, 125, 126

  Whiteman, Paul, 9–10, 34, 119, 122, 132, 135, 138–39, 152, 202–3, 238, 270, 274, 280, 291, 297<
br />
  fame of, 326–27

  on LA, 434

  white reform organizations, 32, 238

  white supremacy, 231, 240, 416, 442

  Whitlock, Frankye Marilyn, 378

  Whitney, Salem Tutt, 228, 440

  Whyte, Zack, 429–30

  WIBO radio, 413

  Wichita Falls, Tex., 426

  Wildcat Blues, 83

  Wild Man Blues, 257–58, 262, 266, 267, 295

  Willems, Jos, 441

  Williams, “Black Benny,” 415–16, 492

  Williams, Bobby, 98, 101–2, 223, 237, 492

  Williams, Clarence, 43, 83, 106–7, 193, 294, 355, 506

  LA and, 153, 155–59

  Williams, Cootie, 318, 374, 378, 380, 504

  Williams, Fess, 82, 328

  Williams, Martin, 245

  Williams, Spencer, 332

  Willie the Weeper, 262

  Wilson, Edith, 346, 352–55

  Wilson, Teddy, 171–72, 209, 299, 435, 508

  Winchell, Walter, 367

  Wolverine Orchestra, 143–44

  Woodbridge, Hudson, 321

  Wooding, Sam, 154

  Woods, Harry McGregor, 279–80

  Woods, Tommy, 342

  Words, 142, 147

  World War I, 50, 101

  World War II, 3, 50

  Wright, Minnie T., 186

  Wright, Richard, 42, 201, 305, 372–73, 397–98

  WSNB radio, 419–20

  W. W. Kimball Company, 104

  Wynn’s Creole Jazz Band, 302

  Yale University, 427

  Yes! I’m in the Barrel, 204, 206

  Youmans, Vincent, 278, 334

  Young, Lester, 267, 364

  Young, Oscar, 113

  Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA), 124

  You’re Driving Me Crazy, 398, 516

  You’re Lucky to Me, 386, 516

  You’re Next, 208, 218

  Ziegfeld, Florenz, 169–70, 243, 337

  Zippity Do Dah, 4

  Zulu Social Aid and Pleasure Club, 418, 424


  Copyright © 2014 by Thomas Brothers

  All rights reserved

  First Edition

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  Book design by Charlotte Straub

  Production manager: Julia Druskin

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Brothers, Thomas David.

  Louis Armstrong, master of modernism / Thomas Brothers.

  — First edition.

  pages cm

  Includes bibliographical references and index.

  ISBN 978-0-393-06582-4 (hardcover)

  1. Armstrong, Louis, 1901–1971. 2. Jazz musicians—United States—

  Biography. I. Title.

  ML419.A75B776 2014




  ISBN 978-0-393-24145-7 (e-book)

  W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.

  500 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10110


  W. W. Norton & Company Ltd.

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