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Under A Black Sun Trilogy

Page 24

by Kevin J. Anderson

  "Go away! Leave us alone!" shouted one saucy-voiced Bith inside the

  huts. His Basic was heavily accented, high-pitched with alarm.

  ounds like Figrin himself," Lando said. "Figrin! Wait, it's me!"

  Jaina's eyes went wide when she saw an ominous-looking tube appear

  through the window opening, a thick-walled cylinder sawed from an

  iron-cane stalk. The black hole in the tube looked very much like the

  mouth of a weapon.

  "Look out!" she cried, just as a rumbling blast erupted from the tube

  with a puff of smoke. Zekk and Jaina both dove to one side, tumbling

  face-first into the marsh. Lando staggered backward to get out of the

  way. A hurtling mass of brown crashed into the trees behind them.

  "Hey!" Lando shouted. "There's no cause for-', A second tube emerged

  from another window. This time the blast caught Lando squarely in the

  center of his chest.

  "No!" Jaina shouted.

  Lando staggered as the amorphous brown shape slammed into him,

  splattering in all directions, hurling him into a tree trunk. He

  looked down in horror at his chest, as if expecting to see blood and


  Instead, he encountered only torn transparalon and sticky, dripping

  muck-the same muck they'd been slogging through for hours, dredged up

  from the bottom of the swamp.

  "It's just mud!" he said, aghast. "They're shooting mud bombs at


  Then he stormed forward, sloshing toward the houses on stilts.

  "That does it. You've gone too far this time, Figrin! You've ruined

  my shirt! You'll pay for this out of your sabace winnings!"

  Jaina and Zekk hurried up behind him. Jaina wondered if she should

  draw her lightsaber. A single swipe at the stilts would topple any one

  of those houses into the marshy pond.

  "Hey, man. Who's out there?" said the original Bith voice.

  "It's Lando Calrissian," Lando said. "And if you don't stop firing mud

  at me, I've got two Jedi Knights here who'll do more than get your

  shirts dirty."

  "Lando, my man!" A Bith raised up his pink cranium and poked his

  smooth head out the window. Jaina couldn't tell if the alien was

  smiling or not. His huge black eyes glittered in the hazy bayou


  He raised a nimble hand whose fingers had the dexterity to play just

  about any musical instrument in the universe. "Why didn't you say


  We thought you were some of those Black Sun people trying to rub us


  "Black Sun?" Jaina said in alarm.

  Lando sloshed closer to the huts and Figrin D'an lowered a rickety

  wooden ladder. "Come on up! We'd love to jam!" the handleader


  "Maybe even play a little round of sabace or two."

  Other Bith band members stood up in the adjoining shacks to look with

  huge black eyes at the new arrivals. A few dissonant musical notes

  rang out as they gathered up their jumbled instruments.

  "Next time you should check out who's at your door before you open

  fire," Lando said, wiping another smear of mud off the chest of his

  filthy shirt.

  "Hey, couldn't take the chance," Figrin said. "You know how it is,

  man. We got a price on our heads."

  Lando hauled himself up the ladder, then reached down with his

  muck-encrusted grip to help Jaina climb off the ladder and into the


  "Well, if we really were thugs out to kill you," Lando said, "that

  little mud-cannon of yours wouldn't have done much other than annoy


  Then you'd have been facing a really unpleasant interrogation


  Two of the Bith band members groaned. One picked up his jazz stick and

  blew a wailing strident note.

  Zekk climbed up to join Jaina and Lando in the central one-roomed


  The place smelled of mildew and damp wood as well as strange spicy stew

  that had obviously been bubbling for a long time on a thermal stove set

  on a stone plate in the center of the room.

  A pair of the band members retrieved their instruments and set about

  plugging in powerpacks and tuning up. Disconnected musical notes

  waited through the air like clouds of ortellian whisper bats.

  Lando made the introductions. "These two are my associates, Zekk"-the

  dark-haired young man nodded-"and Jaina Solo. You remember her


  Figrin sat back and twiddled his big-knuckled fingers. "Solo? As in

  Han Solo's daughter? Yeah, Han and I spent many an hour at the sabace

  table." With all of the fleshy folds around the Bith's mouth, Jaina

  still couldn't tell whether he was smiling. "How 'bout a game this

  afternoon, Lando? Just like old times."

  "Not yet. We need some information," Lando said. "There's been some

  trouble on Cloud City and I'm pretty sure you know something about


  You've got to tell us whatever you can. What happened to my friend


  Figrin sighed and a few of his band members struck up a low, mournful

  tune. "Man, that's a sad song," he replied. "A real tearjerker.

  We don't usually have stuff like that in our repertoire. Cojahn ...

  that story has good guys, bad guys, treachery and tragedy. You know,

  all the stuff that makes for a surefire hit."

  "So you'll tell us everything?" Jaina said. "All the details?"

  Figrin sat back against the rickety wall of the hut. The other band

  members adjusted their instruments, ready to play.

  "Why not?" the Bith handleader said. "We got plenty of time ...

  and it's been too long since we had a really attentive audience." in

  the rain forest sector of the Climateria, Lowie hung upside down from

  an artificial tree branch, admiring the view. Em Teedee hovered

  right-side-up half a meter beneath the Wookiee. Anja, who paced back

  and forth on a limb adjacent to Lowie's, seemed as edgy and impatient

  as ever. Two meters lower down, Tenel Ka straddled a branch and

  practiced Jedi relaxation techniques while Jacen searched in vain for

  tiny creatures on the bark of the synthetic tree.

  "Remind me exactly what it is we're supposed to be pretending to look

  for while Calrissian and the others are off joyriding," Anja said with

  an exaggerated sigh.

  Lowie rumbled a reply and, since Anja did not understand the growling

  language, Em Teedee obligingly translated. "Master Lowbacca points out

  that we are not pretending to look for anything. We are pretending to

  enjoy ourselves whilst actually searching for any indication that

  someone might have wanted Master Cojahn ... disposed of."

  "We're not really sure what we're looking for," Jacen explained

  helpfully. "But while Lando, Jaina, and Zekk are poking around on the

  Bith homeworld, it's our job to keep an eye out for anything suspicious

  here. Any sort of shady dealings Cojahn might have learned about,

  maybe some sort of espionage, drug dealing, embezzling-who knows?"

  "We must remain watchful and follow any leads," Tenel Ka said.

  Anja snorted. "Well, this watchfulness is about as interesting as

  watching all of you contemplate the Force or think at rocks back on

  Yavin 4."

gave an experimental bounce on the tree branch fifty meters above

  the ground, took another step and bounced again, then again.

  Step-bounce, step-bounce. A dangerous game. Lowie gave a cautionary

  woof, but she seemed utterly confident and tensed like a predatory

  animal ready to spring. The thought of falling did not seem to worry

  Anja; in fact, Lowie wondered if it had even occurred to her. Then

  again, he mused, maybe it had and she found the thought exhilarating.

  Jacen, apparently giving up on finding any interesting creatures in the

  artificial tree, stood up and began pacing and bouncing just as Anja

  was doing. Lowie growled a warning at him as well. Jacen stopped,

  inhaled deeply, let his eyes fall halfway shut. His entire body seemed

  to relax, and he walked with a smooth effortless grace to the far end

  of the limb he was on, then headed back toward Tenel Ka, who was seated

  closer to the trunk, drawing in slow, deep breaths.

  Anja snorted and continued bouncing along her branch. "And exactly

  what sort of clues do you expect to find at the top of a tree?"

  Jacen glanced up at the young woman-and in that moment she missed her

  footing. "Oh, Mistress Anja, look out!" Em Teedee cried.

  Anja tried to regain her balance, but to no avail. Lowie watched her

  tumble from the branch as if in slow motion.

  Before Em Teedee had finished speaking, both Jacen and Tenel Ka were

  completely alert. Lowie's furry arm shot out, and he managed to slow

  Anja's descent, but he could not get a grip on her. Jacen and Tenel

  Ka, however, each succeeded in grasping one of her limbs and pulled

  Anja to safety on their branch.

  "Thanks." Anja's voice carried an uncharacteristic quaver, and her

  face was paler than usual, her eyes brighter, with an unaccustomed

  startled look in them. "I must not have been paying close enough

  attention. I guess I owe you one."

  "Hey, don't worry about it. That's what friends are for," Jacen


  "To be there. All of us young Jedi Knights have saved each other's

  hides more than once."

  "This is a fact," Tenel Ka said, then changed the subject. "And I

  believe Anja was correct: this treetop will not aid us in our


  We should continue our search in a place more likely to yield clues."

  Anja smiled at the warrior girl-a genuine smile. The expression was

  not a common one for her, especially when addressing either Jaina or

  Tenel Ka.

  "Okay, where do we go then? I'm open to suggestions," Jacen said.

  "Someplace with more people, to start with?" Anja said, making a shaky

  attempt at humor.

  "An area with more construction perhaps?" Tenel Ka offered.

  Jacen waggled his eyebrows. "I guess maybe we should get back to our

  roots, then."

  Tenel Ka nodded. Anja smiled.

  "It's too bad ... just when I was starting to branch out," Jacen went


  Lowie groaned.

  "All right, all right." Jacen shot him a mischievous grin. "I know it

  goes against the grain, but maybe we should all leaf now."

  Lowie grumbled a halfhearted protest, reluctantly swung off his branch,

  and began clambering back down the tree.

  "Yes," Tenel Ka said slowly. "I wood advise climbing down


  "Great," Anja said, "I think that's a vine idea."

  Tenel Ka stared at her in surprise. Lowie gave a curious growl.

  Jacen's mouth fell open.

  "It's certainly more advisable than risking life and limb," Em Teedee

  added unexpectedly, shocking them all into amazed laughter.

  Anja was glad to be on the move again as she and the others trekked

  through the amusement complex, keeping up their pretense of having


  All of them seemed to find the physical activity relaxing.

  Anja certainly welcomed the relaxation. She'd become increasingly

  tense as her suspicions had mounted, and she'd begun to believe that

  Calrissian was right and Cojahn's death had not been an accident after

  all. It was even more uncomfortable to know -since she had been

  enlisted in the search for clues-that Czethros had interests here on

  Bespin. She had little doubt that if Cojahn had gotten in his way,

  Czethros would not have hesitated to have the man "removed." What if

  Anja found out that Czethros did have Cojahn murdered? Would she be

  forced to cover up her boss's actions?

  Anja shivered. She couldn't believe how strongly she had reacted to

  her minor slip on the tree branch, how grateful she had been for her

  friends' help. Jacen and Tenel Ka had saved her. Would Czethros ever

  have done something so noble for her?

  "Get a grip," she scolded herself quietly as they entered a chilly,

  dazzling white polar environment chamber.

  Jacen Solo was the son of her worst enemy. She could have taken the

  opportunity in the treetops to throw him off balance; the fall would

  have looked like an accident. After all, hadn't she come to Yavin 4

  and now to Bespin to find a way to hurt Han Solo through his


  Objectively speaking, what could have been more fortunate than if Jacen

  had fallen to injury or death?

  But even as the thought entered her mind, Anja's stomach clenched.

  How could she be so ungrateful-he had been there for her when she

  needed him. As she looked around at the bleak whiteness of the polar

  environment chamber, resentment welled up in her. Who had asked Jacen

  to be so nice to her? His selfless actions just muddled her thoughts

  and confused her plans.

  I do want to hurt Han Solo, she insisted silently to herself It's the

  only way to make him Pay for my father's death. In frustration, she

  reached down, packed some snow together into a ball, and threw it

  directly at Jacen's chest. He laughed as it broke apart into thousands

  of fluffy white chunks. He retaliated immediately.

  A fast and furious snowball fight ensued, and by the time she, Jacen,

  Tenel Ka, and Lowie stepped back into the central hub ten minutes

  later, Anja had pushed all thoughts of weakness from her mind.

  "Dear me. What was that?" Em Teedee asked, bobbing along above

  Lowie's shoulder, a light dusting of snow melting on his silvery


  Lowie gave a questioning growl.

  "Over there," Em Teedee said. "It scurried up the access corridor. "

  ")1/2at did?" Jacen said.

  "Someone-or something," Em Teedee replied. "An Ugnaught, I believe.

  He was carrying some sort of case with a handle on it. Come to think

  of it, I do believe that creature was lurking about earlier whilst we

  were building our fortress in the sand in the seashore environmenthe

  had the same odd patch of missing fur on his head."

  Anja had an unsettled feeling in her stomach as Jacen trotted over to

  the corridor that the translating droid had indicated.

  "I saw him," Jacen said. "He just disappeared through a trapdoor in

  the corridor. Let's find out what he's up to."

  "What for?" Anja asked in alarm.

  "Because he's acting suspicious," Jacen replied, as if the answer were

  obvious. "If Em Teedee is right about his patc
hy fur, he may be the

  same Ugnaught foreman who got fired a few days before Cojahn's death.

  That's suspicious, isn't it? What would he be doing here? He

  shouldn't be at the construction site at all."

  Anja's tension returned with full force, and she had a sudden

  overwhelming urge to go back to her quarters, where she could think,

  where she could be alone, where she had stored her spice.

  "I don't find his lurking or his disappearance the least bit

  suspicious. Maybe the guy just left some tools behind," she said. "He

  came, he got his tools, he left. I think you're all just a bit too

  desperate to find something to investigate."

  Tenel Ka shook back her red-gold warrior braids and looked directly at

  Anja. "But I sensed something through the Force: danger."

  "Me too," Jacen said.

  Lowie rumbled his agreement.

  "The sentiment appears to be unanimous, Mistress Anja," Em Teedee


  "Well, you can count me out," Anja said. "I've had my share of bad

  experiences with Ugnaughts, and I don't really want to repeat them.

  Besides, dark tunnels tend to remind me of explosions-just like in the


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