Book Read Free

Fire in the Woods

Page 10

by Jennifer M. Eaton

  “From me?”

  “Yes, that’s why I…”

  My jaw tightened as his words trailed off. “Why you what?”

  His lips formed the beginning of three words before he closed his mouth completely.

  I grabbed his arm. “What? What is it? What else did you do to me?”

  David hugged his elbows. “I may have slipped in a little suggestion to not be afraid of me, and to trust me—no matter what.”

  Anger boiled in my gut and burst from my fist as I slammed it against his shoulder. He barely flinched, and it only made me angrier. “You’ve been controlling my mind? All this time? How dare you…what were you…”

  He raised his hands. “No, no, no. I just slipped in a suggestion to be comfortable with me. I never controlled you, Jess. You were always you. I never made you do anything other than feel safe when you were near me.”

  The spilled orange juice made an odd shape on the counter. Any other time, I would have taken a picture.

  My mind scrolled through the past few days and all the stupid things I’d done—how my instincts prodded, nagged, and warned me, but I kept acting like I’d known him forever…like I could trust him with my life. I couldn’t help but wonder…could I really trust him? I blinked as a whoosh of calm rolled through me. Of course I could trust him. David would never hurt me.

  I pounded my fists against my forehead. “Ugh. I don’t even know if these are my own emotions anymore.”

  “Jess, I never meant to hurt you. When we met, all I was interested in was hiding until I could go home. I never expected to…”

  “Guys, we gotta get out of here,” Maggie interrupted, slipping her phone in her pocket. “Janice says they are on Primrose now. We need to hide E.T. or they’ll find him.”

  A flood of energy hit me, mingled with a need to protect David. Real, or some kind of freaky spell, I didn’t know. Not that it mattered at this point. “Where can we go?”

  “I have an idea, but you’ll think it’s crazy. And we’re going to have to walk, because Bobby took my car again.”

  I jumped, hearing dogs barking in the distance. “Crazy is okay right now.”

  Maggie placed her hands on her hips. “Good. ‘Cause I need you both to trust me.”


  I adjusted the hood of my dad’s gray sweatshirt around David’s ears as we stood in front of Maggie’s house. “Are you sure about this?” I asked.

  “Yes,” Maggie said. “They already searched here, and what alien in their right mind would hide in the house of the general in charge of finding him?”

  David’s eyes darted from me to the house. He trembled, but I didn’t think he was cold.

  “There’s got to be somewhere else,” he said.

  I wish there was. “Come on.” I tugged his elbow.

  He dug his heels in. “This is insane.”

  “Yes it is. That’s why it’ll probably work.” I gripped his arm, dragging him toward the house.


  Warmth cradled my face as Maggie opened the door. The intoxicating aroma of slow-roasted beef wrapped me up and screamed eat me.

  “Mom,” Maggie called, “I’m home. Jess is here.”

  The door to the kitchen swung open. Mrs. Baker leaned out, smiling. “Hey there, Jessica.” She dried her hands in a towel and smoothed her apron. Her gaze fell on David. “Who’s this?”

  David straightened beside me.

  “This is my cousin, David,” I said. “He picked a bad time to visit, huh?”

  Mrs. Baker nodded. “Last week certainly would have been better. I’m surprised Tom didn’t mention him, but I suppose things have been a little crazy for everyone these past few days. I’ll plan on an extra for dinner, then.”

  Mmmmm. The smell of Mrs. Baker’s cooking tickled my nose, making my stomach holler yes, please. “That’d be great.”

  She headed off toward the kitchen. “Make yourselves at home.”

  The creak of the front door spun us around. Bile pooled in my throat. My heart pumped madly as General Baker hung his hat on the stand beside the door. Bobby entered behind him, ripping the Velcro from his MP armband and hanging it beside his father’s hat.

  I don’t know which scared me more. General Baker, or the sight of Bobby and those pudgy lips I used to think were so kissable. I clenched my teeth and instinctively latched onto David’s arm. Bobby’s gaze fell on my hand. His nose flared. Oh, snap.

  Visions of poor Matt Samuels facing down Bobby and his MP buddies flashed through my mind. I could tell by the look in Bobby’s eyes, not much had changed over the summer.

  The general cocked his head to the side as he surveyed the room. His wide body remained as straight as a board, as if moving would wrinkle his perfectly pressed uniform. He zeroed right in on David and approached us.

  David’s arm hardened like a rock.

  “Who’s this?” the general asked.

  Maggs jumped between them. “This is Jess’s cousin David. Isn’t he cute?” She gave her dad a hug before leaning toward her brother. “Where are my car keys, klepto?”

  Bobby dropped the keys into her hand, his gaze trained on David.

  “Ask next time.” Maggie slipped the keys into her pocket.

  The general cleared his throat as his attention lingered on David’s wrapped hand.

  With a raised brow he opened his mouth to speak, but squeezed his eyes shut instead. A grunt scampered up his throat before he blinked three times.

  His gaze returned to David. “How’d you lose your finger, son?”

  I tightened my grip on David’s arm as he spoke. “I—I caught my finger in a car door when I was a kid. There was nothing they could do.”

  General Baker’s eyebrows inched up. “Interesting. The same thing happened to my brother when he was six.”

  Huh? Lucky guess? Wait. Did David read his mind?

  The general gestured to the bandage. “What happened there?”

  David raised his hand. “Jess cooked, and I’m not very good in a kitchen. I accidentally leaned on the stove.”

  A smile crossed the general’s lips, and his eyes swept past David's bandages and focus on his fingers.

  Omigosh! Did he just check to make sure David had another pinky?

  “Be more careful, there.” General Baker tapped David on the arm, and made his way into the kitchen.

  Bobby watched the door swing closed behind his father. I tried to remember him like he used to be…curly blond hair and a football jersey. Not threatening at all. Just good old Bobby. It didn’t work. Why did he have to end up being the jealous type? Sweat dripped from my arm pits. Keep it steady, Jess.

  Bobby’s gaze traveled over David. “Jess never mentioned having a cousin.”

  David straightened, but kept his cool. Good for him. I was sweating enough for both of us.

  “I—don’t live near here.”

  Bobby’s nose twisted. “Where do you live?” His gaze lowered to my nervous grip on David’s arm.

  I released him, and my hands fell to my sides. It freaked me out how much a uniform and a crew cut could change Bobby. This wasn’t the same guy I made out with behind the commissary. This guy was just. Plain. Scary.

  Mrs. Baker poked her head out. “Margaret, could you help set the table?”

  Maggie’s eyes widened. “Umm, yeah, I guess.”

  She looked back at me and mouthed “I’m sorry” before slipping into the kitchen.

  Bobby grabbed my arm and scooted me toward the front door. “Let me show you my new arm-band.”

  I scampered along with him. Not like he gave me a choice. David picked up a book from the coffee table and flipped through the pages.

  “So who the Hell is this guy, Jess?” Bobby asked, releasing my arm.

  It didn’t hurt, but I rubbed it anyway. “He’s my cousin.”

  “Don’t give me that. Who is he, really?”

  “It’s none of your

  His eyes softened before his gaze lowered. He almost looked upset. Almost. “You are my business, Jess. I care about you.”

  My stomach flipped. Two years ago, I would have danced a jig to hear him say that. I’d had a huge crush on Bobby. Every girl in school did. Class President, Most Valuable Player, Best Looking…there was no short run of accolades in his senior yearbook. He was the guy everyone either wanted, or wanted to be—and he was mine. Well, for a few months, anyway. The day he announced that he’d decided on a career with the Military Police, my little girl crush came to a resounding halt. Even the thought of being trapped on a military base for the rest of my life sent a heap load of bile in the wrong direction. So I broke it off.

  You hear that Bobby? I broke it off.

  “It’s not your job to care about me anymore, Bobby.”

  I tensed as David appeared at my side. He seemed taller.

  Bobby’s chest puffed out. There was way more testosterone flaring between them than I was prepared to deal with.

  David’s neck seemed to tense. I guess he felt it, too.

  My heart fluttered as Bobby took a step toward him. “Why do you look so nervous?”

  “I’m not nervous,” David said.

  It was probably the truth. David had a look on his face like he would rip Bobby in two if he wanted to. I shuddered, wondering if he could.

  Bobby leaned closer, not more than an inch from David’s nose. “Who are you, really?”

  Maggie banged out of the kitchen and threw a stack of dishes on the table. The three of us stood frozen, staring at each other as Maggs speed-set the table like a pro.

  Her eyes remained fixed on us the entire time. I don’t know how she got the silverware in the correct places.

  She threw down the last napkin and joined us. “What are you guys up to?”

  “Nothing.” Bobby’s word came out in a growl. His eyes didn’t leave David. “Just getting to know Jess’s—cousin.”

  Maggie smacked her brother’s arm, lightening the mood in standard Maggie fashion. “Okay Mr. Brand New MP. Don’t get yourself all in a ruffle.” She placed her hand on the banister. “Come on guys. Let’s go upstairs.”

  She gestured for us to follow. Bobby’s eyes remained on David as we ascended the stairs, passing portraits of relatives in military regalia. The largest photograph, at the top of the stairway, showed General and Mrs. Baker with the President and First Lady.

  I grabbed the handrail and looked down. Bobby’s hands fell to his sides, and the anger fled from his face, replaced by—what—regret? I mustered up a smile, until Maggie backed up and grabbed my arm.

  “Come on, Juliet. Show’s over.” She shoved me toward her room.

  David slipped through the doorway just before me. I grabbed my shoulders, shivering as the adrenaline slipped from my body.

  “I thought everyone was called to full active duty?” I asked Maggie. “Why is your dad here? For that matter, why isn’t Bobby with the rest of the military police searching houses?”

  She tousled her frizzy curls. “Yeah, sorry about that, but dinner is important in the Baker household. Dad never misses it. I think he pulls strings to get Bobby long breaks so they can come home together. I guess I should have thought that one over.” She placed her hands on her hips. “You did good though. My dad’s not at all suspicious.”

  “I nearly freaked when he started asking all those questions,” I said.

  “No worries.” She fixed her hair in the mirror. “That’s standard protocol to interrogate a suspicious boy in the house. Everything is fine.”

  Maggie turned on the radio while David swished aside the curtains and peered out the window.

  I touched his wrist. “Maggie’s probably right you know. They won’t look for you here.”

  He folded his arms. “I’m scared, Jess. I was trained to be strong and focused and ready for anything…but I’m not.”

  I ran my fingers down his left cheek. The cheetah ready to pounce that I saw downstairs had disappeared, replaced by a frightened little cub. I wished I could erase some of the strain from his delicate features.

  Maggie jumped onto her bed and sat crossed legged on her quilt. “So, E.T., what were you doing in that spaceship before it crashed? You weren’t abducting people, were you?”

  “Abducting? No.” He glanced at me.

  I felt dumb for not asking the question earlier. Everything had happened so fast. “What were you doing, David?”

  He sat on the opposite corner of the bed. I slid between him and Maggie.

  “I was sending a ready signal to our people on the planet.”

  “Ready for what?”

  “Pick up. My job was to notify them that the transport was coming. Another ship would come after with the location.”

  David’s jaw tensed and he swallowed. Was he nervous about something? Well, other than the jealous MP and the Army general downstairs.

  “So, there are more of you guys on Earth?” Maggie asked. “Are they all as cute as you, because…”

  “Maggie!” I turned to David. “So, what happened?”

  “A few black ships came out of nowhere. They were on me before I could react. I’d never experienced combat before. I didn’t expect weapons fire.”

  “They shot you down,” I said.

  Maggie scoffed. “Typical. Welcome to our planet, now get out. Idiots.”

  I raised my brow. If they were idiots, her father was the king idiot, and mine was no better. “Was this, like, a rescue mission then?” I asked.

  “They don’t really need rescue. They aren’t in any danger—or at least they weren’t.” He rubbed his face. “I guess I screwed up. Now your defenses know there are Erescopians on your planet. I just hope the Army doesn’t find our scientists while they’re looking for me.”

  “So what happens now?” Maggie asked.

  David walked across the room, massaging his bandaged hand. “I guess I’m like them, now. I wait until the coordinates come, and I’ll have to go to the specified location for retrieval.” His hands fell to his side. “Unfortunately, I’ll have to figure out a way to dodge your Army while I try to get there.”

  Maggie leaned forward. “So, you’re the warm-fuzzy-pick-up-your-friends kind of alien—not the abduct-people-and-experiment-on-them kind of alien? I guess that’s cool.”

  Leave it to Maggie to put things into perspective.

  “When will you get the signal to leave?” I asked.

  David rubbed the back of his neck. “I thought I would have gotten it by now. I’m not really sure when it will come.”

  “So what exactly is this signal? We can watch out for it, too.”

  “It’s audible, at a frequency above your hearing capability. Don’t worry. I won’t be able to miss it.”

  Maggie rolled onto her stomach. “So we hide you until this signal comes. How hard can it be?”

  David ran his fingers through his hair. “Has anyone else noticed that the guy looking for me is right downstairs?”

  “It’ll be all right,” I said, taking his hand. I wished I believed it myself, though.

  Maggie sat up. “Yeah, keep your skin on. Literally that is. Hey, what do you really look like under there, anyway?”

  I cringed. The question had popped into my mind, too, but I didn’t know how to bring it up. Leave it to Maggie to cut straight to the good stuff.

  David shrugged. “I look a lot like you, but I have four fingers and four toes, and lavender-tinted skin. My markings are, umm…” He rubbed his stomach. “I can’t find a word in your language.”

  I put my arm around his shoulder. “It’s okay. It doesn’t matter.”

  His smile sent a swirl of pure delight shooting through my nervous system and blasting out my toes. Yeah, that good. I didn’t care that what I saw was some kind of costume. I’d never tire of looking at him.

  The smell of gravy seeped through the door. Maggie breathe
d deeply. “Mmmmm, can you smell that? Who’s hungry for dinner?”


  Bobby forked an enormous helping of roast beef onto his dish and passed the platter to me. After placing two chunks on my own plate, I passed the tray across the table and gave David the salad and vegetables.

  His nose turned when I slathered my meat with gravy and sliced it up. Sorry, dude. I was not passing up Mrs. Baker’s cooking because my new alien friend was a vege-saurus.

  A cell phone twittered. General Baker stood and plucked it from his pocket.

  “Already?” Mrs. Baker said. “You haven’t even eaten yet.”

  “Let me see what’s going on.” He left the table, holding the phone to his ear.

  David fiddled with his fork, looking at the tongs. His gaze passed across the table. He seemed to concentrate on each person holding silverware. He bit his lip before he scooped up a piece of cauliflower and slipped it in his mouth. I wondered what he ate with at home.

  The general pulled out his chair and settled back in his place. He stabbed a piece of meat and stared at it before popping it in his mouth. His reddened cheeks bounced as he chewed. Once he swallowed, his attention settled on David, then moved to me before he placed his fork down. “You know, Jessica, I called Major Martinez earlier to ask him about David.”


  My heart wiggled down into my toes. A hunk of meat lodged in my throat. I imagined the entire Army circling the house, aiming grenade launchers into the windows. Would the napkin on my lap make a good surrender flag?

  “Unfortunately he was on radio silence.”

  Thank God! “Oh, umm, it’s really hard to get him at work. I always have to leave a message.”

  His gaze lingered on David way to long.

  “So, the two of you are staying here tonight, is that it? I’d really like to talk to Tom and make sure he’s okay with that.”

  “No!” All movement at the table stopped.

  Smooth, Jess. Scream ‘the alien is sitting right here’ why don’t you.

  “I mean…it was his idea. He said he would call and check in. He just hasn’t yet. Probably because of that, you know, radio silence thing.”


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