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Legend of the Sorcerer

Page 9

by Donna Kauffman

  She looked at the variety of delights Dilys had prepared. Knowing that Dilys wouldn’t stand for anything but an empty tray when she returned, Jordy poured herself a cup of tea, then selected a warm scone.

  She sighed in deep appreciation at the first bite, then picked up her sketch pad to look over her afternoon’s work. She smiled at the first drawing. The pond lily fairies were too delightful to enhance with any of her own ideas, so she’d recorded them faithfully. She really wanted a chance to meet the wonderful artist. Why had she never sought out other artists before? Art was, by its very nature, a reclusive occupation. But certainly she could have made it a point to make contact with another artist whose work she admired, and there had been more than a few over the years. She’d simply never presumed to. She’d had Suzanne and with such a flamboyant friend, more would have been exhausting.

  Jordy realized now how wrong she’d been. She decided right then and there to ask Alfred for a way to contact Mara. Seeking out new friendships was a step in the right direction with her new life, she thought. So long as she didn’t give that friend control of her life.

  Thoughts of burgeoning friendships had her thinking of Alfred, and even Dilys. She wouldn’t call the latter a friend, but she was certainly on her way to building a new circle of acquaintances. Eccentric ones, to be certain, but then, she was an artist, so wasn’t that appropriate? She chuckled as she picked up another biscuit.

  “Dilys doing something funny to the scones again?”

  Startled, Jordy almost spilled tea on her lap.

  “I’m sorry,” Cai said. “I’ll beat the bushes with a stick next time I approach.”

  She expected him to be smiling, but when she looked up she found him staring at her, in that unnerving, I-can-see-your-soul way that he had.

  He walked over to the stone bench. “Can I join you?”

  “There’s only one cup. Besides, I think you’re ruining Dilys’ master plan by being out here.”

  Cai took a seat on the other side of the tray. “Master plan?”

  Jordy willed her heart to slow down. But he looked incredibly fine in black jeans and T-shirt, his dark hair blowing in the light breeze. She tried not to stare at his mouth or to remember the kiss they’d shared. She wasn’t too successful at either. She turned her attention to her tea cup.

  “I think she agrees we shouldn’t spend time alone together,” Jordy said. “Isn’t that why she came and got me at Dobs’ today?”

  “She had to come in to pick up Alfred’s monthly prescription refills and I had an emergency call from my editor, so it just seemed easier.” He picked up a marmalade tart and sunk his teeth into it, groaning in pleasure.

  Jordy had to stifle one of her own. His teeth were strong and white and looked way too sensual sinking into that tart. She had no problem transferring the visual to a more intimate type of nibbling.

  “I’m not trying to avoid you,” he said, while popping a small sugar cookie into his mouth.

  Jordy wanted to remove the sprinkles of sugar that dusted his lips. With her tongue.

  “Don’t ever tell her I said so, but Dilys is a food goddess.”

  She smiled at that, but it quickly faded. She was hot, achy, itchy, and needy, and it was all his fault dammit. “Maybe it’s better that way. Avoiding each other, I mean.”

  “Maybe. Probably.”

  That stung, even though she’d said it first.

  “There you are. And Malacai as well, how perfect.” Alfred moved slowly into the small courtyard.

  For two people who’d just agreed that they shouldn’t be alone together, Jordy noticed neither one of them appeared thrilled at Alfred’s sudden intrusion.

  And Alfred might be up there in years, but he wasn’t so old as to miss the tension in the air. “I’ve interrupted something. My apologies.”

  “No, it’s fine,” Jordy quickly said. “We were just enjoying Dilys’ fabulous tea pastries. Please join us before Cai demolishes the rest.”

  Jordy could feel the apprehension all but rolling off Cai.

  “I think I will pass on the tarts, thank you.” Alfred said. “So, how did you fare today, Jordalyn?”

  “I … well … fine.” She glanced at the sketch pad, and felt a thrum of excitement. She’d done some good work today. She smiled at Alfred. “Very fine, I think.”

  Alfred tapped his cane. “Splendid, indeed.”

  “I think I might even have an idea for you. It’s very preliminary,” she hurried to add. “But it’s a start.” She’d explained her background to him earlier and he’d been as understanding as she’d expected. But he’d also refused to listen to any concerns and was convinced she would create a fine piece for him. She wished she had a bit more of his confidence. Still, it meant a great deal to her that she had anything to show him. One look at the smile in his eyes and she knew he understood that, too.

  Alfred waved his cane like a wizard might a staff. “Very good indeed and I’m certain you’ve crafted a gem. I’m anxious to discuss every detail, but first we must discuss my plans.”

  “Plans?” Cai spoke for the first time.

  Alfred didn’t look at Cai but continued to address Jordy. “I have a small outbuilding adjacent to the gardens. I had originally intended to use it as a potting shed, but after the hothouses were constructed, I found little need for it. I fear it requires some maintenance, the salty air here isn’t conducive to keeping paint on things, but it should fix up quite nicely with a little attention.”

  “Fix up? What have you cooked up now?”

  Alfred turned to his grandson and smiled kindly, as a patient parent would to a recalcitrant child.

  “Rest assured, I have not cooked anything. I leave that fathomless function to Dilys, with all of her inimitable talents.” He turned his attention back to Jordy. “I plan to consign you to sculpt several pieces.”

  His vote of confidence both reassured and terrified her. She forced a confident smile. “That is wonderful to hear, truly.” Her smile slipped a bit as honesty forced her to add, “But Alfred, I can’t guarantee—”

  “Ah, my dear, those are two words I don’t want to hear passing from those lips again. You can and you will. Has this garden inspired your creativity?”

  “Yes, but—”

  “Am I right in thinking that you would enjoy continuing to work in this environment?”

  “Well, yes, but I have to go—”

  “She can’t stay.”

  “Says who?” Jordy asked. It irritated her that he was making decisions for her. Even if it was the same one she’d been about to make. “I finish working with the kids this Friday.” To Alfred, she added, “After that, my plans are open.”

  “After that your plan was to return to Virginia and start your business again,” Cai said pointedly.

  “You said you understood why I was here. You don’t understand at all.”

  “I understand perfectly. You don’t want to go home and face what lies there. I don’t blame you. But hiding out here isn’t going to solve anything.”

  “Who said anything about hiding out?”

  Cai turned to Alfred. “You want to make the potting shed into a studio and move her in here. Am I correct?”

  Alfred beamed. “Always were a sharp boy. Precisely my idea. Golden, isn’t it?”

  She stared back and forth at both of them. “Whoa, wait a minute. Let’s all just back up a few steps.” She addressed Cai first. “I do have to return to Virginia. At some point.” She raised a finger when he started to speak. “I’m not running, or hiding, by admitting that working here would be a tremendous boost for me. If you couldn’t write any longer but found there was a place where you thought you could, would you let anything stop you?”

  Cai stared at her, but said nothing.

  “You are making a wise decision, my dear,” Alfred said.

  She turned to him and her expression gentled. “Alfred, it is very kind of you to make such a generous offer, but I can’t accept.”

sp; He looked so crestfallen she felt like she’d kicked a puppy.

  “He’s a genius at looking wounded,” Cai said. “Don’t let it sway you. Trust me.”

  She shot Cai a quelling look, then took Alfred’s hand.

  “Cai is right, I do have to get back home, but I’d like to extend my stay on Mangrove just a little longer and I’d be greatly appreciative if I could come and sit in your marvelous gardens. Whenever it’s convenient.” She turned to include Cai. “I really have no intention of intruding.”

  Cai muttered something under his breath that she didn’t catch, but Alfred apparently did. “I did not raise you to be impertinent to guests. Crystal Key is as much my home as it is yours. I’m certain Jordalyn and I can work out a suitable arrangement that won’t require your presence.”

  Cai started to speak, but those crystal blue eyes stopped him. “Make wise choices, Malacai. Don’t mistake fear for weakness. The consequences could be dire.”

  An odd, eerie silence descended over the garden at this proclamation. She was uncomfortably reminded of the feeling she’d had that first day in the garden when Alfred had gone a little batty on her. But just as he had then, he seemed very much aware of exactly what he was saying.

  In the next instant, the look vanished, replaced once again by the warm, grandfatherly gaze she’d grown attached to.

  “I would think, however,” Alfred went on, as if the moment hadn’t occurred, “that you’d be somewhat more grateful to the woman who, with the stroke of her pen, saved your publisher’s abysmal marketing campaign.” With a dismissive nod that made it clear the subject was closed, he smiled at Jordy. “Now, come dear, and we shall look over those drawings. I really would like you to see the potting shed. Cai here will be glad to remove the tea tray.”

  Jordy didn’t have to look at Cai to know he was steaming. She could feel the heat. She also knew Alfred had every intention of trying to talk her into staying.

  And if she stayed, despite their best intentions, she’d end up all tangled with Cai. She knew it, and she was certain Cai knew it.

  Which was why she had to nip Alfred’s grand scheme in the bud. She would find a way to work here, for at least a few more visits. Too much was riding on this. Surely she and Cai could steer clear of each other that long.

  “I’ll be taking you back to Mangrove later,” Cai said.

  She let Alfred walk ahead before turning back to him. The silver tray, gleaming in a beam of sunlight, was balanced easily on one wide palm. He should have seemed ridiculously out of place, all rugged and dangerous looking in his black clothes, holding a tray filled with delicate china, surrounded by hothouse flowers and whimsical fairy creatures.

  And yet, he looked perfect.

  She recalled the sorcerer in his latest book, the one who had held her as spellbound as the author himself. She wondered if he had any idea how strongly she was beginning to identify him with that troubled hero. Did he see that in himself? Or was it an unconscious manifestation?

  She shivered. There was another woman out there who identified Cai with his sorcerer. And Jordy had the cold realization that if that woman were to see the way he looked right now, she would feel vindicated for all her beliefs.

  “I’ll … I’ll meet you on the docks in an hour.” Without another glance, she clutched her sketch pad to her chest and raced to catch up with Alfred.


  Cai stood on the rear deck and watched Alfred give directions to the three-man crew he’d hired to renovate the potting shed. He tried not to think about the blank monitor sitting on his desk, the cursor blinking at him like an irritating accusation. He couldn’t sleep. He was too tired to think. And when he couldn’t think, he couldn’t create.

  He fell into bed at night exhausted, only to have nightmares of that woman being beaten, and when he focused closely on her face, he saw only Jordy staring back at him. Alfred was also there, snapping in and out of his Arthurian mode, casting prophecies with that bony finger. Threading through it all, the madwoman responsible for the whole thing appeared. Faceless, nameless, in a dark shroud, telling him he could end all this agony if he would only bring her the pearl.

  He’d wake up sweating and crawl out of bed to the haven that was his computer. He craved the alternate world of his own creation, seeking the solace and escape it had always provided him. But he found, like Jordy’s sculpting, his own art had abandoned him in his time of need. A cruel trick indeed.

  Alfred had been more even-keeled since he’d met Jordy. His new goal of having her work on Crystal Key kept him mostly focused. Still, Cai worried. Alfred was becoming attached to Jordy. It was perfectly understandable, Cai thought with aching frustration, but she would eventually leave.

  His eyes narrowed when he saw Alfred wave his cane and begin to expound to the startled crew. He moved to intervene, then spied Dilys running to the rescue. He puffed out a sigh of relief. He didn’t think he could handle another confrontation. He’d tangled with Alfred over this every day, since he’d escorted Jordy back to Mangrove four days ago.

  She’d promised that she would only stay long enough to finalize the preliminary plans for the pieces Alfred wanted to commission. He had no doubt she’d keep her word. But, he knew his grandfather. He was a very persuasive man. He’d seen the looks the two of them had shared when she’d come back yesterday morning. He knew their special bond was deepening every moment they spent together.

  The phone rang and jolted him out of his thoughts. He seriously considering letting the machine pick up. He answered on the third ring.

  “Hello, Eileen.”

  After a smoky exhale, she jumped right in. “What does it say about a man’s social life when he automatically assumes the only person who would call on a Saturday is his editor?”

  “The same thing it says about editors working weekends.”

  Eileen’s hoarse laugh filled his ear. “I’ve gone over your revisions on Book Two and everything looks fine. It’s on schedule. But I need to give Lawrence a date on the partial for Book Three. He’s got it tentatively scheduled, but he wants to see some of it before meeting with the new team from marketing. He’s really happy with the new cover concept for the second one, by the way. Maybe we can get Jordy to think about contributing to your next cover as well.”

  Jordy, Jordy, Jordy. How had she so quickly found her way into every aspect of his life? Irritated, but knowing this was a safer topic than the proposal he hadn’t made a page of progress on in the past week and a half, he said, “She’s a sculptor, not an illustrator.”

  “I don’t care if she’s a librarian who doodles in book margins. She’s hot and Lawrence likes her work. I can have the art department talk to her directly.”

  “Don’t do that.”

  The pause was slight, but told him he’d blown it. “Oh? Trouble in paradise? I thought she was getting all chummy with Alfred. Isn’t that a good thing? She’s keeping him out of your hair, so you can concentrate on your work.”

  “It’s more than that,” he muttered.

  There was a sharp inhale, followed by a long, contemplative exhale. Eileen could say more with a simple drag on a cigarette than others could in an entire speech.

  “I see.”

  Having Eileen on his case about work was one thing, having her involved in his private life at this point was another. “Listen, I have to get back outside with Alfred. I’ll call you back soon with a date.” She was still exhaling when he hung up. It rang again almost immediately. “C’mon, give me a break.” He snatched up the phone. “Listen, Eileen, I need some—”

  “Mr. L’Baan? Special Agent Kuhn here.”

  Cai swore silently. He’d rather deal with Eileen. Hell, he’d rather deal with Alfred. “What can I do for you?”

  “We’ve done additional traces on that last e-mail. She used a service provider out of London, but the call originated in the same area of Wales as the others.”

  Well, duh, Cai thought uncharitably.

  “The tr
ail ended there. Another alias and phony address.”

  None of this was surprising. It had been the same with the others. “Thank you for letting me know, Kuhn.”

  “You’re welcome, and it’s Special Agent Kuhn.”

  Cai had to resist the urge to hang up on the pompous jerk. “I still think we should discuss my idea about contacting her. What have we got to lose?”

  “Mr. L’Baan, we have special training in these matters and I believe we have this under control, but I appreciate your concern.”

  “Well, I hope the woman who’s suffering God knows what kind of torture right now as we swap ridiculous formalities shares your confidence, Special Investigative Agent Kuhn.”

  “This is no time to lose your cool, Mr. L’Baan” he said tightly. “Rest assured everything is being done to locate the woman.”

  “Not everything. We could still—”

  “If you receive anything else you will inform us immediately. Still nothing regarding proof of the second threatened kidnapping?”

  Cai controlled his temper. “Nothing.”

  “We’ll take that as a good sign. I’ll be in touch. When you hear something, contact me immediately.”

  “Yes, sir.” Cai disconnected, replacing the phone carefully. It was that or rip it out of the wall.

  Dilys chose that moment to enter his office. “Himself is needing your attention,” she said shortly. “He’s in his gardens. I’m bringing out tea.” She left without waiting for a reply.

  She knew Cai would do his duty by his grandfather. He wished he could go away somewhere, worry only about himself for just a little while. The guilt hit him immediately. He rose to go find Alfred.

  On the walk there, he stared out at the gardens and thought about what Jordy had said about finding a haven where she could finally work, and the lengths to which she’d go in order to be there. For her, it was here, on Crystal Key. This had always been his haven too, but it wasn’t right now. He had to admit, if such a place were to pop up this instant, he’d move heaven and earth to go there. So he did understand.


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