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Taming Mr. Right

Page 9

by Tonya Kappes

  Clay stopped and Brilliance stopped a few feet behind him. Slowly Clay turned around. He and Brilliance eyed each other, equally trying to read the other. Clay put his hand out in front of him; Brilliance lifted his head avoiding the touch. Brilliance backed up.

  It was more important than ever for Brilliance to give into Clay and his magic. This was going to be the last time before I left for Texas to get it on film. I plunged my hands in the pockets of my jeans. I pulled the lighter out of my pocket and nervously clicked away.

  “Are you okay?” Grace asked. Her eyes still on the LCD screen.

  “I’m fine,” I whispered. “I hope Brilliance becomes obedient so we can show the Sheikh just how amazing Clay is with him. And that the Lady B is the farm for them.”

  I continued to click the lighter off and on.

  “I’m sure it will all be okay,” Grace confirmed. She looked over at my hand. The camera followed her hand. “Maybe the clicking of that lighter you are playing with is bothering Brilliance.”

  “Oh.” I shrugged and slipped it back in my pocket. I brushed my hand toward the ring. “Film.”

  “Oh, dang.” Grace quickly pointed the camera back to Brilliance and Clay.

  Clay had gotten his hand on Brilliance and was rubbing down his nose, proceeding to his mane.

  “I’d do anything to save this farm,” I muttered.

  “I know you love it here. Everything is going to work out.” Grace was good at calming me down. That was one of the things I loved about her being my assistant.

  After a few more minutes, Brilliance had let Clay brush him all over and work on his shoes. It was exactly what I needed to take to the Sheikh. It was the proof I needed to show him that it wouldn’t take long before Clay would be getting a saddle on him and a jockey on top of that.

  “I got it all.” Grace handed me the camera.

  “Thanks.” I touched her on the arm. I felt bad because I had pegged her to have an attraction to Clay when I was clearly wrong. “Grace, I want you to know that I saw you and the farm hand in the barn.”

  She blushed.

  “And it’s okay. You don’t have to hide your feelings for each other.” I wanted her to know I approved and wanted her to be happy.

  “I wasn’t sure how to go about it.” She made a circle in the dirt with the toe of her boot and then smoothed it away.

  “I thought you had something for Clay at first.” I was ashamed to admit my feelings. “But as you know, or walked in on, Clay and I have formed a bond that I have never felt before.”

  It was like confessing my sins to a priest. Grace was so easy to talk to and the smile on her face made me feel how happy she was for me.

  “You deserve it.” She reached out and squeezed my arm. “You have put all of your time and effort into this place. It’s about time you had a little pleasure too.”

  We both looked over at Clay as he hopped over the fence.

  “And not bad to look at.” She gave one more little squeeze before she walked away.

  “Well?” Clay draped his arm around my shoulder. “Did you get it all?”

  “Grace did.” I continued to watch Grace walk away and lifted my hand to take Clay’s hand that rested just above my breast. “And you looked great. If the Sheikh doesn’t see this as why he should have Brilliance and all his horses here, nothing will.”

  “He will.” Clay twirled me around and kissed the top of my nose. “I’m starving. Let’s get ready for our date.”

  “Perfect.” I slid my hand down his arm and took his hand. “I’ll drive us home.”

  “Home?” he questioned. “Listen, I do have to find a place to live.”

  “Why can’t you live with me?” I asked, drawing closer to him.

  “It’s not the gentlemanly thing to do. Besides, your momma wouldn’t like it.”

  “My momma likes you.”

  “Well, my momma wouldn’t like it.”

  “Your momma doesn’t live here.” I pulled back and tugged on his hand. “Let’s go home.”

  “You sure do drive a hard bargain.” He obeyed and followed me to the old truck. “Why do you keep driving this old beater?”

  “It feels more natural to me.” I turned the key. “The new Ford is beautiful, but I don’t need new. I. . .”

  “Vivian Westwood.” He turned in his seat and stroked my hair. “That’s what I love about you.”

  I slammed on the brakes nearly throwing us out of the windshield.

  “Love?” I gulped.

  He slid over and put the gear shift in park.

  “I’m madly in love with you.” The sweet throbbing of his lips made me shift closer to him. Our tongues sought out each other. There was nothing that was going to stop this from happening.

  I was totally, one hundred percent in love with Clay Preston and I was no longer going to fight it.

  By the time we made it back to the cottage, it was almost too late to go on a date and pack. We were only supposed to be in Texas for two nights, but if I had to stay longer, I had to be prepared to do it.

  “Where have y’all been?” Luvie stood on her porch with a cocktail in her hand.

  Jase was lounging in one of her fancy hammocks with a beer in one hand and another hand on their dog, Duke. The big red, furry Irish Setter was how Luvie and Jase met.

  She was going to all the dog parks in Lexington trying to drum up business when Duke and Jase took a liking to her. It was down hill from there. The three of them were rarely apart.

  “I had Grace film Clay working with Brilliance for my meeting tomorrow.” I left out the part of us making out in the old truck and the fact the video was to save the Lady B.

  “We are grilling out steaks and I just so happen to have a couple more if you guys want to join us?” Jase asked. “And I have a few of these.” He held his beer up in the air.

  “Sounds good to me.” Clay hung his arm back over my shoulder. It was beginning to be the spot for him. “Babe?”

  Normally I hated being called anything other than my name, but from him I didn’t mind.

  “Are you sure?” I asked Luvie to see her reaction. Sometimes she liked her time alone with Jase and I didn’t want to screw that up.

  “Of course!” Luvie’s voice escalated. “You can come help with the salad.”

  That was Luvie’s way of saying that she wanted to get me alone and get all the dirt on what was going on with my relationship.

  Clay pulled me tight and gave me a kiss that would last me a few minutes before he grabbed a beer.

  “Easy fellow.” Jase pointed to the cooler on the porch. “You are starting to make me look bad.”

  “I can’t keep my hands off her,” Clay said before I walked into Luvie’s cottage.

  “Oh my God.” I threw my hands over my mouth. “He told me he loved me.”

  “I knew it. And your momma knew it too.” Luvie bounced on her toes. “The way he looks at you makes me even jealous and I have an amazing guy.”

  “He’s going to Texas with me.” I tried to get out some of the salad stuff from the refrigerator and be all nonchalant, but the smile on my face said it all.

  “My daddy.” Luvie squealed. “He’s such a matchmaker.”

  “That he is.” I bit my lip and took a deep breath. “He’s taking me to meet his family while we are there.”

  “Girl, you are going to get married before me.” Luvie jutted out her lip and stomped her foot.

  “Doubtful. But his mom?” My brows lifted in worry. “I don’t know how to meet someone’s mom.”

  “Be yourself. Your wonderful self.” She ran up the steps to her loft. “I have some great clothes for you to take.”

  While she sorted through her closet, I washed the lettuce, cut the radishes, and a few more of the veggies she had laid out for the salad. The smell of grilled steak seeped in from underneath the front door.

  I looked out the window. Jase and Clay were playing fetch with Duke while they kept an eye on the grill.

nbsp; “What else are we having?” I yelled up to the ceiling.

  Luvie was walking down the stairs with an armful of clothes.

  “Veggies on the grill.” She grabbed the garments by the hangers and they fell to the floor. “All of these will look so cute with your cowboy boots and a jean jacket.”

  One by one, she showed me different little dresses that were all lengths. Some with straps and some that were bandeau.

  “I’m only going to be gone for a couple nights.” I shook my head.

  “An important couple of nights.” She hung them on the coat hooks on the back of the door. “You aren’t letting this one get away.” She folded her arms and leaned on one leg as she peered out the window at the boys. “He’s hot.”

  “Yes, he is.” I wasn’t going to deny that.

  “Is he really good in bed?” Luvie’s green eyes lit up in anticipation of my answer.

  “You have no idea.”

  Clay caught me staring at him through the glass and he winked at me. I giggled and did a little wave.

  “Gross.” Luvie grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to the kitchen to finish the salad. “We will hurry up and eat so you love birds can go do what ever it was you were going to do before we interrupted you.”

  “We were going to go out to dinner, but I’d much rather spend it with you.” It was true.

  I had longed to have someone that could go on double or triple dates with me and my best friends. It was everything I thought it was going to be but felt a whole lot better.

  “So why is it again that daddy is sending you to Texas?” Luvie got a big bowl out of the cabinet and started mixing the salad ingredients while I washed the knives.

  “The Sheikh is coming into the states and it’s just easiest to meet him in Texas.” I lied, sort of.

  “Really?” Luvie stopped and looked up. “Birdie didn’t say a word about it when I talked to her.”

  “When was the last time you spoke to Birdie?” I didn’t think they talked all that much since Birdie moved to the Middle East, but I could be wrong. It would have been good if they didn’t talk because Birdie kind of had a big mouth and she would tell Luvie everything Leonard had been trying to keep from her.

  “She loves to Skype.” Luvie rolled her eyes and took clumps of shredded cheese before sprinkling it all over the salad. “I ignore it most of the time because I’m not clearly dressed when she’s awake with the time difference and all.”

  “When was the last time?” I asked.

  “Yesterday. But if she was coming to the states, she would have come by here.” Luvie didn’t sound all that convinced. “Maybe I’ll take her next Skype call for sure.”

  “Maybe it’s just him.” I shrugged hoping not to sound so suspicious. “Anyway, it’s not a big deal. I’ll be home in a couple days.”

  Luvie elbowed me and picked up the salad bowl. “Let’s hope you spend most of that time on your back, or on top.” She giggled and walked out the door.

  “Everything looks great.” Clay rubbed his hands together.

  Luvie turned the picnic table into a true Beiderman affair. She had a red tablecloth spread across with a chandelier style candle holder with draping red and clear crystals to match.

  Unlike me, Luvie had china plates and cloth napkins to make the dinner even more elegant. The long-stemmed crystal goblets were filled with wine that I was sure would compliment the steaks.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever sat at a picnic table this fancy.” Clay gestured.

  “Welcome to the world of Luvie Beiderman.” I laughed and swung my leg over the bench to take a seat.

  Clay rushed to my side to help me and took the spot next to me.

  “Stop it,” Luvie gushed, loving every single second of the compliments.

  “Trust me,” Jase passed around the salad bowl, “I’m a hunter and it took a while for me to get used to this too since I’m pretty darn good at eating off plastic.”

  “Oh, you liar.” Luvie pushed Jase’s arm in a loving way.

  Jase Nelson’s family owned the international St. James Pet Stores. Before she and Jase started dating, Luvie was introduced to Jase’s grandmother, Coco St. James, through Gloria. Coco also lived in the upscale retirement home where Gloria lived and her dog was one of Luvie’s clients. Through a string of events, Luvie had used her design skills to come up with a dog clothing line that caught Coco’s eye. Today, Luvie’s dog clothing line was an international hit and located in all the St. James Pet Stores.

  Jase Nelson was far from poor, no matter how many times he wants to pretend it was hard getting used to how Luvie Beiderman and her family lived.

  “So,” Luvie cut into her steak and nonchalantly tried to get the scoop out of Clay. “Are you looking forward to Texas?”

  I reached over and put my hand on Clay’s, giving it a slight squeeze. It was my way of reminding him not to say too much since Leonard had not disclosed the real reason for my trip.

  “I am.” Clay glanced at me and with a smile on his face, he said, “I’m really looking forward to introducing Viv to my family.”

  “Viv?” Luvie questioned. Amusement in her eyes. Her brows lifted. “Hmm. . .that’s a first for a guy.”

  “She’s a hard one to tame.” Clay wrapped his arms around me.

  “You better watch it.” Luvie pointed her fork at him. “I think she just might be taming you.”

  “You might have that right.” He winked and went back to eating.

  Everyone must have been hungry because there was not a whole lot of the chit-chat as everyone stuffed their bellies full.

  “This was much nicer than going out.” I helped carry the dishes to the sink. “Thank you so much.”

  “Are you joking?” Luvie asked. “I’ve been waiting years to be able to double date with you and a boyfriend.” She put the dishtowel on the counter and turned to me. “You look so happy.”

  “You know,” I took a deep breath, “I am. I have never felt this way. Ever. It is hard to get used to. But I keep telling myself he’s the real deal. Especially now that he wants me to meet his family.”

  “I about died when he said that at dinner.” Luvie shook her head. “You are both smitten.”

  “Or horny.” I winked and laughed.

  “Oh my God! I bet you guys are all over each other.”

  “Even in the barn.” I tried not to smile but my lips twitched up and there was no stopping them. “I swear. I can’t keep my hands off him,” I whispered.

  It felt so good to have some girl talk. I was always on the receiving end and now I was the one giving all the good gossip.

  “He’s very generous.” I bit my lip to try to ease the heat from rising all over my face. “He always makes sure I’m completely and utterly satisfied before he is. I’m having a hard time concentrating on work or anything else but him.”

  Luvie grabbed me and hugged me.

  “I’m so happy for you. If anyone deserves it, it’s you, Vivian.”

  “What’s going on in here?” Clay walked in and threw his beer bottle away.

  “Just a little girl time.” Luvie smiled, giving away our secrets.

  “I’m sure it is.” Clay reached out and drew me close. “Darlin’, I think we need to get to bed. We have an early flight.”

  “You are right.” Not wanting to, I uncurled his arms from around me and thanked Luvie and Jase for inviting us over. “When we get back, we are going to have you over.”

  “But for a real picnic, not this fancy stuff.” Clay twirled his hand in the air.

  “You are my kind of guy.” Jase and Clay shook hands. “You did good for yourself with this one Vivian.”

  “I’d like to think so,” I looked up into Clay’s big blue eyes. My body tingled. In one motion, Clay swooped me up in his strong arms. “Whoa.” I giggled and nestled my head in his collarbone.

  “I need to get this little lady home.” Clay carried me out the door and across the drive to my cottage.

  Once we got
in, he slammed the door with his foot and continued to carry me upstairs. There wasn’t a word exchanged between us. Our eyes did the talking.

  Gently, he eased me down onto the bed, putting his body weight on top of me.

  “I love you, Vivian,” he whispered before he paused to kiss me, undress me, whispering his love for every part of my body.

  With my eyes closed, I enjoyed the gentle massage, sending currents of desires through me. As he filled every single part of my physical desires, I could feel him deepening my soul, causing me to fall deeper and deeper in love with the man, not the act of making love.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Gentle kisses tapped my nose and the sound of Clay’s voice rang in my ears.

  “Baby, it’s time to get up.”

  “Make love to me,” I begged and pulled myself on top of him.

  “Darlin’, we just made love two hours ago.” Clay wrapped his arms around me. “You might be the death of me.”

  “Two hours ago was a long time.” I played and rolled off of him, feeling his manhood coming to life. “He thinks so too.”

  “I’d stay here all day and make love if we didn’t have to get on that plane so you can save your job and mine.” He rolled on his side and drew me into his curled body. He whispered into my ear, “We can make love as soon as the meeting is over and before we head to my momma’s.”

  He smacked my butt to get me going.

  “Promise?” I stood up.

  “Hell yeah.” He watched me make my way to the bathroom. “Viv?”

  I turned around, knowing his eyes were drinking me in. I leaned on the bathroom door.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” With a light heart, I went into the bathroom.

  It didn’t take us long to get ready. Leonard had sent a Town car and driver to pick us up and take us to the airport. He had also gotten us a taxi to take us from the El Paso International Airport to Marfa, Texas, our destination. It was going to be over a two-hour drive in the taxi once we got our feet on the ground, which was fine by me. The more time to snuggle with Clay before I had to become a bulldog with our competitor.

  “Hells bells, if it ain’t Clay Preston.” A taxi driver who held a sign with my name printed on it recognized Clay right off the bat. “Where the hell have you been?”


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