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Smooth: The Sons of Victor Black: A BWWM Romance

Page 12

by Cassie Verano

  “You are my woman. I told you once we had sex, there was no going back, Mads.”

  “You did, but you also have a hard time settling with one woman. I can’t be a charm on your heartbreak bracelet, KB. I can’t afford that shit, dude.”


  “Kent, drive! You can’t be stopping in the middle of traffic like this to argue!” she fussed.

  Sighing, I let my foot off the brakes, ignoring all the honking cars maneuvering around us.

  “All I asked was for you to give me a chance, Mads. A chance to prove to you I could settle down. That I want to settle down.”

  “That may be true, but it doesn’t mean I’m the one for you,” she countered.

  My jaw was working hard as hell to keep from saying some foul shit I might later regret. But Madison was pushing it.

  “Our first date, and this is how it’s gonna be?” I finally said.

  She sighed. “You’re right. I guess I’m scared. Okay? I can be scared.”

  “But you don’t have to be, babe,” I said, resting my hand on her knee and rubbing it.

  “I don’t want to be.”

  “Then give me a chance. Give us a chance,” I pleaded.

  She sighed again and remained silent for a few moments.

  “Okay, KB. But I’m not ready to tell anyone about us yet.”


  “I...I just can’t. There’s too much turmoil between my parents and me about my relationship with you. I don’t want to do this with them. Let’s see how we work out before I give them a reason to get all up in arms. Please.”

  I knew her parents weren’t fond of me where she was concerned. Especially her father. And I didn’t want to make this harder on Madison than it needed to be.

  “Okay,” I consented. “We’ll wait.” But I didn’t promise any specific length of time.

  “THIS PLACE IS GORGEOUS!” Madison exclaimed loudly over the roaring of the rotor.

  “I figured you’d like it.”

  We were taking in the views of a large winery from 1,000 feet in the air. It provided an optimal view of the land and the buildings. Madison had been excited about flying and seeing the city of Atlanta as it passed us by, while we flew to north Georgia.

  She had oohed and aahed over the governor’s mansion, Centennial Olympic Park, some of the gated estates and golf courses, and lakes.

  Madison’s eyes were wide with excitement as she took in the lush greenery of the vineyard as we prepared for landing.

  Once we departed from the helicopter, she took my hand and said, “I’ve never been to a vineyard or winery before.”

  “Good, I’m glad your first tour is with me,” I said, kissing her lips.

  A former college buddy of mine owned Kline Vineyards. Baylor Kline had inherited the vineyard that had been in his family for generations when his father had passed away unexpectedly.

  He had grown up at the vineyard and been as much a part of its success as any staff member could claim. He’d learned about the operations of the vineyard at both his grandfather and father’s feet, and later, as a teen and then college student, he’d learned about the business of the vineyard.

  “In the last couple of years before his father’s death, Baylor was working with his parents to incorporate a winery at the vineyard. They opened it last year, and he’s considering opening a restaurant too,” I shared.

  “And he’s your age?”

  “He’s twenty-nine, a year older than me,” I said.

  “And two years younger than me,” Madison said. “Wow! To own all this and accomplish all this at such a young age. It’s amazing,” she said, her eyes taking in the stunning views before us.

  We walked up to the gorgeous tan and yellow stucco Tuscan style edifice before us. The glass doors opened and out stepped my old friend, Baylor Kline.

  “Kent Black! When you called to arrange a visit I was shocked. I didn’t think I’d ever see you up in these parts,” he said, with a broad smile on his lips.

  A beautiful blonde stood behind him with a weary smile.

  I glanced at her as Baylor, and I exchanged hugs.

  “I told you I’d make it up here one day.”

  “Yeah, but if it doesn’t involve loud parties, fast cars, and...beautiful women,” he murmured, looking over my shoulder at Madison, who stood behind me. “I didn’t think it interested you.”

  I laughed. “You’d be surprised at what interests me these days, Baylor.”

  “Who do we have here?” he asked, gesturing to Madison.

  Reaching behind my back, I clasped my fingers with hers and pulled her by my side. “Baylor, this is my best friend and girlfriend, Madison Cabot. Mads, this is Baylor Kline, an old college buddy of mine.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Baylor,” she said, extending her hand.

  “The pleasure’s all mine,” Baylor said, kissing her hand before turning to the blonde woman who had stepped up beside him.

  “Kent, Madison, this is my lovely wife, Lorna.”

  “Nice to meet you both. I’m so glad you could come and visit our home and take a tour of the place. Will you be staying?” she asked.

  “Well, I hadn’t planned—”

  “Nonsense. I never see you anymore. Of course, the two of you will stay,” Baylor disputed with a wide grin on his lips.

  I glanced at Madison, who lifted an eyebrow at me.

  “We have five villas on the property we rent out, but you’re welcome to stay free of charge because you’re friends,” Lorna offered.

  “We’ll see about it,” I said, leaning in to kiss Madison’s lips.

  “All righty then. Let me start giving you every reason the two of you need to spend the weekend with us,” Baylor said, rubbing his hands together.

  “Typically, our staff gives tours, but because it’s you two, I thought this would give us the chance to spend more time together,” Baylor stated.

  “That works for me,” I said, placing my arm around Madison’s shoulders as we followed Baylor and Lorna into their home.

  After we toured their 8,000 square foot Tuscan style home and the 25,000 square foot facility, we returned to their home. Golf carts awaited us to give us a tour of the 400-acre property.

  “Well, have you made up your mind whether you’re staying?” Lorna asked, her hopeful, expressive brown eyes glancing between Madison and me.

  “Mads and I were talking about that,” I said, smoothing my thumb over Madison’s palms.

  “We’d love to,” Madison agreed with a broad smile.

  “Great, let me show you to your rooms, and then you can prepare for dinner,” Lorna said.

  “Sounds wonderful!” Madison replied.

  We followed Baylor and Lorna up to the second floor and to the suite of rooms they reserved for us.

  Madison gushed over the warm earth tones of soft golds, dull yellows, terracotta brownish-orange, and the creamier worn walls. Tall leafy green plants were interspersed throughout the room in glazed pottery pots with tones of reds and browns.

  A wrought iron chandelier with subtle flourishes of fleur-de-lis hung from an exposed wooden beam over a large king-sized bed with a handcrafted quilt.

  Wood shutters were open at the windows giving a breathtaking view of the property.

  A large natural woven rug covered most of the stone floor.

  “This is beautiful!” Madison exclaimed after we had toured our suite.

  “Thank you; I was hoping it would be to your liking,” Lorna said.

  “It’s more than I could have imagined. These views are priceless, Lorna,” Madison said.

  “Thank you.”

  “Well, we’ll leave you two to get ready for dinner, and we’ll see you shortly,” Baylor said, wrapping his wife in his protective embrace.

  I watched as he led her from the room.

  “We still need to get some clothing, KB. I didn’t bring anything for an overnight stay,” Madison pointed out.

r did I. But no worries. I can handle that,” I said, pulling out my phone.

  With one quick phone call, I contacted my assistant, Veronica, and told her what we would need within the next few hours.

  She promised she would work her magic and have everything delivered to the address within three hours.


  The sun had set hours ago on the beautiful property in Dahlonega, Georgia. I looked all around me, basking in the blessing of being able to partake in this experience.

  “What are you thinking about?” Kent asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

  “Just how amazing it is to experience this. With you,” I added.

  I didn’t want him to think I took him for granted for a moment. I knew Kent had a lot of women who’d come from money in his life. But he also had women who were only with him because of his money. It was important to me that he knew he was so much more than that to me.

  “Stay by my side, and you’ll experience a lot more than this. I promise you,” he said with a wink.

  Kent took a strand of my hair and stroked it, twirling it around his finger.

  “You know I love to pull this shit when we’re in bed?”

  “Shit? My hair isn’t shit. Besides, every time you do that, you make it all tangled. Half the time, it doesn’t look like it’s been freshly permed. Then I have to go get my hair done that much sooner,” I whined.

  His eyes casually raked over me.

  “I can hire a personal hairstylist for you. You can have your hair done whenever you’d like,” he said.

  I scoffed. “I don’t want you to hire a personal stylist; I want you to quit pulling my hair.”

  “It turns me on.”

  I blushed, batting my eyes away from him. Because I still couldn’t believe we were doing it. We were actually pursuing a relationship. It scared me to the tips of my toes.

  “Did you enjoy your meal?” he asked, pointing at my mostly finished steak tartare.

  “Yeah, I did.”

  Kent stood, walked around the side of the table, and pulled me into his arms.

  “What are you doing?” I laughed as we swayed back and forth.

  He nuzzled the side of my neck.

  “Enjoying time with the woman of my dreams,” he replied in a gruff voice.

  The words pouring from his lips and the way he was holding me, turned me on. But I wasn’t alone in that. I felt his hard cock pressing against my thigh.

  “Did you ever see this?”


  “Me. You. In a relationship?” I asked.

  “Nah. I can’t lie. I mean, we’ve been best friends for a while, but you were with that douche bag, and I was immature as fuck,” he said.

  “So, at what point did you see this?”

  “Remember when Blake and Mitch had the engagement party?”

  I nodded.

  “You were there with Steve, and I couldn’t control all the negative energy in me. I watched how he flirted with other women, you looked the other way, and you weren’t happy that day. You smiled when people talked to you, but whenever you were alone, I could see the sadness in your eyes. Your ass worked hard to stay away from me.”

  I remembered that day. Kent had been sexy as hell, and I’d yearned to be with him, but I was shackled to Steve that day.

  “You were there with a date, too, KB,” I reminded him.

  “No, I came alone. There were a couple of females that were invited by my parents. My dad’s efforts to hook me up with the woman he thought I was supposed to be with. Sarah latched her claws in me and wouldn’t let go that day. But I didn’t want her. I wanted you,” Kent said.

  “Do you still want me?” I teased, licking his earlobe.

  “I can show you better than I can tell you,” he replied as we continued swaying to the beat of the music in our heads.

  We had taken our dinner outside in a beautiful spot in the center of the vineyard. An area that was exclusively ours for the night. Luckily, no one had rented out their villas over the weekend. So, once the vineyard and winery closed for the evening, no one else was on the property, aside from Baylor, Lorna, Kent, and me.

  Kent’s hand smoothed down my back, slipping underneath my shirt. It was warm compared to the coolness of the night that had set in.

  Slowly, he pulled my shirt up and over my head, tossing it to the ground.

  “You smell so good,” Kent murmured as his hands unhooked my bra.

  “That’s not me,” I laughed. “It’s the grapes.”

  Because we were in the season of bloom, I became heady off the sweet, fragrant aroma of grape clusters. A subtle, fleeting smell, I inhaled every time the wind blew the scent our way. A fruit bouquet of apple, melon, and D’anjou pear tickled my senses.

  “Mmm,” he groaned. “No, I’m not talking about that scent. I’m talking about your natural one. The one that tells me you want me,” he said, lowering himself to his knees.

  Long fingers reached underneath my skirt and pulled my thong down. When Kent had them down around my ankles, he lifted one foot and then the other, removing my foot from them.

  Kent’s thumb swirled around the inside of my ankle, slowly drawing a line up to my inner thigh. His finger stroked my labia, causing my hips to jerk forward as I grabbed his shoulders to keep me standing upright.

  My hips gyrated against the sensual feelings Kent stirred within me, just before he pinched my clitoris.

  “This is the scent I smell,” he said, standing and placing his finger under my nose before putting it underneath his.

  I gasped as he inhaled deeply and sucked his finger into his mouth.

  “So, sweet and tangy,” he murmured, lowering himself to his knees again.

  His tongue flicked out, licking a trail up the inside of my right leg. Slowly he drew a line up my thigh and stopped at my jewel. I wanted him to taste me; I was eager to feel his mouth on me, consuming me and leaving nothing behind.

  But Kent was determined to take his sweet time. Standing again, he unbuttoned and unzipped my skirt.

  As his hands smoothed down my sides to my waist, I shimmied out of my denim skirt.

  “You look so beautiful,” he said, staring at me as I stood naked underneath the moonlight.

  “Thank you,” I replied in a husky voice.

  My pubic muscles clenched with need. The feeling of my body heat and the crisp night air was an aphrodisiac stimulating my desire for Kent.

  “I need you now,” he said, the tips of my nipples hardening in the air.

  Kent’s hands cupped the sides of my face. His lips kissed my forehead, my eyelids one at a time, my nose, and then the corners of my mouth.

  I opened my mouth underneath his, allowing him to suck my bottom lip into his mouth.

  The gentle breeze blowing over my body and the reality of standing outside naked left me heady with yearning.

  “Mmph,” I moaned underneath his mouth, pressing myself against his hand as he cupped me.

  Kent broke off the kiss and lowered his head to kiss my chin and then to take one breast into his mouth, and then another.

  I pressed him against my breast, reveling in the sensation of his warm mouth on my breast. My nipples ached; they had gotten so hard. I wanted to feel him inside of me now, not waiting for another second.

  “I need you, Kent. Please...” I moaned.

  His head pulled back, and his green eyes were heavily lidded, staring at me.

  “Not yet, my love.”

  My stomach clenched as he lowered himself to his knees and then lay back on the ground. Reaching a hand up to me, he beckoned me to lower myself onto him.

  “Uh-uh, right here,” he said, shifting me from the lower half of his body to the top. Positioning my hips firmly in place, Kent scooted down in the grass and situated himself underneath my core.

  Slowly, I lowered myself onto his face, crying out when his tongue met my pussy for the first time that night.

  “Ahhhh!” I cried, worki
ng my hips back and forth.

  Riding his face like that was so sensual, so intimate, I nearly came at the sight of me covering his face that way.

  My cries in the night were loud, jarring, and full of desperation. Desperate to reach that final goal, yet, not wanting this moment, this feeling to ever end.

  I imagined if anyone could hear me, they might mistake my sound for that of a lone wolf, baying at the moon. Or if they’d ever felt an ounce of what I was feeling, they knew it was the sound of a woman basking in the ultimate pleasure of her man satisfying her wildest desires.

  Sexing outside under the moonlight.

  Kent lifted me from his face, disconnecting us, leaving me aching for more.

  “Lean forward, baby,” he coaxed.

  I did as he asked. My elbows rested on the ground on both sides of his head; my legs spread wide around his shoulders.

  His tongue swirled around my clit before dipping inside of me—the entire length disappearing between my pussy lips, my depths swallowing his tongue whole.

  And if this pleasure wasn’t enough, he stuck a finger in my ass.

  I was certain I would lose my mind at that moment. But that wasn’t good enough for Kent. He always took things to another level.

  My pussy was grinding on his face, ass tilted in the air, breasts tickled by the long shoots of grass all around us, as he spanked me with his other hand.

  “Ahhhh!” I cried out, jerking forward and almost losing my balance.

  But he didn’t stop.

  Smack after smack, he spanked my ass loudly, and I was desperate for more. Slowly I began rocking my hips back and forth. Squeezing my ass around his finger and pulsing my pussy to give his tongue everything he wanted and more, I couldn’t hold back any longer.

  With the final spank to my ass, I tumbled over the edge. My body shook as I drowned Kent’s face, his hairs in my love.

  It took several seconds before I summoned the strength to roll off him.

  The grass blades tickled and itched my skin all at once.

  Kent’s fingers trailed up my thigh and to my hips, squeezing and kneading.

  Pushing up on my knees, I moved down to straddle him at his shins. Taking his thick, long dick in my hands, I rolled it around. I licked the underside of his dick; my nails tugged at the skin of his sac gently.


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