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Devoted to Her (Dream Date Book 2)

Page 2

by Ivan Kendrick

  “I’m glad you didn’t think to make it rain.”

  “In this weather? No way, my lady.”

  Grecia grasped Ashton’s shoulders and pulled him so she could see his face.

  “Face it, Tiger—you just hit the jackpot!”

  Ashton and Grecia laughed together. He then placed his hands on her waist, going under her layers of clothing. Their lips met again.

  “Oh, Grecia. You’re the woman of my life.”

  Ashton planted kisses on Grecia’s cheeks, and once on her lips. She giggled.

  “You’re awfully syrupy today,” she says. “But I like you. Spoil me all you want!”

  “It’ll be an honor, my lady.”

  Ashton took Grecia’s hand and led her back to the car. They got inside.

  “Where are we going now?”

  “Amanda told me that there’s a nice café somewhere near Central Park. We’re going there.”

  “Mmm. I really would like coffee and a donut right about now.”

  Ashton chuckled.

  “You make even common stuff sound sexy, girl.”

  Grecia laughed.

  “Do you think I’m sexy?”

  “Yeah, baby. You’re my sexy girl.”

  Grecia looked out the window for the next few minutes, enjoying the view of the city. The skyscrapers awed her. Grecia had never been to New York before, and she liked it. But she wasn’t sure that she would want to move.

  “Can we go see Central Park after?”

  “Yes. Wherever you want, I’ll take you. I said we should make the best use of the time we have here.”

  “It’s lucky that you already took me to the Metropolitan Museum. You were on the computer almost the whole day.”

  “Yeah. I did spend quite a bit of time on Google Maps, but I also took you out to places.”

  “I wonder if we could see the Statue of Liberty.”

  “I’ll take you whenever you want.”

  At half past two, Amanda drove alone from a trip to a hair salon. She and Nathan had taken lots of photos at the Empire State observatory. They’d both had lunch afterward.

  During their morning workout, Jonathan had recommended a good hairstylist to Amanda. She’d wanted a makeover. Besides having shorter hair, Amanda bought new clothes. She thought a change of look would be nice, as long as it wasn’t too dramatic.

  Nathan was waiting in the apartment, watching TV. After hearing a knock on the door, he quickly stood up.

  When Nathan opened the door, a stunning young blonde stood before him. His jaw dropped.

  “So, how do I look?” Amanda asked. She felt flattered at Nathan’s reaction.

  “How can you go from beautiful to drop-dead gorgeous? It’s not fair,” Nathan replied. He stood aside to let Amanda walk in. She smiled to herself.

  “Do you like my new look?”

  Amanda turned back to face Nathan. He looked her up and down. Amanda’s hair, cut in layers, now barely reached her shoulders. A few locks of hair on Amanda’s forehead framed her face like curtains. The tips curled a little upward to the sides. She had no makeup except pink lipstick and a liberal amount of eyeliner.

  “I love you,” Nathan said. “I’m the luckiest guy in the world to be with you.”

  “I have no argument,” Amanda said with a laugh. She threw her arms around Nathan and kissed him. He marveled at how good her lips felt. But he wanted to kiss more than just her lips. Amanda looked good enough to kiss all over.

  “Okay,” Amanda said when she broke the kiss. “I better take a quick shower now. Get rid of the stray hairs, you know.”


  Amanda had wisely chosen not to wear any new clothes to get a haircut.

  A half hour after showering, Amanda walked into the kitchen. She found Nathan drinking from a water bottle.

  “Beautiful,” Nathan said to Amanda. Her stylish new clothes completed the look. She was a bombshell. “Should we head out?”

  “In a bit. Where would you like to take me?”

  “I thought we could go to the movies. It’s odd that we’ve never been on a movie date before.”

  Amanda blinked, thinking about it.

  “You’re right. Wow. How did we skip that?”

  “I don’t know. There was Thanksgiving, and then the rest of school, Christmas, and New Year. Time flew.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  “Which movie would you like to see?”

  “Let’s just check what they’re showing.”

  Amanda grabbed her purse and walked with Nathan to the living room. Before they could reach the entrance to the apartment, someone knocked on the door.

  “I wonder who it is,” Amanda said. She answered.

  “Amanda!” a guy said, smiling. It was Brad Dillingham, her best friend.

  “Hi, Brad! How have you been?” Amanda asked. She let him walk inside.

  “Great. How are you, Nathan?”

  “Good,” he replied. Brad and Nathan had first met each other at Times Square on New Year.

  “Did I catch you at a bad time?”

  “No,” Amanda replied. “It’s always great to see you. Let’s sit on the sofa.”

  “I’m just passing by, anyway,” Brad said. “I wanted to let you know that I’m going back to Europe to finish filming there.”

  “Oh. Are you flying back today?”

  “Yes. My plane leaves in a few hours.”

  “You said filming there almost wraps up, right?”

  “Yeah. We’ve got a few weeks left, and then I’ll be in Arkansas. I’ll let you know when filming starts there.”

  “You promised to take me there for spring break.”

  “I will,” Brad said. He looked at Nathan. “You’re welcome to come with her, too.”


  “All right, Amanda. I should get ready. See you soon.”

  “Take care, Brad,” Amanda said. She hugged him.

  “Laters, Nathan.”


  Brad nodded to both of them. He then walked out of the apartment.

  “He’s shooting a movie in Arkansas?” Nathan asked Amanda. She nodded.

  “It’s Brad’s first starring role. He’s thrilled about it.”

  “What’s the movie about?”

  “It’s a romance. From what I’ve heard of it, it’s going to be really good. Brad particularly likes that his co-star is such a hot actress.”

  “Is that so? Now I’m curious.”

  Amanda slapped Nathan’s shoulder.

  “I’m just kidding.”

  Amanda laughed, adjusting her purse on her shoulder.

  “Let’s go.”

  The two found a theater that wasn’t far away. Inside, Amanda and Nathan looked at the list of movies.

  “I’d like to see American Hustle,” Amanda said. “It sounds like it’ll be good.”

  “I’ve heard about that movie, too. Claire says she wants to see it.”

  Nathan looked at the time.

  “It starts in twenty-five minutes. What should we do until then?”

  “Buy munchies? I don’t mind the high prices now. I almost always bring snacks from elsewhere.”

  “Me, too. There’s no way I’m paying seven bucks for a bag of M&M’s. And they’re not even the sharing size.”

  Amanda looked at the movie posters. She and Nathan then went to get snacks.

  “Wait—” Nathan said, grabbing Amanda’s arm. “There is still plenty of time before the movie starts. Maybe we could go spend it somewhere?”

  We? Amanda thought. She looked at his expression, and then she got what he meant. A second later, Amanda frowned.

  “It’s super cold outside. How about the restroom?”

  “No way. I’m not dishonoring you by making out with you in a freaking restroom. You’re not some girl I picked up at a bar.”

  “Fair point,” Amanda said. “What do you suggest?”

  “Ever seen the movie My Date with the President’s Daugh

  After thinking for a second, Amanda nodded.

  Nathan and Amanda bought popcorn and chocolates. Once they had their snacks, they went to the theater room early. It was dark enough for them to make out without anyone noticing.

  “It’s not cold here anymore,” Nathan whispered. They had found seats four rows from the back. No one was behind them, yet.

  “Stop talking.”

  Amanda pushed Nathan so he fell on his back against the floor. He looked up at her, smiling.


  Amanda said nothing. She leaned down for a kiss. Nathan placed his arms around her. He was glad they’d both taken off their jackets.

  “What if we’re caught?” Amanda asked.

  “That’s part of the thrill. Anyway, I doubt anyone would bring kids to watch American Hustle. I’ve heard it’s a bit too… steamy.”

  Amanda smirked as Nathan ran a hand down the side of her chest and abdomen.

  “You’re so dazzling that sometimes I’m afraid you might disappear. Dating you is a dream come true.”

  “I think the same,” Amanda said. “I love you.”

  “Me, too.”

  Amanda beamed. Nathan’s lips met hers. His hand ran under Amanda’s blouse, caressing her soft skin. After that, Nathan undid the top buttons, and kissed her cleavage. They continued until the trailers started. Luckily, no one had spotted them making out.

  The first Saturday of the year arrived. As the second semester at Cornell University approached, Amanda proposed to go shopping. Nathan agreed to go with her. They weren’t staying in New York for long.

  “And I’ll call Emmy,” Amanda said. She pulled out her smartphone from her jacket pocket. “She won’t forgive me if I go shopping without her.”

  Nathan stood by the window as Amanda called her friend. They spoke for a few moments, and then Amanda hung up.

  “Emmy’s going with us.”

  Amanda and Nathan walked toward the elevator.

  “Let’s take advantage of the ride,” Nathan said. He placed his hands on Amanda’s shoulders.

  “’Kay. Just be quick. I don’t live in the penthouse.”

  Several minutes later, Amanda and Nathan were on the road. She wanted to shop at Fifth Avenue. Nathan hadn’t been there yet.

  Amanda found parking. She and Nathan then went on foot. Amanda adjusted her scarf.

  “Emmy’s meeting us at the store. Let’s go.”

  The first place that they visited was Abercrombie and Fitch. As she had agreed, Emmy was waiting at the entrance.

  “Hey, guys!” Emmy greeted. Amanda walked forward and hugged her. “How have you been doing?”

  “Great,” Nathan replied. He and Emmy kissed each other on the cheeks. “How about you?”

  “This little shopping trip is a lifesaver. I was starting to get bored in my apartment.”

  Nathan’s eyebrows furrowed.

  “You’re bored in New York. Wow. Is such a thing even possible? What can’t one do here?”

  “I know. It’s just…Brad’s flying back to Europe.”

  “He told us that,” Amanda said. “Brad stopped by his suite to say goodbye.”

  The three of them walked into the store.

  “Did he mention me?”

  Amanda was about to say the truth, but she decided to appease Emmy.

  “Brad asked me to tell you to take care for him.”

  Emmy looked pleased.

  Amanda and Emmy led Nathan to the women’s clothing section first. They looked through the blouses.

  “You can go to the men’s section, Nathan,” Amanda told him. “We might take a bit long here.”

  “Will you be all right?”

  “We’ll be fine.”

  Nathan nodded. He then walked to the men’s section. As he did, he thought it would be a good idea if Amanda re-hired her bodyguards. After Hilbert’s capture, she had allowed Hughes and Grayson to be with their families. Amanda hadn’t hired them back because she felt safe. Nathan knew that Amanda felt protected with him around, but having bodyguards wouldn’t hurt.

  Not now, Nathan thought. He shook his head. Amanda is perfectly safe. No one can hurt her anymore.

  Little over a half hour later, Nathan walked back to where Amanda was. They’d texted each other. Amanda said she was trying out some clothes.

  Nathan arrived at the changing stalls. He looked around. The area was pretty deserted, so he walked into the women’s section. One of the stalls was in use. Nathan knocked.

  “I’m here, love.”

  “Nathan, what are you doing here?” Amanda asked. He slipped inside. “Jesus, you’re bold.”

  Nathan chuckled, looking Amanda up and down. She was in her undershirt, as well as a new pair of dark gray pants that she was trying on.

  “I just wanted to see how you were doing. You look dazzling, by the way.”

  “Thanks. Go get your own stall now. I’d hate for you to get kicked out of the store.”

  “That won’t happen. Where’s Emmy?”

  “In the restroom.”

  Nathan went to the men’s changing stalls. He tried out the clothes he wanted to buy.

  Once they made their purchases, the girls took Nathan to Nine West. Amanda found a pair of teal blue pumps she liked so much that she bought them on the spot. They set her back a little over a hundred.

  After that, the trio went to a different clothing store. This time, they went to the winter wear section. Nathan thought it was time to replace some of his old jackets. He’d had them for around four years. It wasn’t surprising, as they only saw use during the winter.

  When Amanda was alone, putting on a lilac jacket to see how it fit, a guy approached her. She turned to him, arching her eyebrow.

  “Hi,” the guy said, a little too slow.

  “Hi,” Amanda replied, confused.

  “It’s a nice jacket.”

  “Yes, it is.”

  The guy watched Amanda. His face had turned red, an obvious sign that he was nervous.

  “M-my name’s Louis,” he said, offering his hand. Amanda took it. She’d thought Louis knew her.

  “I’m Amanda,” she said. Amanda looked for any signs of recognition in Louis’s eyes. There were none. She doubted he didn’t recognize her from a magazine.

  “Glad to meet you, Amanda. You look…pretty.”


  Louis paused, as though thinking about what he should say next.

  “Are you from around here?”

  “No. I’m on holiday.”

  “Oh. I thought you might attend Columbia.”

  Amanda shook her head. She realized that Louis might be hitting on her. It felt flattering.

  “You’re not a movie star, are you?”

  “No. I’m just a student.”

  “Really? You just look like an actress. Or a supermodel.” He nodded to a spot behind Amanda. There was a cardboard cutout of Selena Gomez.

  “Thank you. That’s sweet.”

  Nathan chose that moment to appear.

  “Everything all right, Amanda?” he asked, stopping behind her. He put an arm around her shoulders.

  “Yes. We were just doing small talk.”

  Louis was looking at Nathan with eyes as wide as saucers. Amanda struggled not to laugh.

  “See you later. I hope,” Louis said to Amanda. With one last nervous look at Nathan, he walked away.

  “Who was that?” Nathan asked.

  “I just met him. He says he goes to Columbia. I thought he knew who I was.

  “He didn’t recognize you?”


  “Funny. It was obvious he liked you.”

  Amanda rolled her eyes.

  “He was a young guy, most likely single. Of course he liked me.”

  Nathan said nothing. Amanda looked at him.

  “Are you jealous?”

  “No. I just wanted to make sure that guy knew you’re not single.”

  Amanda’s lips curved int
o a smile.

  “Come on, Nathan. He might have just wanted to be friends with me.”

  Nathan scoffed.

  “Yeah, right. Not even your cat would believe that,” he replied with a laugh.

  “I don’t have a cat,” Amanda said. She gave Nathan a curious look. He seldom got jealous. Granted, it was happening a bit more often. Amanda was young and gorgeous, so guys hit on her constantly.

  Once they finished shopping, Amanda and Nathan returned to her suite. He asked her if she wanted anything in particular for lunch.

  “How about some stew?” Amanda told him. “I need to thaw out. It was pretty cold out.”

  Nathan chuckled to himself. He’d been living in the state of New York for three years. Despite that, the winter weather still froze him almost to the bone.

  Hours later, Nathan was in his bedroom. He’d left Amanda on the phone in the living room. She was talking to Stanley, her new talent agent. Nathan was using his computer to look for a gift for Amanda. Valentine’s Day was approaching, and he wanted it to be special. Amanda would have the best day of her life.

  What can I give the girl who has everything?

  Some Web sites advised Nathan to get Amanda new jewelry or shoes. Women supposedly never got tired of those things. But Nathan wanted to be more creative.

  How about giving her an experience?

  That sounded great. Although Amanda had traveled abroad, there were still a lot of new places to see. Nathan would be able to take her if he got a higher-paying job. He made a mental note to search for one.

  As he browsed the Web, Nathan wondered if the apartment managers allowed pets. He felt that Amanda would like a dog. Only after thinking it through did Nathan realize that there was no one to care for a pet. Both he and Amanda were pretty busy at school, and they had work the rest of the day.

  Nathan clicked a link in the search results. In the page that loaded, there was a photo of a guy taking his girl to a restaurant. It appeared that he was proposing.


  Nathan thought hard for a moment. Although he and Amanda had only been dating for a few months, he was sure about what he felt for her. After all, Nathan had waited years to see Amanda again. He’d realized that his love for her had been true. Dating Amanda used to be as improbable as receiving a kiss from the likes of Emma Watson. They were unreachable.

  Am I ready to propose to Amanda?


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