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Devoted to Her (Dream Date Book 2)

Page 12

by Ivan Kendrick

  “I’m only going to ask this once, Mr. Ferland. And I want the truth. Are you cheating on Amanda?”

  Nathan shook his head, choosing not to act taken aback by the question.

  “Never, Mr. Tilley. Amanda is the love of my life. Why would I cheat on her?”

  “I don’t know. Perhaps you couldn’t handle the demands that a relationship with her entails.”

  “I can handle anything for Amanda. She’s my true love. I’ve proved it already.”

  “I’m sorry, Nathan,” said Kellan. “We were all puzzled when it took you so long to show up. Your girlfriend was almost killed and it was hours before you knew about it. Heck, even Christopher is here already. They all skipped school.”

  “What?” Nathan said. He looked toward the entrance. “I’m sorry, but I have to see Amanda now.”

  Without waiting for an answer, Nathan walked past Harold. He and Kellan stood there for a few moments. They then followed Nathan back inside the hospital.

  Once inside, Nathan looked for a doctor that would let him go and see Amanda. He had luck. The doctor in charge of Amanda’s and Emmy’s care was talking to the Tilleys. Everyone was there except for Florence and Christopher.

  “Excuse me, Doctor. May I go see Amanda?”

  “You are?”

  “He’s her boyfriend,” Claire said. The doctor looked at William. He nodded.

  “Sure. Ms. Tilley is awake now. Just don’t be too long, she needs rest.”

  Nathan followed the doctor to Amanda’s room. They walked through a couple of hallways before turning right. Amanda’s door was a few feet ahead. The doctor stood beside it.

  “It’s here,” the doctor said. Nathan grabbed the doorknob and let himself inside. He wasn’t prepared for what he would see.

  Amanda’s eyes darted to him as soon as the door closed. Next to her, on either side of the bed, was Florence and Christopher. Nathan narrowed his eyes.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Amanda’s my friend. I had to see she was okay.”

  Nathan exchanged glances with Florence. She gave him a subtle shrug.

  “Where were you?” Amanda asked Nathan. Florence looked at Christopher.

  “Let’s go.”

  Nathan and Christopher stared at each other, as if assessing themselves. Then the latter left the room, following after Florence.

  Taking a deep breath, Nathan walked forward to stand on the spot Florence vacated.

  “You’re late.”

  Nathan nodded, looking guilty.

  “I know, and I’m sorry.”

  “Where were you this whole time? Gosh, Nathan, you’re unbelievable. Everyone showed up before you, even Christopher! And he barely knows me.”

  “I…all right. I’m going to be honest with you, love.”

  “Just get to it.”

  Nathan braced himself.

  “I didn’t know about your…attack because I wasn’t at my apartment. My phone ran out of charge.”

  Amanda curved an eyebrow.

  “You didn’t spend the night at your apartment?”

  “No. I was with…Erika.”

  Amanda paused, wondering if she’d heard right.


  “You know she’s new here, so she wanted me to show her around.”

  “Then why couldn’t anyone find you?”

  Nathan looked down at his hands. He then glanced back at Amanda.

  “I fell asleep.”

  Amanda raised an eyebrow.

  “I didn’t wake up until this morning. And then Erika insisted to have breakfast with me. It would have been rude to refuse. When I got back to my apartment, Kayla shows up. She told me what happened.”

  “You spent the night at Erika’s?”

  Nathan nodded, starting to look alarmed.

  “Well, yes. It’s not like she could have carried me all the way back to my apartment.”

  “Damn it, Nathan. Did you sleep on her bed?”

  Nathan didn’t reply.

  “Did you?”

  “Yes! But nothing happened, Amanda. I swear.”

  Amanda shook her head, incredulous.

  “I can’t believe it. While I’m here, waiting for you, you’re in another woman’s bed.”

  “I’m telling you, that’s not how things happened. I was just going to give her a small tour of the city. Only, I fell asleep.”

  “How convenient.”

  Nathan turned around, taking a few steps. He then returned back to Amanda’s side.

  “You’re blowing this out of proportion, love.”

  “Don’t call me love. I’m mad! Do you realize I could have been killed while you had fun with some woman?”

  “For God’s sake, Amanda. I’m not cheating on you! I’m in love with you. I left Kayla for you!”

  Amanda laughed hysterically.

  “Why don’t you go back with her? That way, your life would be a lot less complicated.”

  Nathan didn’t know how to respond to that.

  “Please go. I want to be alone now.”

  But Nathan was too irked.

  “Do you think you’re standing on the sharper side of the sword? I have to deal with guys hitting on you all the time. Wherever we go, some jerk flirts with you or tries to be a smartass. The worst part? They all act as though I’m not there.”

  Amanda looked at Nathan, her mouth open.

  “Un-be-lie-va-ble. Are you seriously complaining now? You were fully aware of what you were signing up for when you asked me out.”

  “I did. But it’s getting on my nerves.”

  Amanda let out a gasp.

  “Are you getting tired of me?”

  “No! Never. Just…”

  “Get out,” Amanda said in a calm voice.

  “But, sweetheart—”

  “Leave me alone!”

  Nathan took a deep breath. Amanda closed her eyes, deciding to ignore him. Nathan looked at her, and then he ran his hand through his hair. Helpless, he left the room. Amanda sobbed.

  Nathan returned to the waiting room. He sat down, thinking about what had just happened.

  Damn it. I hope I didn’t screw up.

  Nathan didn’t meet anyone’s gaze. He had no interest in seeing anyone pity him or scowl at him. He needed to think of a way to make up to Amanda.

  Someone walked up and sat down next to Nathan. He turned his head to see the person. It was Kayla.

  “How did things go?”

  “Not as well as I hoped.”

  Kayla put an arm around Nathan. He looked at her. She gave him a smile.

  “How’s Emmy?” he asked.

  “She’s going to be okay.”

  The minutes passed. No one wanted to go, especially the Tilleys and the Crenshaws. Kellan and the black guy Nathan didn’t know were standing guard outside Amanda’s room.

  A short time after Danielle and Judith left to check on Emmy, another newcomer arrived. The group turned to see who it was.

  “Brad!” Florence said. The Tilleys knew him well, as he was Amanda’s childhood best friend.

  “I just landed a short time ago,” he said. William and Ryan stood up to shake hands with him. “Judith texted me the news. Is Emmy okay?”

  “She’s fine now. The doctors have fixed her up. I saw her myself, and there’s no more danger,” William said.

  “We thought you were filming,” said Florence.

  “They’ve gone ahead and started shooting scenes in which I don’t appear,” Brad explained. “I left as soon as my last scene there wrapped up.”

  Sebastian and Mikayla walked up to Brad. They didn’t know each other well, but they’d spoken a few times.

  “Good morning, Brad,” said Sebastian.

  “Good morning, Mr. Crenshaw,” Brad replied, shaking hands with him. “Mrs. Crenshaw.”

  They shook hands as well.

  “Do you want to go see Emmy?”

  “Yes. Is she awake?”

  “She is,” said Floren
ce. “Judith just left to see her.”

  “Thanks. I’d appreciate it, Mrs. Crenshaw.”

  “Follow me.”

  Mikayla and Brad left to Emmy’s room.

  On Saturday morning, the doctors let Amanda return to her apartment. However, they decided to keep Emmy for at least another day. Kellan drove Amanda and Caldwell back to Ithaca.

  As soon as they got to the apartment, Kellan and Caldwell told Amanda to wait outside. She handed him her key. Kellan put his ear against the door. He signaled to Caldwell, who prepared to open it. On the count of three, he unlocked the door. Kellan walked in first. The interior was dark. Caldwell followed close behind.

  In a minute, Kellan walked back out. Amanda looked at him. He was trying to stifle a smile.

  “Everything’s clear. You can go in.”

  “What’s going on?” she asked. Kellan couldn’t keep from grinning. Amanda walked forward. When she entered the living room, she saw a banner hanging from the ceiling. It was right above a single-seater sofa. Purple letters read, “WELCOME BACK, AMANDA.”

  Amanda was unable to stop herself from giggling.

  “How corny of him.”

  Kellan laughed. Only Caldwell remained impassive, although he smiled subtly.

  “Don’t deny you like it, sweetheart.”

  Amanda turned to look at the hall that led to the bedrooms. She saw Nathan standing there.

  “No wonder you weren’t at the hospital when I left,” Amanda said. “I thought you’d given up.”

  Nathan walked forward.

  “No way, my love.”

  Amanda kept her ground. She looked behind her and saw that Kellan and Caldwell had left.

  “I’m sorry, Amanda. I should have been there.”

  “But you weren’t.”

  Nathan stopped in front of Amanda. He caressed the side of her face.

  “It won’t happen again.”

  Amanda walked past Nathan’s shoulder. He turned to see where she was going.

  “I’m still disappointed. I don’t want to see you now.”

  “I love you.”

  Amanda shook her head.

  “If you truly do, then leave me alone for now. I want to rest. My head feels as though I’ve been wearing a tight helmet all day.”

  Amanda sat down on the sofa, right under the welcoming banner. Nathan looked at her.

  “I’ll summon Kellan and Caldwell.”

  Nathan sighed.

  “Okay. But I’ll never give up on you, Amanda. You’re the girl of my life.”

  With that, Nathan took a few steps back and then walked outside. Amanda closed her eyes.

  The door opened and closed again. Amanda saw Kellan walking in.

  “Are you okay?”

  Amanda nodded.

  “I just need some rest.”

  “Caldwell and I will be around if you need anything.”


  Amanda stood up. She walked to her bedroom. As she passed by the door that led to Emmy’s, Amanda wished her friend was there.

  Not knowing what to do, Nathan went to the bowling alley he and his friends liked to visit. He wanted to be alone and to find a distraction.

  Sitting at a table, Nathan thought about Amanda. He couldn’t understand why someone attacked her. And worse, without him knowing about it. Hilbert was dead, so who else could be threatening her? Nathan didn’t think Amanda had been in the wrong place at the wrong time. She’d been the intended target.

  I need to clear my head.

  A few moments later, Nathan was bowling. He was throwing somewhat aggressively, which helped to topple most of the pins. After a half dozen throws, Nathan felt that he needed something else. He was restless. He stopped playing and turned around, intending to leave.

  Halfway to the door, someone called Nathan. He turned in the direction the voice had come from.

  “Hi! You left me hanging, so I started exploring the city on my own.”

  It was Erika. Nathan took a deep breath.

  “There was an emergency. I was away.”

  Erika’s expression turned to concern.

  “What is it? Are you all right?”

  “Yeah. I just need to vent off.”

  “Okay. May I go with you?”


  Nathan started walking away. He opened the door and left the place. It took a few steps for Nathan to realize Erika was following him.

  “You need to find someone else to take you under their wing. I can’t do it.”

  “Nathan, you promised you’d be my friend.”

  “I never promised you anything.”

  Erika looked at Nathan as if thinking, what the hell?

  “You’re being rude,” she said, stopping. Nathan had reached his car.

  “I’m sorry. Today’s not a good day to talk to me.”

  Erika nodded.

  “I just wanted to help you.”

  Nathan looked at Erika. It was because of her that Amanda was losing her trust in him.

  “You’re better off without me. I can’t give you what you want. Right now I’m too distraught. My girlfriend was attacked, and—”

  “What? How is she?”

  “Amanda’s fine. She just got back from the hospital.”

  Erika’s eyebrows furrowed.

  “Amanda? Wait…you’re not talking about Amanda Tilley, are you?”

  Nathan blinked twice. He then nodded.

  “Oh, God! Wow. I…I heard about what happened to her. I mean, she’s awesome and beautiful and…I’m so sorry. Have they caught the thief?”

  “As far as I know, the police are still working on it.”

  “I see.”

  “I must get going,” Nathan said. He unlocked his car.

  “Of course. Guess I’ll see you later.”

  Nathan climbed behind the wheel. He revved the engine, and Erika stood aside. She watched Nathan pull out of his space before leaving. Nathan decided to head to a gym. He needed to hit a punching bag or work the treadmill. It would help him vent.

  The sound of knocks on Amanda’s bedroom door woke her up. She stirred, wondering who it was.

  “Who’s there?” she asked.

  “It’s me, Kellan. Christopher’s here to see you.”

  Amanda yawned. Then she rose up.

  “Tell him to wait for me in the living room.”

  “All right.”

  Amanda grabbed her smartphone from the bedside table. It was a few minutes past six in the afternoon. She’d slept quite a bit.

  I haven’t called Emmy.

  Amanda walked to the bathroom, thinking about her friend. She’d always had a big crush on Brad, and he was now taking care of her. Brad had flown in from Europe while filming just to see how Emmy was doing. Amanda wondered if he harbored feelings for her friend.

  Brad and Emmy had never been very close, even though they’d known each other for years. Amanda always felt that Emmy had stronger feelings for Brad than he had for her. He seemed eager to woo his celebrity crush, although that wasn’t why Brad became an actor. He truly loved the job.

  When she was ready, Amanda walked to her living room. Christopher was sitting on the couch. He stood up when he saw her.

  “Amanda. How are you doing?”

  “I’m good. Thanks.”

  “You’re sort of alone here, right? What with the rest of your friends still being in Rochester.”

  “Yeah. Judith and Brad are with Emmy. Why?”

  “I wondered if you’d like to hang out. You’ll go crazy if you confine yourself here. A little distraction will always make time go faster.”

  Amanda smiled with indifference. She sat down on the sofa, putting a little distance from Christopher.

  “I have a boyfriend.”

  Christopher raised his eyebrows.

  “I thought you’d given him the boot.”

  Amanda laughed halfheartedly.

  “I’m mad at him, but that doesn’t mean we broke up. We have our fig
hts, just like any couple.”

  “I’d have a hard time staying mad at you. You’re just too charming.”

  Amanda rolled her eyes.

  “Says the guy who can coerce a smile out of a statue,” she quipped. Christopher burst out laughing.

  “Do you really think that of me?”

  “Maybe. You should pay attention to the way Judith acts around you. She’s your figurative statue. It’s not easy to penetrate her defenses.”

  “Nah. We just met. I can’t be affecting her like that.”

  “True. But if you give it some effort, it’ll pay off.”

  “Maybe that’s not where I was aiming for my efforts to go.”

  Amanda looked at Christopher. She tried to figure out what that statement had meant.

  “You’ve got charm, kind of like Robin, but not so Casanova. And you seem earnest. I think you would be good for Judith, if you wanted her.”

  Christopher nodded, smiling.

  Earnest, he thought. Of all things to accuse me of.

  Amanda got lost in thought. Christopher watched her, almost with fascination. After about a minute, she noticed.


  “You zoned out.”

  Amanda scoffed.

  “I so did not zone out. I don’t do that. I was just thinking about stuff. Sorry.”

  “I don’t mind.”

  Amanda blushed slightly.

  “Are you still up?” Christopher asked.

  “For what?”

  “Hanging out. Wouldn’t you like some distraction?”

  Amanda shrugged, hesitating.

  “Come on. You know you want to.”

  “What do you have in mind?”

  “Anything you’d like to do. It’ll serve me to get to know this city—and you—better, home girl.”

  Amanda laughed, even though she wasn’t in the mood for it.

  “Could you give me a rain check? I’m tired right now, and my body still hurts. How about Tuesday? I’ll have more free time then.”

  Christopher pretended to consider it.

  “Besides, I would have to get ready. Us girls do take our time.”

  At that, Christopher chuckled.

  “Why? You’re perfectly okay right now. We’re not going on a date.”

  Once again, Amanda found herself blushing.

  “In that case, you won’t mind if I call a few of my friends to go with us. Right?”

  Christopher raised his eyebrows in mock surprise.

  “You have other friends?”

  “I know it’s hard to believe,” Amanda said, winking.


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