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Devoted to Her (Dream Date Book 2)

Page 28

by Ivan Kendrick

  Amanda started walking toward them just as Erika stole a kiss from Nathan. He was taken by surprise, not trying to push her off until his brain worked again.

  Nathan spotted Amanda approaching. He immediately broke the kiss. Amanda poked Erika’s shoulder. The latter turned around. Angry, Amanda slapped Erika.

  “Get away from my boyfriend, you sorry opportunist!”

  Erika was staring at Amanda in disbelief, holding a hand to her cheek. Nathan stared back and forth between them. He shot Amanda a pleading look.

  “Last time I checked, you didn’t want to have anything to do with him. So, he’s fair game!”

  “Not anymore. Get out of here now, or I’ll have Caldwell remove you.”

  Erika growled, pissed off.

  “This doesn’t end here,” she warned Amanda. “Just because you’re you doesn’t mean you have to win every time. Learn to lose.”

  Amanda crossed her arms. Erika looked at Nathan, and then walked away.

  “You were great, baby,” Nathan said, looking at Amanda in awe.

  “Don’t kiss that harpy again, or I swear you’ll lose me for real.”

  “I told you I don’t want her. Erika agreed to only be my friend. I have no idea what got into her today.”

  “Cut her off your life, Nathan. It’s me or her. You can’t have both of us.”

  Nathan smiled.

  “Then I choose you,” he said, touching her waist. “No one else means more to me.”

  Amanda’s and Nathan’s foreheads touched. She felt like embracing him and never let go.

  “You look beautiful, by the way.”

  “I dressed for you.”

  Nathan smiled, and then he tried to kiss Amanda. She moved her head, and his lips touched her cheek.

  “Wash your mouth at least, will you? You’ve had that opportunist’s lips all over you.”

  Nathan laughed hysterically.

  “As you wish, sweetheart. Brace yourself, though. You shouldn’t have dressed like that and expect us to show up early for classes.”

  “I don’t mind at all. I’ve spent too much time away from you.”

  Nathan led Amanda inside his apartment. He went to freshen up while she helped herself to coffee in the kitchen. She sat down, waiting.

  A few minutes later, Nathan returned. He stood in the doorway, looking Amanda up and down.

  “With a girl like you, I don’t understand how you could believe I would ever want another one.”

  Amanda finished her coffee while Nathan walked toward her. She put the cup on the table and then looked at him. Nathan’s hand caressed the injured side of her face. Amanda’s skin was almost as smooth as before that the difference was barely noticeable.

  “You did kiss that woman.”

  “Not of my own free will.”

  “Regardless, you should give her an ultimatum. Better yet, don’t talk to her again.”

  “You don’t even need to ask me that. Erika is a spoiled rich girl. I saw the real her today.”

  Nathan slowly moved toward Amanda. He kissed her, sucking her lips greedily. Amanda reached behind him, grabbing his hair.

  “Nathan,” Amanda gasped when he broke the kiss. She kept her eyes closed, feeling him kiss toward her chest. “I thought I’d never feel your kisses again.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  Amanda’s smartphone began to vibrate on top of the table. She looked toward it, and picked it up. Nathan looked at Amanda as she checked a message.

  “Who is it?”

  “No one important,” said Amanda. She wasn’t about to let Christopher spoil their moment now.

  Nathan tugged at the hem of Amanda’s sweater. He pulled it up slowly, revealing her skin. She took hold of his wrists, stopping him.

  “Wait. It’s—”

  “I need you now, Amanda. We’ve been apart for too long.”

  “But we have classes.”

  Nathan got to his feet. He picked up Amanda in his arms, and then kissed her hair.

  “It doesn’t hurt to skip a few. What do you say?”

  Amanda smiled, giving him a peck on the lips.

  “Okay. Let’s make up for time lost.”

  Not needing to be told twice, Nathan took Amanda to his bedroom. He was ready to show her that no one else loved her more than he did.

  Nathan and Amanda didn’t head to school until it was lunchtime. They wanted their friends to see that they were back together.

  “You know what’s the only inconvenience we’ll make? Guys will be disappointed to see you’re no longer in the market.”

  “Ha. I was never in the market. When your heart belongs to someone else, you can never have it back.”

  Nathan reached toward Amanda, grasping her hand. He squeezed it gently, liking to touch her skin.

  “How’s Kellan doing? The last thing I knew is that he was still in the hospital.”

  “He’s going to be okay. I had Kellan transferred to another hospital. There, they can take better care of him.”

  “I can’t believe someone tried to kill you and I wasn’t there,” Nathan said. “Have they caught the driver?”

  “No. Although, there’s something you should know.”

  Nathan waited for Amanda to continue speaking.

  “What is it that I should know?”

  “I’d rather we get to the campus first, okay? What I’ll tell you is a bit of a shocker. It would be better if you didn’t hear it while driving.”

  Nathan didn’t have to speed to get to Cornell, as it was so close to the apartments. He found parking and killed the engine.

  “All right. What is it?”

  “Mr. Hayden is back on Kellan’s request. He’s aiding the police on the hit-and-run investigation.”

  “I know. He came to visit me the day that you left to Arkansas. We talked about the so-called robbery attempt, trying to find out who’s after you.”

  Amanda nodded, thinking.

  “I went over to the station as well. Detective Sutton and Mr. Hayden think they know who wants to kill me. They’re working on finding out if she’s here.”

  “Who is she?”

  “A woman who may have had something to do with Hilbert. The only thing they know about her is that her name is Rebecca.”

  Nathan frowned, thinking about the name.

  “That doesn’t ring a bell.”

  “Well, brace yourself. They’re currently investigating two women who may be the Rebecca we’re looking for. You know one of them.”

  Nathan looked at Amanda, alarmed.

  “Who is it?”

  “Your friend, Erika Jenkins. Hayden combed through her online profile and found people calling her ‘Rebecca’. We’re assuming that’s her second name, or she just prefers the name Erika.”

  “Erika?” Nathan asked, incredulous. “Are you serious? Why would she want to kill you? I don’t think she’s the woman they’re looking for.”

  “It doesn’t hurt to investigate her. Hayden must be stopping by her door anytime soon. If Erika’s got nothing to do with trying to kill me, we’ll just keep looking.”

  Nathan thought hard, recalling every moment and every conversation he’d shared with Erika. She’d never given him any reason to think she would harm anyone. Erika seemed too snobbish to get her hands dirty.

  “There’s something else,” Amanda said. She reached into her purse. Nathan saw her pull out a folded printout and hand it to him. He unfolded the page. It was a police sketch of a woman wearing sunglasses and a head scarf.

  “This is the woman they’re looking for?”

  “Yes. I got a brief, but good look at her when she tried to run me over. The police had me consult with a sketch artist. He came up with that.”

  “She doesn’t look familiar,” Nathan said. Amanda pulled out another printout.

  “How about this one?”

  Nathan looked at the second sketch. It was mostly the same, except the woman didn’t have her eyes or head covered. Her hair was
dark, and wavy. Her eyes had been drawn medium-light in shade. They could have been any color, given that no one had seen her without glasses.

  “They’re assuming that she has light-colored eyes,” Amanda said. “Does it look familiar now?”

  “I’m not sure,” Nathan said, studying the portrait. “Her eyes don’t look familiar. And her hair could have been any length. This isn’t much to go on.”

  “At least it’s something.”

  Nathan handed the sketches back to Amanda.

  “I hope Erika isn’t behind any of this, or I’m going to be furious.”

  “Let’s just wait. Mr. Hayden and the police will find whoever’s responsible.”

  Nathan nodded. He took a deep breath.

  “We should go now. Lunch time’s going to end in twenty minutes.”

  Before getting out of the car, Nathan texted Ashton to ask where he was.

  “They’re in Starbucks.”

  Amanda smiled.

  “Let’s go meet them.”

  Nathan found a parking spot closer to Starbucks. He and Amanda then walked to the café. They saw their friends at a table near the corner. Amanda waved at them.

  After getting their food, she and Nathan walked over to the table. Their friends were looking at them with slightly wide eyes. Ashton was actually gaping.

  “Hi, guys,” Amanda said, sitting down. Grecia and Claire exchanged glances.

  “Did we miss something?” Nathan asked, feigning ignorance. Oswald spoke.

  “It’s just…great to finally see you two back together.”

  “Yeah,” said Ashton. “Nathan without Amanda isn’t too pleasant to be around.”

  The two of them both laughed.

  “We’ve…worked things out,” Amanda told them. “Get used to seeing me around a lot more often now.”

  “Yay,” Claire said. “I missed being friends with you.”

  “Me, too.”

  The group started a conversation while they ate, catching up on stuff. Nathan could hardly take his eyes off Amanda. He was so happy that she was back with him. Now he had no intention of losing her again.

  A quarter hour had passed since Christopher waited on a bench. He was at the South Hill Town Recreation Way Park. He’d finally managed to score a date with Judith. Amanda had been right. Her friend was a tough nut to crack.

  Christopher had decided to abandon his efforts to seduce Amanda. He didn’t care anymore what his sister wanted. Christopher wanted Judith and wasn’t going to risk losing the little trust he’d managed to earn. Besides, he didn’t want to disappoint Judith and kill her faith in love.

  Just then, Christopher spotted Judith walking toward him. She was coming from the direction of the parking lot. He stood up.

  “I’m elated that you came, Judith.”

  “Sorry if I took a little late. It’s been forever since I’ve been on a date. Emmy and Amanda kept bombarding me with makeup and dress suggestions.”

  “No problem,” Christopher said. He led Judith toward the bench. She saw what was on the side.

  “You brought liquor? Mr. Holt, I’m underage! And you’re trying to get me drunk.”

  Christopher shook his head, chuckling.

  “You know I’m not stupid enough to try. That’s bourbon for me. I brought root beer for you.”


  “I thought we’ll also take a walk around. The weather’s still too cold to stay seated the whole time.”

  Christopher and Judith sat down. He pulled a couple of shot glasses from a small thermal pack he’d been carrying. After serving himself bourbon, Chris poured a glass of root beer for Judith.

  “Thanks,” she said, taking a sip. She tasted it, licking her lips afterward.

  “I look forward to you turning twenty-one, just so you see how good bourbon is. It’s my favorite alcoholic drink. Not that I’m a heavy drinker.”

  “You don’t look like one.”

  Judith took another sip, finishing her glass. When Christopher finished his, he refilled the glasses. Then he held his own toward Judith.

  “Let’s make a toast.”

  “Toast to what?”

  Christopher thought for a moment.

  “How about toasting to a good future? Unless that’s too cheesy for you.”

  “Honestly, I could use a little cheesy.”

  Judith and Christopher clinked their glasses, saying “To a good future.” They then downed their drinks.

  “Another one,” Judith said. Once Christopher refilled the glasses, she spoke. “To Amanda and Nathan’s happiness. They need good luck.”

  “Okay. Let’s toast to us too. To bring good luck into the start of our relationship.”

  Judith nodded. After clinking her glass again, she drank the rest of the root beer. Christopher put away his bourbon bottle.

  Christopher looked Judith up and down. He thought she was so beautiful. He liked the tank-top blouse that Judith was wearing underneath her dark lilac jacket. It showed enough skin to be tantalizing.

  “Enjoying the view, Mr. Holt?”

  Christopher’s eyes met Judith’s. He hadn’t realized she was watching him.

  “A guy can’t help admiring such a gorgeous lady.”

  Reaching forward, Christopher pushed aside part of Judith’s jacket, exposing her shoulder. He felt her skin, making Judith close her eyes.

  “I can’t believe how many times guys have hurt you. I mean, were they blind or something? Now that I have you, there’s no way I’m letting you go.”

  “I’m flattered to hear that.”

  Christopher began closing the distance between them. He felt great when Judith didn’t try to avoid him. She watched him expectantly, starting to breathe faster. Christopher met Judith’s lips, and she closed her eyes. They kissed, going slowly at first. Christopher’s hands moved up her body underneath the jacket.

  Yes, she’s mine.

  As he kissed Judith, Christopher thought he’d never had a better kiss in his life. The one that he stole from Amanda came very close. That was only because of her stunning beauty. Christopher didn’t feel for Amanda what he felt for Judith. The latter was the girl of his life.

  It’s funny how Judith stole my heart without me expecting it, Christopher thought.

  After some time, the two broke the kiss. Judith looked up at Christopher, seeming awed.

  “Wow,” she said, biting her lip. “Now I know what Emmy’s been going on about. She’s a sucker for romance.”

  Christopher laughed, throwing his head back.

  “You can get all lovey-dovey if you want, girl. I’ve got no problem with that.”

  “I know you wouldn’t!”

  Judith bumped Christopher’s shoulder teasingly.

  “See how love is so easy? You just have to let it in. I promise I won’t hurt you.”

  “You better, Christopher Holt. If you betray me, I’ll throw you off a bridge.”

  “No need. I’d throw myself off a skyscraper.”

  Judith smiled, trying not to laugh.

  “On second thought, there won’t be any need for that. I trust you.”


  Christopher kissed Judith again. He then started laying kisses down her body, wanting her.

  “Chris, we’re in public, you know. Not that I complain about this. It feels good.”

  Christopher looked up, scanning their surroundings.

  “I think we should know more about each other. How about we each ask questions to the other? Nothing too personal, though.”

  Judith considered that.

  “Okay. I’ll start.”


  Classes were hectic lately. With the final exams coming soon, teachers were starting to assign more work. Marissa happily plopped down on the sofa when she got back to her apartment. She took off her jacket, putting it beside her.

  Even as tired as she was, Marissa had one thing to look forward to. Jonathan was coming over for another exercise session with h
er. Marissa enjoyed having him around. Their relationship was steadily becoming serious. Marissa hoped Jonathan would kiss her soon.

  Sighing, Marissa stood up. She went to the kitchen to check that her fridge and pantry were stocked. After that, she walked to her bedroom to change into workout clothes.

  Jonathan wouldn’t be arriving for another hour, so Marissa switched on her computer. She wanted to do some progress on her homework.

  About ten minutes later, Marissa was checking her Twitter account. She already had hundreds of followers. While Marissa read some new tweets, she got a pop-up window. It was a Skype notification. Marissa checked it, and saw that Nathan was sending a videocall request. She accepted the call, and then looked down at her clothes. A few seconds after looking back at her screen, she saw Nathan’s face. He smiled.

  “Good afternoon, Marissa.”

  Marissa returned the smile.

  “Afternoon, friend. I was wondering when I would hear back from you.”

  Nathan laughed.

  “Things have been anything but boring over here. How was your spring break, anyway?”

  “It was pretty good. Some of my girlfriends invited me to Puerto Rico. I couldn’t refuse, of course.”

  “Wow! That must have been awesome. I’ve never been outside the U.S.”

  “Neither have I, until now. I enjoyed the break. It was some much-needed rest from school.”

  “I can imagine. Have they started giving you lots of homework over there?”


  Nathan gave Marissa a knowing look.

  “At least we have a little over a year left before we graduate.”

  “Yeah, that’s something. You still have to go to law school, though. Are you coming here after all?”

  “Most likely. I don’t know what Amanda will say.”

  Marissa sprung to attention.

  “Amanda? Are you two back together?”

  Nathan nodded, flashing a wide grin.

  “That’s great news, Nathan! I knew things would work out between the two of you. The kind of bond you have is too valuable to throw away.”

  “I know. My friends think the same. I’m glad that I didn’t lose Amanda after all.”

  “Tell me all that happened.”

  “It was just a misunderstanding. I never did cheat on Amanda. Not willingly, at least.”

  “I understand you, Nathan. If a woman steals a kiss from you and you didn’t want it, that’s not a betrayal.”


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