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A Cup of Christmas Magic

Page 2

by Emma Dean

  Every sound she made, every moan and sigh of need made Isaac thrust against her, and she wished she had the physical ability to rip his pants off, or even the magical ability to make them disappear so there was nothing between them anymore.

  Lila wanted his skin on hers, she wanted to see Taylor naked, but his mouth on her pussy and Isaac’s hands pinching her nipples was almost too much for her to bear. She was on the edge and about to scream so loud she was grateful she didn’t have any neighbors who might hear.

  “Stop,” she begged, groaning when Taylor slid a finger inside her. “Please stop.”

  They both froze at those words, and Lila nearly came on the spot when she saw just how attentive and respectful they really were.

  She reached out for Taylor and he came forward, a question in his eyes as he waited to see why she’d told them to stop. Without a word she grabbed the hem of his sweater and pulled up. His undershirt came with it and Lila couldn’t help but stare at the muscles she’d uncovered.

  Then she reached down and started unbuckling his belt. “I wanted to see you,” she said, running her hands up his chest. She pressed her lips to his, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  Isaac and Taylor had the experience in this situation, but that didn’t mean Lila couldn’t find a way to make a connection with both of them.

  “May I?” she asked, tugging slightly on Taylor’s knot. His eyes searched hers, never once looking away to see what Isaac thought. He was wholly focused on her when he nodded. Lila shuddered as she gently took the elastic out of his hair.

  Dark, glorious waves tumbled down to his shoulders and for some reason Taylor almost looked vulnerable, like he wasn’t sure what to think now that she’d focused on him so completely.

  With his pants unbuckled, dick bulging, warm brown, silky soft skin covering his rock-hard muscles…Lila reached up and ran her fingers through his hair, admiring how beautiful Taylor’s cheekbones were and the fullness of his lips.

  “I’ve never met anyone as pretty as you before,” she whispered. “Not even a female could hold a candle to you.”

  Taylor gently gripped her wrists and kissed the inside of each. “I don’t know, you’re gorgeous Lila. Your freckles, your full lips, and this hair.” He tugged at her hair as well and it fell all the way down to her waist in blonde waves. “I’ve never been so enamored with a woman before.”

  When he kissed her, it was like they were the only two people in the world, and she pressed against him.

  Lila broke the kiss and turned to Isaac who was watching the two of them, one hand in his pants, gripping his cock, but not moving. He watched her warily as she slid her hands up his thighs and then gripped the waistband of his jeans.

  She yanked down and Isaac looked at her in surprise. As a witch she was a lot stronger than most human women and she grinned up at him. “Let me help you,” she said, voice husky as she saw just how big he was.

  Holy hell bells, these two must have walked right out of one of her wet dreams. But they were so much hotter than anything she could imagine on her own.

  Pulling the pants all the way to the ground, she started on his boots next. “You’re the kind of guy I might have avoided if it weren’t for Taylor,” she admitted, pulling off one boot and then working on the other. “Hot enough to set me on fire with a look, but likes to joke too much. You like to distract people with your words, but it will never hide how gentle and careful you are with those who are weaker than you, those who rely on you.”

  His eyes widened and she tugged off the other boot, sliding his pants off the rest of the way. “I pay attention to the way people treat animals, to the way the animals respond to people. Your strength is a turn on, but it’s the restraint you have that has me here on my knees.”

  Lila held his gaze as she climbed onto his lap, facing him this time. Isaac stared at her like she was some kind of sorceress as she pulled his sweater and shirt over his head. Her fingers sank into his hair next and she closed her eyes, enjoying the shortness of it, the softness that was completely different than Taylor’s.

  Even if this only happened once, Lila didn’t want it to be a cheap moment. She didn’t want it to be nothing more than a hot memory they could all masturbate to later. No, she wanted them both to look back on this experience and ache for her.

  She wanted to be remembered.

  Leaning down she pressed a kiss to one of his eyes, and then the other. “I’m thankful I met you,” she whispered, right before she kissed him.

  Sliding her tongue into his mouth, she knew she would never forget this. She knew that when she remembered this experience she would ache as well, and Lila hoped this connection she was forging would be worth the heartbreak she would have later when they all went back to their normal lives.

  The sound of Taylor taking off his shoes and pants behind her made her shiver. She couldn’t help but slide her pussy along the length of Isaac’s cock.

  Fuck, she needed more.

  Pressing against Isaac, she devoured him. Tasting him was everything she’d wanted to do when she’d seen him the night before. It had been the only thing she could think about when he’d given her that wicked smile, Christmas lights glittering around him.

  Then Taylor slid two fingers inside her, and she groaned, pressing back into him, wishing it was his dick instead. Isaac’s grip on her tightened and his breathing was harsh. Lila ground against Isaac and then pulled back to look at him.

  She hadn’t been sure she’d find a connection with this one. Taylor was so much easier to relate to. He didn’t rile her up or try to make her laugh. He was there and easy to talk to. But Isaac…he reminded her a lot of Mark and at first Lila hadn’t been sure if that would be an issue.

  But she could see what he hid behind that smirk, she could see it in the way he was with Taylor and the animals.

  Without a word she ripped off her sweater and turned back around, in the original position Isaac had put her in.

  Taylor didn’t wait. He went right for her pussy, devouring her.

  Lila had never come so hard before in her life. Her entire body seized, curling around Taylor as she tried to hold onto some semblance of self.

  Finally, he stopped, and she collapsed back against Isaac, breathing hard and seeing stars.

  Isaac chuckled and wrapped his arms around her. “I’m going to stand so Taylor can sit on the couch,” he murmured.

  She just nodded and tried to catch her breath as Isaac picked her up again.

  “You still up for this?” Taylor asked her.

  Lila slid down Isaac’s naked body and stepped back to watch as Taylor sat down where Isaac had been sitting, legs spread wide, holding his massive dick with one hand. She licked her lips and nodded. Even though she didn’t know what was going to happen, she wanted this.

  Taylor was looking up at the other man like he was his whole world. Lila’s heart clenched, feeling like she was intruding when Isaac leaned down and kissed him. Fuck, she’d never seen anything so hot in her life. She almost went back in the kitchen to give them some privacy, but they broke off the kiss and looked at her at the same time, as if they knew exactly what she was thinking and feeling.

  Then Isaac faced her, and Taylor gripped his hips. Her eyes widened as Taylor crooked his finger for her to come closer.

  She didn’t hesitate this time. Lila stepped forward and gasped when Taylor gently ran his hand over her pussy. She clenched her thighs together when she saw him rub her wetness over his dick.

  Taylor grinned when he reached for her again, and she relaxed, letting him take what he needed from her. Her entire body trembled at the orgasmic aftershocks. When he rubbed her slickness on Isaac, she felt her pussy throb in a way she’d never experienced before.

  Lila was desperate and needy and ached from head to toe to be filled by one of them, maybe both of them. Taking two men at once wasn’t something she’d ever really thought about before, but watching Isaac take Taylor made her hungry for it.

he penetration was slow and gentle, both parties careful and considerate of each other, but clearly practiced and used to it. When Taylor was fully seated inside Isaac, Isaac sat down on his lap and Taylor kissed his shoulder.

  Then both men looked at her.

  Lila couldn’t help her sharp inhale as she realized what it was they wanted.

  She walked toward them slowly, as if in a trance. “It’s not going to hurt you?” she asked Taylor, worried about squashing him, or maybe hurting Isaac by forcing Taylor’s dick farther inside him than he could take. “Or you?”

  Isaac grinned and pulled her forward. “No, now come here.”

  With almost no effort at all he lifted her up and she felt his cock pressed against her entrance. But Isaac didn’t push inside, he waited for her to slide down, letting her take him slowly.

  Hell’s bells, he was massive, and it had been a long time. But she was wet and ready and desperate.

  Lila gripped onto Isaac’s shoulders and waited to adjust for a moment, enjoying the delicious feeling of being stretched, of seeing Taylor watching them. Taylor’s hands ran up and down her calves soothingly and Lila finally, truly smiled.

  “I’ve never done this before,” she told him. It was absolutely the kinkiest, sexiest thing she’d ever done.

  And she knew that was probably not saying a lot for most people, but for her…this was huge, and she hadn’t been sure she’d be into it.

  But she most definitely was.

  “Now what?” she breathed, looking from Taylor to Isaac.

  His dark blonde hair and close-cut beard was hot, and Lila couldn’t help but run her fingers over his beard, staring into Isaac’s hazel eyes. For someone who looked like every hot guy she’d avoided her entire life, she was super into him.

  “Let us guide you,” Isaac murmured, staring into her eyes in a way that made her heart clench.

  This was the connection she’d wanted, that she’d feared she might not get.

  Lila nodded, clenching around him as she imagined how this might go.

  Isaac’s grip on her hips tightened and he closed his eyes. “Christ, Lila. You feel so good.” He pressed his face into her breasts and she just held on while Isaac tried to regain his control. “I knew when I saw you, you’d be perfection.”

  He pulled her down and kissed her like he’d been waiting his whole life for this moment, like she was his long-lost love and Lila melted into him. How was something so random so perfect and beautiful?

  Then Isaac thrust upward, and Taylor cursed, no doubt feeling it on his own dick too.

  All she could do was hold on as Taylor stroked into Isaac, lifting them both up so he could thrust back in.

  When Isaac’s ass hit Taylor’s hips, she felt it too as Isaac seemed to hit so deep inside, she felt like they might become one person. Lila wrapped herself around Isaac, taking it as the two men below her started fucking harder and faster,

  The pleasure built again, and she watched as Taylor guided them all, as Isaac took as much as he gave, and she couldn’t hold out anymore. Watching this was just as hot as being in it and she yanked Isaac’s head back by his hair, licking the column of his throat as she felt the trembling that warned her.

  “I’m going to come,” she whispered, nails digging into his back.

  “Yes,” Isaac groaned, wrapping his arms around her, thrusting up hard, hitting her G-spot just right. “Come hard, baby girl.”

  Lila fell apart on the second thrust, biting down on his shoulder to muffle some of her scream.

  “Fuck yes,” Isaac growled, pressing into her, throwing his head back as he came.

  Taylor gave a sharp inhale and he slammed into Isaac, shuddering as they all held onto one another.

  “Wow,” she murmured, still unable to move.

  That was probably the best sex she’d ever had.

  Isaac kissed her again, gentle and slow as they came down from the orgasms. His hands pressed into her back, warm and delicious. Taylor’s hands on her legs were a reminder of how intertwined the three of them were.

  “Uh, am I interrupting?”


  Graham stood in her kitchen doorway, looking at them with one eyebrow raised, a tool bag in one hand and a hammer in the other. “I’m here to fix your heater,” he said, unfazed by their current nakedness or what they’d obviously been up to. “Did you forget you asked me to come by? You told me the key was under the mat.”

  Isaac laughed at that and held her tight, still inside her – cock pulsing. Taylor had a small smile on his face as he eyed Graham. “Maybe she forgot, but that could be a blessing in disguise.”

  No doubt he was just as attracted to Graham’s muscles and dark hair as she was. It was the weird way he somehow looked like a bad boy, scruff on his face and an almost constant glare on his face.

  But he wasn’t mad. She could hear the heat in Graham’s voice when he said, “Maybe it is, but that depends on Lila. I’m just here to fix the heater. Unless there’s something else she wants from me.”

  Could this really be happening? Could it really work?

  Lila looked between Isaac and Graham, unable to really comprehend the situation.

  What exactly should she do?

  “Are you straight?” she asked, curious about that more than anything at the moment.

  “Sexuality is a spectrum,” Graham told her, eyeing Taylor like that needle on the spectrum had suddenly moved.

  “And you two?” she asked. “You guys are in a relationship.”

  “We haven’t been looking for another male partner,” Taylor admitted, eyeing Graham just as intently. “But if you like him, the four of us might just work out.”

  “A trial run,” Graham murmured. Then he shrugged. “I promise to fix your heater no matter what you choose.”

  Why did that caveat turn her on?

  Lila narrowed her eyes at Graham, wanting to argue with him for no reason at all. “So, let me get this straight, you want to fuck me while they watch?”

  Graham shrugged as if it was no big deal. “If you’re comfortable with that. I’m not a shy person. I don’t mind if they watch.”

  Looking up at Isaac, Lila’s heart pounded, and her pussy was throbbing again, desperate for more even after everything. Who would have thought she’d be into all this? Certainly not her.

  Graham grinned and she heard Taylor chuckle. Isaac stood, taking her with him. The sound of Taylor’s dick sliding out and hitting his leg was oddly sexy and embarrassing at the same time.

  “Are you cold?” Isaac asked her, laying her down on the white fur rug in front of her fireplace.

  “I am cold,” she admitted, watching the way Graham studied Isaac from head to toe.

  Then he looked up at Taylor who was sitting on the couch completely naked with his massive dick out like it was nothing.

  Lila looked up at Graham, kneeling beside her. She couldn’t help but notice the bulge in his pants.

  “He’s hot,” Taylor told her. “If he wants you, I’d be down to watch.”

  “Same,” Isaac murmured, going to sit down next to Taylor on the couch.

  Her heart was pounding, and Lila honestly didn’t know what to think or feel about all this.

  Did she want Graham? Of course, she did. Lila was attracted to him just as much as she was Isaac and Taylor. But having all three of them like this was some kind of fantasy that didn’t seem possible in the real world.

  But it was happening, right here and right now. Why not see where it all led?

  Lila pushed off the white fur without a word and turned to Graham. She took a deep breath and studied the man before her, still in all his clothes. He was delicious looking as always, but she inspected his eyes.

  Yes, she still wanted him. She was still interested in him. Seeing if they were sexually compatible made sense, and honestly the idea of Taylor and Isaac watching made the ache between her legs even worse.

  She started unbuttoning Graham’s flannel shirt, never looking away from him
. “Ever since you kissed me in the forest, I’ve wanted this,” she murmured, sliding her hands up his chest to take off the shirt. It fell to the floor behind him, showing off the stark, black tattoos all over his chest.

  Licking her lips, she leaned down and pressed a kiss to the inked raven on his shoulder. Then she took his hand and put it on her pussy. “Are you sure?” Lila studied him, noting the way his breathing sped up when he felt how wet she was. “This is the last time I’m going to ask.”

  He grabbed the back of her neck and kissed her rough and hard. Sharp enough it eased a need she didn’t even know she had. Lila groaned into his mouth, practically ripping his belt off as she unbuckled it.

  Graham kicked off his shoes and then pinned her to the white rug before she could rip off his pants too. “Greedy,” he murmured against her lips. “I like it.”

  She pushed his pants down with her toes, dying to see him, to feel him. “I asked if you’re sure,” she repeated, gripping his cock.

  Groaning he pressed his forehead to hers, eyes closed as she stroked the entire length of him before pressing him to her entrance. “I’m sure,” he murmured, biting her bottom lip.

  He gripped her ass with one hand, holding himself up with the other, and then pulled her forward, penetrating her in one smooth motion. Lila hadn’t expected the strength or the force, and she threw her head back, amazed at his size, at the way her body responded to him just as it had to Taylor and Isaac, but in a totally different way.

  Graham was sharp and delicious, and she connected to him in a way she hadn’t anticipated – like there was always a question and he the answer.

  He wasn’t slow or gentle, and honestly Lila wasn’t sure she’d be able to take slow at the moment anyway. He pounded into her, making her crest hard and fast, angling her so he hit in just the right spot every time. He knew exactly what he was doing.

  One hand rubbed her clit as he stroked in and out, and she screamed as she came, unable to hold on or put it off. Graham forced her to come like it was his job, like he was already so close to the edge he wanted to make sure she came first.


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