Fighter: A Bad Boy Romance

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Fighter: A Bad Boy Romance Page 12

by Autumn Avery


  “Yeah, let’s go have a chat with the guy,” he says as though he were suggesting we go see a movie. “He probably just needs a good talking to. Come on.”

  “Are you serious?” I ask in disbelief.

  “Yeah, what else have we got to do? Come on. You can drive my truck.”

  And without waiting for my reply, Ty walks across the room and heads out the front door. I stand there in shock for a minute, just staring outside.

  “Come on,” I hear Ty shout from outside. His words kick me back into gear and I race outside and pull the door shut behind him.

  * * *

  Driving Ty’s truck feels weird and amazing at the same time. I’m not used to a pick up, and I haven’t driven stick in years, but the fact that he’s even letting me drive has me feeling embarrassingly giddy. I keep looking over at him, half expecting him to scold me for the way I’m shifting, but he doesn’t say anything, and I think I can see him smiling occasionally out of the corner of my eye.

  I can feel the excitement building as we get nearer to Colin’s house. He runs a construction and landscaping business out of his house and it looks like he’s accumulated even more stuff. Pallets of cobble stones, potted plants, all kinds of construction vehicles I don’t even know the names of. Every time I come by the place has grown by leaps and bounds, yet he’s still convinced the state he doesn’t make enough to support his children.

  “This is it?” Ty asks as I pull into the dirt drive.

  “Yep,” I say through clenched teeth. Being back here is already upsetting. When I think back to my history with Colin I just can’t maintain my composure. I try to avoid face to face time with him as much as possible. As I park by a pallet of stone pavers, I see Colin step out of one of the two barns on his property.

  “That him?” Ty asks.

  “Yep,” I reply.

  “Gotcha,” he says, pulling his door open and walking towards the barn. I can’t even imagine what is going through Colin’s mind right now. He thinks he’s a tough guy, but he’s nothing compared to Ty. He also knows it’s a big deal for me to come here in person, and I’m not driving my car. He must be completely confused.

  I realize I’m still sitting in the truck, and pull my door open and pace quickly towards Ty, who has already almost reached Colin.

  “Can I help you?” Colin shouts to Ty, puffing his chest out, trying to look as big as possible. He’s obviously shaken up.

  “You Colin?” Ty asks. Of course he is. Ty knows that. He’s just fucking with him.

  “Yeah …” Colin says as Ty stops in front of him.

  “Nice little business you got going here,” Ty says, looking around, genuinely admiring the place. “Looks like you’re doing well for yourself.”

  Colin shoots me a frightened look as I come up behind Ty.

  “Uh, yeah. I do okay.”

  “Yeah? What is that over there?” Ty says, pointing to a piece of equipment that looks like an ATV with a roof and some kind of long metal forks on the end.

  “Skid—uh, skid-steer,” Colin stammers.

  “What’s one of those run me? Say I wanted to pick one up.”

  Colin squints, holds a hand up to shield the sun from his eyes. He shoots me another look, but I say nothing. Ty is handling this.

  “Fifteen or twenty,” he finally replies.

  “Phew,” Ty says, looking genuinely surprised. “Fifteen or twenty thousand? Damn! You must be making bank to be able to afford one of those!”

  I watch Colin’s face as realization sets in as to what Ty is doing. He looks at me, almost like he’s asking me to bail him out of this situation. But that’s not happening.

  “I do okay—”

  But Ty cuts him off with a fist to the ribs.

  Oh my God! I think as Colin drops to one knee. He took the punch better than I’d expected though, I have to give him that.

  “You’re okay,” Ty says, grabbing Colin by the arm and pulling him to his feet. “You’re all right. Shake it off. Come on.”

  Colin coughs, brushes dirt off his pant leg. He looks up at Ty with genuine fear, and I hate to admit it, but I let out a small chuckle. After all the things he did to me, after all the abuse I had to endure when I was with him, finally he gets a taste of his own medicine. Finally, someone who can put him in his place.

  “Now. Jenny says you’re a little behind on your child support,” Ty continues. “That true?”

  “Well, things have been a bit slow—”

  “Don’t lie to me now, Colin! Don’t you do it! Cause if you do I’m going to have to hit you again, and I don’t want to do that. Honestly. I’ve had enough shit going on in the last couple of days that I really don’t want to have to bloody your face up. I don’t think anyone here wants that. So what you’re going to do is take me to where you keep your cash, and get out whatever you’ve got and give it to Jenny. Got that, champ?”

  Colin can only stare back at Ty. He’s no match for him. He’s stuck. Ty has him backed into a corner. What’s he going to do, thrown down and fight? Even with one hand Ty is still twice the man. All he can do is nod.

  He turns around slowly and leads us towards the house—the house that we once shared.

  “Uh, Ty,” I say, tugging gently on his arm. He turns around.


  “You mind if I wait outside?” I say, nodding in the direction of the house. “Just … too many memories.”

  “No problem,” he says, putting a calming hand on my shoulder. The warmth from his hand seems to run through my entire body, and I feel myself relax. He moves away and follows Colin, and I watch them both disappear into the house. So many thoughts are running through my mind that it’s almost impossible to focus on one. Images of my former life here come pouring out, as I see how things once were like phantoms of my past.

  I don’t know how long it is, but it can’t be long before I see Ty coming out. And he’s alone. Under his arm he’s carrying a manila envelope. He looks pleased as he walks towards me.

  “All set,” he says casually, tossing me the envelope. I catch it.

  It’s heavy, I think.

  “Go ahead,” he laughs. “Open it.”

  I do, and my heart almost stops.

  “Ty,” I say, looking inside in disbelief. “There must be ten thousand dollars here.”

  “You girls,” Ty chuckles. “So bad with estimation. It’s about eighteen.”

  Eighteen thousand dollars!

  “Consider it a down payment on the rest, which will be coming.”

  The things I can do with this money! I can fix my car. I can move my family out of our awful apartment. I can afford to buy Josh new school clothes! I might not even have to work so many nights a week at the club. Now that would be a dream come true.

  “Ty …” I say softly. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Say thank you, and tell me I can see your titties any time I want.”

  I burst out laughing. If any other guy had said that I would slap him, and if Ty said that to me twenty-four hours ago I still might have. I’m not wearing a bra today, so I pull my shirt up and flash him the goods for a good five seconds.

  “There. Happy?” I ask him. He grins back at me.

  “Yup. Now let’s go get your car.”



  I don’t feel bad shaking that asshole down. Not one bit.

  Unlike the pawn shop fiasco, knocking Colin around a bit felt good. Scum bags like him that knock a girl up and then run off without any responsibility to his family drive me crazy. When I was a father, when I had a family, I provided the best I could. My wife and I worked together as a team. Colin has no sense of that what so ever and only cares about one thing—himself.

  How the state hasn’t figured out his game yet and forced him to pay Jenny is beyond me. Just more incompetence from our government employees.

  Jenny can’t stop fiddling with the envelope of cash in her lap. I don’t think the real
ity of it has really sunk in just yet. With all the bullshit going on in my life right now it feels great to be able to do something for someone that will actually matter. She doesn’t know what to say, and it’s adorable.

  The guys at the club probably just see her as a sex symbol or something to fetishize. The stripper girl. They picture her in heels and thongs and lingerie and nothing else. But there’s so much more to Jenny they’re all missing out on, and that’s the good stuff. That’s the stuff that makes you want to spend time with someone—and if it’s really good—makes you want to spend the rest of your life with them.

  I don’t know what I’m doing thinking about all this now. I just pulled a fucking nail out of my hand from a botched robbery, and Moore is dead. Barry and I got the hell out of there as fast as we could. Motorcycle Mike actually was as good as they said. He had us half way across town before I had a chance to really realize what had happened to my hand.

  Barry got out of town for a bit and went to stay with a buddy of his in upstate New York. Mike was apparently unfazed by the entire thing, and since no one saw his face, he just went home to the naked chick in his dump of an apartment. I still haven’t decided what I’m going to do. No doubt Nicky knows by now that I was involved, and there’s no telling what he’ll do.

  At least Nicky doesn’t know about Jenny. If I get her into any trouble, I’ll never forgive myself.

  “Here it is,” Jenny says, pulling into the parking lot of another typical rip-off garage with a big sign saying Greg’s above it.

  “This is it, huh?” I say with a sigh.

  “Yeah, why?” she says, hearing the tone in my voice.

  “Eh, nothing.”

  We pull in and Jenny parks. I see a guy walking across the parking lot that must be the owner, and my suspicions are confirmed when she points his way.

  “That’s him,” she says.

  Thought so.

  I follow Jenny out of the truck and across the parking lot. I see Greg give me a nervous glance before smiling a big fake smile to Jenny.

  “Jenny!” he exclaims, putting on his best nice guy act.

  “Hey, Greg,” Jenny replies. “Got some more money.”

  “Oh, great,” he says. “We should have her ready tomorrow.”

  “Which one is it?” I whisper in Jenny’s ear. She points to the maroon SUV parked across the lot.

  “What’s it need?” I ask Greg. He looks taken aback for a minute, but replies.

  “Brakes and rotors.”

  I nod and stride over to Jenny’s car. His explanation confirms my suspicions. This guys a rip off artist. Cars barely ever need rotors. Brakes yes, but unless Jenny’s been driving with worn out breaks for months, ignoring the obnoxious squealing they’d be putting out, her rotors are probably fine. Greg knows, as most of these guys know, that your average person, especially your average girl, knows nothing about cars and will just shell out money for repairs he says she needs.

  I hear them making small talk over by the shop, but I can feel Greg watching me as I bend down and stick my head under her car. Back left is fine. Brake pads are a little low, but they don’t need to be changed yet. Front left is fine too.

  I stand up and shoot Greg a glance, grin to myself as I watch him tense up. He knows I know, and is preparing some bullshit excuse now for when I walk back over. I check the other side and find the same thing; Jenny’s car is fine, and he’s just milking her for more cash. The urge to break his face is strong as I walk back over to him, and I clench one fist at my side just to put him on edge.

  “Brakes and rotors, huh?” I ask him, taking my place at Jenny’s side.

  “Yeah, uh that’s what my mechanic said,” Greg stutters, trying to pass the buck onto his employees.

  “Right,” I say. “Tough to find good help these days, because I hate to break this to you, Greg, but her brakes and rotors are fine.”

  “Uh—they’re fine? You sure?”

  “Yeah, Greg. I’m sure,” I say. “Was that all that was wrong with it you said?”

  Greg clearly wants to bullshit more, but I think he sees the look on my face and decides against it.

  “Yea, that was it.”

  “And then she can get her inspection sticker?”

  “Yes …” he mutters. I can just see the steam coming off his head. I just cost this dickhead eight hundred bucks. I feel Jenny’s hand slide around my waist and pull me towards her. A rush of happiness runs through me. Taking care of these two idiots for her has been the highlight of my life since … well hell, I can’t even remember. And I want to do more.

  “Okay, great. Just head inside and grab the sticker for us will ya? We’ll be waiting over by the car.”

  I slide my arm around Jenny and we walk together over to her car. Greg must be absolutely steaming, but what’s he going to do? Strong arm me? I don’t think so.

  “You didn’t tell me you knew about cars?” Jenny says.

  “You didn’t ask.”

  “Is there anything you’re not good at?”

  “Nuclear physics,” I joke. I pull Jenny close as I lean back against her car, lift her slightly and pull her lips to mine. It’s just like our first kiss. I feel my cock swelling against my jeans and could take her right here right now if I didn’t have a little bit of self control.

  “Mmmm,” she moans as she kisses me back. Her lips are soft against mine, and I suck her bottom lip gently, sliding my hand under her shirt and feeling the skin of her lower back. I have to fight the urge to stick my hand down her pants and cup her ass.

  I hear Greg clear his throat behind Jenny. I let her down slowly and she smiles up at me before turning around.

  “We all set?” I ask him.

  “Just need to get in real quick,” Greg says.

  “No problem,” I tell him, picking Jenny up and moving aside. Greg opens the front door and leans inside, scrapes off the old sticker and replaces it with a new one.

  “There you go,” Greg says, brushing dirt off his hands.

  “Thanks, Greg. Appreciate it,” I chuckle.

  “No problem,” Greg says, heading off in the direction of the shop.

  “Hey, get rid of that mechanic you got working for you. He’s making you look bad!” I call after him. He doesn’t turn, just waves over his shoulder, obviously eager for us to be gone.

  “Meet you back at your place?” I ask Jenny?

  She bites her lip and looks up at me with the cutest face I’ve ever seen. She’s practically bouncing in place and just nods up and down quickly. I plant another kiss on her lips.

  “Okay, see you there,” I tell her. As I step passed her towards my truck, I give her a slap on the ass. She yelps in surprise, but turns around and gives me a look that says “Mmmm I like that.” I grin and get in my truck.

  In my rearview I see her pull out of the parking lot, and just as I reverse out to follow her, my phone rings. I pull it out of my pocket. It’s Barry. I answer.

  “Hey. What’s going on man? You in New York yet?”

  “Nah, I uh … decided to stick around,” he says, sounding nervous.

  “Really? You’re gonna risk it? Thought you were gonna go stay with your buddies.”

  “Nah, I’m gonna stick around,” he repeats. “What about you? You still around?”

  “Yeah, I’m still around, why?”

  “I could use your help with something,” he says. Something’s going on. I can tell. “Moore’s brother is here.”

  “Moore’s brother?” I say questioningly. “I didn’t even know Moore had a brother.”

  “Neither did I,” he replies. “But he does … and he’s here, and I don’t know what to tell the guy. He’s real upset. Could you come by?”

  “Come on, man. I don’t know what to say to the guy. Can’t you deal with it?”

  “Just come on, man. Don’t be a dick. This is hard, I’m still shook up over this.”

  I can’t help but groan. This is the last thing I want to be doing right now. I want to
follow Jenny home, get her into bed and work her over before her kids get home. But I hear the desperation in Barry’s voice, and no matter how ridiculous he’s being, I should help him out.

  “Fine,” I grumble. “You at your place I assume?”

  “Yeah,” he replies, not sounding much better.

  “All right, I’ll be there in five.”

  I hang up and make a move to call Jenny, but I realize I still don’t have her number. I never even asked for it. That’s the first time I went to a girl’s place, slept with her, spend a couple of days with her and never had her number. This whole thing has been a reversal of expectations from the get go.

  The turn towards Barry’s is coming up, so I wave to Jenny and try to motion to her in some odd way that I’ll be going that way and I’ll see her later, but there’s no way she got the message. I probably just look like a mad man as I pull off the main road.

  A few minutes later and I’m at Barry’s. I pull up and park. There’s a green sedan in the driveway. Must be Moore’s brother’s car. I never even heard of his brother before. And what the hell could he want that Barry needs me to deal with it? With a deep sigh, I try and mentally prepare myself for dealing with a grieving relative and step up to the front door.

  When I open the door I realize the situation.

  Sitting in the center of the room, duct taped to a chair, is Barry, and seated around him are Vinnie, Don and Little Nicky.

  “Good day, Ty,” Nicky says, a frightening grin on his face. I tense up, ready to fight or run. Barry looks like he’s been worked over pretty badly. They made him lie to me to lure me here. I can’t blame him for going along with it. There’s no telling what these guys would have done to him if he didn’t cooperate.

  “Nicky,” I manage to grumble, calculating my options. Don has a gun aimed right at me, and I know it would be the end of Barry’s life if I was somehow able to make it out the door. I’m stuck here. Yet again, Nicky has one up on me.


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