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Bowles, Jan - Branded by the Texas Rancher (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 5

by Неизвестный

  Chapter Six

  Sweat pooled between them as he lay on top of her, their breathing still labored. He smiled as he looked at her and stroked his hand into her hair. When she’d let her defenses down, the passionate woman had emerged. His instinct had been totally right.

  Whispering those primitive words had really turned her on. The best of both worlds occurred to him. A true lady by day and a pure, sexy vamp by night.

  When he could finally catch his breath, he withdrew from her, discarded the condom, and pulled her into his arms. She nestled snugly on his shoulder. “Are you okay, Becky?” he murmured, kissing her forehead.

  She sighed. “Never more so. Another first for me.”

  “Yeah, that guy you dated must have been a real loser.”

  She giggled. “Yes, one of the finest. I guess now I can’t play the prim English teacher with you anymore.”

  He chuckled. “Nope. I guess you can’t.” He lifted her chin and looked at her. Her cheeks were flushed pink, her eyelids all droopy. He’d never seen a woman look so satisfied. “I kinda like the fact that you come across all demure. Your hidden depths will be our little secret.”

  “Mmm, for your eyes only, Jed.”

  “Mmm, even better.” He smiled and stroked his hand over her shoulder. “This feels good.”

  “What? My skin?”

  “Of course, but what I mean is, lying with a woman feels so natural. Looking after Annie since she was born means I rarely get the chance.”

  “Yes, it must have been difficult.”

  “It was. Marlene died shortly after giving birth to her. There was an unforeseen complication.” He rubbed a hand into his hair. “I suppose I’m over it now. Though I’ve noticed that Annie becomes more and more like her mother with each passing day. We were childhood sweethearts, you see. Got married when we were just kids ourselves. I’m just glad we didn’t start a family right away, otherwise I wouldn’t have had those years with her.”

  Her hand feathered over his chest, and he clasped it in his, aware that he had opened up to Rebecca more than he thought possible. Usually when he lay with a woman, he’d just keep the conversation on small talk.

  He realized there was something different about Rebecca. Possibly it was her ability to listen without comment, or the fact that they’d spent time together while she gave Annie some extra schooling. Whatever the reason, he liked her all the more.

  “Say, Rebecca, have you got any condoms here?”

  Her head lifted sharply off his shoulder, and she stared at him. “Now why would you think I’d have any? There’s hardly been a battalion of men knocking at my door.”

  He looked down into her beautiful face. “That’s too bad, and I was feeling real horny.” He let out a sigh. “Guess we’ll just have to make do with the other four I brought with me.”

  The startled expression on her face made him burst out laughing. “You’re so easily shocked.” He touched her nose playfully. “I’m gonna enjoy teasing you.”

  “I might have known you were joking.”

  He flipped her onto her back and kissed her leisurely on the lips. He trailed a hand over her perfect breasts. “Who said I was joking?”

  * * * *

  “Well done, Annie. You’ve recited that passage beautifully.” Rebecca saw how the praise encouraged her as the little girl beamed with pride.

  “Why thank you, Miss Wade. I tried extra hard to get it right.”

  Stifling a yawn, she gave Annie her next task. Right now she needed sleep desperately. In all her life she had never felt so tired and satiated at the same time.

  Jed had made love to her until the early hours of the morning when he had finally left to see to his ranch.

  The man certainly had stamina. Her cheeks flushed with heat as she thought about some of the positions he’d had her in. Missionary seemed very tame now.

  The most memorable moment during the night had been when she’d knelt on the bed, her hands gripping tightly to the brass headboard, while he’d taken her roughly from behind, fast and hard. With his one hand on her breast, his other hand had ministered to her needs, gently pleasuring her clitoris.

  It was basic, like two animals copulating out of instinct, but she had never felt more desirable in her life. Jed made her feel more of a woman last night than she’d ever thought possible.

  Unable to focus, she began to clean the board, only looking up when she heard a car draw up outside the schoolhouse.

  Her heart slammed into her chest when she saw Jed ease out of the driver’s seat. She had an incredible urge to run to him and fling herself into his arms.

  Instead she watched as Annie jumped from her seat and hurled herself at him.

  “Did you miss me, Pumpkin?”

  “Sure I did, Pappy. Grandma told me to tell you that I’m growing like a weed and need some new clothes.”

  “Did she now?” He set her down and looked at her with such love that Rebecca knew he was thinking about her mother. “Yep, I guess she’s right. Better go shopping before your pants turn into shorts.”

  Annie giggled, and he ruffled her hair. “Now run along to the car, Annie. I’ve just gotta speak with Miss Wade.”

  “Bye, Miss Wade.”

  Rebecca smiled. “Bye, Annie. See you tomorrow.”

  When they were left alone, Jed looked at her, and her heart skipped a beat. His heated gaze caressed slowly over her. Her whole body responded to him as though he had touched her.

  He pulled her away from the windows, and then shook his head. “Nope.”

  “What do you mean, ‘nope’?” she asked, enjoying the contact as he pressed her firmly against the wall.

  “Just thought I might see a difference, Miss Wade, that’s all. Every hair in perfect place.” He leaned in, his hot breath fanning against her neck. “The sex kitten I unleashed last night doesn’t show at all.”

  “For your eyes only, remember?”

  He trailed kisses up to her ear and whispered, “It gives me the horn, knowing what you’re really like.”

  “Jed,” she admonished, beginning to feel the heat pooling into her panties.

  He chuckled and pulled her hand to his groin. “There’s nothing wrong in saying how you feel, Miss Wade.” Her fingers smoothed over the bulge in his jeans. She closed her eyes, secretly wishing it was Sunday, and he’d be able to do with her as he pleased.

  He nibbled her ear. “I wanna know how Miss Wade feels.”

  She shook her head, a smile beginning to form on her lips. He just couldn’t stop teasing her. “Not here.”

  “I won’t leave until you tell me.”

  “You make me—you make me go wet.”

  He nuzzled into her neck and whispered, “What’s wet, Rebecca?”

  A little strangled noise escaped her mouth. This felt so naughty and just a little erotic. Biting her bottom lip, she finally plucked up the courage. “You make my pussy go wet, Jed.”

  He smiled at her coyness. “See, that didn’t hurt, did it? And said in such a refined English accent makes my cock real hard.” He lifted her skirt, his fingers smoothing up her inner thigh until he reached her panties. The breath seized in her throat in a short, sharp gasp as he slid a finger inside her.

  “Jed.” Her pussy felt soaking wet as he circled her clit.

  “I’d like to fuck you up against this wall right now, but I can’t. So how about you come up to my ranch this Sunday? I can show you around, and then I can service both our needs.”

  She closed her eyes as the mental image began tormenting her. How she wanted him to do just that. He teased his finger over her clit until she whimpered. “Okay, just go before anyone finds you with your hand up my skirt.”

  He removed his hand and hungrily sucked her juices from his fingers. He kissed her cheek. “Now I hope you feel as frustrated as me.”

  * * * *

  Rebecca couldn’t believe how long a whole week lasted. Finally Sunday had arrived. Jed had told her that they’d go horseback riding
when he showed her his ranch. So that was why she had chosen to wear a pair of jeans and a white blouse. He’d also asked her to stay the night, so she’d packed a few essentials into a small tote bag.

  Her stomach coiled into a tight knot of anticipation as the sign for the Monroe Ranch announced her arrival. It was only when the track went on for some time that she realized he owned an enormous spread. Running the ranch must take up most of his time, and yet he’d go over to her house once a week to keep his side of the bargain. Maybe she’d have a word with him about that. He’d done more than enough work on her house already.

  Eventually, the drive opened out into a clearing, and a large, gabled ranch house with a deep veranda came into view. Trees circled the plot, casting leafy shade from the hot summer sun. Opposite the house was a huge paddock where two saddled horses were tethered to a fence.

  When she stepped from her car, Jed appeared, a relaxed expression on his face as he sauntered across to her.

  He kissed her briefly, a teasing smile to his lips as his gaze flittered over her face. “I’ve been looking forward to this all week, Miss Wade.”

  “Me too.”

  “Good.” He pressed her back against her car and kissed her more forcefully, his tongue doing delicious things to her mouth. “Now, what I’d really like to do is haul you straight up to my bedroom, but it’s such a fine day, I’ll show you around first, and when we come back, there’ll be no stopping me.”

  Rebecca could think of nowhere else she’d rather be, but she smiled and said, “You’ve got big ranch here, Jed. I hadn’t realized. It must take up a lot of your time.”

  “Takes a bit of juggling, what with Annie, but I manage okay. Besides, ’round these parts, this ranch is considered quite small.”

  She giggled. “I forget Texas is huge.”

  “Well, how about I show you a bit of it right now?” He took her hand in his and began leading her over to the two tethered horses. “You said you could ride.”

  “When I was young, I went riding all the time.”

  “Now this one’s yours. Let me introduce you to Pandora. She’s a fine filly. She’ll give you no trouble at all.”

  Rebecca ran her hand over the mare’s head. Two lovely, big brown eyes stared at her. “She’s cute.”

  Jed patted the large black stallion standing beside Pandora. “And this is Prince. He’s my favorite, though he can be a bit temperamental.”

  Within minutes, they were on their way down a small dirt track and into the open countryside. Rebecca couldn’t help but notice Jed’s fine physique as he sat astride his horse. His long, powerful legs effortlessly controlled Prince. One hand held the reins, the other rested on his thigh. His broad shoulders commanded her gaze.

  He grinned when he caught her staring at him. “Like what you see?”

  “Of course,” she replied huskily. She more than liked, she positively yearned for him.

  “Who’d have thought the prim schoolteacher would have such lust in her eyes?”

  “Does it show?”

  He laughed. “No, but I just wanted to know what you were thinking.”

  Her cheeks flushed pink. “Oh, Jed, you’re such a tease.” She moved Pandora closer to him and tapped him playfully on his arm.

  A devilish grin appeared on his face. “You’re gonna get into some serious hot water if you carry on like that.”

  Her stomach quivered as she looked at him. He made her feel carefree. “Good. I can see I’m going to have to watch every word I say to you in the future.”

  When they reached the end of the track, the terrain changed, becoming flatter with fewer trees. “Come on, Becky, I’ll race you to that oak over there.”

  “I think I should have a head start since Pandora here is smaller than Prince.”

  “Very well—”

  Before he finished speaking, she took off on Pandora. This was so much fun. The wind whipped into her hair and lifted her hat to hang around her neck. The sound of Pandora’s pounding hooves on the hard ground, music to her ears. Her own heart beat a rhythm that made her feel totally alive.

  With two hundred yards to go, Jed gained on her. Prince at full gallop would be hard to beat, but Pandora held her own as she gave her the reins. Eventually, they’d almost reached the tree, and they both came to an abrupt halt in a cloud of dust.

  Jed dismounted and tied Prince to a nearby bush, and she followed suit. They were both laughing.

  Immediately, he pulled her into his arms and pressed her back against the tree. “Now what we have here is a prize cheat. No need to look the innocent with me. In these parts, cheats are dealt with severely.”

  Chapter Seven

  Jed leaned in and kissed her smiling face. Rebecca exuded something he couldn’t quite put his finger on. No matter, it would come to him soon.

  “Now for your punishment.”

  In one swift movement, he held her hands above her head with one large hand and began tickling her with the other. She shrieked with laughter and tried to squirm away from his grasp, but he pressed his body more firmly against her, thwarting her escape.

  Unable to catch her breath, her eyes began to water.

  “What have you got to say for yourself?”

  She tried to speak, but words wouldn’t come.


  “Jed, no,” she gasped as he continued to administer her punishment.

  “Is that an apology?” He grinned.

  “No, yes. Stop—I can’t stand being tickled.” Her eyes closed tightly shut.

  He relented then and playfully admonished her. “Damn it, woman, you are a cheat. The daughter of a clergyman, and on a Sunday, too.”

  “Yes, I know. It’s outrageous, and it’s all your fault for leading me astray.”

  “Mmm, I like leading you astray.”

  “Since meeting you I’ve learned how to let go. Jed, you’ve taught me how to live and enjoy life.”

  “Pleasure’s been all mine, darlin’.” Threading his hands into her hair, he released the pins from the tight coil she kept it in and watched in satisfaction as it cascaded around her shoulders. “Now you must always wear your hair down for me. You’re the sexiest woman alive.” Her raven black hair shone with a blue sheen from the harsh noonday sun, and her pale blue eyes sparkled from her perfect heart-shaped face. Surely Rebecca was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen? When he lowered his mouth to hers, she kissed him back with a promise that spurred his primal urge into action.

  Her arms wrapped around him, her fingers combing into his hair as he pressed her forcefully back against the tree. He wanted to possess every inch of her, in every single way imaginable.

  His cock hardened and strained painfully inside his jeans. When he heard her whimper of frustration, he nuzzled down to her earlobe and whispered, “I feel just the same way, darlin’. Now take off your jeans and panties. I need to be inside you.”

  He pulled her hand to his groin. “Feel how hard my cock is for you, Becky.”

  Already he could sense the effect his words and actions had on her breathing. The pulse in her neck beat noticeably faster.

  He enjoyed turning her on. She was a woman that needed the verbal stimulus, too. Her previous lover just couldn’t cut it.

  Her cheeks flushed pink just the way he liked. She stared up at him and smiled coyly. “If you want them off, then you’ll have to do it yourself.”

  Slightly surprised by her challenge, he nibbled at her earlobe. He felt the slight tremors that ran through her body. He knew then that she had pushed past her comfort zone, perhaps searching for the sexual excitement he had unleashed in her last weekend.

  “Becky, you sure know how to turn me on.” He slipped his hands into the waistband of her jeans, enjoying the slight gasp that broke from her parted lips as his fingers grazed against her bare skin.

  He made quick work of her button and zipper. Then he knelt on the ground, removed her boots, and yanked them from her legs. He looked up into her face as he slip
ped the panties from her. Her eyes never left his as she stepped from them.

  There was no rush. Still kneeling, he pushed her back against the tree then spread her legs wider with his hands. Opening up her pussy lips with his thumbs, he lashed his tongue over her clitoris. Her moan of appreciation told him he’d hit the right spot. This was something to be savored. The hotter the woman, the hotter the sex.

  “Mmm, so wet for me, Becky. Just like at the schoolhouse.”

  “Oh, Jed.”

  Her eyes were closed, the dark lashes curling down onto her cheeks. Her waist-length hair blew slightly in the breeze. He sucked hungrily on her clitoris, driving his tongue deep into her pussy until she moaned out loud in pleasure.

  When he pushed his fingers into her silken warmth, his cock ached to replace them. “Tell me what you want, Becky.”

  “I want you, Jed.”

  He teased her some more. “Exactly, tell me exactly.”

  “I need you inside me, Jed.”

  His cock was so hard now. Just one more sexy answer, and then he wouldn’t be able to hold back any longer.

  “Exactly, Becky. I wanna know exactly.”

  “Fuck me, Jed, please. Be rough with me.” Her hands kneaded into his shoulders. Unleashed from her tight control her body arched into his.

  * * * *

  When he stepped from her, she saw the dark desire evident in his eyes.

  “Now you’re ready for me,” he murmured gruffly as he undid his jeans and purposefully pulled them down.

  Her whole body trembled with need. These feelings had been missing most of her life. Yet, Jed had teased them so easily from her. All she wanted, all she could focus on, was her own sexual gratification.

  Her pulse rate increased as she saw his erect cock spring free. The head glistened with his arousal. He rolled a condom down its huge length then roughly undid the buttons on her blouse. His work-roughened hands grazed against her skin as he yanked it partway down her arms. The front-fastening bra seemed to satisfy him as he unclasped it and allowed her breasts to bounce free.

  He lifted her by the waist, and she braced her hands on his shoulders as she wrapped her legs around him. The bark bit into her back as he pressed her firmly against the tree. “You don’t know how fucking sexy you look,” he drawled as his cock pushed against her moist entrance.


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