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Lt. Commander Mollie Sanders

Page 17

by Miller, Mitchell R.

  0830 hours

  The captain thanked his XO for facilitating the shore leave.

  “How much longer do you want us to remain here, sir?” the XO asked.

  “I’m going ashore for a while, Richard. When I’m back we’ll leave.”

  “Sir, are you up to going ashore? Do you want me to go with you?”

  The captain shook his head. “I’ll be fine.”

  A half hour later the captain climbed out of one of the inflatables. He waved away the offer of a hand from the sailor holding the Zodiac steady for him.

  “Wait here for me,” he said.

  Degama did not head for the shack serving as a bar. Instead he walked along the shore looking for a metal rod stuck in the ground. There it was!

  He turned from the shore and entered a thicket of trees. Henry and Joseph were waiting, Henry balancing on crutches.

  “You got brass balls meeting us,” Henry said.

  “You double-crossing son of a bitch!” Joseph added.

  The captain looked them both in the eye. “What the hell are you talking about? This was our agreed-upon fallback meet and I wanted to apologize for the scene at the ice station.”

  “That circuit board you delivered to us – it didn’t work!” Henry said.

  “Didn’t work?”

  “It’s been disabled. None of our people can figure out how to make it work,” Joseph said.

  “How could that ….”

  Suddenly the captain was as angry as Henry and Joseph. “That little shit! She’s as bad as her father – always blocking me!”

  He nodded at Henry and Joseph.

  “I know what happened. Sanders must have found it and disabled it.”

  “Can you enable it?” Henry asked.

  “Hell no. I’m a sub driver, not an electronics guy.”

  “Get her to enable it,” Joseph said, “or you’ll have to return the diamonds. Maybe we’ll even let you live.”

  The captain thought quickly. “You know, the South China Sea is getting to be a very dangerous place. You think these islands are trouble, try the Spratlys. At least six countries claiming them. There have already been some shooting incidents. Why, a person could just disappear there.”

  He grinned and they grinned back at him.


  1100 hours

  The sub was on its way to the Spratlys and Mollie sat in the officers’ wardroom getting caught up on her various non-DSO responsibilities. She knew that she’d been given this heavy load to discourage her. In response she said nothing, just did the work.

  If she’d been able to connect to the Internet she’d have searched for information about the Spratly Islands. Why send a U.S. sub into a potential hotspot? An area claimed by so many different countries and the Chinese increasingly becoming more belligerent about their right to the entire area.

  The XO had refused to engage in any further discussion about the captain’s actions. Mollie had considered following the captain when she saw him taking off on his own on the Paracel island. But she was already skating on thin ice with the XO. No need to get in more trouble simply to satisfy her curiosity.

  Tomorrow they would arrive at the Spratlys. Mollie wondered what they’d find there. Would any light be shed on what was going on?


  Degama’s Quarters

  October 3

  14000 hours

  Richard entered the captain’s quarters to report that the sub had reached the Spratlys.

  “Here’s what I want you to do,” Degama said. “Recon the entire area while we are still submerged. Washington wants to know what each country’s got there. Satellites don’t see everything, Richard. Sometimes they need little ole us to come in and eyeball things.”

  “Aye, ay, sir,” Richard said.

  “After you’ve checked out everything you can, send a reconnaissance team ashore at dawn tomorrow. Surface at 0530 hours.”

  “Aye, aye, sir.”

  As Richard returned to the control room he thought about the captain’s orders. Richard didn’t really think the sub’s crew members should be doing recon on such a disputed hot spot. That seemed a task for a Navy SEAL team.

  But as he wasn’t ready to believe Sanders that the captain was dirty, he’d have to go along with the captain’s orders.

  Back in the control room, Richard monitored the periscope screen. First he saw a compound flying the Malaysian flag. In a fenced-in area he saw oil drilling equipment.

  Farther along the shore he spotted a small lagoon with a few buildings jutted up against the jungle. The Chinese flag few in front of these buildings. Four patrol boats were tied together along a wooden pier.

  Unexpectedly a Huey helicopter with Democratic Republic of Vietnam markings hovered over a Chinese patrol boat taking off from shore. “Commander Sanders, look at this,” Richard said.

  Sanders turned along with several crew members to watch the periscope screen. They saw the crew of the Chinese patrol boat scream and wave their fists at the helicopter. Then crew members sprang to machine gun stations, cocking their weapons and pointing them at the chopper.

  Richard and the control room crew continued to watch as the helicopter dropped down into the water in front of the patrol boat, the helicopter’s rocket launchers now visible on the periscope screen.

  Just as the patrol boat seemed almost on top of the helicopter, the ‘copter veered off.

  “Whoa, this sure ain’t a friendly neighborhood, is it?” Wozniak said.

  Perez laughed. “This is like my neighborhood – the South Bronx. Six gangs fighting over their turf.”

  “Welcome to the new world order,” Sanders said.


  October 4

  0515 hours

  Mollie knew she was grinning as she exited the captain’s quarters. The captain had just told her and the XO that he was still a little woozy and wanted the XO to take the bridge while she led the recon mission. Yes!

  The XO closed the door to the captain’s quarters and said, “You’re not leading the recon team. I forbid you to go.”

  Mollie grinned at him. Was he afraid she’d do a better job than he would have?

  “I’m going,” she said.

  “You’re disobeying a direct order,” he said.

  “The captain gave me an order.”

  The XO shook his head. “That was only a request. I’m in command during his recovery. And I’m ordering you not to go.”

  Now Mollie shook her head. “You’re the XO. You’re in charge of the boat while the captain is incapacitated. You can’t leave.”

  She and the XO stared at each other. Then she added, “You’re willing to be court-martialed and end your Navy career just so a woman won’t lead this mission?”

  “Mollie, I mean Commander Sanders. What if you’re right about the captain? He could be setting you up.”

  Mollie had already considered this possibility. “He may be,” she said. “And I’m still leading the mission.”

  The XO turned and walked away from her.

  Fifteen minutes later Mollie stood on the deck next to the XO as the armed recon team, including Brombard and Perez, climbed into the inflatables. The men were armed with M-16s. Mollie had left her own pistol in her storage locker. Something was going on and she couldn’t put that pistol at risk. Instead she had accepted a Beretta M9 from the master-at-arms.

  “This is totally insane,” the XO said to her. “You are completely nuts.”

  “Just the opposite,” she said.

  “If I’m killed you take temporary command of Neptune,” the XO said. “Isn’t that what you want?”

  Mollie shrugged. “Yes, I do. But I don’t deserve it – yet. You can get the boat and the crew home and I can’t. But this little job, this I can do.”

  “Mollie …”

  “If we’re not back in 24 hours you pull out of here,” she said.

  She looked at her watch. “On my mark it is 0540 hours. Mark! Remember, 24 hours and you’
re out of here.”

  She knew the XO wanted to say something but she didn’t give him the chance. Instead she climbed into the inflatable.

  Within minutes the two inflatables were almost at the shore. A man in each jumped out and pulled the inflatable onto the beach and secured it.

  On shore, Mollie consulted a compass and motioned the men to follow her.

  After slugging through dense undergrowth, Mollie led the men into an overgrown area dotted with the concrete structures of what once had been a sub base.

  “Brombard,” she said. “You take four guys and check the pens for the subs. And take plenty of photos.”

  She turned to Perez and Martin. “You two come with me. We’ll check the buildings. We’ll meet back here at 0700.”

  In the first bunker Mollie and her men found nothing except an unidentifiable animal scurried across her path.

  In the second bunker battered metal cups and plates squeaked under Mollie’s boots as she walked forward.

  On a table she spotted smashed pieces of World War II-era Japanese electronic equipment. Mollie picked up an old tube chassis and turned it over. Taped to the back was a yellowed photo of a woman and a little girl. The girl held a doll dressed in a kimono. Mental images of her own kimono-clad doll filled her mind for only a moment.

  But that moment was too long. She heard the sound of bodies dropping to the ground as she swung around, pulling out her gun. Perez and Martin lay on the ground while an arm wrapped around her waist and another arm clamped down on her gun hand.

  Mollie kicked out, smashing into the leg of the table as the WWII equipment crashed to the ground …

  The next thing Mollie knew was that she awoke with her hands tied behind a chair in some kind of hut. Her head hurt – she presumed she had been knocked out. She also realized her clothes had wet splotches on them – a bucket nearby confirmed water had been thrown on her to wake her.

  And she could feel the empty spot where the Beretta had previously been lodged. She allowed herself one moment of satisfaction that her standard-issue Beretta had been taken rather than the presentation gun.

  Across from her sat two of the men from the Russian ice station, one on crutches. Ah, the man she shot. She stared at them.

  “Welcome to our … field office,” the man with the crutches said. “It is not where we prefer to do business, but we make do. I’m Henry, he’s Joseph, and you are?”

  Mollie didn’t reply. Did this have something to do with the disabled circuit board?

  “We know who you are, Commander Sanders. And you are, to use an American expression, in deep shit,” the one called Joseph said. “You shot Henry – and you disabled the equipment your captain gave us.”

  Too bad the XO wasn’t here to hear this admission.

  “And now you will fix this equipment, or we will blow your sub to bits,” Joseph said. From his pocket he brought out the disabled circuit board.

  “You and what navy?” she finally spoke. “Against Neptune?”

  “You’re forgetting we have an ally – your captain!”

  Mollie didn’t believe Degama’s betrayal would extend to his men. She figured she could discount this threat. But what about Perez and Martin? And had Brombard and his men been found?

  She gestured to untie her hands so she could work on the circuit board.

  “You know, Commander Sanders, you have us all wrong,” Henry said. “We’re simple businessmen. No desire to hurt anyone. But – if you don’t cooperate – well, we wouldn’t want people to think the Russian Mafia has gone soft…”


  0700 hours

  Brombard and his men returned to the rendezvous. There had been no subs in the pens so they had checked out the perimeter.

  Minutes later Brombard looked at his watch again. “It’s 0710. When the commander says 0700 she means 0700. Something’s happened to them.”

  Thompson laughed. “You know women are lousy at being on time. She probably saw a dress she wanted to buy.”

  “You son of a bitch …”

  “Lighten up, Brombard,” Thompson said. “But I agree we should search for them.”

  Brombard led the way into the first bunker Mollie and her men had entered. Nothing.

  Then he and his men entered the second bunker. He spotted Perez and Martin sprawled on the ground. He checked for their pulses, then opened his medic bag.

  “Are they alright?” Thompson said.

  Brombard nodded, then quickly looked around the bunker, his eyes lighting on the dropped photo. He turned to Thompson. “Get the XO on the radio. We got big problems. Commander Sanders has been abducted.”


  Degama’s Quarters

  0730 hours

  Richard finished giving the report to the captain. “Brombard has the two injured men stabilized. He can leave them with a guard and search for Commander Sanders.”

  “Too risky,” Degama said. “He must bring the injured men back to the boat and get his other men back here safely. We can’t afford to lose any more men.”

  Richard suppressed saying that’s why a Navy SEAL team should have undertaken this recon mission. Instead he said, “You’re not going to authorize a search for Commander Sanders?”

  Degama shook his head. “I have to weigh one life against the loss of many more. Tell Brombard to return immediately. This area is far too dangerous.”

  “Aye, aye, sir,” Richard said. He exited the cabin and raced to the control room. He hadn’t been given a direct order. He definitely had some wiggle room.

  In the CIC he grabbed for the mike for the comlink. “Able Fox 5, this is Able Fox. Do you read me?”

  In only a moment he heard Brombard’s answer.

  “Proceed on your requested rescue mission,” Richard said.

  Richard lost what Brombard replied because the captain’s voice called out: “Commander Stewart. You are relieved of the conn. I am assuming control.”

  Richard spun around to face the captain. “Sir, you are not …”

  Degama took the mike from Richard’s hand. “I am in command.”

  Then the captain said into the mike: “Brombard, this is the captain. You will proceed back to the boat. There will be no …”

  For one second he hesitated – he could be court-martialed for this. Then Richard grabbed the mike and leaned close to Degama. “Sir, I must speak to you immediately in private.”

  Richard handed the mike to a sailor and grasped Degama’s elbow, propelling him into the passageway.

  Richard kept his voice low. “Sir. You’re not yet well enough to take command. I’m asking you to return to your quarters.”

  “No one tells me what to do on my boat!”

  “Sir. This is not you speaking. What you just said is the opposite of everything you’ve ever taught me. It’s your injury and the medication talking.”

  The captain glared at him.

  “Sir, please don’t make me relieve you of command for medical reasons,” Richard said.

  “You wouldn’t d…”

  “I can and I will, sir.”

  The captain avoided Richard’s eyes. “Very well, Commander. I will return to my quarters. You have the conn.”


  Spratly Islands

  0745 hours

  Brombard held his hand to his earpiece. The captain had been in the middle of saying something when the connection appeared to have been severed. And, yes, the captain had said to bring the men back to the boat. But surely that included bringing Commander Sanders back too.

  “Any objections to going on a rescue mission for the commander?” Brombard asked the other men.

  When the others shook their heads no, he said, “One of you has to stay with Perez and Martin. Thompson, here’s my medical kit. Keep the radio. If you need help, call for it.”

  Brombard and the other three men checked their weapons. Then they exited the bunker and headed towards a trail of broken foliage.


  0750 hours

  Mollie had asked for some tools to work on the circuit board. She had explained to the two men that she needed to check whether there’d been any damage to the board itself.

  She was actually stalling, trying to figure out whether she could enable the device enough so that Henry and Joseph would think it worked without compromising any military secrets. And with Joseph now holding the Beretta on her there didn’t seem much of an opportunity to overpower him.

  “Have you fixed it yet?” Henry said.

  She shook her head. “It’s a delicate piece of equipment.”

  “You will either enable the equipment – or be killed. Then your sub will be destroyed. You will be responsible for the death of all those men.”

  Mollie didn’t look up from the circuit board. “You have an exaggerated opinion of your capabilities.”

  “Perhaps,” Joseph said. “But if you’re wrong, those are still your men you’re sentencing to death.”

  Without seeming to Mollie was scanning the room for any help that could come to hand. Her eyes lighted on Henry’s crutches propped against the chair on which he sat. She thought of her training with Mrs. Chen, then took a calming breath.

  “May I have a glass of water, please? I’m still somewhat dizzy from your welcoming committee.”

  Joseph handed the Beretta to Henry and walked towards a canteen slung over a hook. At that moment Mollie moved as if to scratch her nose. Instead she swooped her hand down and grabbed a crutch.

  In one continuous motion she used the crutch to knock the gun out of Henry’s hand.

  Joseph grabbed the canteen and hurled it at her.

  She whipped the crutch around and knocked the canteen away from her. Then she flicked the crutch again and delivered a blow to Joseph’s head.

  Joseph crumpled onto the floor.

  Henry leaned down to try to reach the gun. She whirled and swung the crutch against his good knee. He screamed as she scooped up the gun with her other hand and then shoved the circuit board into a pocket.

  At this moment two men ran into the cabin, their weapons drawn but confused as to what was going on. These must be the men who had knocked her out she thought.

  Mollie raised the Beretta and shot both men. Double-tapped them both. They dropped, and she checked for pulses, then realized it was unnecessary.


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