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Riding Steele: Wanted

Page 2

by Opal Carew

  Anyway, she’d only met Steele a few days ago. She had no idea if they’d be compatible in the long run. Her common sense told her they wouldn’t be. What did she have in common with a tattooed, nomad biker? She liked her stability, and was horribly unsettled by this whole situation.

  She sat up and hugged her knees, tipping her head to gaze at him, and decided to ignore his comment about being his woman to delve into a more troubling issue.

  “Steele, what do you think is going to happen? About the charges against me, I mean. If they arrest me, won’t they put me in jail for a long time? That necklace must have been pretty expensive.”

  “No one’s going to arrest you.”

  “How do you know that? We can’t keep running forever.”

  He pulled her into his arms and held her close. “Because I won’t let them.” He kissed the crown of her head with a soft brush of his lips. “I told you. You’re my woman.”

  She sighed. She should probably set him straight, but it felt so good in his arms like this. She felt so protected.

  He lay back on the blanket, taking her with him, and she snuggled more deeply into his arms and felt herself dozing off.


  Laurie awoke to the roar of engines. She opened her eyes and glanced up to see two men towering over her. She blinked and in the fading light of the setting sun, she recognized Wild Card and Shock staring down at her.

  “You two lovebirds hungry?” Shock asked.

  The smell of food tickled her nose. “I’m starving.”

  She sat up and glanced around. Rip and Raven walked toward them with paper bags from a fast food restaurant in their hands. Magic spread a blanket beside the one she and Steele were on and the others sat down. Dom pulled containers of fries and wrapped sandwiches from the bags and passed them around.

  Laurie unwrapped her burger and bit into it. Shock handed her a bottle of beer, and one to Steele. It was cold. She twisted off the cap and took a sip.

  Soon they were all settled on the blankets, enjoying their meal.

  “So Shock is an odd name,” Laurie said. “Why do they call you that?”

  He grinned. “It could be my shockingly large cock.”

  Steele laughed. “Your shockingly small one, you mean.”

  Shock snorted. “Not fair comparing me to your behemoth.”

  “Don’t listen to him,” Dom said. “You may have noticed that Shock likes to cook. Well, he used to share a place with Steele, Wild Card, and me, and someone had left behind this old electric griddle and he’d cook pancakes on it every morning. The thing was old and the wiring faulty so he got a shock every time he turned it on. But he insisted on using it every day.”

  “It had really even heat and browned the pancakes perfectly,” Shock explained defensively.

  “So they call you Shock because you got an electrical shock?”

  Wild Card laughed. “Yeah, I think it’s more because of his resemblance to a housewife rather than a biker dude.”

  Shock threw a crumpled up wrapper at Wild Card’s face. “Yeah, you want to take over the cooking?”

  Wild Card grinned. “I wouldn’t think of it, sweetheart.” Then he puckered up and sent him a kiss.

  “And talking about big cocks …” Raven said with a grin.

  “Were we?” Rip asked. “Or was that just in your mind?”

  She laughed and squeezed his knee. “You want to know how this one got the name Rip?” Raven grinned. “He told me it was short for Ripley’s Believe It or Not.”

  Laurie watched as Raven stroked Rip’s thigh affectionately.

  “Of course, I assumed it was because …” Raven’s gaze dropped to his crotch and she grinned. “But it seems that Steele should have gotten that name.”

  “Yeah,” Shock said. “What Rip never told you was that he got the name because someone caught him reading the Ripley’s book. I think it was to win a bet, but maybe he’s just a bookworm.”

  Raven gazed at Laurie and winked. “Either way, I think I got stuck with the wrong biker.”

  Rip laughed and pulled her tight to his body. “Baby, I haven’t heard you complaining when we’re together.”

  Her eyes glittered in delight. “Well, I do get a taste of Steele’s generous member on occasion.”

  Steele cleared his throat. “And Wild Card. He’s just trouble brewing. Just when you think things are going along fine, he’ll pull a Card trick … do something totally random … to throw everything off.”

  “Like kidnapping me?” Laurie asked with a smile.

  Steele slipped his arm around her and pulled her close. “That was one of his better tricks.”

  Laurie gazed up at him. “And how did you get your name?”

  “You haven’t figured that out?” Raven asked.

  Laurie stared at her, then at Steele, wondering if she was missing something. Some sexual innuendo? Because he grew hard as steel?

  “Doesn’t he remind you of someone? Someone famous?”

  Laurie stared at his features. “When we first met, I did think he looked a bit familiar, but I couldn’t place him.”

  “Think Remington Steele,” Raven said. “Like in the old TV show.”

  A young Pierce Brosnan flickered into her mind and she realized Steele looked like a very rugged version of him, with his glossy dark hair swept back off his face, his square jaw, and extremely handsome face. “My mom used to watch that show.” Laurie smiled. “That’s it. That’s where I’ve seen you before.”

  Steele just rolled his eyes.

  “This is fun,” Laurie said. “And Magic?”

  “Well,” Magic said, “that story’s a little crude and has to do with the fact that I’m bi. Let’s just say, people say I work magic.”

  “Okay.” But Laurie couldn’t help wondering what he meant specifically. Maybe he would tell her sometime. She turned to Dom. “And you, Dom?”

  Was it because he was a Dominant? She’d seen him command Raven. And Magic.

  Dom laughed. “My name is Dom.”

  Laurie nodded. “I know.”

  “No, I mean my name is Dominic. Dom for short. The fact that I like to order people around is just a happy coincidence.”

  “And me …” Raven pointed at her head of long, glossy black hair. “Raven hair.”

  Steele stroked his hand along Laurie’s hip. “We’ll be keeping an eye on what ride name to give you, so keep that in mind.”

  Because she was his woman and he assumed she’d be riding with them, a thought that warmed her heart, and at the same time, sent dread through her, because she knew at some point, she’d have to set him straight.

  “What about Tempest?” she asked, just because she liked the sound of it.

  “You can’t pick your own ride name,” Rip said. “We pick it for you.”

  Raven winked. “So be careful you don’t do anything embarrassing, or they’ll pick a name to forever remind you of it.”

  They finished their food. As they cleared everything away, Wild Card and Magic started a fire, then they all sat around it and had a few more beers.

  “So how did you all get together?” Laurie asked.

  “Steele and I go way back.” Wild Card was laying on the other blanket they’d spread out and leaned back on his elbows. The breeze stirred his spiky blond hair. “We met Dom on a construction site we were working one time and the three of us hit it off. Started sharing a house together.”

  “The one with the shocky griddle?” she asked with a grin.

  “Yeah, that thing was in there for a year before Shock showed up and started using it.”

  “Him we met in a bar fight,” Dom chimed in. “He was new in town and being a bit belligerent and five guys jumped him.” Dom shrugged. “We thought we’d even out the odds.”

  “I was holding my own,” Shock said.

  Steele laughed. “Yeah, sure you were.”

  “And Magic?” Laurie asked.

  Wild Card plucked a bright yellow dandelion flower and twirled t
he stem between his fingers. “Oh, one day on the road we went out drinking and the next day, Dom just showed up with him. He’s been with us ever since.”

  “Sort of like Rip showed up with me?” Raven smiled.

  Dom and Magic were sitting cross-legged, side-by-side, and Dom put his arm around Magic’s neck and pulled him close with a chuckle. “Yeah, a lot like that. But he came with his own bike.”

  Laurie sipped her beer. She loved the camaraderie between these men. And the easy acceptance of the intimate relationship Dom and Magic obviously shared.

  “You said you were all in a house. Where is it?” she asked. “Do you all live there now?”

  If they were just traveling around temporarily, maybe Steele would be amenable to the idea of settling down. Could she convince him to come and live in Jasmineville? Her house could easily accommodate the two of them.

  She knew it was probably a crazy idea. Steele didn’t want to leave his crew, but if he was open to the idea of moving, maybe they could figure something out.

  “No, that place is back in Chicago,” Shock said. “We’ve been on the road for a year now, and don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.”

  “Steele and I always talked about hitting the open road,” Wild Card said, “but we had to earn a living. Then Shock came along and changed all that.”

  “Really?” She gazed at Shock.

  “His family’s got money.” Magic took a swig of his beer. The thorny tattoo around his wrist, designed to look like sharp thorns were tearing into his flesh, making it bleed, still disturbed her. “He doesn’t like to talk about it, but he’s got access to funds and doesn’t mind sharing.”

  “Don’t get us wrong,” Steele added. “We don’t live in the lap of luxury, but Shock covers the basics. We live simple.”

  Laurie’s hopes of settling down with Steele came crashing down. He’d always wanted to be a drifter, and she wanted roots.

  It was getting cool and she shivered. Steele noticed and slid his arm around her. She leaned into his warm, solid body.

  “I think it’s time to turn in,” Steele said.

  Rip stood up and walked to his bike, then opened the compartment on the back. He tossed Steele two sleeping bags. “We stopped and got one for Laurie, too.”

  “Good thinking.” Steele unrolled the two bags, but zipped them together to make a double. He pulled back one side and climbed in, then patted beside him.

  Laurie glanced around a little self-consciously, but noticed Raven climbing into a sleeping bag with Rip. Laurie slid in beside Steele and he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close to his hard, muscular body. And his thick, hardening cock. She stiffened, but he rubbed her shoulders with his big hands.

  “Don’t worry about it,” he murmured against her ear.

  She relaxed a little and lay there under the stars, fully conscious of the fact a whole gang of bikers and one biker chick lay in sleeping bags around her, and their leader’s arms were around her. And his cock was big and hard from wanting her.

  Crickets chirped loudly and she saw the odd firefly flare in the darkness, but despite Steele’s big erection pressed tight against her, sparking her desire, she finally slipped into a deep sleep.


  Laurie awoke to Steele’s big hand cupping her breast, holding her close to his body. She murmured her approval and smiled, opening her eyes to the bright sunshine. To see grass close to her face, and Magic and Shock sitting drinking coffee a couple of yards away.

  Oh, God, she was turned on and so was Steele, from the feel of his hard shaft against her backside. He squeezed her breast.

  “Steele,” she murmured.

  “Mmm. Yeah, baby?”

  He was just waking up. Probably not yet aware of their surroundings.

  “Time to wake up.”

  “Believe me, I’m awake.” He pressed his cock tighter to her butt.

  “Steele, everyone can see us.”

  He chuckled and pulled her onto her back, then prowled over her, trapping her beneath his body.

  “Don’t worry about them,” he said, a glint in his eye as he stared down at her, then he took her lips possessively.

  “Yeah, just carry on. Don’t mind us,” Shock said.

  Heat flashed across her cheeks. She pressed her hands to Steele’s chest, struggling a little, panic blasting though her. He released her lips, but didn’t move away.

  “I told you, you need to get over this shyness.”

  “But I can’t … not in front of them.”

  “Then let’s go somewhere private.”

  She sucked in a breath. It didn’t matter. The others would know what they were doing.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Magic said. “We’re going with Raven for a swim.” He winked. “We’ll be too busy to notice what you two are doing.”

  Steele rolled onto his back, then unzipped the bag and sat up. So did Laurie. Raven and Rip were already at the water’s edge and the others were joining them. Raven stripped off her T-shirt and dropped her jeans, then stood there looking sexy and gorgeous in her bra and very skimpy panties.

  “Bitch, kneel down and suck my cock,” Dom commanded.

  Raven tipped up her chin. “Who’s going to make me?”

  Shock stepped behind her and grabbed her arms. “I will, then you’ll suck me next.” He urged her toward Dom and pushed her to her knees. She stroked over Dom’s jeans, then unzipped and pulled out his big cock. She smiled at his erection, then wrapped her lips around it and glided down.

  He closed his eyes. “Ah, fuck, that’s what I want.”

  Laurie felt need rising in her. Raven was so relaxed and accepting of her role in this group. She certainly seemed to enjoy it, and despite the fact Dom and the others seemed to be dominating her, it was clear that she was the one who was truly in control.

  “I don’t feel right watching them,” Laurie murmured to Steele by her side, but she couldn’t drag her gaze from the scene in front of her. Raven had serviced Dom for a bit, and now she was working on Shock. Rip had shed his pants—they all had—and stroked his cock while he watched his woman pleasure another man.

  God, Raven had kidded that she was with the wrong biker because of how big Steele was, but Rip was nearly as big. In fact, none of these men were slouches when it came to their endowments.

  “They don’t mind. And I think it’s turning you on as much as it is me.” Steele drew her onto his lap and stroked her hip, then his hand glided over her crotch.

  She arched against him.

  He grinned. “I knew it. Why don’t we join them?”

  She gazed up at him. “You would really let those other men touch me?”

  “Touch you. Fuck you. Yeah, the very thought turns me on so much I could come right now.”

  “But how could you want that?”

  He tipped up her chin and gazed into her eyes. “I trust these men with my life. I share everything with them, and they with me.”

  “So your woman is just a piece of property to be passed around?”

  He frowned. “No, baby. It’s not like that. When I have something truly wonderful, like Rip has with Raven, I want to share with them. I want them to experience the joy I have.” He shook his head. “But don’t for a minute think that means any more than sharing a physical experience. Because you are my woman and they all know that. Just like they know who Raven belongs to. And who belongs to her.”

  Steele pulled her into a deep kiss. “You’re mine. And nothing and no one is going to change that.”

  She stared at him, dumbfounded. She should say something. Set him straight.

  But she liked the possessive look in his eyes. Directed at her. Despite the fact he was willing to share her, it was clear he wouldn’t give her up to anyone.

  It gave her a surge of joy. And confidence.

  She knew she could actually walk over to the naked men only thirty yards away and strip down to nothing, then let them touch her and fuck her, and Steele wouldn’t be jealous. Y
et she knew there would be dire consequences if anyone hurt her in any way.

  To be cared for like that intrigued her. And made her feel like there was somewhere she belonged.


  Steele knew he was pushing Laurie hard, but he was hoping to break her out of her narrow view of what a sexual relationship could be. If she couldn’t accept being shared by his crew, he could live with that, but he knew he’d have to push her boundaries to see what she would be willing to do.

  She could always say no, and he would be fine with that.

  “Steele, do you have a beach towel?”

  He gazed down at her. “Sure. Is this an idle question or do you want me to get it for you?”

  “Yes, please.”

  He pushed himself to his feet and approached his bike, wondering what was in her mind. Maybe she’d worked up the nerve to go swimming in her bra and panties. He pulled the towel out of his duffel bag in the storage compartment.

  When he turned around, his eyes popped as he saw Laurie standing on the sleeping bag, facing him, totally naked.

  She held out her hand and he stepped toward her and gave her the towel. Of the others, only Shock noticed Laurie’s nudity and his gaze traveled the length of her, but he could only see her from the back. He didn’t have the glorious view Steele did of her luscious round breasts, and her pretty little pussy atop delightfully long, shapely legs.

  Laurie wrapped the towel around herself and walked toward the water. “Are you coming?” she asked.

  As he watched her delightful ass sway as she walked, his cock twitched. “Very nearly.”

  She laughed as he moved into step beside her. She took his hand, but as they got closer to the others, she squeezed his fingers and slowed down.

  “Steele, I’m a little nervous.”

  Fuck! He wanted her to do this, but he didn’t want her to feel she had no choice.

  “Look, babe, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.”

  “No, it’s not that. The thought of doing this is really exciting, but …” She gazed down at their joined hands. “It would be easier if you just took control. I’ll do whatever you want me to do.”

  Fuck. That meant he had to reel in what might happen because he had to anticipate her discomfort.

  “I have an idea. Your safe word is ‘sparrow.’ That will stop everything and allow us to regroup. But you can use the word ‘parrot’ if you’re not comfortable with something that is happening, so I can shift what’s going on. That way I can push your limits without being worried I’m going too far, because we both know you can slow things down, or change direction if you’re not comfortable. Okay?”


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