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Two Short Stories and Three Very Short Stories

Page 4

by Madeleine Oh

  An offer she couldn’t refuse!

  Two hours gave her time to finish the little marking she had, straighten the house, shower, shave her legs, and dry her hair. Choosing what to wear took a little while. She settled on a calf-length, indigo batik dress she’d bought on holiday in a street market in France. Full-skirted, the light fabric billowed as she moved, and she fancied Mark would appreciate the thigh-length slits that revealed her legs when she walked. She seldom wore it as it showed far too much to be seen in public, but for an evening home with Mark, ideal. Besides, she doubted she have it on for long.

  What to wear underneath? Knickers were prohibited. A petticoat would spoil the effect. A bra? Seemed silly to wear just that. She settled for the dress and a pair of strappy sandals and was deciding between a cup of tea or a glass of wine when the phone rang. “My love, I’m fifteen minutes away with pizza. Put the oven on.”

  She did just that and laid the table for two, nipping outside for roses to put in a vase, and shining two of her best wineglasses. Crisp ironed linen napkins and a hastily put together salad, completed the table. She had a bottle of wine ready in case Mark didn’t bring one and smiled to herself at the prospect of the evening ahead. This certainly beat putting together a test on the use of the subjunctive.

  Mark’s car pulled up beside her house. “How wonderful to see you!” she said, as she opened the front door and almost croaked. Mark was there all right and so was another man.

  “Annie.” Mark hugged her with one arm, the other hand holding a bottle of wine, and kissed her. “I’ve brought, wine and pizza, and a friend, Alan Branis. Alan, this is Annie Cavendish.”

  There hadn’t been any mention of bringing the friend but Alan had such a warm smile it was impossible not to smile back. “Hello.”

  “Hello, Annie. I brought supper.” He held the pizza box up open-handed, like a waiter. “Can you lead the way to the oven?” The pizza looked and smelled wonderful. “Prawns, goat cheese and mozzarella on pesto,” Alan said, as he slid it onto the shelf. “Mark said it was your favorite. Thought I’d better bring something special. Gate crashing like this.”

  “If the pizza tastes as good as it smells, you’re forgiven.” What else could she say? ‘Get lost I want to be alone with Mark!’

  “Mark really wanted us to meet.”

  Mark had better explain this…eventually. Where was he? Upstairs leaving the seat up? “I enjoy meeting Mark’s friends.” She had so far.

  “You had lunch with Emma and Alistair last weekend.”

  “Yes.” Heck, was he another of the adults who played games? “And now I’m having dinner with you.” Or would when she fixed the table.

  It didn’t take long get the extra place laid and divide two salads between three plates. If there wasn’t enough, it was Mark’s fault.

  “You’re very nice,” Alan said as he uncorked a bottle. “A lot of women would throw a wobbly at a strange man arriving unannounced for dinner.”

  “Maybe I will after you leave.” Annie grinned. “Give Mark what for.”

  “No,” Alan sounded certain, “I don’t think you will.”

  He was right. After good wine, delicious food, and amusing conversation, nagging Mark seemed petty. They talked about work, a new play just opened, books, mutual friends, Mark and Alan had apparently been at school with Alistair, and the best cheeses to put on pizza. Feeling distinctly mellow, Annie drained her second glass of wine and pondered the wisdom of a third slice.

  “I told Alan about your fantasy,” Mark said, refilling her glass.

  “You told him what!” She probably shrieked, not surprising.

  Mark carefully turned the bottle to eliminate drips. “I explained the fantasy you shared with me Sunday night.”

  She hadn’t hallucinated. She should throw Alan out, forget his charm. “Whatever for? How could you!”

  “I could hardly bring it to reality on my own.” Mark spoke patiently, as if explaining the obvious to someone who didn’t quite get it.

  “Annie,” Alan spoke before she had a chance. “Mark and I are old friends. We share a lot, especially our fantasies.”

  That was supposed to make her feel better. “Bully for you! What about me?” They both got the benefit of her very best teacher look.

  “I was thinking of you. And what you wanted.” Mark set the bottle down between them.

  She was tempted to baptize the pair of them with the rest of the wine, but it seemed a wicked waste. Closing her eyes to block out her mortification, she took a slow breath. Mark and Alan were both still there when she opened then. She hadn’t been dreaming. “That was lovely pizza and since we’ve all got to get up for work in the morning, and you’ve a long drive home…”

  “Annie.” Mark had the nerve to look and sound hurt. “I can see you’re upset.”

  “I am not upset! I’m angry, furious, incensed, irate. Whatever you like. You betrayed a confidence.”

  “He didn’t, Annie.”

  Now Alan got her twenty-five-carat glare. “No? Seems like it to me.” Why didn’t she just pitch the pair of them out the front door?

  “In our group, we share our fantasies and help make them come true. I came to help Mark make yours a reality.”

  “And if I prefer fantasies to stay just that?”

  “Do you really?”

  It should be so easy to say “no”. But her throat had somehow closed as her heart rate sped up.

  “What do you want, Annie?” Mark asked.

  Why were easy questions the hardest to answer? “It’s just what you’re suggesting is so…wild.”

  “Not really,” Alan said. “Both men and women fantasize about multiple lovers.”

  “Maybe, but they don’t make the fantasies real.”

  “We do.” He smiled at her over the rim of his wineglass. “You want this but your nice, conventional upbringing tells you you shouldn’t.” He was right there. “Don’t worry. We never share our secrets.”

  “Mark just did!”

  “In order to make it come true.” He made it sound as if they were doing her a favor.

  “Doesn’t the thought excite you?” Mark asked.

  “The thought does.” The prospect of reality scared the willies out of her.

  “Annie, trust us,” Alan said, setting his empty glass on the table. “You’re anxious and a little scared. That’s natural enough. We’ll take care of you. Nothing will happen you don’t want, and we won’t harm you.” He smiled. “The reverse in fact.”

  “Do you dare, Annie?” Mark asked, reaching across the table for her hand and lacing his fingers between hers. “Do you dare to make a dream come true?”

  His touch decided her.

  It was a long, slow walk upstairs, Mark leading and Alan following behind her. She almost changed her mind when Alan suggested they shower first but it seemed ridiculous to quibble at being naked given what they planned to do later. And Mark was right, warm water was relaxing. Having four hands soaping her with lavender-scented shower gel was another matter entirely.

  Annie leaned back against the tiled wall as warm water ran over her, shut her eyes, and gave herself over to sensation. Two hands soaped her breasts, gliding over under and around them. Her legs wobbled but were held up by other hands smoothing up from her ankles, gently up the outside of her legs and now slowly down from her inner thighs. Tantalizingly skipping the moistness between her legs, where she was wet but not from the shower. Now her arms got the slow foam treatment. They were held outstretched while soapy hands rubbed up and down. She giggled a little as fingers lingered in her underarms, but gasped as a mouth closed on one breast, and then she groaned and arched her back right off the tile as a second mouth clamped her other breast. Now hands raced over her chest and belly. Fingers skimmed up and down her inner thighs, another hand teased and tugged the curls between her legs. A finger, then two slipped inside, twisting and reaching until she squirmed. A thumb gently worked her clit until she whimpered. Another hand squeezed and
kneaded her buttocks, all the while two hands held her shoulders against the wall. The pressure on her clit increased, wringing a moan from her, and then her hips moved instinctively, as her climax began to build.

  The hands disappeared, leaving her empty. Their mouths left her breasts tingling and exposed to the warm cascade of water.

  “Can’t let you come too soon,” Mark said.

  She opened her eyes, to see two drenched but pleased males looking down at her as water pelted down their shoulders. “I think that’s called teasing!”

  “Yeah.” Mark grinned.

  A wet soapy hand pressed against her hip. “Turn around,” Alan said. “We need to get your back.”

  As she obliged, her arms were raised over her head, palms flat against the wet tile. “Stay that way,” Mark whispered in her ear.

  This was too much like being tied to the bed. A shudder worked its slow way through her. Somebody was carefully soaping her ankles. They were both soaping them. She felt two hands on each. Hands that slowly eased upwards, kneading the tight muscles at the back of her calves, stroking the sensitive spots behind her knees until they wobbled and needed strong, male hands to steady them.

  Deliberately, fingers eased a trail up the backs of her thighs. Annie held her breath, anticipating their next touch. Nothing. They’d both moved off her at the same time. Heck, they had to have planned this down to the last detail. That realization brought a gush of wetness between her legs. What next? A light tap on the inside of one ankle.

  “Spread your legs, my love.” Without stopping to think, Annie obeyed Mark.

  “Wider.” That was Alan.

  Suddenly aware of her vulnerability, she hesitated. They didn’t. Hands grasped both ankles. “Spread them, Annie.”

  Mark’s tone struck her on the raw. “Why?”

  “Because you’ll enjoy what we want do to you,” Alan said.

  She’d spread her legs before she realized. She stood so wide her knees shook. Then she felt the kiss in the centre of her back, a slow, lingering kiss that burned into her skin. The lips moved away. She sighed at the loss, and them moaned as a hand reached between her legs and cupped her pussy. A mouth. The same one? Different? Whose? Kissed her left buttock.

  “You’ve a lovely bum,” Alan murmured, as firm, soapy hands rubbed every inch of her bum, covering the curves, reaching under her cheeks, and caressing the tops of her thighs.

  She felt as strong as a bowl of blancmange as different hands rubbed soapy foam across her shoulders and up her now-aching arms. More hands eased down her back, bringing a sigh to her lips. Fingers smoothed down her spine and eased a sensuous trail between her crack, until a fingertip pressed against her puckered entrance and gently eased in. She squealed at the unexpected intrusion, but before she could decide if she did or did not enjoy the unfamiliar sensation, Mark said, “Enough, Alan, let’s rinse her off.”

  They’d unhooked the showerhead and directed a fine warm spray on every inch of her skin, changing the speed and force of the spray as they rinsed her. She was turned to face them and Mark, with excitement in his eyes, sluiced her off, switching the spray to strong as he rinsed off her breasts, and then, slow and tickling as he washed off her belly and legs.

  “Mmm.” He looked her up and down so appraisingly she almost shivered, “Pussy’s still soapy, can’t have that. It will taste funny.”

  Alan’s hand nudged her knees farther apart and the spray hit her right between the legs. A narrow, hard stream, set to full force that wrung a cry for her as it smacked her clit. She’d have moved but Alan’s hands held her shoulders fast and then she didn’t want to move, ever. Sensation raced through her. She moaned and her hips bucked. She was close to coming, very close. She needed to come.

  The spray became a slow, gentle trickle down her legs. She wailed in disappointment.

  “Enough,” Mark said. “You can’t come yet.”

  “Ready for us?”

  Alan’s comment got her on the raw. “Yes!” She brushed wet hair out of her eyes. “I’m ready but I don’t think you two are!”

  Alan was a study in amazement. Mark a beautiful picture of surprise. She grabbed the bottle of shower gel. Mark must have brought it, nice of him, and the loofah mitt. “You two are not ready. It’s my turn to scrub.” Mark grinned. Alan still blinked though his damp eyelashes. “Turn around, gentlemen, and don’t dally. I’ve two of you to take care of and don’t have very big water heater. I'd hate to have to rinse you off with cold water.”

  “I think you’d enjoy it,” Alan muttered as he turned to face the shower wall. Mark just cast a look over his shoulder that promised anything but cold water.

  She soaped them carefully and as quickly as she could. The last thing she wanted was to cool either of them off but she just had to take the opportunity to give two delicious men a good once over. Alan was taller, only a couple of inches but there it was. Mark had the wider shoulders and the nicer bum but Alan had particularly nice firm thighs. Mark’s hair won hands down. She loved the thick, curly golden-brown mop that seldom stayed completely neat. Alan’s dark, almost black-blue hair was sort of Heathcliff-ish but a bit too heavy on his back for her taste. Soaping them up was fun. They just hadn’t expected that. She smiled to herself and made a point of scrubbing their bums thoroughly with the loofah and rubbing it lingeringly between their cracks, just to pay back for the poke she’d just endured. One had done her and the other watched so they both got it back even steven.

  The fine, fast spray seemed to rinse the fastest, so she used that. Heck she was out to conserve water, wasn’t she? She stepped back to survey her handiwork. She certainly did have two fine male specimens in her shower. A little chuckle escaped her lips as a sudden jet of water in the small of Mark’s back, sent his lovely bum jerking.

  “Enjoying this, are you?” Alan asked. Not sounding as if he was.

  She giggled. “This is much more fun than checking homework.” Fun indeed, and this was just the hors d’oeuvres. “All right, gentlemen, turn around.”

  Dear heaven! She had two enormous, very erect penises facing her. Both looking ready to fire off any minute now. Her stomach did a very slow flip. Her throat caught. Her heart slowed a second and then raced.

  “Annie, you’re as pop-eyed as a Pekingese,” Mark said.

  She believed him, heck her eyebrows felt under pressure. She squirted more lavender gel on her loofah and a face flannel. “It’s not every day I see two at one time.”

  “Glad to hear it!”

  “The last time I must have been a teenager.” She ignored Mark’s little, surprised gasp. “I was babysitting nine month old twins.” And with that she stepped in and soaped both broad chests simultaneously. If she kept her sights on their impressive rib cages, she could avoid meeting their eyes. She’d glimpsed enough smolder in each of them to ignite an inferno. Mark’s chest hair was thicker but Alan’s covered a wider area. On both of them, the dark line of hair narrowed to a very sexy vee below the waist.

  She let the loofah drop, would be a little rough on tender, male parts, soaped up both hands, took a deep breath, and reached out. They were both stiff and heated. Alan wasn’t circumcised like Mark so she rather enjoyed the different feeling of easing his foreskin gently back and forth. The hiss and moan he gave suggested he did too. Not to let Mark feel left out, she gave him a special slow caress the way she knew he liked, and then wrapped a hand around each penis. Mark’s was slightly longer, Alan’s a little thicker, but both were definitely designed with pleasure in mind. She stepped back to get full enjoyment of the view.

  “Annie,” Mark muttered. “This is the first act, not the whole show.”

  “Want me to hurry up?” She gave them a sweet innocent smile and then turned the shower full blast on Mark. Before he had a chance to finish spluttering, she got Alan, and then with the same wrist movements she learned back in the Montessori percussion band, she washed off the last traces of soap that clung to their beautiful chests and lovely legs, being
particularly careful not to miss their most important parts.

  “Finished?” Alan asked, as she switched off the shower.

  “Almost,” she replied and reached for three, thick towels. As a good hostess, she handed them to her guests first and had hers halfway round her shoulders, when Mark grabbed her wrist and pulled her against his still-damp body.

  “Annie, you owe me for that bit of teasing.” He placed a hand on each shoulder and pressed down.

  Excitement shivering her, she knelt, hands flat on his beautiful stomach and closed her mouth around his cock, caressing his tip and circling him with her tongue. Sucking gently, she pulled all of him into her mouth. She was damp and cold and the tile was hard on her knees, but the only thing that mattered was the taste of his warm cock on her tongue.

  Mark’s fingers closed round her head and gently eased her off. “Suck Alan a minute, I don’t want him to feel left out.”

  She had Alan’s cock between her lips before she realized what Mark had asked, and that she’d obeyed without thinking. She was on her knees in her own shower sucking a stranger’s cock. But wasn’t this part of her fantasy? Easily her lips moved his foreskin back and her tongue caressed his smooth tip, savoring the rigid flesh that stretched her mouth wide. A slow moan told her he was enjoying this, and so was she. Heck her cunt was all but sopping wet. How long would they spend playing before…?

  “Enough for now!” Alan pulled her off him. “Let’s get this show on the road.”

  She leaned back on her heels and grinned up at him. “Don’t worry. I think you’re in top gear already.”

  Mark laughed. Alan twisted his mouth and looked at Mark. “We’ve captured a wild woman here, pal.”

  “A wet, wild woman,” Mark replied. He was right about the wet bit! He nodded at Alan. “Let’s get her into the bedroom.”

  Mark grabbed under her arms, Alan her knees, and they swung her from side to side like a roll of carpet. “Watch it!” Annie muttered.

  “Quiet,” Mark growled, “or you might not like where we put you.”

  She was quiet. His fingers nudging the swell of her breasts had something to do with it but what almost finished her was the look on Alan’s face. Talk about feasting one eyes. Holding her knees apart, he had a grandstand view of her cunt and was taking full advantage of it.


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